
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 208

        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        V-Coupling is used as a mechanical fastener to connect the turbine housing and the bearing housing in a turbocharger. The back plate is located between the turbine housing and the bearing housing, which is compressed by the bolt clamping force of coupling to prevent gas leakage under turbocharger operation. This paper presents the theoretical and analytical methods to predict the sealing performance by calculating the contact pressures on the back plate. The mathematical model was constructed to derive the contact force on the back plate by considering the force transfer mechanism. And, finite element analysis was carried out to predict the contact pressures by applying the bolt load in the coupling system. As a result, the analysis results of the mathematical model are well consistent with the results of the finite element analysis. Therefore, in the early design stage of turbocharger coupling, mathematical model would be helpful to determine the design parameters.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon chain inserted carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been experimentally proven having undergone pronounced property change in terms of electrical conductivity compared with pure CNTs. This paper simulates the geometry of carbon chain inserted CNTs and analyzes the mechanism for conductivity change after insertion of carbon chain. The geometric simulation of Pt doped CNT was also implemented for comparison with the inserted one. The results indicate that both modification by Pt atom on the surface of CNT and addition of carbon chain in the channel of the tube are effective methods for transforming the electrical properties of the CNT, leading to the redistribution of electron and thereby causing the conductivity change in obtained configurations. All the calculations were obtained based on density functional theory method.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        테러리스트의 급진화와 관련해서 이들이 교도소에서 다른 수용자들에 대한 급진화를 양산한다는 문제점이 오래전부터 제기되어왔다. 교도소가 테러리스트들에 의한 급진화로 다른 수용자들을 테러리스트로 극단화하 는 전향을 위한 최적의 장소의 역할을 한다는 점이다. 특히 이슬람 극단 주의의 지하디즘의 영향력이 미국과 유럽 등에서 자국민 테러리스트로 연결되고 있다는 문제들로 인해 교도소 내의 극단주의 급진화에 대한 우 려가 더욱 커지고 있다. 그러나 이에 관한 주제에 대한 과학적이고 개관 적인 학문적 연구는 아직까지 매우 부진하다. 교도소 내의 테러리즘 급 진화의 실체, 관련 위험요인 등을 객관적으로 파악하여 정책적 대안을 수립하고 관련 실무자들과 학자들의 이해를 높일 필요가 절실히 요구된 다. 이 같은 연구의 필요성에 따라 이 연구는 테러리스트를 일반 교도소 에 수용하는 양형과 관련된 내용을 미국의 법률을 중심으로 간략히 소개 하고, 교도소 내의 테러리스트의 특성과 일반범죄자와의 차이점, 급진화 와 관련된 교도소 내 위험성, 그리고 급진화를 통한 교도소 내의 테러리 스트 모집과 관련된 이론적 모델 등에 대해 논의하였다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본문은 중국어에서 존재여부를 놓고 논란이 되고 있는 ‘개사현공’이 과연 영어의 전치사 좌초(Preposition stranding)’와는 다른 중국어 특유의 어법이론으로써 가치를 지닐 수 없는가, 또 비록 이론적 가치가 없더라도 다른 어법연구나 교학에 어떻게 활용될 수 있을까에 대해 고찰해 보고자 하였다. 사실 중국어에서 개사현공’이 일어난다는 주장은 본래 개사의 목적어 가 선행 정보에 있거나 혹은 유추가 가능할 경우에 목적어 없이 개사 단독으로 출현할 수 있 다는 것이 주된 초점이다. 하지만 반대파의 견해는 중국어의 주요 특징은 목적어가 생략이나 탈락을 하는 것이 아니라, 오히려 ‘개사구조의 삭제’나 ‘개사구조의 보류’를 통해 ‘개사현공’을 피하려 한다는 것이 주요 초점이다. 그런데 중국어 ‘개사현공’의 어법화 과정은 우선 ‘현공’된 성분이 본래 개사인지에 대한 의문에서 출발하여, 다시 어법화 과정, 그리고 이후에 나타난 어휘화까지 모두를 ‘개사현공’의 범주에 넣고 연구가 진행되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 그래서 본문은 ‘개사현공’의 존재여부에 대한 논쟁보다는 이러한 이론의 도입이 중국어 연구에 얼마 나 효용적인 활용될 수 있을까에 초점을 두고 연구해야 함을 주장하고자 한다.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Transcellular transport in epithelial cell is a method for absorbing calcium from intestine to blood, providing effective mechanism of utilizing calcium at low calcium intake. In this study, we aimed at theoretically developing a simple mechanistic model explaining transcellular transport in calcium absorption process. Transcellular calcium transport was schematized into 3 steps which were entry, diffusion, and extrusion. Each step was separately modeled to include the specific feature of them. In detail, electro-diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and Michaelis-Menten kinetics were employed to model calcium entry, diffusion, and extrusion, respectively. Then, the developed models were numerically solved to find a solution which simultaneously satisfied 3 models under steady-state assumption. Result of model simulation was consistent with the known behavior of transcellular calcium absorption, showing that transcellular calcium transport became saturated with increase of luminal calcium concentration. Because transcellular calcium transport depends on calcium binding protein mediated by vitamin D we expect that this model can be used to find optimal regulatory point for increasing calcium absorption.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 조림지에서 포트묘를 식재하는데 동력식혈기나 식재도구가 주로 이용된다. 동력 식혈기의 경우 에는 엔진이 일반적으로 많이 사용되고, 식재도구는 삽이나 포트묘용 식재기, 굴취봉 또는 호미들을 주 로 사용한다. 그러나 이러한 방법들은 경사지고 험준한 산림지형에서 이용하기에는 인건비와 생산성 등 에 문제가 있다. 이와 같은 문제점들을 해결하기 위해 동력의 장점과 도구의 편리성을 감안하여 배터리 와 DC motor 및 스크류를 이용한 새로운 경량 식혈기를 개발할 필요가 있다고 판단된다. 경량 식혈기 는 무게를 5kgf 내외로 가볍게 하기 위해서는 굴취력이 뛰어난 스크류의 개발이 매우 중요하다. 또한 스크류의 굴취력은 DC motor와 배터리의 용량을 결정하는 요인이 된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 경량화 된 식혈기를 개발하기 위해 포트묘 식재에 적용할 수 있는 소형과 중형 스크류 5종(길이 170㎜, 피치 3.0∼4.0개, 그리고 나선각 15°~20°)에 대해 이론 회전력을 산출하여 모터와 감속기의 용량을 설정하 고, 실제 토양에 적용하여 최대 회전력을 구명하였다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저장조에 위치한 사용후핵연료는 가혹한 원자로 조건에 의해 구조적 건전성이 와해되므로 외력에 취약하다. 따라서 운반 및 취급 중 사고 상황이 고려되어야 한다. 극단적인 경우, 핵연료 취급 중 사고로 인해 핵연료 저장조에서 핵연료집합체 낙하 가 발생할 수 있다. 이러한 사고 상황 하에서 연료봉 파손 등을 평가하기 위해서 수조에 충돌할 때 발생하는 충돌력을 분석 할 필요가 있다. 이는 핵연료가 수조 바닥에 충돌할 때의 속도를 입력으로 하여 평가될 수 있다. 연료봉이 핵연료 중량 및 부 피의 대부분을 차지하고 있으므로, 연료봉 다발은 수중 항력을 예측하는데 중요한 역할을 한다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 3×3 의 짧은 연료봉 다발을 모델로 사용하여 수중에서 낙하할 때 받는 수력을 계산하였고, 이를 전산모사와의 비교를 통하 여 검증하였다. 본 방법론을 사용후핵연료 건전성 평가에 적용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국에서 오랜 역사를 지닌 한자교학은 주로 아동을 대상으로 전개되었다. 현재의 아동을 대상으 로 하는 한자교육은 취학전 아동 및 학령아동을 상대로 진행된다. 만 6세 이하의 취학 전 아동에 대한 한자교육은 보통 유아식자교육이라 일컬으며, 기초교육단계의 학령아동(6~12세)에 대한 한 자교육은 학령아동 한자교육이라고 부른다. 현재 학계에서는 아동 한자교육의 실행 및 연구에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 취학 전 아동인 유아한자교육은 주로 식자에 중점을 두고 있다. 하지만 학령아동 한자교육 연구도 유아한자교육과 마찬가지로 여전히 식자에만 제한되어, 교육의 다양화 확대 및 제고를 실현하지 못하였다. 본고에서는 주로 학령아동 한자교육 대상인 초등학교 6세~12세 학생들이 학습하는 한자지식 내 용을 연구대상으로 삼고, 기초교육한자 교학 및 연구자들에게 다음의 연구 문제를 제시하였다. 첫 째, 기초교육단계에서 식자가 여전히 유일한 교학목표인가? 둘째, 학령아동에게 체계적인 한자 지 식을 전달할 수 있도록, 아동 식자교육의 개선 및 확대를 제고할 필요성은 없는가? 본고에서는 문헌조사, 정책분석, 설문조사 및 교학실천의 네 가지 방안을 토대로 학령아동을 대 상으로 한 확대된 한자교육 내용에 대해 새로운 방안을 제시하고자 하였다.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 많은 개도국에서 농촌발전과 빈곤퇴치의 유용한 방안으로 새마을운동의 경험 전수를 요청받고 있는 상황에서 새마을운동이 “인류 공동의 번영에 이바지 할 수 있는 새로운 농촌개발 패러다임”으로 자리매김 하는데 기여하고자 출발하였다. 이를 위해서, 본 연구는 새마을운동의 기본개념과 특성을 재조명하고 이러한 특성을 합리적, 논리적으로 설명할 수 있는 이론을 제시하고 글로벌 새마을운동의 기획 및 집행에 적용할 수 있는 이론적 틀을 제시하는 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 내용은 살펴보면 새마을운동의 보편성과 차별성을 지역사회개발과 정책적 관 점에서 살펴보고 새마을운동의 논리구조를 만들어 차별성을 제시하였다. 중국의 대약진운동, 방글라데시 코밀라운동과 새마을운동의 비교를 통해서 그 시사점을 제시하고 있다. 끝으로 글로벌 새마을운동을 기획하고 집행함에 있어 중요하게 고려해야 할 이론적 시사점으로서 상향식 사업추진, 변화의 대리인으로서 새마을지도자 양성, 주민의 역량개발 강화, 맞춤형 새마을 ODA 사업 발굴, 선도기관(pilot agency)과의 파트너십 구축 등을 제시하였다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Magneto-Rheological fluid is the suspended material having the ferromagnetic particles with micrometer size that can change properties by applying magnetic fields. In this paper, the shape design of the T-Flange Magneto-Rheological brake is conducted theoretically. The equations for transmitted torque are derived according to T-Flange configurations of the Magneto-Rheological brake. This feature has more output torque than conventional types. The validity of theoretical results is verified by conducting an analysis of an electromagnet using the finite element method. Then the effectiveness of braking torque is verified to reinforce by comparing the output torque of the conventional Magneto-Rheological brakes.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are many causes of interior noise in commercial vehicles. The one of them is power steering noise and this study try to reduce the power steering noise by theoretical consideration. The interior noise was tested for the real truck and analysed the frequency. For reducing the interior noise, the spiral tube was adapted and modified the structure in the steering system. The spiral tube system was analysed and made the formula to calculate the reducing frequency. And the effective frequency for reducing the interior noise was calculated by changing the length of tube. Finally, we found the possibility between thoeretical results and real interior noise by comparing the frequency results. The second, the experimental consideration will be worked in power steering system. Finally, the optimal design result will be suggested for reduce the noise.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Super alloys, which can be divided into three categories, i.e. Ni-base, Co-base, and Fe-base alloys, are widely used for high temperature applications. Since superalloys contain many alloying elements and precipitates, their chemistry and processing parameters need to be carefully designed. In this study, we designed a new Ni alloy to prevent corrosion due to water vapor and gases at high temperatures. The new alloy was designed using the theoretical value of the resulting energy electronic state calculation(DV-Xα method). The components that were finally used were Cr, Mo, and Ti, with Ni as a base. For these alloys, elements were selected in order to compare their values with that of the average theoretical basis for an Inconel 625 alloy. Finally, two kinds of Ni alloy were designed: Ni-28Cr-4Mo-2Ti and Ni-20Cr-10Mo-1Ti.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : A finite difference model considering snow melting process on porous asphalt pavement was derived on the basis of heat transfer and mass transfer theories. The derived model can be applied to predict the region where black-ice develops, as well as to predict temperature profile of pavement systems where a de-icing system is installed. In addition, the model can be used to determined the minimum energy required to melt the ice formed on the pavement. METHODS : The snow on the porous asphalt pavement, whose porosity must be considered in thermal analysis, is divided into several layers such as dry snow layer, saturated snow layer, water+pavement surface, pavement surface, and sublayer. The mass balance and heat balance equations are derived to describe conductive, convective, radiative, and latent transfer of heat and mass in each layer. The finite differential method is used to implement the derived equations, boundary conditions, and the testing method to determine the thermal properties are suggested for each layer. RESULTS: The finite differential equations that describe the icing and deicing on pavements are derived, and we have presented them in our work. The framework to develop a temperature-forecasting model is successfully created. CONCLUSIONS : We conclude by successfully creating framework for the finite difference model based on the heat and mass transfer theories. To complete implementation, laboratory tests required to be performed.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ventilation devices and room air cleaners can be used to remove indoor contaminants from indoor air. Generally, room air cleaners are rated according to clean air delivery rate (CADR). However, a similar metric for ventilation has not been used to be compared with CADR of room air cleaner. The CADRs and cost-effectiveness metrics (CADR/kw) of ventilation devices and room air cleaners were newly defined and theoretically compared for a child care center. The results indicate that the CADRs of room air cleaner were greater than that of ventilation. A higher collection efficiency for the particles guaranteed a higher CADR for ventilation. Ventilation filter had a performance that exceeds MERV11 should be used to effectively control the indoor particle concentration. The stand alone type air cleaner was found to have the best performance in the cost-effectiveness. The reason for this is that the effective air cleaning ratio of the stand alone type air cleaner is higher than that of the others and the power consumption of the stand alone type air cleaner is lowest.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 정보 기술의 발달과 GIS 논의 발전과 함께, 소셜 미디어 데이터의 생성과 공유에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 소셜미디어를 통해 생성되는 트윗 데이터는 기존의 지리 정보와는 다르며, 이를 보완, 대체하고 있다. 이러한 트윗 데이터의 중요성에도 불구하고 지리학 분야에서 이에 대한 이론적 고찰 및 실증적 분석 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구의 목적은 트윗 데이터에 대한 논의를 정보 격차를 중심으로 이론적으로 고찰하며, 이를 바탕으로 트윗 데이터의 공간 패턴, 시간적 시각화, 사회-인구변수와의 관련성을 중심으로 실증적으로 탐색하는데 있다. 미국 킹 카운티를 사례로 한 연구 결과, 트윗 데이터가 공간 및 시간 측면의 집중적으로 분포함을 발견하였으며, 또한 도시-농촌 간 정보 격차가 나타나고 있음을 탐지하였다. 또한 트윗 데이터의 분포는 사회 인구 변수와의 회귀 분석 결과, 젊은 층 인구, 소득 변수 등과 일부 관련성을 가지는 것으로 나타났다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of social media in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) based on a theoretical foundation. Social media was firstly used as a new communication tool by internet users, and is being commercialized as a powerful tool to build and maintain long-term relationships between customers and businesses. This study focuses on service sectors and aims to clarify how social media helps companies innovate traditional CRM. Social CRM is seen as one of these service innovations and is highlighted in this paper.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recent research in management and marketing has focused on the concept of value cocreation, and numerous attempts have been made by scholars to clarify the essence and process of value cocreation according to the service-dominant logic (Vargo & Lusch 2006). The value cocreation perspective is substantially different from the traditional value creation perspective in the following two respects. First, while in the value creation perspective the seller or firm is the initiator of value creation and value proposition, the value cocreation perspective considers both the buyer or consumer and the seller or firm to be value-creating actors (Vargo & Lusch 2006). Second, the value cocreation perspective focuses on the fact that value is cocreated through interaction between the seller and buyer, or company and consumer (Vargo & Lusch 2006). The purpose of this paper is to (1) analyze the case of ‘COOKPAD’, the top recipe site in Japan, as a platform for value cocreation, (2) consider the relationship between firms and consumers in the value cocreation process, and (3) draw some theoretical insights on value cocreation, open innovation, and service innovation. While tremendous progress has been made in these research fields, little is known about the ‘platform’ of value cocreation. This paper will focus specifically on the function of ‘platform’ in value cocreation. Case analysis of COOKPAD COOKPAD has following three theoretical features. First, COOKPAD is a service provider, which is thought to be more likely to cocreate value with consumers than goods manufacturing companies (Grönroos 2011). Second, it is an online service provider that operates in an environment where a higher number of consumers are likely to become involved in the value cocreation process. And thirdly, it is a leading-edge case that could provide new theoretical knowledge to the existing theories on value cocreation, open innovation, and service innovation. Overview COOKPAD Inc. was founded in 1997 by an entrepreneur Akimitsu Sano, and the Internet site called ‘COOKPAD’ became the most popular recipe site in Japan in a very short period. In accordance with the corporate mission of ‘making everyday cooking fun,’ it allows users to upload and search through original, user-created recipes. In July 2013, COOKPAD had more than 1.5 million registered recipes, a total of 20 million users, and over 1 million paid subscription users. Currently, it is being used by almost 80-90% of all Japanese women in their 20-30s (COOKPAD 2014). Combined with its mobile and smartphone services which can be used on the go and in stores, COOKPAD plays an influential role in the shopping decisions that consumers make in their everyday lives. Business Model COOKPAD has two revenue-generating businesses. One is a ‘premium service’ business aimed at consumers, and the second business is advertising aimed at food manufacturers (Uesaka 2009). COOKPAD users can search through a large database of recipes using search options such as ingredients, menu, and keywords. Free users can view the recipes, but for them the functionality of the service is more limited. ‘Premium service’ members (a paid service costing ¥294 per month) have access to value-added services such as ‘MY kitchen’ and ‘MY folder’. ‘MY kitchen’ allows a member to upload a recipe with a self-made photo of the food, check the traffic to the recipe, and browse the feedback to the recipe from other paying members. Paying members can also save their favorite recipes in ‘MY folder’, can register their favorite recipe-posting members, and search for new recipes posted by these members. The company’s advertising business offers corporate clients the option to display clickable ads and also runs recipe contests. Its advertising clients include food and beverage manufacturers, and the service aims at enhancing the awareness of client products and services and at enhancing consumer knowledge on how to use these products. More specifically, COOKPAD provides food companies with a virtual space or ‘platform’ to hold recipe contests and to promote their products by inviting users to create recipes for these products. COOKPAD’s cocreated value The value cocreation process of COOKPAD has two aspects. The first is in the relationship with consumers. Consumers upload their vaunted recipes to COOKPAD, and derive great satisfaction from providing other consumers with value by having these other consumers browse and use these recipes. A series of customer experiences (searching for recipes, cooking, uploading recipe) on COOKPAD results in customer satisfaction. The important point here is that consumers are actors who cocreate value in a multilateral and interactional fashion through browsing and uploading of each other’s recipes, while usual cookbooks produced by professionals create value in a unilateral fashion. Therefore, COOKPAD is an interactive platform that promotes value cocreation among consumers. The second aspect is in the relationship with food manufacturers. Usually, food manufacturers try to take in customers’ needs through group interviews and/or consumer surveys to develop more appealing products or services. However, although customer needs may be incorporated in the product development process, it is arguably the food manufacturer that creates value in the form of food products. Also, it is usually the manufacturers who propose recipes using their ingredients to consumers on their websites, and, in this case, they use the website as a one-way communication channel for their products. In contrast, COOKPAD plays not only the role of a platform where food manufacturers place Internet advertisements, but they can also ask consumers for ideas on how to use the ingredients in the form of ‘recipe contests’. In the case of COOKPAD the value-creating actors are not the food manufacturers that strategically promote the usage of their ingredients, but instead it is the consumers —usually considered value receivers in the goods-dominant logic— who perform this role. The value cocreation on COOKPAD is based on the fact that it is a platform connecting two markets. Platform is defined as the tool and/or system that functions as a communication infrastructure promoting cooperation among multiple types of actors (Kokuryo & Platform Design Lab 2011). Applying this definition to COOKPAD, the multiple types of actors are the many consumers and food manufacturers using the COOKPAD website, the interactive cocreation among these actors embodies the cooperation aspect, and the COOKPAD website is the platform that provides the communication infrastructure that enables the cocreation process. COOKPAD in fact consists of two platforms: a platform of consumers and a platform of food manufacturers. This type of platform has been called a two-sided platform where products and services are brought together by groups of users in two-sided networks (Eisenmann, Parker, & Van Alstyne 2006). In a two-sided platform two unique effects appear, namely same-side network effects and cross-sided network effects. Same-side network effects “are created when drawing users to one side helps attract even more users to that side” (Eisenmann, Parker, & Van Alstyne 2006, p.96). On COOKPAD’s platform, a large number of consumers upload various recipes, and more consumers who are attracted to the variety of recipes start to use them. The cross-side network effects are generated “if the platform provider can attract enough subsidy-side users, money-side users will pay handsomely to reach them” (Eisenmann, Parker, & Van Alstyne 2006, p.96). Indeed, in the case of COOKPAD, the large number of subsidy-side consumers attracts money-side food manufacturers to the platform who are willing to pay the advertisement rates to reach those consumers. Theoretical insights from the case Based on the COOKPAD business model, we would like to propose some theoretical insights to existing research in value cocreation, open innovation, and service innovation. First, the situation in which consumers actively engage in value cocreation and generate product innovation has been understood as ‘user innovation’. The users engaging in innovation are called ‘lead users’. Lead users are defined as those who have advanced knowledge related to a specific field, participate in product development and the service provision process, and cocreate value with firms (von Hippel 1988). This means that in this case the value cocreation is limited to lead users who are able to generate user innovation. The important point here is that users who cocreate value on COOKPAD are not lead users with advanced cooking knowledge, but amateurs in cooking, which is different from the premise of user innovation theory. COOKPAD functions as a platform that accumulates numerous knowledge resources on cooking by connecting these ordinary consumers and food manufacturers. Therefore, COOKPAD can be positioned as a value cocreation platform integrating consumers’ resources. Secondly, this feature of COOKPAD provides an important implication for research on open innovation. Open innovation is defined as the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and to expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively (Chesbrough 2006). The value cocreation platform of COOKPAD is the very infrastructure that invokes open innovation. And this aspect represents a strategy that is completely opposite to the strategy of developing a solid customer base by enclosing good customers and gaining higher profit, as typified by CRM (costumer relationship management). COOKPAD develops a relationship for cocreating values with a large indefinite number of consumers and reaps profit from paying members who are highly loyal to it. And thirdly, in association with the value creation network, the network has been considered in the concepts of value constellation (Norman & Ramírez 1993) and value network (Lusch, Vargo, & Tanniru 2010), and both of these concepts focus on the network of value-creating actors and the relationship in which the actors create one value. However, the COOKPAD platform goes beyond these concepts in the sense that recipes as cocreated values are generated emergently through consumers’ positive commitment to value cocreation. COOKPAD invoking open innovation includes a possibility of emergent value cocreation. Emergence is defined as a phenomenon in which unpredictable value added can be generated through interaction among multiple actors (Kokukyo & Platform Design Lab 2011, p.260). Both COOKPAD and consumers are not able to predict in advance what kind of value-added recipes will be uploaded, and food manufacturers cannot foresee what kind of recipes will be submitted in recipe contests. Recipes as cocreated value cannot be determined in advance, and thereby, COOKPAD is also a platform with a post-emergent process, which means a process in which the value that customers experience is not determined in advance by both firms and consumers, and the real value only becomes apparent for the first time during the use process (Ono et al. 2014). Conclusion As we analyzed above, COOKPAD has unique features in three ways. Firstly, it is a platform in which all values are generated by a cocreation process between consumers and firms. Secondly, the innovation on COOKPAD has a character of open innovation by numerous amateur consumers. Thirdly, the innovation cannot be fully determined in advance by COOKPAD, food manufacturers, and consumers. We believe we will be able to contribute to research on value cocreation, open innovation, and service innovation by further exploring the case of COOKPAD.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In line with the significant impact of information overwhelming on consumer behavior, the study conducted by Iyengar and Lepper (2000) showed that information overload could merely happen while being presented by too much choice, which is also referred as the phenomenon of “choice overload.” In contrast to the classic economic and psychological theories that the more choice, the better, their field observation and lab experiment concluded the finding that having more choice may be demotivating. Through the classic jam study of theirs, which was conducted in an upscale grocery store, they found that while displaying 24 different exotic jams at the sample booth (the large choice set) in the store, only three percent of the sampling shoppers actually purchased one of the jams. However, 30 percent of the sampling shoppers purchased one of the jams during the display of six jam samples (the small choice set). The too-much-choice effect was observed not only in the supermarket but also in an educational context. While providing six versus 30 essay topics to students, the quality of essays was found to be significantly better in the limited-choice (6) condition than in the extensive-choice (30) condition. In marketing practices, marketers tend to provide abundant alternatives to consumers because it increases the likelihood to match different needs and interests of various consumers (Haynes, 2009). However, researchers have noticed that providing extensive choice could result in negative consequences such as making one dissatisfied and unconfident with the choice or defer the decision. Although many empirical studies have shown that the too-much-choice effect occurs in different contexts (e.g. charity donation, prize drawing, and essay topics) or with various product categories (e.g. mp3 players, pens, and chocolates), it has not been consistently observed. Scheibehenne, Greifeneder, and Todd (2009) did not find the statistically significant relation between the size of choice sets (small vs. large) and the percentage of the participants who made a choice in the restaurant-picking task and charity donation task. To better understand the too-much-choice effect, thus, the purpose of this study is to develop a holistic and theoretical model of the too-much-choice effect inductively based on empirical findings. To date, most of the studies that have been conducted focus on experimental examinations, which are essential building blocks for theory development. However, experimental findings only provide fragmentary explanations about the phenomenon. By assembling the pieces derived from those segments, therefore, the too-much-choice effect is treated as a continuum, which may better explain under what situation the effect is more likely to appear and what consequences it may result in.
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