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        검색결과 1,199

        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 양질의 조사료를 최대한 생산하기 위해 월동 사료작물 재배기술을 보완하고 봄 파종의 가능성과 생산성을 구명하고자 수원 국립축산과학원에서 국내개발 품종을 공시하여 2009년 3월부터 6월까지 수행하였다. 처리내용은 단파 3처리 (이탈리안 라이그라스 (IRG) 조생종 Kowinearly, 중생종 Kowinmaster, 청보리 유연)와 혼파 2처리 (Kowinearly와 유연, Kowinmaster와 유연) 등 5처리였다. 생육기간 중 IRG에서 도
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 대기오염 개선에 따른 부수적 가치를 분석하기 위하여 가상가치평가법을 이용하였으며, 지 불의사 유도방법으로는 이중 양분선택법을 적용하였다. 온실가스의 감축, 특히 이산화탄소 감축은 화석 연료의 사용감소를 통해 대기오염물질의 감소라는 부수적 효과를 갖는다. 주요 분석결과를 정리하면 다 음과 같다. 첫째, 대기오염 개선에 따른 부수적 가치는 연간 329,236원으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 지불의사 금액의 가치 추정에 있어 사회․경제적 특성변수와 환경에 대한 인식을 포함한 분석모형의 적합성이 다소 개선되는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 제시금액뿐만 아니라 사회․경제적 특성변수들을 포함한 분석모형을 적용하고 이를 통한 지불의사금액의 가치가 보다 타당할 것으로 판단된다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare clothing values and clothing purchasing behaviors between Korean and American college students, especially men. Also this study was to analyze the clothing values effect on the clothing purchasing behavior. For the practical study, 200 questionaries were surveyed, 110 from Korea and 105 from American. The average and frequency, t-test, χ2, multi-variate analysis of variance and factor analysis were used for this study. The result showed, first, there were little differences in the clothing value aspect. Both Korean college men and American college men considered the theoretical value to be most important, however, the American college men were higher than the Korean college men for theoretical, economic and political values. Compared to the Americans, the Koreans considered social clothing value to be more important but theoretical, economic and political values were less important. Second, there were some differences in most of all the clothing purchasing behaviors. There were slight differences in the reasons for the purchases between Korean and American college men. Both of them said that they purchase clothes to satisfy their needs. Regarding the information sources for the purchase, The Korean college men were slightly higher than the American college men for the media information sources and lower than them for the human information sources. Regarding the place where the clothes were purchased, the Korean college men preferred to make purchases at department stores, and the American college men preferred shopping malls. Regarding the monthly expenses for clothing, less than 50,000 won($50) was the average for most of the Korean women, but most of the American college women spent 100,000 150,000 won($150) per month. Third, the clothing value was different in the reason for purchasing, the purchasing information source, the purchasing place, and the monthly expenses for the clothing.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of servicescapes in Korean restaurants on customers' experiential value, pleasure feeling and customer satisfaction. Based on a total of 550 samples obtained from empirical research, this study reviewed the reliability and fitness of research model using the Amos program. The relationships hypothesized in the model were tested simultaneously by using a structural equation model (SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate fit to the data, χ2=406.097 (df 130), p〈.001, GFI .915, AGFI .889, RMR .042, NFI .955, CFI .969, RMSEA .062. SEM results showed that the servicescape showed a positive significant effect on customers' experiential value (β=.808, t=15.171, p〈.001), and customers' experiential value had a positive significant effect on pleasure feeling (β=.756, t=10.616, p〈.001). Also, customer's experiential value (β=.391, t=8.579, p〈.001) and pleasure feeling (β=.573, t=13.091, p〈.001) had a positive significant effects on customer satisfaction. Analysis of mediating roles showed that, the effect of servicescapes in Korean restaurants on customers' pleasure feeling was perfectly mediated by the customers' experiential value. Limitations of this study and future research directions are also discussed.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the competing values leadership of restaurant general managers and to investigate the impact of their competing values leadership on employee job satisfaction and turnover intention. A sample of full-time restaurant employees (n=360, 36% response) completed an e-mail survey. The results showed that among the eight sub-dimensions of competing values leadership roles, the monitor (4.04), producer (4.01), and director (3.99) roles were perceived as the most frequently used leadership styles of managers compared to broker (3.78), innovator (3.83), and mentor (3.91) roles (p <0.001). Additional T-test results suggested that an employees’ gender had an influence on how he/ she perceived the leadership style of their manager. Male employees were more likely to perceive that the director and mentor roles (4.19) were performed very well by their managers, while female employees perceived that their managers concentrated more on monitor (3.98) and producer (3.96) roles rather than on broker (3.73) and innovator (3.79) roles (p< 0.05). It was found that manager competing values leadership had a significant correlation with employee job satisfaction, and the mentor, coordinator, and innovator manager roles explained the relationship with 42.1% based on multiple regression analysis (p<0.001). In further findings, the manager competing values leadership roles had an effect on employee turnover intention. The results of the data were as follows: mentor and facilitator roles promoted a decrease in employee turnover intention and the director role caused employee turnover intention to increase. Ultimately, this study will be useful for restaurant managers to guide the application of appropriate competing values leadership roles in order to strengthen employee job satisfaction and to reduce turnover intention.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 우리나라 기업의 구성원이 지각하는 조직문화 가치변수 변화 추세와 조직성과의 관계에 관해 살펴본다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 한국의 상장기업 240개 표본을 대상으로 실증분석을 하였다. 연구결과, 먼저 시간적 흐름(IMF 이전과 현재시점)에 따라 구성원이 지각하는 각 조직문화 가치 변수의 평균치는 “구성원 노동력의 중요성”에 관한 조직문화 가치 변수를 제외한 나머지 조직문화 가치 변수의 평균치는 변화된 것으로 분석 되었다. 세부적으로 우리나라 기
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 논에서의 조사료 생산을 위한 작부형태별 우분액비의 시용효과를 규명하기 위하여 총체보리+수수수단그라스 교잡종 이모작구 그리고 헤어리베치를 녹비작물로 이용한후 수수수단그라스 교잡종 일모작구로 하여 논에서의 다양한 조사료 작부 형태를 배치하고, 수수수단그라스 교잡종의 생산성 및 사료가치를 조사하였다. 그리고 처리구별 토양의 지력증진 효과를 분석함과 동시에 우분액비의 시용과 경작형태에 따른 용탈수중 -N, -N 및 -P 등을 분석하여 환경오염에
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research regard it as most meaningful to realize the importance of the hedgerow in cultivated areas functioning as a residual landscape element in rural landscape and set improvement guidelines through landscape character and value analysis to cope with landscape malfunction. The results of summary are as follows. 1) First of all, as a result of landscape character analysis of edge stripe in cultivated land in total of 7 case areas, for example, the edge stripe in cultivated land in case area 4 and 8 maintain the width of 10m and are assessed satisfactory in terms of vegetation development condition, appearance of living species, connectivity, buffer capacity and so on. Also, as a result of structural character of correlation analysis among items, the correlation coefficient between width and appearance of living species showed 0.941, the highest. Following are connectivity and appearance of living species and width and buffer capacity respectively: 0.841 and 0.740. 2) As a result of landscape character analysis of uncultivated stripe in total of 6 case areas, it is analyzed that case area 4 maintains the widest width as almost 4.5m average width and considered valuable as I degree in vegetation development condition, filtering, and connectivity. 3) As a result of problem analysis of uncultivated stripe, for example, case 3, 9, and 10 was analyzed that the width was below 1.25m which is too small to carry out the function of buffer and habitat for living creature, so minimum standard width was set between 4~5m through comprehensive analysis of character of each case area. Based on the result above landscape character, value and problem analysis, main improvement guidelines are set in terms of width, connectivity, filtering, and vegetation development, restrictive practices and so on.