
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 252

        2008.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 평택지역 토성 중 성벽이 조사 된 琵琶山城, 德睦里城, 龍城里城, 武城山城, 農城을 대상으로 삼았다. 이 지역 토성은 축조방식에서 기저부에 점질토를 조성한다는 공통점이 있다. 그러나 차이점은 중심토루를 조성하기 위한 기단석축의 유무와 판축공정 및 구성재료가 토성마다 다르다는 것이다. 기단석축은 비파산성과 덕목리성에서 확인되었다. 이들 성은 판축으로 중심토루를 구성하였다. 비파산성과 덕목리성은 축조방식과 출토유물 등을 통해 보면 통일신라 시대에 축조된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 중심토루가 판축이 아닌 경우는 용성리성, 농성, 무성산성 등이었다. 이들 성들은 해자 혹은 내측 구를 파며 나온 토사로 성벽을 축조했음을 알 수 있었다. 그 중 무성산성은 점토보다는 자갈과 석재를 혼합하여 중심토루를 조성하였다. 비파산성은 통일신라시대에 축조되어 광종 대에는 크게 활용되었던 것으로 보인다. 비파산성은 거성현의 치소로써 자미산성에서 그 역할을 옮겨온 것으로 보인다. 통일신라시대에서의 비파산성은 자미산성과 무성산성과 더불어 안성천 하구변의 해안방어와 해로교통망 확보를 위해 활용되었다. 덕목리성은 통일신라시기 이 지역에 인구가 집중하면서 축조되었다. 새로운 촌락과 행적적인 거점을 위해 축조된 것으로 여겨진다. 그리고 동성과 서성으로 토성이 붙어있는 특이한 구조이다. 용성리성은 고려후기에 아산만 일대로 진출한 왜구들로 부터 비파산성을 방비하기 위해 축조된 것으로 보인다. 고려시대 후기에는 무성과 자미산성, 용성리성은 남북으로 연계하는 구조로 비파산성을 방비하고 있다. 농성은 고려후기 혹은 조선시대 초기에 축성된 것으로 추정된다. 왜구가 습격해 올 때에만 사용되었던 것으로 보인다. 왜냐하면 농성의 구조가 인근주민이 장기간 立保하여 전투를 치르기에 적합하지 않기 때문이다.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The techniques for the collection, cooling and freezing of semen and artificial insemination of horses are not fully understood in Korea. We investigated the percentages of total motile (TM) and progressively motile (PM) sperms after the collection, cooling and freezing of stallion semen. The average volume of semen was 167 ml in Thoroughbred and 68 ml in Arab. The average numbers of spermatozoa in Thoroughbred and Arab were and respectively. The average percentages of TM and PM were 82.3% and 88.6% in Thoroughbred, and 61.4% and 82.6% in Arab, respectively. The average percentage of TM at 4 hr after cooling at was significantly lower than that at 0 hr (<), but the percentage of PM was similar between 66.5 and 73.2% at 0, 1, and 4hr. The average percentage of frozen-thawed Thoroughbred semen frozen in MFR5 extender was 56.2%, which was significantly higher than that of the semen frozen in LE extender (average 32.9%, p<0.05). The percentage of TM in Arab was similar for semen frozen in MFR5 extender and LE extender (18.2% and 21.2%, respectively), but the percentage of PM was significantly higher in sperm frozen in MFR5 extender than in sperm frozen in LE extender (69.0% vs. 36.4%, p<0.05). Four mares were artificially inseminated by Thoroughbred frozen-thawed semen and one of them fertilized at 11 day after artificial insemination. In this study, the collection, cooling and freezing of equine semen were possible under domestic conditions.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고흥지역 일대에 분포하는 백악기 화강암을 대상으로 석영내에 발달해 있는 아문미세균열을 측정하여 연구지역의 고응력장을 분석하였다. 5개의 시료(GH-1, GH-3, GH-4, GH-5, GH-8)에서 아문미세균열들의 방향을 측정하여 분석한 결과, GH-1, GH-3, GH-4에서 최대수평주응력은 N60˚W와 N70˚E, N20˚W, N50˚W의 방향성이 가장 우세하였으며, N-S와 N30˚E의 방향성도 미약하게 나타났다. GH-5와 GH-8시료에서는 최대수평주응력의 방향 N40˚E와 N10˚E가 가장 우세하였고, N40˚W의 방향성도 미약하게 나타났다 전체적인 최대수평주응력의 방향은 N60˚W가 가장 우세하였으며, N20˚W, N20˚E, N70˚E등의 방향성도 미약하게 나타났다. 이 연구의 결과와 기존의 고등력장에 관한 연구결과를 종합해 볼 때, 백악기 말에서 신생대 3기 초 사이 연구지역에 작용한 최대수평주응력의 방향은 WNW에서 NE로 변화했을 것으로 판단되며, 그 원인으로는 그 당시 동북아시아 일대에 일어났던 복잡한 지구조운동에 기인한 것으로 사료된다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the storytelling performance of Korean elementary school students by using the framework of narrative assessment profile (Bliss, McCabe, & Miranda, 1998). Story samples were collected from ten six-grade students during the English storytelling class. The English storytelling class consisted of mini lesson, storytelling activity, storytelling practice and self-assessment. Every class student was asked to practice storytelling in performing three tasks: picture book, family photo, and story stem. In this study, family photo storytelling samples were used to investigate. They were analyzed from six dimensions: topic maintenance, event sequencing, explicitness, referencing, conjunctive cohesion and fluency. From the diagnostic profile of strengths and weaknesses, five types of storytelling performance were presented. The implications for classroom practice and assessment were discussed.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Das Thema zum Verhältnis zwischen Israel und Völker steht im Grund der alttestamentlichen bzw. biblischen Diskussionen als ein Beispiel der Frage nach der Beziehungen zwischen ‘Subjekt’ und ‘Objekt’ der Mission im Bezirk der Missionstheologie. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht es vor allem um das Verhältnis zwischen Israel und den Völkern im Sicht der Komposition des ganzen Jesajabuches im Sinne seiner Endgestalt. Diese methodische Interesse fragt sich nicht danach, wie, von wie vielen Verfassern und in welchen verschiedenen Zeiten unser Text geschrieben bzw. in seine jetzige Endgestalt zusammengefasst wurde. Vielmehr fragt sie danach, wie sich der vorliegende Text in seiner jetzigen Endform verstehen lässt. Eine spezifische Vorstellung des Jesajabuches für den Begriff ‘Bund für das Volk’ und ‘Licht der Völker’ im Sinne der Frage nach der Problematik zwischen Israel und den Völkern ist insbesondere in Jes 42 und 49 in den sogenannte Gottesknechtliedern zu finden. Zusammenfassend hat der Gottesknecht als Verkörperung des Bundes das Ziel des Heils der Völker. Das Volk Israel spielt dabei die Rolle eines Vermittlers für das Heil der Völker. Dennoch bedeutet das Heilslicht Israels für die Völker durch die Verkörperung des Bundes ganz und gar keine Einbeziehung der Völker im Bund. Das Heil der Völker wird weder durch Ausweitung des Bundes auf die Völker noch durch ihre Aufnahme in diese Verkörperung des Bundes erschienen. Andererseits hat das Volk Israel als die Verkörperung des Bundes eine eigene Verpflichtung als Licht zum Heil der Völker. Es ist merkwürdig, dass die Frage nach der theologischen Bedeutung der Voraussetzung für das Licht des Volkes Israel als Heil der Völker kaum beachtet wird. In der Tat kommen ‘Licht’-Motive im Zusammenhang mit einer Heilsansage für das Volk Israel sehr häufig im ganzen Jesajabuch vor. ‘Licht‘ als Motiv für das Heil bzw. die Wiederherstellung des Volkes erweist sich als ein wichtiger Hinweis auf die einheitliche Komposition des ganzen Jesajabuches. Aber das Licht als Heilszeichen für das Volk Israel bzw. seine Wiederherstellung bezieht sich über das Heil Israels hinaus auf das Heil der Völker. Das Volk Israel soll für das Heil der Völker zuerst selbst zum Licht werden(42:6; 49:6). Dieses Licht Israels ist das Licht ihrer Gerechtigkeit für die Völker, weil die Völker sehen werden, dass in Zion/Jerusalem das Licht der Gerechtigkeit praktiziert wird(62,1f.). Das ganze Jesajabuch wird vor allem durch Anfang(Jes 1:2-2:4) und Ende(Jes 65:17-66:24) des Buches mit mehreren Bezügen umklammert. Dies fordert vom Leser, das Buch von Anfang bis Ende mit voller Aufmerksamkeit durchzulesen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass das ganze Jesajabuch in seiner gesamten Konzeption absichtlich eine Komposition bildet. Das heisst, dass das Zion/Jerusalem allererst gereinigt bzw. in Recht und Gerechtigkeit für die dorthin strömenden Völker gebracht werden muss. Es wird nämlich vor allem die Durchsetzung der Gerechtigkeit bzw. des Friedens Israels für das Heil der Völker bzw. allen Fleisches vorausgesetzt. Der Grund für die Völkerwallfahrt nach Zion liegt darin, dass die Tora Jhwhs aus Zion kommt, es darüber hinaus in Zion Frieden und Freude gibt. In diesem ewigen Friedensort gibt es kein Böses mehr, weil gegen die Feinde Jhwhs das ewige Gericht angekündigt wird. Nun beginnt dort ein neues Leben. Das ist das Leben für alle Menschheit aus Israel und Nicht-Israel in der neuen Schöpfung. Die Problematik der Gerechtigkeit bzw. des Friedens in Zion und damit Israel wird ein Kriterium für das Heil der Völker, weil sie dorthin strömen. Daher wird zur Erschaffung dieser neuen Erde als eine eschatologische Heilsvision besonders für die Völker zuerst die Durchsetzung der Gerechtigkeit Israels immer vorausgesetzt. Ohne diesen Gedanken geht der Sinn der gewollten Komposition des Abschlusses des Jesajabuches im Ganzen verloren. Insbesondere spricht die Neuschöpfung Gottes in Zion nicht von der zukünftigen Erwartung, sondern von der aktuellen Gegenwart, die man jetzt sehen kann. Das heisst, dass auf der erschaffenen neuen Erde die Problematik der sozialen Ungerechtigkeit nicht von der Hoffnung auf irgend eine Zukunft verdrängt, sondern hier und jetzt beseitigt werden soll. Die im Jesajabuch entfalteten Forderungen zur Praxis der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gelten. Ja, für hier und jetzt für das Gottesvolk Israel selbst! Dies zeigt sich, was die erste Aufgabe für ‘Missio Dei’ in einer neuen Diskussion der Missiontheolgie ist.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the major themes and contents of studies on teaching English as an EFL in elementary schools in Korea since TEFLES (Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Elementary School) was first introduced in elementary schools as a regular subject under the 7th National Curriculum in 1997. For the purpose of the study, a total of 218 research was examined in terms of the research methods, topics and main contents, and implications. The results of the study show that more than a half of the research was oriented toward quantitative approach. In addition, the main foci were the effects of certain tasks, pronunciation, dramatization, the use of a variety of multimedia materials on elementary school students" speaking skills. However, a large number of studies dealt with speaking skills in an integrated manner with other factors such as language skills, motivation, interests, and confidence. On the basis of the results, pedagogical implications on the teaching of speaking skills are suggested.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 제주지역에서 말 방목에 적합한 혼파조합을 선발하기 위해 해발 450m에 위치한 한국마사회 경주마육성목장에서 티모시, 오차드그라슨 페레니얼 라이그라스 화본과 위주 초종으로 혼파 파종하여 2년 간 말(더러브렛)을 방목하면서 목초생산성, 식생변화 및 채식율 변화 등을 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 연간 총 건물생산량은 1, 2차년도에 관계없이 혼파조합 간 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으나 시기별에 따라 생산량 차이를 보였다. 식생은 페레니얼 라이그라스가
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한반도를 둘러싼 동아시아의 격동기였던 구한말부터 일제강점기에 이르는 19~20세기 초엽의 한반도 지도제작과정을 규명한 것이며, 한국지도발달사 중 고지도와 현대지도의 고리를 잇는 작업으로 자리매김할 수 있다. 일제는 1884년부터 한반도에 육군참모본부 간첩대를 파견하여 지도를 제작하기 시작하였고, 국가기본도인 1:5만 축척의 지형도는 3차에 걸쳐 간행되었다. 제1차 지형도는 간첩대를 파견하여 비밀측량과 같은 주권국가에 대한 불법행위를 무릅쓰고 간행된 것이며, 제2차 지형도는 기존의 제1차 지형도를 삼각측량에 의해 개측하거나 새롭게 측량한 것이고, 제3차 지형도는 식민지정책인 토지조사사업의 일환으로 간행된 지도이다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the effects of Korean EFL learners’ motivation and anxiety on their English speaking skills with a structural equation approach. The participants of the study are 193 college students enrolled in English conversation classes. The questionnaire on learning orientations, attitudes toward the community of native speakers of English, motivational intensity, class satisfaction and anxiety are given to the college students and their English speaking skills are assessed in terms of IATEFL’s criteria: Range, ease of speech, attitude, delivery, and interaction. Reliability and factor analysis are employed to confirm the internal consistency of questionnaire items and the validity of construct, and a structural equation model is run to examine the relation of Korean EFL learners’ affective aspects to their English speaking skills. The findings of the study are as follows: (1) while Korean learners’ attitudes toward native speakers of English and their community do not contribute to their desire to learn English, their learning orientations are found to affect their desire to learn English. (2) class satisfaction and desire to learn English are found to affect learners’ efforts to learn English, while anxiety is found to negatively contribute to leaners’ motivation intensity. (3) both integrative orientation and anxiety have direct effects on English speaking skills, integrative orientation affirmatively but anxiety negatively. Based on the findings, some suggestions are given for effective second language learning and teaching.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        System L amino acid transporter is a major route for providing living cells with neutral amino acids including several essential amino acids. To elucidate the expression pattern of L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) in the bone formation process, the expressions of LAT1 and its subunit 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) were investigated in the healing process after the implantation of bone graft materials in the calvarial osseous defected rats. Circular calvarial defects (1 cm in diameter) were made midparietally. The rats were divided into 4 groups of 1 control group and 3 experimental groups. In the control group, the defect was only covered with soft tissue flap. In the experimental groups, they were filled with human particulate dentin (particulate dentin group), with plaster of Paris (plaster of Paris group) and with the mixture of human particulate dentin and plaster of Paris with ratio of 2 : 1 by weight (mixture group). The rats were sacrificed at the 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after operation and the RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemical analysis were performed. In the RT-PCR analysis, the mRNAs of LAT1 and 4F2hc were strongly detected in all 4 groups. In the immunohistochemical analysis, at 1 week after operation, the LAT1 protein and its subunit 4F2hc protein were mainly expressed in the osteoblasts, osteocytes and interstitial tissues of the around the defect and inner part of newly forming bone in all 4 groups. The expressions of LAT1 and 4F2hc proteins were decreased at 2 and 4 weeks after operation. The LAT1 and 4F2hc proteins were scarcely expressed at 8 weeks after operation in all 4 groups. These results suggest that the LAT1 and its subunit 4F2hc highly expressed at the early stage of new bone formation and may have an important role in providing cells with neutral amino acids including several essential amino acids at that stage.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was started with its consideration as materials showing original shapes of temple buildings in the late period of Chosun the photographs and drawings which contained in $\ulcorner$A Survey Report of Korean Architecture$\lrcorner$ made by Sekino Tadashi through his survey for 62 days(July 5${sim}$Sep. 4, 1902). Results of the study can be summarized as follows. During the period of Japanese occupation, Beomesa temple experienced frequent changes in building layout including the transfer and removal of buildings. Such frequent change began in spring, 1936 when a Buddhist monk of Beomeosa temple, Cha Woon Ho moved Gwaneumjeon, originally located to the light of the main building, to the left of the building and, on its original site, built up a 7-storied sarira tower. Though it is difficult to say that the study provides everything about Beomeosa temple, the researcher expects that the study would be the very basis on which changes in the building layout of the temple since the late period of Chosun can be researched. In conclusion, the researcher hopes that the above mentioned restoration plan would help originally restore or enlarge temples, further transmitting such restored or enlarged establishments as valuable cultural remains from generation to generation. In this respect, the researcher expects such restoration plan to be made in continuous and more detailed ways.