
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 598

        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to a comparison of the productivity according to variety and forage quality by plant parts of imported silage corn (Zea mays, L) in Pyeongchang. The corns evaluated in this experiment were 8 varieties (P1184, P1151, P1194, P1543, P1345, P1429, P1443, and P2105) introduced from the United States, Pioneer Hybrid Co. The harvested corn was divided into 5 plant parts (leaf, stem, cob, husk, and grain), and the ratio of each part was calculated using dry weight and the feed value was analyzed. The emergence rate of corn was generally good except for the P1151 and P2105 varieties. The average tasseling date was July 24th and the silking date was July 27th, but the P2105 variety was late to July 28th and August 1st, and the remaining varieties were similar. P1345 was the highest (289 and 123 cm), and P1151 varieties were the lowest (267 and 101 cm) in the plant and ear height. Disease resistance was low in P1184, P1443 and P1429, and P1197 and P1345 were high. In the case of stover, the dry matter (DM) content was the lowest at 19.6% in the P1151 and the highest at 24.9% in the P1429. DM content of ear was the highest in the P2105 (55.5%), and P1184 (54.2%) and P1345 (54.3%) were also significantly higher (p<0.05). The DM yield of stover of P2105, P1429 and P1194 varieties was significantly higher (p<0.05), and ear yield of P2105, P1345 and P1443 was higher. The proportions of each part of plants (leaf, stem, cob, husk, and grain) divided by 5 was high, with 50-60% of the ear(grain+cob) ratio. The ratio of husk and cob was roughly similar, and the leaf and stem part showed a ratio of about 20%. The crude protein (CP) content was highest in leaf, followed by grain. The CP content of the stem was the lowest, and the husk was not significantly different among the varieties (p>0.05). The acid detergent fiber (ADF) content was similar to the rest parts except grain, but the leaf part tended to be lower, and other parts except the stem and leaf showed no significant difference between varieties (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in NDF (neutral detergent fiber) content in husk, but there was a difference between varieties in other parts (p<0.05). In addition, there was a special difference by plant parts for each variety, P2015 on the stem, P1197 on the leaf, P1151 on the cob, P1197 on the husk, and P1197 on the grains with high NDF content. IVDMD (in vitro dry matter digestibility) was not significantly different between stems and grains, but there was a difference between varieties in cobs and husks. According to the results, DM yield of P2105 variety was the best in the experiment, and the ratio of grain was excellent in P1543 and P1345. In addition, it was found that the feed value was higher in the leaves and grains, and the leaf and stem had higher feed values than husk or cob.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to study the effects of different environmental conditions and cultivation techniques on productivity of grasslands in central and southern area of Korea on 2017 and 2018. Average dry matter yield of grasslands at 10 actual production sites was 7,496 kg/ha. that was ranged from 4,652 to 13,292 kg/ha with least significant difference(LSD) of 1,577kg/ha between grasslands (p<0.05) on 2017. Average dry matter yield of grasslands at 10 actual production sites was 7,914 kg/ha. that was ranged from 3,927 to 12,372 kg/ha with LSD of 1,577kg/ha between grasslands(p<0.05) on 2018. Dry matter(DM) yield of grasslands have positive correlation with soil fertility (p<0.01) but not correlated with rainfall and air temperature among cultivation environments. And also DM yield of grasslands have positive correlation with grassland management techniques(p<0.01). These results suggest that practices of grassland management techniques and improvement of soil fertility are more important than cultivation environments by climate change for increasing the DM yield of grassland in central and southern area of Korea.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서 생력화가 가능하면서 친환경적인 재배법을 개발하고자 병, 상자를 이용하여 표고의 재배적 특성 및 자실체 생산성을 분석하였다. 재배용기별 배양기간은 병에서 배양된 처리구가 30일, 상자에서의 배양이 35일로 나타났고, 갈변기간은 병 재배가 25일, 상자 재배가 40일 이었으며, 병 배양 후 상자재배가 50일로 가장 길었다. 전체 재배기간은 병이 75일, 상자가 90일, 병 배양 후 상자 재배방식이 105일로 가장 길었다. 재배방식별 버섯 발이 수는 상자 17.8개, 병 배양후 상자재배 14.7개, 병 1개 순으로, 자실체 생산성에도 영향을 끼쳐 상자재배는 945 g, 병 배양 후 상자재배 638 g, 병재배가 70 g으로 나타났다. 건조 배지량별 신선버섯 수량(BE, %)은 상자재배가 32.7%, 병 재배가 24.3%, 병 배양 후 상자재배가 22.1% 순으로 상자재배의 자실체 수량성이 가장 우수하였다. 따라서 상자재배는 갈변기간의 단축과 버섯 수량성에서 병 재배, 병 배양후 상자재배 방식보다 유리한 장점이 있어 친환경 생력화 재배법 개발 가능성을 보여주었다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the productivity of the costal fisheries in Jeonnam Province. In this study, the operational characteristics and Cobb-Douglas production function of coastal fisheries were examined based on a research on the actual condition of costal fisheries (RACF). The statistical analysis of RACF data reveals that Cobb-Douglas production function consists of the three variables: fishing quantity per ton-age, the number of fisherman per ton-age and fishing equipment cost per ton-age. The results of this study show us that the relation and productivity between labor and capital of the operational equipment in the coastal fisheries. If extensive comparable biological and market data become available, analysis model can be widely applied to yield more accurate results.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to compare the agronomic characteristics and productivity according to the species and varieties of winter forage crops in reclaimed land. Winter forage crops used in this study were developed in National Institute of Crop Science, RDA. Oats (‘Samhan’, ‘Jopung’, ‘Taehan’, ‘Dakyung’ and ‘Hi-early’), forage barley (‘Yeongyang’, ‘Yuyeon’, ‘Yujin’, ‘Dacheng’ and ‘Yeonho’), rye (‘Gogu’, ‘Jogreen’ and ‘Daegokgreen’) and triticale (‘Shinyoung’, ‘Saeyoung’, ‘Choyoung’, ‘Sinseong’, ‘Minpung’ and ‘Gwangyoung’) were planted in the reclaimed land of Sihwa district in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do in the autumn of 2018 and cultivated using each standard cultivation method, and harvested in May 2019(oat and rye: 8 May, barley and triticale: 20 May.) The emergency rate was the lowest in rye (84.4%), and forage barley, oat and triticale were in similar levels (92.8 to 98.8%). Triticale was the lowest (416 tiller/㎡) and oat was the highest (603 tiller/㎡) in tiller number. Rye was the earliest in the heading date (April 21), triticale was April 26, and oat and forage barley were in early May (May 2 and May 5). The plant height was the highest in rye (95.6 cm), and triticale and forage barley was similar (76.3 and 68.3cm) and oat was the lowest (54.2 cm). Dry matter(DM) content of rye was the highest in the average of 46.04% and the others were similar at 35.09∼37.54%. Productivity was different among species and varieties, with the highest dry matter yield of forage barley (4,344 kg/ha), oat was similar to barley, and rye and triticale were lowest. ‘Dakyoung’ and ‘Hi-early’ were higher in DM yield (4,283 and 5,490 kg/ha), and forage barley were higher in ‘Yeonho’, ‘Yujin’ and ‘Dacheng’ varieties (4,888, 5,433 and 5,582 kg/ha). Crude protein content of oat (6.58%) tended to be the highest, and TDN(total digectible nutrient) content (63.61%) was higher than other varieties. In the RFV(relative feed value), oats averaged 119, while the other three species averaged 92∼ 105. The weight of 1,000 grain was the highest in triticale (43.03 g) and the lowest in rye (31.61 g). In the evaluation of germination rate according to the salt concentration (salinity), the germination rate was maintained at about 80% from 0.2 to 0.4% salinity. The correlation coefficient between germination and salt concentration was high in oat and barley (-0.91 and -0.92) and lowest in rye (-0.66). In conclusion, forage barley and oats showed good productivity in reclaimed land. Adaptability is also different among varieties of forage crops. When growing forage crops in reclaimed land, the selection of highly adaptable species and varieties was recommended.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Luckyone 2ho’ is a new orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) cultivar developed by the National Institue of Animal Science (NIAS) in 2017. To develope the new variety of orchardgrass, 5 superior clones were selected and polycrossed for seed production. The agronomic growth characteristics and forage productivity of ‘Luckyone 2ho’ were examined at Cheonan from 2012 to 2014, and regional trials were conducted in Cheonan, Pheonchang, Jinju and Jeju from 2015 to 2017, respectively. ‘Luckyone 2ho’ showed medium type growth habit in fall, and medium in length of flag leaf and very long upper internode. Plant height of ‘Luckyone 2ho’ was 3 cm less than that of standard cultivar, ‘Potomac’ and heading date was 1 days later than 5th May compared to standard cultivar, ‘Potomac’. Characteristics such as waterlogging and disease resistance of ‘Luckyone 2ho’ were stronger or better than those of standard cultivar, ‘Potomac’, Especially, dry matter yield of ‘Luckyone 2ho’(15,980 kg/ha) increased 9 % compared to that of standard cultivar, ‘Potomac’(14,702 kg/ha). Nutritive values were appeared to be similar in both varieties except in Vitro dry matter digestibility(IVDMD) and crude protein and total digestible nutrients (TDN).
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to find out the effects of seed mixture using new domestic grass varieties orchardgrass ‘Onnuri’ and tall fescue ‘Greenmaster’ on botanical composition and dry matter productivity from 2015 to 2018 in oversown hilly pasture, the central northern area of Korea. This experiment was consisted of 4 mixed grasses (Treatment 1 : tall fescue oriented mixture with imported varieties; Treatment 2 : orchardgrass oriented mixture with imported varieties; Treatment 3 : orchardgrass oriented mixture with domestic varieties, Treatment 4 : tall fescue oriented mixture with domestic varieties). Evaluation of seasonal changes in botanical composition of pasture showed that orchardgrass was the highest in all treatments, ranging from 46 to 89% and Kentucky bluegrass was the second highest in all treatments. Treatment 3 (7,633 kg ha-1) and Treatment 4 (7,570 kg ha-1), mixed grasses using domestic varieties, were showed the highest dry matter yield than Treatment 1(6,950 kg ha-1) and Treatment 2 (6,934 kg ha-1), which were mixed grasses using introduced varieties. Therefore, these results showed that the orchard grass oriented grasses mixture with domestic varieties was good for grassland vegetation and productivity in oversown hilly pasture, the central northern area of Korea.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The diversity and characterization of microorganisms isolated from the soil around several ranches in Korea were confirmed in this study. To isolate halophilic microorganisms, the marine agar medium was basically used and cultivated at 37℃ for several days. After single colony isolation, a total of 116 pure colonies were isolated and phylogenetic analysis was carried out based on the result of 16S rDNA sequencing, indicating that isolated strains were divided into 4 phyla, 23 families, 30 genera and 51 species. To confirm whether isolated strain can be a candidate for the fermentation of diverse food ingredients, amylase, lipase, and protease enzyme assays were performed individually, showing that 92 strains possessed at least one enzyme activity. Especially 4 strains, identified to Jonesia quinghaiensis (isolate name: JSF 19-2), Halomonas alkaliantarctica (isolate name: JSF 21), Bacillus velezensis (isolate name: NWFY-36), and Staphylococcus capitis subsp. urealyticus (isolate name: MSY-5), showed all enzyme activity tested. Moreover, 17 strains showed the ability for auxin production. This result indicated that isolated strains have shown the possibility of the application for the food and feed industries. Therefore, this study has contributed to securing domestic biological resources and the improvement of hydrolytic enzyme activity by using isolated strains.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to establish spring sowing techniques in preparation for the impacts of climate change on sowing time and wintering rates of winter forage crops such as barley, oat and IRG. Oat showed the highest yield in 2017 which had relatively dry climate condition. And when sowing in late Febrnary 2017 yielding 9,408kg/ha were obtained, yielding 4,011kg/ha more than IRG's sown in the same period. In 2018 which had relatively wet climate condition, four barley species decreased in the production from the previous year. Oat also had decreased by 70% from 9,408kg/ha to 2,851kg/ha. On the other hand, IRG maintained the production in the mid-5,000kg/ha range. It was also found that IRG had the least variability due to external influences regardless of seeding period for 2 years. Mixed sowing with IRG and oat in 50:50 ratio was the highest dry matter, 6,584kg/ha, and IRG was 18.5% and Oat was 2.3 times higher than single planting.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to study the effects of different environmental conditions and cultivation techniques on productivity of forage corn in central and southern area of Korea on 2017 and 2018. Average dry matter yield of forage corn at 34 cultivation regions was 13,510kg/ha. Forage productivity of forage corn cultivated at actual production sites have positive correlation with cultivation techniques(p<0.01) but not correlated with cultivation environments. Forage productivity of forage corn have positive correlation with seeding techniques(p<0.01) but not correlated with fertilization techniques. These results suggest that practices of cultivation techniques are more important than cultivation environments for increasing the forage productivity of forage corn. Therefore, yield prediction techniques of forage corn in Korea have to be considered the practices of cultivation techniques along with soil and climate conditions.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Environmental conditions are important in increasing the fruit sugar content and productivity of the new cultivar Autumn Sense of Actinidia arguta. We analyzed various soil properties at experimental sites in South Korea. A Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed between the soil properties and sugar content or productivity of Autumn Sense. Further, a decision tree was used to determine the optimal soil conditions. The difference in the fruit size, sugar content, and productivity of Autumn Sense across sites was significant, confirming the effects of soil properties. The decision tree analysis showed that a soil C/N ratio of over 11.49 predicted a sugar content of more than 7°Bx at harvest time, and soil electrical capacity below 131.83 μS/cm predicted productivity more than 50 kg/vine at harvest time. Our results present the soil conditions required to increase the sugar content or productivity of Autumn Sense, a new A. arguta cultivar in South Korea.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        장미는 소비자 기호도가 빠르게 변화하는 화종으로서 소비 트렌드 변화에 대응하고 로열티 지출 부담을 줄이고자 전북농업기술원에서 향기가 있고 수량성이 우수한 절화용 복색 스탠다드 ‘Blondie’를 육성하였다. 2013년 ‘Regato’를 모본으로, ‘Cherry Brandy’를 부본으로 인공교배를 실시한 후 74개 종자를 획득하여 53 실생 개체를 얻었다. 2014~2015년 특성 평가를 통해 개화가 균일하고 향기가 있으며 생산성이 우수한 ‘R132093-45’ 계통을 선발하였고, 2016년부터 2년 동안 특성검정, 기호도 평가 및 생산력 검정을 통하여 ‘Blondie’ 품종으로 육성하였다. ‘Blondie’는 오렌지와 살구색 복색 화색(O24C, R36D)의 겹꽃 스탠다드 계열로 향기가 있고, 신초는 안토시아닌 색소가 강하게 발현되며, 엽 형태는 중간 타원형, 엽색은 진한 녹색(N137A), 잎 표면의 광택은 강하다. 꽃 모양은 불규 칙한 원형이고 꽃 측면에서 본 윗부분과 아랫부분은 모두 평평한 고유특성을 가진다. ‘Blondie’의 소화폭은 9.4cm로 대조 품종(‘Hera’)보다 작고 꽃잎수도 36.7개로 적었으며, 가시 발생 정도, 절화장, 경경 및 엽 생육은 유사하였다. ‘Blondie’의 절화 수명과 기호도 평가는 대조품종인 ‘Hera’보다 우수하였으며, ㎡당 연평균 절화량은 150.3본으로 대조품종보다 18.4본 더 많았다. ‘Blondie’ 품종은 2019년 7월 22일 신품종보호권이 최종 등록(등록번호: 제7824호)되었다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We examined the adaptability of Korean winter forage crops such as Italian ryegrass, barley, oat, and triticale in Uzbekistan. The overall growth before wintering was slightly different between Uzbekistani and Korean varieties, but there was no significant difference among winter forage crops. The heading date of the Korean triticale 'Shinyoung' was the earliest, (April 4), and the heading date of the Uzbekistani triticale 'Frack cerebristy' was quite late, (April 25). The heading date of the Korean Italian ryegrass 'Kowinearly' was four days earlier than that of 'Kowinmaster,' on April 13, and that of the Korean barley ‘Youngyang’ and ‘Yuyeon’ were five days earlier than that of the Uzbekistani barley ‘Bolgaly’. The maximum dry matter yield of winter forage crop was from Uzbekistan triticale, 'Frack cerebristy', which was 13,536 kg/ha. The dry matter yield of Uzbekistan barley was 8,222 kg/ha. Compared with Uzbekistan barley, 'Bolgaly', yields of Korean barley 'Youngyang' and 'Yuyeon', Korean oat 'Samhan', and Korean Italian ryegrass 'Kowinearly' and 'Kowinmaster' were 59∼64%, 125%, and 113∼133%, respectively.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of waterlogging duration on the growth characteristics and productivity of forage corn at different growth stages under paddy field conditions. Treatments consisted of waterlogging at two growth stages (V7 or V14) for four waterlogging durations (no waterlogging, 48 hours, 72 hours, and 96 hours, respectively). The V14 growth stage was more vulnerable to waterlogging than the V7 stage. Among the waterlogging durations, the lodging score increased at 48 hours. The stem height of forage corn decreased with the increase in waterlogging duration at the different growth stages (V7 and V14). Increase in waterlogging duration reduced the stem dry matter yield, ear dry matter yield, and total dry matter yield at both growing stages (V7 and V14). The waterlogging treatments at the V14 stage affected ear dry matter yield more than those at the V7 growing stage. Thus, the management of forage corn under paddy field conditions must be strengthened during early (V7) and grain fill stages (V14). When waterlogging occurs, surface and subsurface drainage should be implemented within 48 hours to control (no waterlogging) the groundwater level and, thus, minimize economic losses due to forage corn damage.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to breed a very early maturing variety of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in Grassland and Forage Crops Division, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA, Cheonan 2015-2017. The new variety of Italian ryegrass, ‘Green call 2ho’ is a diploid variety with green in leaf color and has semi-erect growth habit in late autumn and erect growth habit in early spring, ‘Green call 2ho’ was in heading date as a early-maturing variety April 24. Also ‘Green call 2ho’ was narrower by 2 mm in flag leaf width, longer by 2.5 cm in flag leaf length and shorter by 3 cm in plant height than those of the control variety, ‘Florida 80’, respectively. ‘Green call 2ho’ was also thicker by 0.33 mm in stem thickness and strong in winter hardness. Dry matter (DM) yield (11,688 kg/ha) of ‘Green call 2ho’ was 7% higher than that of ‘Florida 80’. Total digestible nutrient (TDN), crude protein (CP) and relative feed value (RFV) of ‘Green call 2ho’ were 61.3 %, 9.8 % and 98.2, respectively which are 2.6, 0.6, and 8.4 % higher, respectively than those of ‘Florida 80’, respectively. Acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of ‘Green call 2ho’ were 34.9 and 58.5 % which are 3.3 and 2.7 % lower than those of ‘Florida 80’, respectively.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        팔당호 수변지역 내 부유조류와 부착조류의 일차생산력은 부착조류의 일차생산력이 더 높게 나타났다. 따라서 수변 지역이나 하천에서는 부착조류에 의한 유기물 생성이 주요한 수생태계 에너지 공급원이 될 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구를 통해 국내에서 처음으로 지표색소의 생산속도 분석결과가 제시되었는데 향후 일차생산력을 측정하는 데 있어서 조류의 총 일차생산력으로 국한된 측정 방법을 좀 더 세분화 하여 특정 조류의 기여도 및 개별 생산력을 판단하는 데 유용하게 사용될 것으로 사료된다.
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