Phosphine (PH3) fumigation has been widely used for controlling storedgrain insect pests, causing the development of resistance of stored-grain insect pests to phosphine. PH3 resistance in Sitophilus oryzae has been reported in Korea. However, PH3 resistance in Tribolium castaneum has not been reported yet. This study was conducted to determine susceptibilities of T. castaneum collected from five different domestic locations to PH3. The susceptibility to PH3 was investigated using the FAO fumigation method. All domestic T. castaneum individuals were controlled by PH3 at 0.04 g m-3. At 0.01 g m-3, T. castaneum collected from two domestic locations did not exhibit 100% mortality. A P45S point mutation in dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (dld) gene was found in a PH3-resistant strain of T. castaneum (Aus07), but not in five domestic stains or a PH3-susceptible strain (Aus10). No significant difference was found in dld or cyt-b5-r gene expression across all tested strains. However, the Gyeongju-collected strain of T. castaneum showed more than a 1.7-fold increase in cyt-b5-r expression compared to the Aus07 strain. cDNA sequence analysis revealed that P45S (C133T) in the dld gene was only present in Aus07. A characteristic single nucleotide polymorphism in the cyt-b5-r gene sequence was identified in the five domestic strains. This study suggests that it is necessary to continuously monitor PH3-susceptibility of T. castaneum in Korea to quickly identify resistant individuals and prevent the spread of PH3 resistance through rapid control.
This study aims to develop effective strategies for stimulating seafood consumption in the growing young children market, particularly at a time when interest in healthy eating is increasing. To achieve this, data from the 2023 survey on changes in seafood consumption behavior of 1,000 domestic consumers by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency were utilized. The analysis was conducted using an ordered probit model, along with T-tests and chi-square tests to examine the determinants of seafood consumption. The results indicated that the presence of young children in a household significantly influences seafood consumption. This is largely due to the perception that seafood is beneficial for the health and safety of infants and toddlers. Households with young children prioritize food safety and convenience, showing a preference for pre-processed seafood, while households without young children tend to purchase unprocessed seafood and prepare it themselves. This study highlights the impact of having young children on seafood consumption and purchasing behavior, providing valuable insights for the development of targeted seafood marketing strategies and policies.
Al-Mg-Si alloys are light weight and have excellent corrosion resistance, and are attracting attention as a liner material for high-pressure hydrogen containers in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Because it has excellent plastic hardening properties, it is also applied to car body panel materials, but it is moderate in strength, so research to improve the strength by adding Si-rich or Cu is in progress. So far, the authors have conducted research on the intergranular fracture of alloys with excessive Si addition from the macroscopic mechanical point of view, such as specimen shape. To evaluate their impact tensile properties, the split-Hopkinson bar impact test was performed using thin plate specimens of coarse and fine grain alloys of Al-Mg-X (X = Cr,Si) alloy. The effect of the shape of the specimen on the characteristics was studied through finite element method (FEM) analysis. As a result, it was found that the intergranular fracture of the alloy with excessive Si depended on the specimen width (W)/grain size (d), which can be expressed by the specimen size and grain size. As W/d decreases, the intergranular fracture transforms into a transgranular fracture. As the strain rate increases, the fracture elongation decreases, and the fracture surface of the intergranular fracture becomes more brittle. It was confirmed that intergranular fracture occurred in the high strain rate region even in materials with small grain sizes.
Human bitter taste-sensing type 2 receptors (hTAS2Rs) are expressed in various human tissues and may be associated with various cell signaling pathways, cell progression, and cell physiology in each tissue. hTAS2Rs can be a potential drug target because it is also expressed in some cancer cells. Xanthorrhizol (XNT) has various biological activities, such as anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. XNT produces a bitter taste, but the specific hTAS2R activated is unknown, and the hTAS2R-mediated effect of XNT on cancer cells has not been studied. This study discovered the target receptor of XNT among 25 hTAS2Rs and confirmed the possibility of the hTAS2R-mediated inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. XNT activated only one receptor, hTAS2R38 (EC50=1.606±0.021 g/mL), and its activity was inhibited by probenecid, a hTAS2R38 antagonist. When HepG2 and MCF-7 cells were treated with XNT or phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), a known hTAS2R38 agonist, both chemicals inhibited cancer cell proliferation. XNT targets the human bitter taste receptor TAS2R38 and inhibits the proliferation of HepG2 and MCF-7 cells mediated by TAS2R38. This suggests that TAS2R38 may be a new target for disease treatment and a potential new factor for drug development.
본 연구는 대승불교 경전인 『유마경』과 『승만경』에 나타난 여성관에 대하여 비교 고찰하고 여성에 대한 사상, 가치관과 위치를 탐구하고자 한 다. 『유마경』은 보살도의 실천이 대승불교 수행정신의 핵심을 강조하면서 세속의 적극적인 참여와 재가불교의 이상을 펼치고 중생의 평등적 깨달 음에 주목한다. 반면, 『승만경』은 여성의 깨달음의 가능성을 강조하며, 여래장(如來藏)사상을 담고 있다. 특히 승만 부인이 주인공으로 등장하여 여성의 적극적인 종교참여와 불교 내 여성의 역할과 여성도 남성과 동등 하게 깨달음을 얻을 수 있음을 보여준다. 본 연구는 두 경전에서 나타난 대승불교에서의 여성의 역할과 위치가 어떻게 다루어지고 있는지를 살펴보았고, 여성에 대한 긍정적인 시각과 그 시각이 현대 사회에서 여성의 지위 향상에 기여하는 방법을 탐색해 보았다. 그들 경전이 여성에 대한 전통적인 관념을 타파하고 성의 차별 없는 모든 중생이 깨달음을 얻는 가능성을 근본적인 사상에 주목하게 되 었다.
캐나다 미술가 마이클 스노우는 1971년에 캐나다의 북방 야생지 풍경을 담은 영화 <중 심지대>를 제작하였다. 북방 야생지는 1920년대 캐나다의 풍경화가 모임인 그룹 오브 세븐 이후 캐나다 미술에서 자주 다뤄져 온 독특한 주제이다. 그룹 오브 세븐의 작품에서 북방 야 생지는 태초의 신성한 장소로 표현되는데 이 같은 풍경에는 북방 야생지에서 캐나다의 역사 적 기원을 설립하고 통치권을 주장하려는 민족주의적이고 식민주의적인 의도가 반영되어 있 었다. 스노우는 <중심지대>에서 그룹 오브 세븐에 의해 만들어진 캐나다 풍경화 전통을 해체 한다. 그는 무한하게 회전하는 카메라 움직임을 통해 전지적인 단일 시점으로 그려진 그룹 오브 세븐의 북방 야생지 풍경을 탈중심적인 우주 풍경으로 전환한다. 또한 카메라 움직임에 의한 운동감각적 시각과 전자음에 의한 신경계적 청각을 통해 프레임의 물질적 표면을 접촉 하고 스치는 듯한 촉지적인 감각 경험을 생성한다. 즉 <중심지대>는 그룹 오브 세븐의 시각 중심적 풍경화에서 벗어나 영화 매체에 의해 야기되는 다감각적 풍경을 제시하면서 북방 야 생지에 대한 기존의 의미와 경험을 재구성한다.
마약 중독은 만성재발장애인 동시에 뇌장애로 설명될 정도로 다른 중독에 비해 재 발은 쉽고 회복이 어려워 「마약류관리에 관한 법률」에서는 마약류 중독자를 치료의 대상으로 보고 있으며, 무엇이 마약중독 치료 예후에 도움이 되는가는 치료자들의 가 장 큰 관심사이다. 본 연구는 무작위로 선정된 국내 교정시설 내 마약류사범 369명을 대상으로 한 중독재활치료에서 마약류사범 대상 한국어판 회복단계척도의 요인구조를 분석하고 신뢰도 및 타당도를 분석하였다. 탐색적 요인분석 결과, 회복과정으로서의 변화단계인 전숙고, 숙고, 실행, 유지 요인으로 4개 요인이 추출되었으며, 확인적 요인 분석의 결과는 척도의 적합도와 4요인 구조를 지지하였다. 신뢰도는 전체 .83, 전숙고 요인은 .82, 숙고 요인은 .79, 실행 요인은 .93, 유지 요인은 .81로 나타났다. 회복단 계가 상승할수록 단약자기효능감과 변화준비도 단계 및 치료열망 척도의 인식 및 행 동실천 요인과 정적상관을 보였고, 우울・불안・스트레스 척도 및 전숙고(중독문제를 부인함으로써 회복을 방해하는 것으로 인식되는 요인)와는 부적상관을 보였다. 이는 한국어판 회복단계척도가 원척도와 같이 네 가지 회복단계를 측정하며 치료의 유지 및 결과 예측의 유용한 척도임을 보여준다. 이와 같은 연구결과는 교정시설 내 마약류 사범의 중독특성을 탐색하고 회복가능성을 예측하여 마약 중독재활치료 프로그램을 효과적으로 운영하는 데에 도움이 될 것이다.
한강 3개 보 구간 수변부 11개 지점을 대상으로 2023년 총 2회 채집된 저서성 대형무척추동물은 총 100종 평균 426.0 개체/m2였다. 여주보에서 64종으로 가장 많이 출현하였고, 강천보에서 59종, 이포보에서 54종, 한강보상류 에서 41종, 한강보하류에서 32종이 확인되었다. 전체 평균 개체밀도는 강천보에서 944.1 개체/m2로 가장 많았고, 한강보상류에서 282.7 개체/m2, 여주보에서 251.9 개체/m2, 이포보에서 180.6 개체/m2, 한강보하류에서 172.9 개체 /m2 순으로 확인되었다. 한강 보 구간에서는 플라나리아류, 실지렁이, 깔따구류 등이 우점함. 보구간의 특성상 상대적으로 단순한 하상 및 깊은 수심에 적응성이 높은 실지렁이, 깔따구류의 우점은 일반적인 특성으로 볼 수 있으며 일시적으로 수변부에서 밀집된 플라나리아류의 채집이 이뤄져 우점된 결과를 보인 것으로 보임. 한강 보 구간 수변부 및 중앙부 조사지점별 군집분석을 실시한 결과 한강보 하류는 3개 보에 비해 우점도가 높고 다양도 와 풍부도가 낮았으며 전반적으로 상류부에 위치한 한강보상류 등의 지점에서 군집안정성이 확보되고 있는 것으로 보이며 이러한 점은 상대적으로 다양한 미소서식환경에 기인한 것으로 판단된다.
A new fumigant, carbonyl sulfide (COS), has potential for use as a replacement for methyl bromide, yet its mechanism of toxicity to insects remains poorly understood. In this study, transcriptome analysis was performed on Tribolium castaneum malpighian tubules and fat bodies, which are known to play an essential role in energy storage and utilization in insect species. In total, upon exposure to COS, 3,034 and 2,973 genes were differentially expressed in the T. castaneum malpighian tubules and fat body, respectively. These differentially expressed genes comprise a significant number of detoxification-related genes, including 105 P450s, 18 glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), 82 ABC transporters, 25 UDP-glucosyltransferases and 42 carboxylesterases and mitochondrial–related genes, including 9 complex Ⅰ genes, 2 complex Ⅱ genes, 1 complex Ⅲ gene, 9 complex IV genes, 8 complex V genes from both malpighian tubules and fat body tissues. Moreover, KEGG analysis demonstrated that the upregulated genes were enriched in xenobiotic metabolism by ABC transporters and drug metabolism by other enzymes. We also investigated the role of carbonic anhydrases (CAs) in toxicity of COS using dsRNA treatment in T. castaneum. These results show that CA genes have a key role in toxicity of the COS. Furthermore, the results of transcriptomic analysis provide new insights into the insecticidal mechanism of COS fumigation against T. castaneum and eventually contribute to the management of this important stored grain pests.
In this study, we introduce a novel TiN/Ag embedded TiO2/FTO resistive random-access memory (RRAM) device. This distinctive device was fabricated using an environmentally sustainable, solution-based thin film manufacturing process. Utilizing the peroxo titanium complex (PTC) method, we successfully incorporated Ag precursors into the device architecture, markedly enhancing its performance. This innovative approach effectively mitigates the random filament formation typically observed in RRAM devices, and leverages the seed effect to guide filament growth. As a result, the device demonstrates switching behavior at substantially reduced voltage and current levels, heralding a new era of low-power RRAM operation. The changes occurring within the insulator depending on Ag contents were confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. Additionally, we confirmed the correlation between Ag and oxygen vacancies (Vo). The current-voltage (I-V ) curves obtained suggest that as the Ag content increases there is a change in the operating mechanism, from the space charge limited conduction (SCLC) model to ionic conduction mechanism. We propose a new filament model based on changes in filament configuration and the change in conduction mechanisms. Further, we propose a novel filament model that encapsulates this shift in conduction behavior. This model illustrates how introducing Ag alters the filament configuration within the device, leading to a more efficient and controlled resistive switching process.
Background: The biological information of fish, which include reproduction, is the prerequisite and the basis for the assessment of fisheries. Methods: The aim of this work was to know the reproductive biology with the first sexual maturity (TL50) and the spawning period for 58 mainly fish species in the waters around La Réunion Island (Western Indian Ocean). Twenty families belonging to the Actinopterygii were represented (acanthuridae, berycidae, bramidae, carangidae, cirrhitidae, gempylidae, holocentridae, kyphosidae, labridae, lethrinidae, lutjanidae, malacanthidae, monacanthidae, mullidae, polymixiidae, pomacentridae, scaridae, scorpaenidae, serranidae, sparidae; 56 species; n = 9,751) and two families belonging to the Elasmobranchii (squalidae, centrophoridae; 2 species; n = 781) were sampled. Between 2014 and 2022, 10,532 individuals were sampled covering the maximum months number to follow the reproduction periods of these species. Results: TL50 for the males and the females, respectively, ranged from 103.9 cm (Acanthurus triostegus ) to 1,119.3 cm (Thyrsitoides marleyi ) and from 111.7 cm (A. triostegus ) to 613.1 cm (Centrophorus moluccensis ). The reproduction period could be very different between the species from the very tight peak to a large peak covered all months. Conclusions: Most species breed between October and March but it was not the trend for all species around La Réunion Island.
This study utilized text mining analysis to identify keywords used in the research of gray mold (Botrytis cinerea), taking into account horticultural crops, environmental or physical treatments, and chemical or material factors. Data spanning from 1980 to 2021 was gathered from ScienceON and interpreted using word cloud visualization analysis following post-processing. Morphological analysis and coding were conducted using the text mining packages library tm provided by the R program. Our review of B. cinerea included and analyzed 7,342 papers. Among the extracted words, those related to crops and ranking in the top 10 were tomato, strawberry, grape, apple, cucumber, bean, kiwifruit, rose, pepper, and pear. roses were the only flower in the top 10 horticultural crops. Research has explored environmental or physical treatment factors such as storage, temperature, cold, seasons, humidity, heat/hot UV-C, sprays, films, and coatings. Chemical or material words included fungicide, chitosan, ethylene, oil, ROS, ABA, VOC, glucose, carbon, and ethanol.
We analyzed the performance of hubless rim propellers based on the number of blades, maintaining a fixed pitch ratio and expanded area ratio, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Thrust coefficient, torque coefficient and efficiency according to the number of blades were analyzed. In addition, the pressure distribution on the discharge and suction sides of the blade was analyzed. As the advance ratio increases, the thrust coefficient decreases. The highest thrust was shown when the advance ratio was lowest. For the three, four, five and six-blades, the torque coefficient tended to decrease as the advance ratio increased. In the case of seven and eight-blades, the torque coefficient tended to increase as the advance ratio increased. The maximum efficiency was found when the advance ratio was 0.8. When the three-blade, it showed high efficiency at all advance ratios. A high pressure distribution was observed at the leading edge of the discharge blade, and a low pressure distribution was observed at the trailing edge. Applying a hubless rim-driven thruster with the three-blade can generate higher thrust and increase work efficiency.
In order to present a predictive drift model, Jeju National University's training ship was tested for about 11 hours and 40 minutes, and 81 samples that selected one of the entire samples at ten-minute intervals were subjected to regression analysis after verifying outliers and influence points. In the outlier and influence point analysis, although there is a part where the wind direction exceeds 1 in the DFBETAS (difference in Betas) value, the CV (cumulative variable) value is 6%, close to 1. Therefore, it was judged that there would be no problem in conducting multiple regression analyses on samples. The standard regression coefficient showed how much current and wind affect the dependent variable. It showed that current speed and direction were the most important variables for drift speed and direction, with values of 47.1% and 58.1%, respectively. The analysis showed that the statistical values indicated the fit of the model at the significance level of 0.05 for multiple regression analysis. The multiple correlation coefficients indicating the degree of influence on the dependent variable were 83.2% and 89.0%, respectively. The determination of coefficients were 69.3% and 79.3%, and the adjusted determination of coefficients were 67.6% and 78.3%, respectively. In this study, a more quantitative prediction model will be presented because it is performed after identifying outliers and influence points of sample data before multiple regression analysis. Therefore, many studies will be active in the future by combining them.
Milky white spots appeared on red bean leaves in a red bean cultivation area located in Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun, Chungbuk Province. After culturing the pathogen in PDA medium, their morphology was observed, and their genes were BLAST-searched in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The pathogen was identified as a fungus called Rhizopus arrhizus. As a result of reinoculating the isolated pathogen on red beans, the same symptoms as those in the isolated leaves occurred. Characteristic colonies of R. arrhizuson PDA medium initially showed a bright color and then changed to dark gray over time, with mostly spherical sporangia. The sporangiospores were spherical or elliptical, mostly irregular, and small in size. Therefore, based on these results, this disease has not yet been reported in red beans and was called red bean brown leaf blight caused by Rhizopus arrhizus A. Fisch (syn. R. oryzae).
본고는 표준 중국어 초급 학습자를 대상으로 ‘绕口令’ 자료를 활용하여 제3성과 제 2성에 중점을 둔 성조 교육 방안을 설계하고, 이를 직접 실제 교육 현장에 적용하여 그 효과를 검증하는 것에 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 2장에서는 수업 설계 방 안을 제시하였고, 3장에서는 수업의 구체적인 운영 및 결과, 만족도에 대한 분석을 진행하였으며, 마지막 4장에서는 본고의 연구 성과를 종합하였다.
이 논문의 목적은 19세기 한국의 음악 선교를 이끌었던 드와이트 말스베리(Dwight R. Malsbary, 1899-1977)의 생애를 살펴봄으로 써 그를 통하여 바라보는 현대 음악 선교의 역할의 중요성과 방향을 진단하는 것이다. 한국에 양악이 들어오게 된 초기에 그는 음악을 전문으로 교육받은 선교사로 왔으며 그의 음악 선교는 교육자로 지휘자 로 연주자로 작곡자로 다양하게 활동하며 기독교음악과 서양음악을 한국 내에 전파하였다. 이것으로 인하여 한국의 1세대 음악가들이 배출되었고 그들을 통하여 한국문화에 맞는 음악과 찬양이 작곡되었다. 이와 같이 한 사람의 전문적인 선교의 영향력과 파급력은 선교지의 문화를 바꾸고 기독교를 뿌리내리게 하는 중요한 역할을 하였다. 그리 고 음악의 사회적, 교육적, 치유적 기능은 말스베리의 선교역할과 맞닿아있다. 현재 음악 전문인으로서의 선교는 전략적으로 목회자, 선교사들의 선교를 허락하지 않는 국가에도 가능하므로 음악이 주는 선교의 유익이 크다. 그러므로 말스베리와 같은 한국의 젊은 음악 전문인들이 사명을 갖고 적극적으로 선교 현장에 함께 동원되도록 한국교회와 선교회가 앞장서야 한다.
대파(Allium fistulosum L.)는 동양에서 옛날부터 중요한 식재료로 재배되어온 중국 원산지의 향신 채소이다. 적어도 통일신라시대부터 재배되어 온 기록이 있으며 현재에도 식재료로 수요가 많아 전국적으로 재배면적이 넓어지고 있고, 종자의 유통량 또한 많다. 대파에는 파굴파리(Liriomyza chinensis), 파좀나방(Acrolepiopsis sapporensis), 파밤나방(Spodoptera exigua) 등이 주요 해충으로 알려져 있다. 전남 진도군은 국내 대파 주산단지로 파밤나방의 발생이 많고 다이아마이드 계통 농약의 저항성이 발현되고 있어 계대사육에 따른 저항성 감소를 실험하고자 한다. 실험은 진도군의 대파밭에서 파밤나방 개체를 채집하여 실내에서 약제처리를 통해 살충률과 섭식률을 검정, 몇세대에 걸쳐 저항성이 감소되는지 알고자 한다.
Entomopathogenic fungi are used to produce raw materials by applying solid culture technology using grains. But there are various problems such as low production efficiency and cross-contamination. Solvum Co., Ltd. conducted research on liquid culture technology to develop a method that can overcome these shortcomings of solid culture technology. We conducted research and development on using Beauveria bassiana 331R to observe the culture according to the seed inoculation amount in a 30 L fermenter, it was carried out at 1.0 % (v/v) and 10.0 % (v/v). Although there was a difference of 1 day, 1.0 %(v/v) seed inoculation was observed to be more than twice that, and active blastospores and yield were observed at over 95.0 %. As a results, it was determined that cost and efficient production would be possible during the culture process in mass production. Based on these experiments, a 300 L fermenter was cultured with 1.0 % (v/v) seed inoculation, resulting in a yield of 1.24E+09 CFU/mL on the 6th day of cultivation. As a result of freeze-drying using the final culture medium, it was confirmed that the production yield was improved by 113.0 % compared to the control.