
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 293

        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper demonstrates the findings of an investigation into Korean secondary school English teachers’ practices and perceptions regarding writing instruction. The research employs in-depth interviews with a small number of teachers to identify: (a) teachers’ practices of writing instruction and assessment in the classroom; (b) teachers’ perceptions of writing instruction; (c) teachers’ evaluation of students’ writing abilities; and (d) teachers’ concerns or problems in teaching of writing. The results indicate that there exist discrepancies among teachers’ practices, perceptions, the National Curriculum and the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT): the curriculum provides writing goals that are too high for students; teachers cannot help focusing on low-level features of writing mainly due to students’ poor writing ability; and teachers and students do not have an urgent necessity to teach and learn writing, since writing is not tested in the CSAT. The paper concludes by providing implications and suggestions for future development of writing instruction in the Korean secondary school English classroom.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          For a sustainable development, the resources circulation system should be established and required alternative logistics area of enterprises. In this paper, we are to suggest a direction through analysis effects, and reduce, recycle, reuse factor of tra
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates key discursive practices constructed in English language teaching (ELT) in Korea and calls for the necessity of ‘criticality’ in theorizing, researching, and pedagogical practices. Utilizing a new qualitative research orientation of ‘bricolage’ (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005; Kincheloe, 2004) and critical discourse analysis (CDA; Fairclough, 1995), this paper engages in multi-methods of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the data. More specifically, some current issues related to ELT in Korea are juxtaposed critically with various historical, political, sociocultural, and economical factors. This is to investigate how these factors influence the formation of discursive practices regarding the NS-NNS dichotomy and ownership of English, teaching English for practicality, relationships between language, culture, and power, and neutralizing and depoliticizing key concepts in ELT. This paper suggests that ELT in Korea is a site in which multiple discourses are contesting to delineate particular ways of teaching and learning. Accordingly, this paper argues that ELT practitioners should be aware of the role of English as symbolic power and understand what is implicated in current discursive practices in ELT in order to possibly engage in more progressive pedagogy in line with Freirian consciousness-raising or problematizing practices for Korean learners of English.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate sanitary managment practices of institutional foodservice employees in Daejeon and Chungnam areas, and to suggest a guideline for an effective safety & sanitary managment of the institutional foodservice. The subjects consist of 782 employees in 80 institutional foodservice, respectively. The collected data was processed using the SPSS V.10.0 package for descriptive analysis. The results of this study were summarized as follows. The employees were female(97.2%), over 41 age(68.1%), high school(51.0%), less than 1-5 years(52.8%) of total career in the institutional foodservice. Employment status was contract(64.2%) and cook's certification w3s not applicable(80.1%). The institutional foodservice was over 1,000 number(65.0%) of average serving per day and operations format was direct(69.6%) management and 11-20 number of employees for cooking were 58.2%. Employees(96.0%) were received sanitation training and 82.4% of them have been monthly educated. Sanitation training instructor was dietitian 91.6%. The rating of sanitary management practices was food handling 4.36/5.00, food products management 4.32/5.00, personal hygiene 4.31/5.00, equipments and tools handing 4.18/5.00. The employees, who were educated in the sanitation training, presented significantly higher rates of the sanitary management practices than of the uneducated employess. Therefore, the institutional foodservice operations will have to pay special attention to sanitation training program of the employees. The suitable methods of sanitation training must be developed to improve the practical use of sanitary management by employees and institutional foodservice. Also, to enhance these practices, it is necessary to establish the countermeasure to care for safety & sanitary management of the institutional foodservice.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 초임 중등 과학 교사들이 과학 수업에서 학생들의 동기 유발과 학생 이해에 대해서 어떠한 지향을 하고 있으며, 그것이 실제 수업에서 어떻게 실행되고 있는지를 분석하는 것이다. 연구 참여자는 수도권 중 고등학교에서 근무하는 경력 1년 미만의 과학 교사 6명이다. 자료 수집은 수업 관찰 및 녹화, 구조화된 심층 면담과 우선순위 면담, 수업 자료를 통해 이루어졌다. 모든 수업과 면담 자료를 전사한 후, 분석틀에 맞추어 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 초임 과학 교사들은 동기 유발과 학생 이해에 관해 '관리 중심 과학 수업'에서부터 '전통적 과학 수업'까지 지향하고 있었으며, '구성주의적 과학 수업'은 지향하지 못하였다. 지향하는 바를 실행하는데 있어서 한명의 교사는 전문 단계의 실행 수준을 보여주었지만, 나머지 교사들은 초보 단계의 실행을 나타냈다. 본 연구를 통해 과학 교사들에게 동기 유발과 학생 이해에 관한 구성주의적 과학 수업의 방향을 제시해 줄 수 있을 것이다.
        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper considers various marked practices by which speakers of English refer to people, including themselves and others, when conversing with their interlocutors. It shows that parties in a conversation sometimes deploy marked ways of reference in order to accomplish various non-referential (i.e., interactional) undertakings. This paper aims to contribute not only to a better understanding of English speakers' referential practices, but also to the teaching of English to Korean leamers to whom these marked language use may not be well known. The knowledge of these marked uses can be a very useful interactional resource for the leamers and may obviate possible interactional troubles when they interact in the target culture.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        종합적 유해생물 관리(Integrated pest management)라는 용어가 최초로 제기된 것은 30년 전의 일이었다. 물론 그 기원은 방제에 있어서 생태학적 지식이 기초가 되어야 함을 주장하기 시작한 19세기 후반이었다. 그 후 종합적 유해생물관리의 개념은 해충 뿐 만 아니라 식물병이나 잡초 등 유해 생물 전반에 걸쳐 다양한 발전을 거듭하여 왔으며 그 철학은 식물보호학의 기본으로 확고한 자리를 잡게 되었다. IPM의 개념은 현재 널리 인식되어 있으나 그 개념의 내용이 다면적이기 때문에 연구자나 기술자들 간에도 상당한 혼란이나 오해가 있어 왔다. 본 논문은 이와 같은 이론상의 혼란을 정리하고 IPM의 이념과 기술개발 간에 존재하는 괴리를 해소하려 노력 하였다. 이러한 측면에서 개념 발달의 역사적 배경과 개념의 기본이 되고 있는 EIL의 개념을 설명하여 기본개념의 이해를 돕고 관리 수단의 합리적이고 효율적인 적용에 필수적인 해충 개체군 생태학과 관련 표본조사법과 밀도변동동태를 논하여 이론발전을 위한 중요한 연구 방향을 논하였다. 한편 IPM의 이론이나 실험적 연구가 아무리 발전하여도 IPM은 과학이기 이전에 기술이기 때문에 그것을 사용하는 현장의 조건에 맞는 것이어야 하며 그러기 위해서는 사용자인 농민에게 신속히 전달되어야 하며 현재와 같은 다양화된 농업생산 체제에서는 농민각자의 자발적 참여가 중요하다고 생각되며 우리나라 병해충 발생예찰 체제와의 관계에 대하여 단견을 피력하였다.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the role of interpretation with various practices in art museums to seek a new meaning and a concept of art museum today. The exploration of interpretation would be a starting point to discuss about on art museums with professionals in each art-related field. While museums recognize the concept of interpretation and the scope of the functions in different levels, the study focused on the practices of collecting and exhibiting that will entrust the museum new realms of activities toward the audience. In particular, its emphases are set force on the information on the collections via the museum’s web sites, interpretation policies, and theories and methodologies in exhibition development. Art museum websites well reflect how museums utilize the new medium to enhance the understanding of art works by providing in-depth art historical information, comprehensive contexts, and subject/concept based search methods. In recent decades, these have enacted changes to expand dimensions of interpretive functions in most museums, particularly in the United States and others. In an administrative perspective, Tate Gallery Interpretation Policy became an good example how an art museum put its interpretation philosophy as the basis of interpreting collection and public programs. Tate established functions of intrepretation and education not only within a task-based team but also as an intrer-divisional coorperation to provide an interpretation scheme of information provisions such as guide brochure, audio tour, multimedia content, and library. New environment and trends of museum exhibition, and its development processes stem from communication theories, object interpretation philosophy, display strategies, and various evaluation techniques through audiences. With the communication theories of Shannon and Weaver, Berlo’s SMCR(Source-Message-Channel-Receiver) models were perceived as to understand the mechanism to communicate museum exhibits to visitors. Suzan vogel’s insight into object display strategy helped to conceive the mechanism of object recontextualization. She emphasized that the museum’s practice to construe opinions and impressions through object display should be discreet and critical. therefore, the professionals to plan the exhibition should reveal the intention and their practices. For a prevailing new methodology from the field, the interpretive exhibition development processes are articulated as the front-end, formative, and summative evaluation, futhermore the team process in industrial product management models was adapted. These have turned out to be more interactive with visitors and effective to communicate the exhibition concepts and messages, hence resulting in enriched museum experiences. Finally the study concluded that understanding the aspects of interpretation should help art museums to set a framework for current practices to expand its public dimension. It can provide curators with a critical view to website planning and its content. And obviously, the interpretive exhibition development methodology will lead museum exhibition developers to be skilled in its current approaches to thematic exhibition concerning diverse subjects and topics.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the relationship between total quality management(TQM) practices and operational performance perceived by employees who are in different functional organization types, R&D function and Non-R&D function organization in manufactur
        2003.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the relationships between total quality management(TQM) practices and operational performance perceived by employees who are in different organization types, R&D organization and Non-R&D organization in manufacturing companies. Operational performance is defined as the degree of operation efficiency in the perspective of quality, delivery, and cost. Our study showed that the degree of TQM practice has significant difference in organization type. In case of R&D organization, the categories of customer focus and process management were the strongest significant predictors of operational performance. Therefore, the optimal TQM practices for R&D organization can be obtained in consideration of customer focus and process management.