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        검색결과 87

        2006.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The methanolic (MeOH) extract of A. fruticosa bark, which showed immune-regulatory activities, was separated to purify an active compared by means of a multi-stage column chromatography. This resulted in the isolation and characterization of an isoflavone glycoside named 4', 6-Dimethoxyisoflavone-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. Immuno-regulatory activities of the crude extract of Amorpha fruticosa LINNE bark were compared with that of an isoflavone glycoside (4', 6-dimethoxyisoflavone-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside). The crude methanolic extract of A. fruticosa and purified single compound showed 16% of relatively low cytotoxicity at a maximum concentration of 1.0 g/L in cultivated normal human lung cell line (HEL299). Cell growth of human T cells was increased up to 15%, 0.5 g/L of the crude extract added group. This was higher than a single compound added one. On the other hand, specific production rates of IL-6 and TNF-α from T cell were higher in the purified compound treat group (0.82×10-4 pg/cell and 1.08×10-4 pg/cell, respectively), compared to 0.5 g/L of the crude extract added group (0.65×10-4 pg/cell and 0.84×10-4 pg/cell, respectively). In addition, the growth of NK-92MI cells incubated with the crude extract was higher up to 56% over the cells grown with a single compound (0.5 g/L). In overall, the crude extract showed relatively higher immuno-regulatory activities compared with a single compound, probably due to the synergic effect given by other substances existed in the crude extract. Even though the siolated compound stimulated higher secretion of cytokines from human T cells.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The 117 soybean cultivars were collected from nine provinces in Korea, and various seed quality traits along with isoflavone contents were evaluated to elucidate their relationship. The 100-seed weight of the black soybean (31.2 g) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than yellow soybeans (28.6 g). The composition of genistein, daidzein, and glycitein accounted for 75.8, 22.8, and 1.4 % of total isoflavone in yellow soybean cultivars, while their compositions in black soybeans were 58.5, 39.7, and 1.8%, respectively. The mean contents of total isoflavone in yellow and black soybean were l,561.6~mug~;g-1~;and~;l,018.3~mug~;g-1 . The isofalvone content showed significant variation among cultivars when classified by the seed size. In the yellow soybeans, total isoflavone content was higher in small size soybean cultivars (1,776.0~mug~;g-1) and medium size soybean cultivars (1,714.3~mug~;g-1) compared to large size ones (1,518.5~mug~;g-1) . Genistein content was proved as the major factor determining the relationship between isoflavone content and 100-seed weights (r =-0.206*). Daidzein and glycitein, however, showed no significant relationship with the 100-seed weights. Isoflavone content was not significantly correlated with color parameters L (lightness) and a (redness) values, but color parameter b (yellowness) was positively correlated with glycitein (r=0.264*) in the yellow soybeans, while its negative correlation between daidzein (r=-0.245*) and total isoflavone (r=-0.256*) were observed in black soybeans. However, these findings suggested that the seed color value may not serve as an effective parameter for estimating the isoflavone intensity of the soybeans. Variation of protein and lipid contents between yellow soybeans (n=58) and black soybeans (n=59) was relatively stable, however, protein and lipid contents have no significant relationship with isoflavone content.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Naturally occurring soybean isoflavones are known to be influenced by various genetic and environmental conditions. Growth, yield, and isoflavone content were determined in four different cultivars of soybean grown under drained paddy and upland fields. Most of growth characteristics and yield components of four different soybean cultivars harvested in drained paddy field were greater than those in upland field, regardless of cultivar. By means of high performance liquid chromatography, total daidzein and genistein contents of soybean in drained paddy field were increased up to 40 and 35%, respectively, compared with those in drained paddy field. Besides isoflavone contents, the growth and yield of soybean were significantly affected by cultivar and field conditions, indicating the necessity of genetic program for soybean cultivars appropriate to drained paddy field conditions. In conclusion, converting paddy field into upland may effectively improve soybean cropping system, especially in terms of isoflavone increment under paddy field conditions.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was focuses on the variation of isoflavone contents during seed development and their interaction with major chemical components such as protein, amino acids, saccaharides, lipid and fatty acids. During maturing, lipid, protein, and amino acid contents in soybean seeds showed the highest values at R7 stages, but isoflavone contents were increased until R8 stage. It was noted that malonyl glucosides (64.2~%) are predominant forms among conjugated isoflavones followed by glucosides (30.7~%) , acetyl glucosides (4.1~%) and aglycones (0.9~%) . Sucrose and stachyose were presented as a major saccharide in soybean seeds. As maturing days progressed, they were constantly increased and the highest contents were observed at R8 stage. While small quantities of raffinose, fructose, glucose, maltose, DP3 (DP: degree of polymerization), DP6, and DP7 were detected. These results showed that saccharide composition at the beginning of seed development is primarily monosaccharides with little sucrose and oligosaccharides, but as maturing days proceeds, sucrose and starch increase with concomitant decrease in monosaccharides. Sucrose and stachyose were positively correlated with isoflavone (r=0.780, 0.764 at p<0.01, respectively), while fructose, glucose, maltose, and DP7 were negatively correlated (r=-0.651, -0.653, -0.602, and -0.586 at p<0.05, respectively). Soybeans at R8 stage were high in protein and amino acid, but low in free amino acid contents. Protein and amino acid contents showed positively significant correlations with isoflavone (r=0.571 and 0.599 at p<0.05, respectively), but free amino acid content were negatively correlation with isoflavone (r=-0.673, p<0.01). The lipid content reaches its final content relatively early stage of seed development and remains constant as compared with other chemical components. Among the fatty acids, although varietal difference was presented, stearic acid and linolenic acid were gradually decreased, while oleic and linoleic acid were increased as seed maturing progressed. Lipid was significantly correlated (r=0.754, p<0.01) with isoflavones. However, neither saturated fatty acid nor unsaturated fatty acids significantly affected the isoflavone contents of maturing soybean seeds.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean seeds contain high amounts of isoflavones that display biological effects and isoflavone content of soybean seed can vary by year, environment, and genotype. Objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci that underlie isoflavone content in soybean seeds. The study involved 85 F2 populations derived from Korean soybean cultivar 'Kwangkyo' and wild type soybean 'IT182305' for QTL analysis associated with isoflavone content. Isoflavone content of seeds was determined by HPLC. The genetic map of 33 linkage groups with 207 markers was constructed. The linkage map spanned 2,607.5 cM across all 33 linkage groups. The average linkage distance between pair of markers among all linkage groups was 12.6 cM in Kosambi map units. Isoflavone content in F2 generations varied in a fashion that suggested a continuous, polygenic inheritance. Eleven markers (4 RAPD, 3 SSR, 4 AFLP) were significantly associated with isoflavone content. Only two markers, Satt419 and CTCGAG3 had F-tests that were significant at P<0.01 in F2 generation for isoflavone content. Interval mapping using the F2 data revealed only two putative QTLs for isoflavone content. The peak QTL region on linkage group 3, which was near OPAG03c, explained 14~% variation for isoflavone content. The peak QTL region on linkage group 5, which was located near OPN14 accounted for 35.3~% variation for isoflavone content. Using both Map-Maker-QTL (LOD~geq2.0) and single-factor analysis (P~leq0.05) , one marker, CTCGAG3 in linkage group 3 was associated with QTLs for isoflavone content. This information would then be used in identification of QTLs for isoflavone content with precision
        2004.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        발아 녹두에 세 가지 스트레스 관련 화합물 salicylic acid, methyl jasmonic acid, acetyl salicylic acid를 처리하여 isoflavone의 생합성양상을 관찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 숙주나물의 자엽에서는 isoflavone총량이 건조중 1g당 832.5ug 인 무처리구와 비교하여 10mM salicylic acid를 처리한 경우 169~% , 12mM acetyl salicylic acid로 처리한 경우 165~% 의 isoflavone 총량이 증가한 반면 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid를 처리한 경우는 오히려 무처리구보다 47~% 수준으로 감소하였다. 2. 숙주나물의 자엽하부(hypocotyl and root)의 isoflavone 생성량에서는 1g당 284.8ug 이 생성된 무처리구와 비교하여 세 가지 처리 모두에서 유의성이 있는 차이를 보였다. 10mM salicylic acid 처리구의 경우 419~% , 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구의 경우 401~% 의 isoflavone 총량의 증가를 보였고, 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid처리구의 경우에는 121~% 증가하였다. 3.숙주나물의 자엽부위와 자엽하부에서 검출된 isoflavone의 합을 각 처리별 isoflavone생산총량으로 하여 무처리구의 건조중 1g당 1117.3ug 을 기준으로 비교하여보면 건조중 1g당 10mM salicylic acid 처리구에서는 2601.02ug 으로 233~% 증가하였고, 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 2514.4ug 으로 225~% 증가한 반면, 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid 처리구에서는 738.8ug 으로 66~% 수준으로 감소하였다. 4. 숙주나물 자엽부위의 경우 무처리구와 비교하여 증가를 보였던 10mM salicylic acid처리구와 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구에서는 malonyldaidzine과 malonylglycitin이 증가가 두드러지게 나타났다. 5. 숙주나물 자엽하부의 경우 무처리구와 비교하여 증가를 보였던 10mM salicylic acid 처리구와 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구에서는 malonylglycitin의 증가가 두드러지게 나타났다
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new sprout-soybean variety, “Dagi” was developed from the cross between Namhaekong and D70-6545 by the soybean breeding laboratory of the National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES) in 2002. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trial
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new sprouting soybean variety, 'achaekong'was developed at the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station (NYAES) in 2002. It was selected from the cross Hannamkong/Eunhakong. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation an
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new sprouting soybean variety, 'Sorogkong'was developed at the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station in 2001. It was selected from a cross Pureunkong/Namhaekong. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation and selecti
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