
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 86

        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The field of physical education in Korea has gone through many cycles over its long history. Changes have occurred as a result of either Korean politics or global trends. These changes have lead to positive results in the field of physical education. However, there are still problems remaining that cannot be solved by only a one time improvement. The problems that have existed in the past shall be considered and the fundamental concept of physical education shall be reinterpreted, deriving a new concept. To do so, first, the history of physical education shall be examined to see in what the established processes of physical education are and what alternatives exist. First of all, in global trends, the concept of physical education has changed from 'Education of the Physical' to 'Education through the Physical'. Today, physical education is discussed in terms of the concepts of 'discipline and profession' but 'Discipline' tends to be more emphasized than profession. However, it should be realized that movement or physical activity in humans is not primarily theoretical, but practical; it is something that is performed and acted upon. Second, physical education in South Korea has changed from the form of the gymnastics of the Enlightenment Period, to the gymnastics and military drill of the Japanese colonial period, to the physical education guidelines of the department of Health and Physical Education after liberation from Japan in 1945 through the concept of 'Education of the Physical' to 'Education through the Physical'. Currently, physical education in South Korea places a greater emphasis on discipline, and seems to have become estranged from frontline education. The quality of physical education will improve when discipline and profession are in balance. Lastly, a new paradigm for the educational justification for teaching physical education in schools is the education of sports culture. Anyone can teach physical activity, but sports culture as a part of physical activity can only be imparted by those who enjoy and understand it. When it is understood that sports culture is that which must be taught in school, then it is obvious why physical education must be offered in school. Sports culture consists of mental factors such as the spirit of sportsmanship, technical factors such as the interaction of health and technology, methodological factors such as fostering participation and enjoyment, and material factors such as up-to-date facilities and equipment. The main purpose of sports culture is to live like a sportsman. Sub-goals are fostering the spirit of sportsmanship, building a sportsman's body, teaching a love of sports, and making a great effort to encourage the development of sports. Even though physical education has so far been successful in many ways, physical education in the future must be more focused on sports culture. Teaching sports culture is a means to help students to understand, enjoy, participate in, and love sports, and to continue the development of sports in the future.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        P300 문자입력기에 사용되는 대표적인 자극제시방법은 행-열 패러다임(RCP)이다. 그러나 RCP는 근접-혼동 오류와 이중-깜박임 문제를 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 RCP가 가지고 있는 두 가지 오류의 원천을 효과적으로 통제하는 하위블록 패러다임(SBP)을 제안하고 검증하였다. 15명의 실험참가자에게 RCP와 SBP를 모두 사용하여 문자를 입력하도록 하였다. 뇌파는 Fz와 Cz, Pz, P3, P4, PO7, PO8에서 측정하였다. 각 패러다임은 분류기를 학습시키기 위한 훈련단계와 문자입력기의 성능을 평가하기 위한 검사단계로 구성되어 있다. 훈련단계에서 18개의 문자를 입력하였으며, 검사단계에서 5명은 50개의 단어를 입력하였고 나머지 10명은 25개의 단어를 입력하였다. 정확도를 산출한 결과, SBP의 정확도는 83.73%로 RCP의 정확도 66.40%보다 통계적으로 유의하게 더 높았다. Pz에서 측정한 ERP를 분석하였을 때, 목표자극에 대한 정적 정점의 진폭이 RCP보다 SBP에서 더 크게 나타나 실험참가자들이 SBP에서 특정 문자에 더 많은 주의를 집중한 것으로 보인다. P300 문자입력기에 대한 사용용이성을 7점 척도로 측정하였을 때, SBP가 RCP보다 더 사용하기 쉬운 것으로 나타났다. 특히 RCP의 사용용이성은 대부분의 실험참가자들이 '힘들었다'는 범주에 응답한 반면, SBP의 사용용이성은 모든 피험자들이 '보통'과 '쉬웠다'의 범주에 응답하였다. 전반적으로 SBP가 RCP보다 우월한 것으로 평가되었으며, 논의에 SBP의 한계점에 대해서 기술하였다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is very important the collaboration and risk management of supply chain between the parent company and its partners in the supply chain risk management(SCRM). It was known that the SCRM approach is very different between a large enterprise and a small and medium-sized enterprise. This paper deals with the suggestion about SCRM structure for a small and medium-sized enterprise. This SCRM structure consist of risk identification, risk assessment, and risk mitigation. We expect that this SCRM structure promote the collaboration between a parent company and its partners to alleviate the supply chain risk.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The existing concept of leisure includes 'relaxation', 'spare time after completion of work' and 'idle time', which see leisure from passive point of view. However, a new leisure concept should be an active concept including 'time allocated to ourself', '
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        법무부 인권정책과 여성정책팀이 2010년 4월부터 12월까지 전국의 교정시설 수용자 600명(여자수용자 259명)을 대상으로 실시한 ‘법무시설에 대한 성별 영향 평가’ 결과 여성수용자의 81.3%가 교정시설에 직업훈련 프로그램이 없다는 점과 프로그램이 다양하지 않은 점을 불만족 사유로 꼽으며 교정시설에서 출소 후 미래를 준비할 기회가 없었다고 대답을 하였다. 이는 교정시설에서 자격증 등을 준비하며 출소 후의 생활을 준비하는 남성수용자와는 대조적인 모습을 볼 수 있다. 여성의 신체적 특성과 차이에도 불구하고 그 특성에 따른 지원은 미비하며 여성수용자와 남성수용자 사이에는 남녀의 차이에서 오는 생활의 방식도 다름에도 불구하고 거의 유사한 운영으로 인하여 여성수용자들의 불만은 남성에 비하여 상대적으로 높았다. 교정은 형사사법의 국가기관으로부터 유죄 선고를 받은 범죄자가 비교적 안정된 상태에서 상당 기간 동안 만나게 되는 형사절차에 속한다. 그러므로 교정단계는 형벌적 성격과 교화적 성격을 함께 가지는 범죄자에게 가장 중요한 단계라고 할 수 이다. 그렇기 때문에 이제는 남성수용자와 다른 성적 특성을 지닌 여성수용자들에 대한 특별한 교정의 지침을 완성해야하며 여기에서는 현행 법률인「형의 집행 및 수용자의 처우에 관한 법률」을 통하여 여성수용자들의 산부인과 진료, 여성수용자들의 모성본능과 모성본분을 실현할 수 있는 근거, 여성수용자들의 환경 개선 등의 부분에 대하여 개정안을 제안하며, 현행 법률의 문제점을 다시 한 번 검토하고 여성수용자의 처우에 대한 새로운 패러다임을 제시하고자 한다.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        지난 2009년 8월에 있었던, 우리나라 인터넷 P2Pᆞ웹하드 사이트 사용자들을 상대로 한 외국 포르노업체의 저작권소송은 음란물과 음란행위로 이분화하여 규율하고 있었던 기존의 음란성 패러다임의 전환 필요성을 다시 한 번 상기시키는 계기가 되기에 충분했다고 생각된다. 먼저 이 사건은 형법상 음란물 유포에 해당되는지 여부가 쟁점이라 할 수 있었는데, 과연 웹하드 사이트를 통한 공유가 이에 해당되는지가 문제되었다. 이러한 문제는 다시 기존에 우리가 음란한 물건과 음란한 행위만을 객체로 보았던 시각의 수정 및 새로운 개념적 정의의 필요성 또는 범주의 조정 등의 문제들과도 연계되는 부분이라고 할 것이다. 한편 소송이 저작권 침해를 내용으로 하고 있다는 점에서, 음란물에 대해 전면적 금지주의를 취하고 있는 우리나라에서 외국 포르노업체들이 제기한 고소가 과연 타당한 것인지, 만약 그렇다면 저작권이 인정되는 음란물과 그렇지 않은 음란물을 어떻게 구별하고 또 규율할 것인지도 논의될 필요가 있다고 할 것이다. 이제껏 음란물에 대한 우리의 논의는 음란성의 개념과 판단기준을 중심으로 전개되어 왔다. 이러한 논의들은 사이버 시대를 살아가는 지금도 여전히 그 중요성이 퇴색되지 않지만, 지금까지 단지 금지나 규제의 대상으로만 바라보았던 음란물에 대한 시각과 그로 인한 음란물로 넘쳐나는 현실세계와 법규범과의 괴리의 증대에 대한 반성을 넘어 사이버 공간에서의 음란물에 대한 새로운 접근태도의 필요성, 즉 사이버 공간에 적합한 새로운 개념적 정의의 필요성 여부, 음란물을 접하는 대상과 매체에 따른 판단기준에 대한 검토, 판단주체의 문제 및 기존의 음란물과 인터넷상의 음란물과의 형평성과 개별적 논의 등을 진지하게 고민하는 과정을 통해 헌법상 표현의 자유와 알권리와 형법상의 규제와 보호의 조화와 음란물에 대한 형법적 정책을 구상하고 또 제시하는 데 기여할 수 있으리라고 기대한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제의식을 바탕으로 지금까지의 음란물에 대한 개념적 정의와 판단기준, 그리고 음란물의 법적 규제의 바탕이 되었던 다양한 시각들을 살펴보고, 현대 사회를 살아가는 우리에게 있어서 사이버 공간에서 출현하게 된 음란정보와 기존의 음란물을 비교, 검토해 봄으로써 지금까지의 개념과 판단기준의 적합성 내지 타당성을 논의해 본 다음, 사이버 공간에서 음란정보를 중심으로 형법적 규율대상을 설정하고, 그에 타당한 판단기준과 제재수단 및 정책을 강구할 수 있도록 음란성 패러다임 전환이 필요성을 역설함과 동시에 이제껏 금지와 규제 일변도였던 음란물에 대해, 새로이 음란정보 개념을 통해 헌법상의 표현의 자유와 알 권리 및 인간의 정보선택의 자유 등을 보장할 수 있는, 소통과 자율이 보장되는 유연적 사고의 가능성을 열어 보고자 하였다.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thirty years have passed since the first Korean missionary Youngja Kim had arrived in India in 1980. Korean missionaries have filled up the vacancy of Western missionaries after they had gone home. They have done excellent job particularly in the field of church planting where the Western missionaries found it hard. Unfortunately, however, Korean missionaries have worked tirelessly without having any chance to get feedback from Indian natives and churches. This article shows the present situation and some problems of Korean missions. Its aim is to evaluate Korean missions in India by the reflection on Indian culture and Indian critic of foreign missions carried out in India. Korean missionaries have worked mainly among so-called the scheduled caste people and the scheduled tribe, namely the lowest strata of Indian society. The religion of S. C. and the S. T. is Buddhism, Sikhism, Animism and Totemism unlike the mainline Hinduism. The Korean missionaries' work is mostly focused on church planting, along with teaching ministry in seminaries and schools, and social service. Indian Christians examined themselves and confessed that 90% of their evangelistic efforts are carried out among about 4% Christians of their country. They proposed that their focused missionary efforts should be made among the main line caste Hindus who have not heard the Gospel. Secondly, Indian Christian leaders like R. C. Das demanded that foreign financial assistance should be stopped right now unless western missionaries would ruin the native initiative and the spirit of self-reliance which is essential to the fulfillment of Indian evangelism. Thirdly, they suggested that church building is culturally irrelevant in India where spirituality is raised by parents and elders rather than by the appointed paid Christian workers. Based on these criticism, Korean missionaries have to shift the traditional paradigm of missions in India as following. First, Korean missionaries should strike a balance by focusing on missions among the higher caste Hindus or middle class people in cities. Second, Korean missionaries should stop the financial assistance to the Indian workers and churches, and rather plant the independent spirit and the gospel faith.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The object of this paper is established for a paradigm for the organization. Although concerns on management get increased in these days, there is no general and systematic framework for a unified sector. Therefore this study proposes the new general and systematic framework for managing in organization, through applying Service-Engineering model. The new framework of this study provides the general sector of organization model, the method of analyzing BSC and RMS, and system model for Risk Management. Furthermore, this study suggests the practical ways of developing a paradigm.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 우원 이호빈 목사(友園李浩彬, 1898-1998)의 독립운동과 토착적 신앙운동으로서 예수교회운동을 창조적으로 해석하여 인류보편사적이고 민족사적이고 한국교회사적인 맥락과 의미를 밝히려는 작업을 시도했다. 우원의 기독교 복음에 바탕을 둔 새로운 생명운동과 평화운동은 근대 제국주의와 서구적인 근대 기독교 패러다임을 넘어선 지평에서 주체적인 한국기독교인의 삶의 세계를 열어냈다. 이것을 선교사들의 ‘서도서기 패러다임’과 초기 한국기독교의 주체적인 입장인 ‘대도대기 패러다임’을 넘어선 ‘한도한기 패러다임’으로 파악했다.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper has composed of 4 chapters which are as followed. Chapter one deals with introduction which explains reasons and background of research. Chapter two is entitled “a paradigm shit of people centered missions.” Chapter Three has put much time on priority missions. Chapter four has discussed on perspective of future missions. Chapter five deals with concluding thoughts of this paper. This paper has focused on a paradigm shift of people missions concept and priority missions. The writer has also spent time with searching and collecting data with current missions statistics. He also has emphasized on impact of unreached people concept which led into world church to get involved for world evangelization. From the introduction part, the author has attempted to explain the importance of this research. He gives legitimacy for this studies which is relevant to today’s world of missions-focused atmosphere. He also provides much statistics of current missions around world. The author emphasizes that the innovation of people concept missions has played vital role not only to Korean church, but also around the world. In Chapter two author has spent time with defining the term people concept missions which is derived from Matthew 28:19 that it’s portion was all the nations(ethne). The ethne stands for ethnic, culture, language, gentiles and outside people rather than nations or countries. Author explains that how 1974 the Lausanne congress for world Evangelization gave birth of people concept missions. Chapter two gives also explanation of what other missions agencies adopted proper use of people group and the unreached people group. In Chapter three the writer has provided of necessity of priority missions. the Least reached people group missions should be applied by nations, religions, people groups and the least untargeted people group. Priority mission strategy should be the last method to reach the lost with gospel. In last two chapters authors deals with much about proposals and outlook on future missions. He suggest that future mission strategy should be based up priority missions so that global christian world would accomplish within the period. Author hope that there are so many opportunities and potential when the world evangelical church sincerely take this obligations puting into practice.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the evaluation of its intellectual activities and abilities is done by curator’s capabilities, planning exhibition is very important as the final result achieved by their own knowledge, information, and research. ARPA(Advanced Research Project on Arts) is suggested as the system which enables curators responding simultaneously to the society in the times, based on its special characteristics. If this system settles well, which means that the curators at NMCA(National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea) play their roles as the professionals in each of their fields, the goal of consolidating the status of museum as the representative national museum, and building up competent department of curators, will be achieved at the same time. To clarify above, the curators set up the various assignments of research about the types of arts such as painting, Korean painting, sculpture, installation, new-media, design, craft, photogarphy, architecture, etc. And they establish the art objects classified by the regions, such as the Northern American, Southern American, European, Asian, and other Third World countries. They elaborate art objects more on the history, the work, the artist, and the issue of contemporary art. Furthermore, when the curators devote deeper study to those research subjects, they can have the opportunities to design an exhibition upon the research.Today, the museum of art is ‘The Place for Communication and Encounter’, it is regarded important to share the aesthetical, creative values with current artists, and to understand mutually with the spectators. It is needed to improve the curator’s work, in order to meet the demands of the times and even to advance. Because the form of ‘exhibition’ is the tool that reveals the identity NMCA aiming at, the motivation, the development, and the realization should be leaded by the curators, who are the mainstream of the museum. ARPA is a system for identifying the exhibition like mentioned above . The main purpose of this system is to produce synergy effect, having the researching, collecting work in liaison with planning exhibition. ARPA will be able to improve the quality of exhibition through the way of developing the exhibition, passing through the stable process in the long run. So far, I have referred to a new paradigm of the exhibition design at NMCA via ARPA. Yet, there still remain missions in reality, such as analyzing the previous exhibition and reshuffling personnel and system, which should be done. When these matters settled, these plans would be suggested practically. At this point, it is the most significant that NMCA is attempting to let others aware of the importance of exhibition planning based on research. when the ARPA and exhibition planning is conjoined together successfully, the competent exhibition will be achieved, which can offer a meaningful exhibition to the art world, strengthen infra structure thru exchanging with public museum in the region, and eventually, establish a network with museum in foreign countries.
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