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        검색결과 174

        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동사복사 구문은 현대 중국어에서 비교적 특이한 구조를 갖는 문형이다. 본고는 동사복사 구문의 화용론적 가치를 다각도로 연구하였으며 아래와 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 동사복사 구문은 정보구조에 따라 구조 강제형과 정보 보충형으로 나눌 수 있다. 구조 강제형은 정보 전달 시 반드시 동사복사 구문을 이루어야 한다. 그 구조를 이루는 성분으로는 다른 구문을 만들 수 없다. 정보 보충형은 전달하는 정보의 모호성이나 정보의 결함을 보충 설명하기 위해 구성되는 동사복사 구문이다. 둘째, 문장초점의 각조에서 보면, 동사복사 구문은 독특한 특징을 지닌다. 본고는 동사복사 구문을 기타 의미가 같은 문형으로의 변환과 비교를 통해 동사복사 구문의 화용론적 가치를 탐구하였다. 동사복사 구문은 다른 문형에 비해 문장의 초점을 쉽게 나타낼 수 있고 또 자연스럽다는 특징을 가진다. 셋째, 말을 통해 어떤 의미를 전달할 때 그 의미를 담는 문형 선택은 화자의 자유인 듯하다. 그러나 말을 할 때의 언어 환경이나 화자의 인지적인 면을 고려한다면, 화자의 문형 선택은 결코 임의적으로 이루어지는 것은 아니다. 동사복사 구문도 실제 운용될 때 언어 환경적인 요소와 화자의 인지적인 요소의 두 측면에서의 제약을 받는다.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        베이징은 중국역대의 유명한 도시로서 알려져 있지만, 대부분 도시 속에 거주하지만 도시를 혐오하는 중국의 지식인에게 이 도시는 친근하고 향토감을 느낄 수 있는 도시로서 중국지식인의 이 도시에 대한 사랑을 여러 글에서 찾을 수 있다. 베이징은 사람과 도시 간에 역사와 깊이 있는 문화로 연결되어 있었다. 그러나 이제는 베이징과 베이징인의 문화적 경험의 공감과 정감의 그 전원적인 세계는 존재하지 않는다. 문화적 기억이 상실된 대도시 형상이 사실상 현실의 베이징의 진실한 모습이다. 그래서 최근의 문화서술 속에서는 베이징에 대한 향수가 시작되어진다고 할 수 있다. 앞에서 언급한 铁凝의 《永远有多远》이라는 질문, 즉 일찍이 풍부한 역사와 문화전통을 가진 베이징이 과연 자신의 기억을 보존할 수 있겠느냐의 물음은 답이 없다고 할 수도 있을 것이다. 그러나 이글을 쓰면서 확고한 신념과 같은 것이 느껴졌는데, 베이징은 현대화 과정의 어떠한 급격한 변화와 통제 속에서도 여전히 문화의 중심지일 것이라는 생각이다. 예술에의 열정으로 베이징을 유랑하는 주변인 예술가(현시점에서는 이미 그들을 주변인이라고 할 수도 없지만, 왜냐하면 장위엔, 왕샤오솨이, 지아장커 그들은 이미 중국과 세계 영화세계에서 자신의 위치가 확고하기 때문이다) 와 그 후대인들이 베이징에서 중국미래의 문화를 새롭게 창조해갈 것이라는 생각이 들기 때문이다. 그리고 이미 사라진 베이징 전통문화는 중국 당대인의 정신적 필요에 의해서 매 시기 마다 그 시기의 담론의 내용에 의해서 재건립 될 것이다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Korea, nation and nationalism are undeniable justice, absolute virtue andmoreover system of desire. From the late Chosun Dynasty when the Korean Peninsula hadto survive from the critical situation of being the arena of competition, and through thecolonial period under Japanese imperialism, nationalism became stronger as a logic ofsurvival. The policy of seclusion under closed and exclusive nationalism that didn’trecognize the world situation well enough, eventually gave more pain to the nation.Nationalism in colonial Korea which was as reformed nationalism and on the other hand,as intransigent, resisting nationalism. Since the purpose of this writing is not for clarifyingthe argument raised on Korean nationalism, there is no use mentioning how it went withthe change of time. But we have to focus on the fact that the word‘nation’whichappeared under the influence of popular revolution and capitalism meaning‘a group ofpeople’, was translated and understood as a racial concept for strengthening the unity of‘single-race nation with five thousand years’history. First of all, there is nationalism used to fortify the system. ‘The Charter of NationalEducation’and‘The Pledge of Allegiance’were ornaments to intensify the ruling ideologyand dictatorship to militarize entire South Korea for‘settling Korean democracy’professednationalism. Also, another ruling ideology armed with‘self-reliance’put North Korea intothe state of hypnosis called nationalism. Nationalism, claiming‘nation’outwardly, but inreality, being an illuminating, instructing ideology isolating each other was indeed a bodywith two faces. This made‘nation’in Korea mysterious and objective through work suchas. The statue commemorating patriotic forefathers’and picture of national records’inSouth Korea art. Nationalism used to strengthening the system encountered the magical‘single-race’and made‘ghost’being an extreme exclusion to other nations. We can findpedigreed pureness not allowing any mixed breeds from the attitude accepting western art-via Japan or directly- and making it vague by using the word Korean and Asia. There’s nationalism as a resistant ideology to solidify the system on the other side. Itcame out as a way of survival among the Great Power and grew with the task of nationalliberation to became as a powerful force facing against the dictatorship dominating SouthKorea after the liberation. This discussion of nationalism as a resistance ideology was activein 1980s. In 1980, democracy movement against the dictatorship of 5th Republic originatedfrom military power which came out suppressing the democratic movement in Gwangju,spread out from the intellects and the students to the labors, farmers and the civilians. It is well known that the‘Nation-People(Minjoong)’s Art Movement could come out under thissocial condition. Our attitude toward nationalism is still dual in this opening part of 21st century. Onone hand, they are opposing to the ultra-nationalism but are not able to separate it fromnationalism, and on the other, they have much confusion using it. In fact, in a single-racenation like Korea, the situation of being nationalism and jus sanguinis together can causedual nationalism. Though nationalism is included in the globalization order, it is evidence that it’seffective in Korea where there are still modern fetters like division and separation. Inparticular, in the world where Japan makes East Asia Coalition but exposed in front ofnationalism, and China not being free from Sinocentrism, and American nationalism takingthe world order, and Russia fortifying nationalism suppressing the minority race after thedissolution of socialism, Korean nationalism is at the point to find an alternative plansuperior to the ruling and resisting ideology.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the evaluation of its intellectual activities and abilities is done by curator’s capabilities, planning exhibition is very important as the final result achieved by their own knowledge, information, and research. ARPA(Advanced Research Project on Arts) is suggested as the system which enables curators responding simultaneously to the society in the times, based on its special characteristics. If this system settles well, which means that the curators at NMCA(National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea) play their roles as the professionals in each of their fields, the goal of consolidating the status of museum as the representative national museum, and building up competent department of curators, will be achieved at the same time. To clarify above, the curators set up the various assignments of research about the types of arts such as painting, Korean painting, sculpture, installation, new-media, design, craft, photogarphy, architecture, etc. And they establish the art objects classified by the regions, such as the Northern American, Southern American, European, Asian, and other Third World countries. They elaborate art objects more on the history, the work, the artist, and the issue of contemporary art. Furthermore, when the curators devote deeper study to those research subjects, they can have the opportunities to design an exhibition upon the research.Today, the museum of art is ‘The Place for Communication and Encounter’, it is regarded important to share the aesthetical, creative values with current artists, and to understand mutually with the spectators. It is needed to improve the curator’s work, in order to meet the demands of the times and even to advance. Because the form of ‘exhibition’ is the tool that reveals the identity NMCA aiming at, the motivation, the development, and the realization should be leaded by the curators, who are the mainstream of the museum. ARPA is a system for identifying the exhibition like mentioned above . The main purpose of this system is to produce synergy effect, having the researching, collecting work in liaison with planning exhibition. ARPA will be able to improve the quality of exhibition through the way of developing the exhibition, passing through the stable process in the long run. So far, I have referred to a new paradigm of the exhibition design at NMCA via ARPA. Yet, there still remain missions in reality, such as analyzing the previous exhibition and reshuffling personnel and system, which should be done. When these matters settled, these plans would be suggested practically. At this point, it is the most significant that NMCA is attempting to let others aware of the importance of exhibition planning based on research. when the ARPA and exhibition planning is conjoined together successfully, the competent exhibition will be achieved, which can offer a meaningful exhibition to the art world, strengthen infra structure thru exchanging with public museum in the region, and eventually, establish a network with museum in foreign countries.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the features of the avant-garde architecture in the end of the 20th Century based on the ontology as a metalanguage. In view of the results so for achieved, it is possible to say that the thought of becoming, topology, rhizome thought and the Deleuze's concepts of the fold and the event as ever-changing and evolving at any given time are found in the avant-garde architecture, and the introduction of ontological thought into architectural design encourage hopes for a more natural and existential quality in architecture. However, the avant-garde architecture in the end of the 20th century disclosed the limitation in the architectural expression of ontological thought due to the lack of fully understand on ontology. In conclusion, the ontological approach in architecture offers a new morphological methodology and a new way of programming considering the existential aspect of space through the bricoleur's means leaving the ontological meaning of architecture itself.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates morphological theory as an intellectual framework for research and design. The first part of the paper will review morphological studies in the fields of urban geography, urban planning and architecture, particularly in England from the 1940s to the 1980s. While urban geographers and planners were concerned primarily with town plans, building forms and land use, architectural theoreticians were more interested in the topological relationship between urban and architectural space. The underlying premises and principles of these two approaches will be reviewed. The second part of the paper will focus on typology in Europe and North America. The reinterpretation of typology by Italian architects helped to bridge the gap between individual elements of architecture and the overall form of the city. However, typological theory became less accessible in post-war England and the United States. After 1980, the debate on typology became muted by the onset of vague notions such as functionalism, bio-technical determinism, and contextualism. This paper will propose a redefinition of morphology as a heuristic device, in contrast with the dichotomic view of urban morphology and architectural typology. Morphology will be shown to combine the geometrical and topological; the intentional and accidental; the real and abstract; and a priori and a posteriori. The last part of the paper discusses the lack of comparative theories and methods surrounding the physical form of architecture and the city by Korea commentators. Empirically rooted facility planning, non-comparative historical studies, and iconographic criticism emerged as a central preoccupation of architectural culture between the 1960s and 1980s, a time when international debate on architecture and urbanism was most intense. This paper will give consideration to the built environment as a dynamic physical entity and space as an epiphenomenon of daily urban life, such that collaboration between urban designers, architects, and landscape architects is seen as both beneficial and necessary.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this article is to delve into the problems of originality of the artwork by examining issues of reproduction within the contemporary art market. In contemporary arts, especially in terms of art production and consumption, we can’t overlook society and its economic structure and its connection with of capitalism. As the purity of art creation has turned into an exchange value, art, especially an object as artwork, has fallen into the status of production in an economic marketing system. Walter Benjamin mainly referred to that point in his thesis Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, which originated the sociology of plastic arts. This thesis, published in 1936, traced how the artistic functions of photograph and movie had been changed through the social development. His main concerns were movie and photograph but what I am concentrating from his point of view, is that even in the field of plastic arts, the manufacture of reproduction has been practiced as a primary method within the social and political contexts and development. Though I am referring to this in the main body of this article, reproduction in contemporary art strongly needs a new definition since it has been spread all over like a newest virus, not only by collector’s personal taste or but also by commercial circulations of these reproductions to the public. This relates to Benjamin’s argument about the value of an exhibition at a museum(Ausstellungswert). Since the function of an artwork has been one of cultural industry, the manufacturing of reproduction raises unexpected problems, such as, the originality of the artwork, the value of an exhibition at a museum, its achievement as documentary and as a territory of art criticism. In this point of view, I want to inquire into the value and criteria of an exhibition in contemporary art through the review of the definitions and the intrinsic attributes of reproduction. Somehow in a broad sense, the reproduction is a product coming out of representation or copy (replica) of an original art work or an model. Therefore, the problems it presents differ from the Simulacre, which is an image without an original one. In terms of the Meanings of reproduction, we can distinguish it as reproductions, copies, and productions. These types of reproductions are not the original artworks reflected by the creative intention of the artists. For example, a publishing company reproduced some of lithographs of Salvador Dali in the 1960s. They are commercial copies in the form of representation or reproduction with no artistic and creative intention of the artist. However, In despite of this theoretical basis, reproductions of the famous artists are still displayed without any verification for of the public’s quest for the artworks. Moreover, many commercial companies that are planning to exhibit art works of the world-famous artists only for their profits keep trying to speak ill of and judging by the law the honest art critics’ articles which discuss the true values of exhibition. If freedom of expression is one of the ideals of democracy, even the judgment of the originality of the artworks should be freely expressed.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 20세기 후반 건축을 선두로 문학, 미술, 철학등 각 예술 분야에 대두된 포스트모더니즘의 미학을 중심으로 동양 현대음악의 시간적 구조를 살펴본 연구이다. 음악에 있어서 포스트모더니즘은 르네상스 이후 서양음악의 불문율로 여겨왔던 "목적 지향적 시간론(goal-oriented notion of time)"을 파기하고, 새로운 시간개념의 도입을 가능케 한 중요한 논리적 배경이 되었다. 특히 동양적 에토스(ethos)에 근거한 동양 현대 작곡가들의 작품들은 흔히 서양적 관점에서 보면 "목적 지향적 시간구조"의 결여로 이해되어져, 서양 예술론을 적용하기보다는 "이국적 정서(exoticism)" 혹은 "오리엔탈리즘"으로 이해되어져 왔다. 그러나 이 새로운 음악적 시간개념은 동-서양 현대작곡가의 작품을 하나의 통일된 예술론으로 이해할 수 있는 중요한 인식변화를 가져왔다. 이 논문을 통하여 필자는 포스트모던 건축학자 로보트 스턴(Robert Stern)의 "전통적 (Traditional) 포스트모더니즘과 분리파적(Schismatic) 포스트모더니즘론," 레오날드 마이어의 "비목적론적 시간론(NOn-teleology)"등을 바탕으로 포스트모더니즘의 한 시간적 특성을 "시간의 해방(the Emancipation of time)"으로 정의하였다. 한편, 동양철학이나 예술에 나타난 시간적 구조는 "순화적 시간(Circular Time)"과 "초월적 시간(Transcendental Time)"으로 구분 짓고, 그 들의 이중적 혹은 다중적 사용-시간의 이중성(Double Perception of Time)을 서양 포스트모더니즘 시간 구조와 비교, 고찰하였다. 필자는 이 논제를 위하여 일본의 도-루 타케미츠(Toru Takemitsu), 한국의 필자 자신, 중국의 탄 둔(Tan Dun)등 극동의 세 작곡가를 선택하여, 그들 작품에 나타난 음악적 시간구조를 분석하였다. 즉, 이 세 동양작곡가들 작품에 나타난 시간적 특성을 중심으로 그들의 창작과정이나 작품, 음악어법 등을 포스트모니즘이라는 새로운 시각으로 재조명하였다.
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