
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 199

        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze the six personality factors of rehabilitation therapists and to identify the effects of these factors on their job stress and turnover intention. This study involved physical therapists and occupational therapists as rehabilitation therapists. A structured questionnaire was distributed to rehabilitation therapists, and 186 answered copies were used for data analysis. The results of the survey were as follows: Among the six personality factors, the rehabilitation therapists showed the highest level of honesty–humility and the lowest level of openness to experience. In terms of job stress, the subjects experienced the highest level of stress from job autonomy and the lowest level of stress from relationship conflict. In terms of turnover intention and work motivation reduction, the subjects scored above the median points, showing their high levels of turnover intention. In addition, higher levels of extraversion and agreeableness in the rehabilitation therapists led to a statistically significant reduction in their turnover intention and a statistically significant decrease in most of their job stress factors. Based on these results, organizational management aimed at increasing the personality factors of extraversion and agreeableness is necessary as a measure to effectively manage rehabilitation therapists’ job stress and turnover intention.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using Service Dominant Logic (SDL) to place marketing research, this paper conceptualizes and empirically tests the triadic relationship of place branding, souvenir branding, and consumers‟ perceptions of souvenir brands. We propose place branding to be the dominant strategy that encompasses destination product branding and brand personalities of such brands.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to answer the following question: Does leader brand personality dimensions mediate the relationship between self-identity expression and voting intention? The notion of political leaders as brands has been examined during the last decade by several studies and the increasing importance during the electoral process is now evident. Additionally, self-identity expressiveness, as a construct, has been connected to either psychological or sociological context regarding behavioral intention. The current research intends to build a framework for incorporating the concepts of leader brand image through brand personality dimensions, self-identity expression and voting intention for a political party. A quantitative survey through online structured questionnaire is employed in Greece and several significant theoretical and managerial contributions are provided.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In a virtual world, firms and individuals are connected through multiple devices and channels, whereby both act as content creators. The relevance of customer co-creation for brand-building in digital environments requires further research (Ramaswamy and Ozcan, 2016). From a growing body of research, a stream suggests that technology is changing the way consumers and firms interact, whereby consumers perceive brand image to be the sum of all brand online and offline information. Another stream assumes that consumers perceive brands as having personality characteristics, which are used to differentiate them from competitors. For this latter approach, Aaker’s (1997) model is widely used to analyse brand personality (BPS). However, no evidences has been found regarding to what extent firms and customers communicate the same brand values. We accomplish this by analysing the brand personality dimensions communicated online by two international hotel chains (Pestana & FourSeasons) and their clients, using two different digital channels, namely: 12 websites and 600 TripAdvisor comments. A content analysis was carried out using the BPS dictionary of WordStat software, created by Opoku et al. (2006), which contains 833 words, divided into the five BPS categories. The results show that most of the content was created by clients (89% of messages). FourSeasons hotels communicate Excitement and Sophistication, whereas Pestana hotels communicate Sincerity and Sophistication. Sincerity is the highest tagged dimension of the BPS references, both for FourSeasons and for Pestana, which suggests that clients tend to perceive both brands as being reputable. In summary, although clients and hotels converge with regards to hotel brand personality traits, distinctive brand personalities emerge.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study contributes to the international literature on brand personality and congruence. There is still a general lack of clarity regarding the measurement of the self-brand congruity construct. Moreover, in the light of international branding research cross-national validation of this measurement is needed. Previous empirical evidence also suggests a positive relationship between brand-self congruity and consumer-brand relationships (i.e. brand attachment) across nations and cultures, but the strength of these relationships requires deeper investigation. The present study therefore aims to test and validate a personality congruence scale at an international level and to measure the effect of congruence on brand attachment with specific reference to the luxury sector. A survey of nearly 1,500 international luxury customers has been conducted. Results confirm that personality congruence is based upon five dimensions (Prestige/Emotion/Trust/Anxiety/Order). In addition, the results highlight the existence and relative importance of the link between “personality congruence” and “brand attachment”. Finally, findings suggest similarities and differences across countries regarding specific dimensions of congruence scale and the personality congruence and attachment relationship. Both theoretical and managerial implications are provided.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research was conducted to develop a brand personality model that could be used to measure and compare the brand personality of a same brand across cultures. The results suggest that for West (the U.S.) and East (Japan), the bicultural BPD have five distinct dimensions of Sincerity, Sophistication, Ruggedness, Excitement, and Peacefulness, represented by the 15 attributes (wholesome, warm, kind, upper-class, elegant, romantic, masculine, tough, rugged, trendy, exciting, imaginative, shy, naïve, and childlike). The results show that many global brands have different brand personality perceptions across cultures. Only four (Levi’s, Nintendo DS, Shell, and Visa) out of 21 global brands had the same brand personality perceptions in two cultures. These results may be inconsistent with the definition of global brands—brands whose positioning, advertising strategy, personality, look, and feel are same or at least similar from one country to another. However, the results confirm the findings of Aaker et al. (2001) that brands have culturally specific meaning. The results also confirm the “the lure of global branding”—the goal of developing one strong global brand is often unrealistic (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 1999). Still, in the business world, many companies are trying to globalize their own brands in order to enjoy the high economies of scale. Hence, it is important for the business managers to be able to measure the results of their global branding efforts. This research provides a tool, the bicultural brand personality model, the managers could use to measure their global brands in Western and Eastern cultures, and understand the similarity and differences across two cultures.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this research, we explore the role of interpersonal personalization in brand offerings in engendering the representations of ‘which dimension’ of brand personality (Aaker, 1997) and the subsequent effect on consumer attitude toward and connection with the brand (Fournier, 1998). Experiment 1 reveals that interpersonal personalization is different from customization with unique benefit in developing sincerity in brand personality. It demonstrates the positive effect of personalization on brand attitude through formulation of a sincere brand. Experiment 2 provides empirical evidence that personalization encouraging consumer’s involvement in the product design process allows consumer’s greater engagement with and investment towards the brand, which then manifests favorable brand attitude. The findings of this research offer insights on how brands can take advantage of personalization practice in their product or service offerings to engage consumers, and subsequently develop a close relationship with them. This research makes an important contribution to the brand personality literature through identifying a specific marketing approach (i.e., interpersonal personalization) as an effective strategy in developing a specific type of brand personality (i.e., sincerity). In sum, this research offers new view on how to manage close relationship with consumers, which is a significant practical implication for marketing managers.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current study aimed to segment Mongolian female consumers based on luxury consumption values and to compare lifestyle, demographic characteristics, purchase behavior, and perceived brand personality among the segments. The survey was administered to consumers who had purchased luxury products in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. A total of 184 surveys were used for data analysis. Exploratory factor analysis revealed five luxury values: quality value, hedonic value, conspicuous value, social value, and unique value. Using the five luxury values, clustering analysis was conducted, showing that there were four distinct segments: passive shoppers, showoffs, rational value groups, and hedonists. ANOVAs and chi-square analyses revealed that these four segments differed in consumption values, demographic characteristics, lifestyle dimensions (including appearance consciousness, leisure orientation, life enjoyment, and achievement orientation), and purchase behavior (including purchase frequency, price of products purchased, and product selection criteria). Moreover, value segments showed differences in five dimensions of luxury brand personality: sincerity, professionalism/attractiveness, excitement, materialism, and sophistication. The results suggest that consumption values serve as a significant basis for segmentation. Furthermore, the current study indicates that value segments can be described as consumers’ perceived brand personality. The study concludes with a discussion of the results, theoretical and practical implications, and limitations.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 혁신직무행동에 대한 주도적 성격의 영향과 이 과정에서 지각된 조직 내 권력거리의 조절효과를 검증하였다. 특히 조직 내 권력거리가 혁신직무행동의 발현과 실행과정에서 다른 정도로 조절효과를 보일 것이라는 가설을 제기하였다. 다양한 조직에서 근무하는 439명을 대상으로 수집한 자료를 바탕으로 제안된 가설을 검증하였다. 그 결과 주도적 성격은 혁신직무행동의 발현과 실행에 모두 정적으로 관련이 있었다. 또한 조직 내 권력거리에 의한 조절효과는 혁신직무행동의 발현에서는 나타나지 않지만 실행에 대해서는 명확하게 나타났다. 이 결과는 주도적 성격이 혁신적 행동을 예측한다는 기존연구를 경험적으로 지지할 뿐 아니라 혁신직무행동의 발현보다 혁신적 사고를 촉진시켜야 하는 대인적 상호작용, 조직의 지원 등의 요인이 작용하는 실행 단계에서 더 중요하게 작용한다는 점을 시사한다. 이론적인 관점에서 본 연구의 결과는 기질활성화이론(Trait Activation Theory)을 지지하며 개인의 특성이 대상행동에 영향을 주는데 있어서 환경요인에 의한 촉진이 중요하다는 점을 확인하였다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 4차 산업혁명시대를 대비하여 진로를 선택할 때 인간에 대한 폭 넓은 이해를 도와줄 수 있는 에니어그램 성격론이 어떻게 활용될 수 있는지 알아보고 아동과 청소년의 진로 설정에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 내용분석법을 활용하였다. 연구결과, 직업, 인재, 교육, 역량으로 구분될 수 있었고, 직업 영역에서는 살아남는 직업, 직업의 준비, 직업의 특성 등으로 나타났고, 인재 영역에서는 변화와 특성으로 구분되었으며, 교육 영역에서는 미래교육의 준비, 미래교육의 특성, 미래의 교육기관 등으로 분류되었다. 역량 영 역에 있어서는 역량의 필요성과 역량의 특성으로 구분되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 에니어그램의 성격론 활용에 대해 살펴보면 에니어그램은 인간에 대한 깊이 있는 이해를 도와주기 때문에, 4차 산업혁명 시대에 인재들이 보다 역할을 잘 수행할 수 있도록 도와주는 도구로서 더욱 중요한 요소로 자리 잡게 될 것이라고 보여졌다. 또한 4차 산업혁명 시대에서는 개인적인 특성을 누적화하여, 의미 있는 빅데이터(Big Data)를 활용하여, 보다 폭넓은 대상들이 이러한 자료와 정보를 진로코칭 현장에서 활용할 수 있다고 보았다. 또한 에니어그램 성격론을 활용한 프로그램을 통하여 개인이 가지고 있는 성품·인성과 관련된 역량을 찾을 수 있는 것이 4차 산업혁명의 인재로서 역량을 준비하는 방안이라고 생각할 수 있다.
        2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구는 인성의 부재로 인한 학교폭력 등의 문제를 해결하기위해 부모의 인성교육이 시급함을 인식하고, 유아기 부모를 대상으로 한 인성코칭프로그램을 개발하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 C시에 소재한 어린이집의 유아기 부모 164명을 대상으로 프로그램에 대한 인식과 요구에 관한 설문지를 배부하고 회수하여 프로그램 개발하는 기초자료로 활용하였다. 인성교육 프로그램은 코칭프로그램(ACTIVE코칭 대화모델)을 활용하여 인성교육내용을 다루며 핵심내 용은 감성, 도덕성, 사회성을 포함하였다. 소집단형태로 각 회기별 2시간씩 총 6회기로 부모인성코칭을 통해 부모로서 바로서고 인성에 대한 올바른 이해를 통해 인성코치사로서 부모역할을 설정하도록 구안하였다. 본 연구의 의의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부족한 부모인성교육프로그램을 보급하고, 부모들이 요구하는 인성교육의 접근기회가 부족한 상황에서 인성코칭프로그램을 통해 긍정적인 부모의 역할을 수행하도록 돕는다. 둘째, 부모인성코칭 프로그램은 코칭의 과정을 접목하여 효과적으로 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 도우며, 인성코치로서의 부모의 자신감을 획득할 수 있도록 한다. 또한 부모자녀관계에 긍정적 목표달성을 도모할 수 있는 코칭의 프로세스를 익힘으로써 부모의 역량을 키울 수 있다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 에니어그램(Enneagram) 성격유형을 초월영성상담의 모델로 어떻게 활용할 수 있는지를 문헌 연구를 통하여 이론적으로 탐색 하였다. 구체적으로 첫째, 에니어그램 성격유형이 어떻게 내담자에게 현실적인 자아의 이해부터 자기 초월적 수준까지 성장하 게 도움을 주는 모델인지 탐색하였다. 특히 힘의 중심 변화와 각 성격 유형의 미덕과 신 성한 사고를 자기 이해부터 자기 초월까지 어떻게 활용할 것인지를 제시하였다. 둘째, 에니어그램 성격유형에 입각하여 상담 과정과 그 이후까지도 개인이 자기초월과 영성의 회복과 실현을 해나가도록 도울 수 있는 실제적 접근 방법에 대해 고찰하였다. 방법적 측면으로는 동일시와 탈동일시 훈련, 만트라 그리고 무브먼트를 성격유형별로 변별적으 로 활용할 것을 강조하였다. 마지막으로 본 연구에서 자연치유와 자아초월을 위해 제안 한 에니어그램 성격유형 활용 탐색은 차후 경험적 연구를 통해 검증할 필요성이 있음을 제안하였다.
        2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 유아기 인성리더십에 대한 연구를 활성화하고 유아의 인성리더십 수준을 평가하고 지도하는데 도움을 제공할 수 있는 척도 개발에 앞서 척도를 구성하는 하위 차원과 차원별 구성요인별 특성을 추출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 문헌분석을 통하여 유아 인성리 더십은 순종리더십(신뢰, 인내, 약속, 겸손), 자기리더십(도전, 성실, 정직, 끈기), 섬김리더십(경청, 공감, 배려, 봉사), 변환리더십(책임, 협력, 절제, 감사)으로 4개의 리더십 차원별 16개의 인성구인으로 구성된 것을 확인하였다. 또한 유아 관찰, 교사와 어머니를 대상으로 개방형 설문 분석을 통해 추출된 유아 인성리더십 특성 243개를 정리하여 1차와 2차의 전문가 내용타당도를 통해 최종 115개의 인성리더십 특성을 추출하였다.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study was to compare two different MBTI personality types by evaluating the influence of perceived risk on brand and store loyalty and purchase intention. 340 questionnaires were used for the analysis. For statistical analysis, SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 were performed, and frequency tests, reliability analyses and Structural Equation Modeling were used. The results of SEM analysis, confirmed that one question of brand loyalty and one question of store loyalty were inappropriate for this study. Thus, these two questions were removed and the research model was modified. To determine the goodness of fit of the research model, convergent validity was tested. Most items fell into the goodness of fit, and the average coefficient was fulfilled. According to the results of a path coefficient analysis for the Judging type, perceived risk has a significant influence on brand loyalty and brand loyalty also affected store loyalty. Furthermore, brand loyalty and store loyalty have a significant effect on purchase intentions, but perceived risk did not affect brand loyalty for the Perceiving type. Brand loyalty influences store loyalty and purchase intentions, but store loyalty did not influence purchase intentions. As a result of this study, it is concluded that considering consumers' personality types is critical to developing strategies that enhance brand loyalty.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to increase the productivity of the logistics center and transportation, we try to articulate the priority ranking factors of the productivity influenced by the personality of the field workers (logistics center workers) and functional workers (drivers) via the AHP technique Individual personality was studied by applying the Big 5 model of psychological factors (openness, Conscientiousness, extroversion, Agreeableness, neuroticism). In this paper, extraversion was critically analyzed as a priority factor. A trait of extroversion is a strongly active and individual personality. In this study, the field workers are logistics center workers and the functional workers are drivers. They are interactively influenced in the In & Out operation. For example, when it comes to ‘up and down work’ and ‘inspection work’, the functional workers perform ‘up and down work’ and ‘delivery work’ and the field workers perform ‘inspection work’. Stressing on the respective work has an affect on work productivity. Inspection workforce has something to do with inventory management. Functional workforce affects the delivery workforce. Delivery work is positively correlated with customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, as a result of research, extrovert personality that has something to do with an energetic activity would not affect on the implementation of their operation. In addition, personal extraversion of workers and drivers in the warehouse can have a significant impact on job commitment and productivity improvement.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find and compare the differences in stress level, stressor, and coping style of high school students according to their personality traits. And to identify the personality traits contributing to stress reduction. The results of the study can be used as basic data for reducing the stress of adolescents to improve their academic achievement and maintain mental and physical stability. The questionnaire survey was conducted for 10 days from June 7 to June 16, 2017 for S high school students in Chungbuk Province. The study employed four measuring instruments as Ego-gram, Ok-gram, stressor scale, and stress coping type scale. Individual personality traits were classified into ego-states and ok-states in TA (Transactional Analysis). Stressors are classified into 5 categories (school life, home life, human relationship, myself, environment) and stress coping styles are classified into 4 categories (problem-focused coping, social-support coping, feeling-focused coping, hope-thinking coping) used in the previous studies. The collected data were analyzed using T-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. As a result, the stress level of high school students showed significant differences according to sex, year, grade, sleeping time, personality traits, and coping styles. Personality traits that contributed to the stress increase were NP, AC, ‘you positive’, ‘i negative’ and personality trait that contributes to stress reduction is ‘you negative.’ Therefore, we can judge that individual personality traits have significant effects on stress level, stressor, and coping style and need to find the effective stress management method suitable for individual personality traits using counseling, repetition training, self-suggestion etc.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠는 흔히 낭만주의와 모더니즘의 중간에 위치한 시인으로 분류된 다. 이는 통상 예이츠 스스로 ‘개성’과 ‘몰개성’에 대해 피력한 의견을 엘리엇의 몰개 성시론과 비교하여 판단한 것이나, 실은 두 시인 모두 개성과 몰개성에 대하여 모순적 인 태도를 보여 왔다. 문제는 서로 대척점에서 비교되는 이 두 용어/개념이 아니라 이 러한 이분법적 단절을 넘어서 예술의 자율성 (자기충족성)에 이르는 것이다. 이는 바로 엘리엇이 몰개성이론으로 도달하고자 한 바로 그 지점이며 예이츠 또한 평생 노력하였 던 목표로서, 엘리엇이 궁극적으로 모던한, 몰개성화의 방식으로 제시한 ‘신화적 방식’ 이 왜 다른 어떤 모던 시인도 아니고 바로 예이츠로부터 비롯되었는지 잘 설명해준다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In response to growing instability and a perceived over-commercialization also of luxury brands, there is a trend among consumers to search for meaning and for experiences that feel genuine. The “humanization” of brands may feed the consumers growing desire for authenticity. This paper combines the brand personality concept and brand anthropomorphization and introduces the notion of personality-driven brand management especially for luxury brands and high-end cultural and creative businesses. After an introduction into the concept of brand personality, and with reference to identitydriven brand management, we explain what personality-driven brand management actually means. When the focal point of brand management shifts to the enlivened brand, the brand personality becomes the main source of inspiration for brand-building and influences all branding decisions. With personality-driven branding, managers may leverage the full potential of brand anthropomorphization. For instance, it can help to turn the brand into a strong character, which can spark the employee’s enthusiasm and thus also the customer’s passion for the brand. As a prerequisite of (internal) brand anthropomorphization, managers need to decide what kind of person they would like their brand to represent. For this purpose, they can consult a framework of brand personality dimensions for some guidance. A central part of this paper is a study about the major dimensions of luxury brand personality. Results suggest that there exist five distinct luxury personality dimensions including tradition, modesty, elitism, eccentricity, and sensuality. They help brand managers to develop distinct brand personalities by encouraging them to decide between contrasting traits. After presenting the major strategies to bring a luxury brand personality alive, the paper discusses the benefits of personality-based brand management and concludes with some major lessons learned.
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