
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 87

        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 덴파레를 공시재료로 양액재배 기법을 이용하여 유묘생장을 촉진함으로써 재배기간의 단축 및 양질의 덴파레 생산을 위한 재배법을 개발함과 동시에 온실재배현장에 system생산이 가능토록 최적 재배 system 및 양액제어방법을 구명하여 난재배농가에 새로운 재배기법으로 제공코자 그 기초 및 실용가능성 타진을 목적으로 양액재배 시스템 및 양액의 농도에 따른 덴파레 유묘생장을 비교하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 추계재배시 초장의 경우 담액수경의 1/4농도가 31.7cm로 가장 높았으며 분무경의 1/2농도가 21.6cm로 가장 낮아 최고/최저가 약l0cm의 차이를 보였다. 특히 담액수경의 경우에는 고농도인 1/2농도와 1/4농도가 초장이 높았으며 분무경에서는 비교적 낮은 1/6농도가 높은 것으로 나타나 대조적인 반응을 보였다. 근수에 있어서는 분무경의 1/4농도가 30개로 가장 많았으며 다음이 담액수경의 1/6농도가 26개 정도였다. 최대 근장에 있어서는 근수가 가장 적었던 분무경의 1/2농도가 23.9cm로 가장 길게 나타났다. 생체중의 경우 담액 수경의 1/4농도와 1/2농도가 총 생체중이 가장 높아 주당 40g이상의 생체중을 나타냈다. 엽의 경우 담액수경의 1/4농도가 가장 높았으며, 줄기는 담액수경의 1/2농도가 22.1g으로 현저히 높게 나타났다. 춘계재배에서는 담액수경과 분무경은 정식이후 PH가 상승하여 7.5정도로 높게 나타났다. EC는 각 시스템과 농도간에 큰 변화를 보이지 않았다. 초장의 경우 시스템간에 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았으나 담배액식이 약간 크게 나타났다. 경경과 초장은 담배액식>담배액식>분무경의 순으로 높게 나타났으며 엽장과 엽폭도 담배액식의 고농도(1/2, 1/4)처리구에서 더 높았다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new Phalaenopsis cultivar SM 6310 was bred by Kyungpook National University, Korea. The new cultivar SM 6310, showing the phenotype of yellow colored mini type characteristics, was introduced by artificial crossing of Phalaenopsis ‘Brother Gold Miss’ and Phalaenopsis philippinensis. An elite individual number ‘03-06-31’ later named as ‘SM 6310’ was selected among 250 individual progenies for more than 2 years(2004-2005) intensive selection process covering excellent vegetative and flowering characteristics. In year 2006-2007, the 1st and 2nd characteristic analysis were performed through stability and uniformity test. The ‘SM 6310’ shows that flower color is bright clean yellow (RHS#:12B) and flower shape is small type with size of 5.8 and 6.1cm in flower length and width, respectively. ‘SM 6310’ is regarded as raceme flower type suitable small flower pot market. The leaf of ‘SM 6310’ is rowing horizontally and about 15.6cm in length and 7.1cm in width. This cultivar also possesses no genetic variation, fast invitro propagation and easy growing due to vigorous growth habit. This ‘SM 6310’ is registered (Reg.#:3825) to Korea Seed & Variety Service (KSVS) in 21 December, 2011 and PBR (plant breeder's right) is currently controlled by Sangmiwon Orchid Company, Korea.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new Phalaenopsis cultivar Hwasu 3551 was bred by Kyungpook National University, Korea, which produces young plants through tissue culture techniques. The new cultivar Hwasu 3551, showing the phenotype of pink colored large stripe type characteristics, was derived from crossing between Phalaenopsis Minho Princess and Minho Stripes. An elite individual number '03-35-51' later coined as 'Hwasu 3551' was selected among about 300 individual progenies for more than 2 years intensive selection process covering vegetative and flowering distinctiveness. In year 2006-2007, the 1st and 2nd characteristic analysis were carried out through performance and uniformity test. The Hwasu 3551 shows that flower color is bright clean pink (RHS#RP69D) and flower shape is formal type with size of 7.4 and 8.8cm in flower length and width, respectively. Hwasu 3551 is regarded as raceme flower type suitable large flower pot market. The leaf of Hwasu 3551 is rowing horizontally and about 22.3cm in length and 9.4cm in width, respectively. This cultivar also possesses no genetic variation, fast invitro propagation and easy growing due to vigorous growth habit. This Hwasu 3551 is registered (Reg.#:2917) to Korea Seed & Variety Service (KSVS) in 1st December, 2009 and PBR (plant breeder's right) is currently controlled by Sangmiwon Orchid Company, Korea.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The plant-specific transcription factor, LEAFY (LFY) is considered to be a master regulator of flower development in the model plant, Arabidopsis. This protein plays a dual role in plant growth, integrating signals from the floral inductive pathways and acting as a floral meristem identity gene by activating genes for floral organ development. Although LFY occupies an important position in flower development, the functional divergence of LFY homologues has been demonstrated in several plants including monocots and gymnosperms. In particular, the functional roles of LFY genes from orchid species such as Phalaenopsis that contain unique floral morphologies with distinct expression patterns of floral organ identity genes remain elusive. Here, PaLFY, a orthologue of Arabidopsis LFY from Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana, a Taiwanese native monopodial orchid was isolated and characterized through analyses of expression and protein activity. PaLFY transcripts accumulated in the floral primordia of developing inflorescences and the PaLFY protein had transcriptional autoactivation activity forming as a homodimer. Furthermore, PaLFY rescues the aberrant floral phenotypes of Arabidopsis lfy mutants. Over-expression of PaLFY alone or together with PaFT1, a P. aphrodite subsp. formosana homologue of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) in rice caused precocious heading. Consistently, higher chlorophyll content in the sepals and morphological changes in epidermal cells were observed in the floral organs of PaLFY knock-down orchids generated by virus-induced gene silencing. Taken together, these results suggest that PaLFY is functionally distinct from RICE FLORICAULA/LEAFY (RFL) but similar to Arabidopsis LFY based on phenotypes of our transgenic Arabidopsis and rice plants.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Hwasu 3551’(HS) 과 ‘White-Red Lip’(WR)을 대상으로 저 온이 호접란의 생육단계별 광합성에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 실 험에 사용하기 위해 조직배양을 통해 번식된 유묘들을 4주간 외부 환경에 순화시킨 후(1개월 묘), 28/26oC(HT)의 식물생육상에서 재배하였다. HT에서 0(1개월 묘), 2(3개월 묘), 4 개월(5개월 묘) 간 재배된 식물들을 21/19oC(LT)의 식물생육상으로 옮겨 3개월 간 저온처리 하였고, 각 식물생육상의 일장은 12시간(06시.18시), 광도는 110±10μmol·m-2·s-1 PPF를 유지하였다. 저온의 영향을 알 아보기 위해서 각 온도 및 생육단계별로 영양생장과 24시간 동안의 CO2흡수율을 측정하였다. 전반적으로 호접란의 광합성은 CO2흡 수 양상에 따라 페이즈 I부터 IV까지 나뉘어지는 전형적인 CAM 광합성을 보였으며, 3개월간 저온에서 재배 후 하루 동안 흡수한 총 CO2의 양과 영양생장의 증가정도는 HT 조건을 유지한 처리군에 비해 감소하였다. 특히 3개월 묘를 LT에서 3개월간 재배하였을 떄, HS, WR 두 품종의 페이즈 III 동안 CO2흡수율은 각각 -1.36, -0.60μmol·m-2·s-1까지 감소하여 CO2누출 (CO2 leakage)양상을 보였다. 이로 인해 낮 동안의 총 CO2흡수량이 감소하였고, 영양 생 장량 역시 감소하였다. 1개월 묘를 LT조건에서 재배하였을 때 신 엽의 발생은 통계적으로 유의성 있게 감소하였지만, 5개월 묘의 경 우에는 감소하지 않았고, 단지 엽장의 증가정도만 감소하였다. 이 러한 결과는 5개월 묘에서 저온의 영향이 작았고, 영양생장이 계속 유지되었다는 것을 나타낸다. 호접란의 재배에 있어서 이러한 접근 방식은 재배 스케줄을 조절하거나 기존의 방법을 개선하여 재배비 용을 절감하는 대에 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        팔레놉시스의 절화 품질의 변화를 구명하기 위하여 절화수명연장제 농도별 효과와 전처리제와 후처리제 효과를 살펴보기 위해 본 시험을 수행하였다. 시험재료는 원예원에서 재배한 팔레놉시스 백색 ‘V-10’ 품종을 이용하였으며 꽃송이를 6송이로 맞추어 절화에 이용하였다. 절화수명연장제는 Hwajoung을 이용하였고, 전처리제로는 AVB와 후처리제는 Professional Clear를 이용하였다. 증류수(대조구)와 화정 200배에서는 절화수명이 5일로 매우 짧았으며 화정 100, 50배에서는 9일로 약 1.8배 연장되었다. 전처리제 AVB는 절화수명연장 효과가 없었다. 후처리제인 Professional Clear는 절화수명이 AVB 보다 10일 더 연장되어 팔레놉시스 절화에 더 효과적이었다.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korea signed to the international union for the protection of new varieties of plants (UPOV) 2002, it has been increased that the importance of the rights protection for breeder. National institute of horticultural & herbal science (NIHHS) has been bred using crossing and tissue culture since 1992 and released nineteen new Phalaenopsis varieties from 2002 to 2011. This study was conducted to develop DNA markers for discrimination of the Phalaenopsis varieties bred in NIHHS, Korea. Also the genetic relationships among 14 Phalaenopsis varieties were analyzed using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Fifty five polymorphic bands (4.6 per primer) were generated by polymerase chain reaction with selected 12 primers among 111 primers. The dendrogram was constructed by using the UPGMA clustering algorithm based on genetic similarity. The Similarity values among the breeding Phalaenopsis cultivars ranged from 0.593 to 0.945. Fourteen Phalaenopsis cultivars were classified into three major groups at similarity coefficient value of 0.66. Understanding of the genetic diversity could be useful in Phalaenopsis breeding program. We could discriminate these breeding varieties using SSR 20 and SSR 21. These molecular markers could be utilized as a reliable tool for variety discrimination with morphological characterization in breeding Phalaenopsis.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        팔레놉시스 "Yellow Dream"은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2005년도에 육성한 신품종이다. 이 품종은 1995년에 적색설판이 있는 황색계열의 Phal. '031'을 모본으로, 꽃이 작고 밝은 황색 소형품종의 "Golden Emperor"를 부본으로 하여 교배를 실시하여 양성된 계통 중 선발되었다. 2000~2004년에 2회의 특성검정과 계통평가회를 거쳐 "Yellow Dream"이라 명명하였다. "Yellow Dream"은 노랑색 꽃잎에 오렌지색 계
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new cultivar of Phalaenopsis, "Snow Dream" was initially selected from the progenies of the cross of Phal.3016xPhal.3021 (no name, collection at the nursery) in 1996 at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration. Final selection was made in 2003 after the investigation of the characteristics for five years (1999-2003). "Snow Dream" has long blooming (about 4months), white flower, pink stripe lip, semi-upright leaf. PLB(Protocorm Like Body) induction rate was 70%. The width of flower is 9.0 cm. The direct sun light should be avoided for its appropriate growth. Growing temperatures should not be exceed 35℃/15℃ (day/night). A variety protection for "Snow Dream" has been applied in 2005.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new cultivar of Phalaenopsis, "Orange Dream" was initially selected from the progenies derived from self-pollination of 3091(no name) in 1996 at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration. It was finally selected in 2003 after the investigation of the characteristics for five years (1999-2003). "Orange Dream" has orange color and purple line with thick petal, sepal, and long blooming, semi-upright leaf and high-mass propagation of 70%. The width of flower is 6.5 cm with medium sized and the number of flowers is 6. Strong sunlight should be avoided for its growth. Growing temperatures of 35℃/15℃(day/night) are advisable. A variety protection has been applied for this cultivar in 2005.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new Phalaenopsis hybrid “White Angel” was selected from the progenies derived from self-pollination of collection, “PN 3005 in 1995 at National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI) Rural Development Administration. Final selection was applied in 2003 after the investigation of the characteristics for five years (1999-2003). “White Angel” has white flower with red rip and is a medium sized Phalaenopsis variety with semi-upright leaf and high PLBs (Protocorm ike bodies) formation ability of 70%. “White Angel” has white flower with red rip and is a medium sized (Flower width is 8.3 cm and leaf length is 25 cm) Phalaenopsis variety with semi-upright leaf and high PLBs (Protocorm like bodies) formation ability of 70%. Strong sunlight and over irrigation should be avoided for the appropriate growth.
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