Based on the experience of building ‘Waegwan(倭館)’ in Busan, Japanese paper wallpapering, the use of square rafters, and the installation of sliding windows were used in the construction of Joseon palaces from the 17th century onwards. Elements that could be applied through observation alone were applied first, and sliding windows that required precise skill acquisition were installed later. ‘Yeongchang(影窓)’, which refers to a sliding window that brightens an interior, has spread rapidly, and its types and structures have also become more diverse. Gradually, ‘Yeongchang’ came to refer only to additional windows installed by attaching grooves to the lintel of existing casement windows. The sliding window that is installed independently and acts as an interior partition was renamed ‘Chujangja(推障子)’. Japanese architectural elements such as ‘Yeongchang’ and ‘Chujangja’ have become an element of traditional Korean architecture.
본 논문에서는 외래 문물의 유입이 본격화되었던 조선의 개항 이후 한국의 궁궐건축에 유 입되어 공간을 구성하고 장식했던 청(淸)의 공예품들을 파악하고, 이들의 유입 정황과 양식 특성을 고찰하였다. 조선과 청의 무역은 조청상민수륙무역장정(朝淸商民水陸貿易章程, 1882년)의 체결, 기선회사들의 경쟁, 화상(華商)의 활동 등에 의해 1880년대 이후 크게 증가하였으며, 궁궐 에서 사용될 물품들은 중국 상해와 조선의 인천을 잇는 항로를 통해 청으로부터 유입되었다. 1891년 건립된 경복궁 집옥재(集玉齋)는 건축의 재료(벽돌)와 축조법, 기둥과 현판 그리 고 실내 공간의 문과 격단(隔斷) 장식 등에서 중국 건축의 장식 요소들이 반영되었다. 집옥재 는 청의 영향을 확인할 수 있는 궁궐건축으로써 청의 공예품 유입도 촉진하였을 것으로 판단 된다. 이와 관련하여 현전하는 청의 가구, 도자기, 금속공예품 등을 종합하여 양식 특성을 비 교한 결과 창덕궁에 전하는 중국 가구 일부와 도자기들은 페라나칸(Peranakan)을 대상으로 판매되었던 가구와 법랑자기(琺瑯瓷器)였으며, 청말 광동성(廣東省)을 중심으로 제작되어 전 세계로 판매되었던 광동 가구와 법랑기였다. 조선의 궁궐에 유입된 청대 공예품들은 19세기 이후 중국의 무역항을 통해 전 세계로 확산되었던 중국의 미술품 수출 산업과 밀접한 관련이 있었으며, 판매 대상과 지역에 따른 독특한 양식을 확인할 수 있어 의미가 있다.
In the late Joseon Dynasty, the floor of the royal palace was covered with grass mat called ji-ui. Ji-ui was produced by connecting several mats named seokja(席子) and trimming the edge with narrow fabric named seon (縇). The standard manufacturing technique was to connect the shorter sides of the seokjas by overstitching them. A room was covered with either single or multiple ji-uis, depending on the case. In the case of the main and the subsidiary halls (jeong-jeon and pyeon-jeon, respectively) where the king conducted official meetings with the civil servants, multiple ji-uis were laid out to signify the division of space, which reflected the ceremonial aspects of the governing acts. The most essential division was the distinction of yeong-wae(楹外) and yeong-nae(楹內), with the jeon-goju (a tall frontal pillar inside the hall) functioning as the breakpoint. Jeong-jeon was divided into four spaces each covered with one ji-ui: yeong-nae, yeong-wae, and the left and the right sides of the royal seat named jwa-tap(座榻). Pyeon-jeon was covered with three ji-uis that divided the hall into three spaces: yeong-nae, yeong-wae, and hu-twae(後退) (the hind section) where the royal seat was placed on.
Korean architecture classifies Banja (the decorated flat of the ceiling visible from the inside) of Royal Palaces into two types: Woomul(water-well, 井) banja, which inserts rectangular wooden board into lattice frame, and paper banja, which applies paper to the flat ceiling. Such classification was established in the 19th century. Before that, Banja was classified according to what was inserted into the lattice frame, either wooden or paper board. At first, the banja that used paper board was widely installed regardless of the purpose or nobility of the building. However, since the 17th century, the use of paper board banja became mostly restricted to Ondol (Korean floor heating system) rooms which are characterized by private usage and the importance of heating, and it was considered inferior to wooden board banja in terms of rank or grace. The contemporary paper banja was mainly installed in low-rank ondol rooms until the late 19th century to early 20th century, when roll-type wallpaper was introduced from the West and the paper banja came to decorate the King’s and Queen’s bedrooms. The traditional paper board banja benefits heat reservation, reduces the weight of the ceiling, and allows the adjustment of the lattice frame size. Furthermore, it can feature unique artistry if covered with blue, white, or red Neung-hwa-ji (traditional flower pattered paper).
The purpose of this study is to review the research on Gangbang Palace and to presume the location of the palace through the study of feng shui. when the Mongols invaded, Ganghwado was the capital, moved from Gaegyeong and it was maintained for 39 years. At that time, the palace construction followed the palace of Gaegyeong, and the names such as Gujeong毬庭, Palace, and Sasa寺社were the same as those of Gaegyeong. However, despite several archaeological excavations at Goryeo Palace Site, Historic Site No. 133, no actual remains of the Goryeo period were found. After the negative opinions on the current Goryeo Palace site became public, there have been several previous studies on the estimation of the location of the Goryeo Palace Site, and although there have been achievements, the location of the Goryeo Palace is still not confirmed. The key to presuming the location of the GangdoPalace江都宮闕is first, whether the palace was located in the south of Songaksan, and second, at what point it was located in the south of Songaksan. As to whether the palace was located in the south of Songaksan, it was presumed that the Chiso治所of Ganghwabu was located in Gukhwari, referring to the record in 『Shinjeungdongguknyeojiseungnam新增東國輿地勝覽』that Goryeosan, a guardian mountain鎭山, was ‘five ri west of Bu府西五里’. Accordingly, the location of the palace of ‘Budongsimni 府東十里’ in the old literature was estimated to be south of Songaksan Mountain. Also, the location of the palace on the south side of Songaksan was approached from a feng shui theory. Three places for the palace to be located are presumed to be 'Ganghwa Girls' High School', 'Seonggwang Church', or ‘Above the Ganghwa-gun library’, and the central axis of the palace is estimated to be ‘Above the Ganghwa-gun library’ where the corridor-type building relics were found among them, and the other two areas were presumed to be other buildings within the palace.
During the Joseon Dynasty, the rituals that were celebrated in the palaces were mainly held inside the palace and in the courtyard of the palace. Mats were spread on the floor of the place where the ritual was held. The mats spread in the Joseon Dynasty rituals divided the space in various ways, and in particular, they were spread in a certain form in the spaces of royal wedding, customs, and court banquet. Mats were the primary physical element that divided the royal ritual space of the Joseon Dynasty, and functioned to elevate the general space to the ritual space. In the ritual space, mats were spread inside the palace, and divided the courtyard of the palace into left and right in a symmetrical form to distinguish the hierarchy of the participants. Mats with special and white patterns were spread in the external ceremonial space and mats with flower and colorful patterns were spread in the internal ceremonial space. This was the subdivision of the Confucianism's male-female division through the mat. The pattern of the mat that divided the space of the royal family elders also meant longevity to reflect the filial thoughts of the Confucianism through the mat. Mats were a physical element for subdividing the royal family and the participants in the hierarchy of the space where the ritual is held, and it also performed a subdividing function between the royal participants. In other words, in the Joseon Dynasty ritual space, mats were temporarily spread while the ritual is being celebrated and functioned to elevate the space to a ritual space. It is confirmed that the fact that the mats were temporarily spread to divide the space into the hierarchies according to the status and were subdivided into colors and patterns to perform the function to reflect the subdivision of the royal family according to Confucianism and the statue of filial piety in the ritual.
This study examines the transitional situation that can be seen from the palace operation in early Joseon Dynasty. The first decades of Joseon after the nation was founded differ from the Joseon Dynasty as a whole, but rather similar with the Goryeo Dynasty. By examining “The History of Goryeo(高麗史),” it showed that palace operation during the Goryeo Dynasy was marked by the fact that a separate palace was built and resided in despite the existence of the Bongweol(本闕, main palace) as the central palace. The separation of the parent’s generation and the children’s generation was shown through the establishment of one’s own palace. Such trait of Goryeo affected palace construction directly after the founding of Joseon. This can be shown from the characteristic of palace operation by generation. The construction of the Changdeokgung Palace(昌德宮) of King Taejong, as his own palace, is an example. Afterwards, the palace system of Joseon was established, and the space of the king and the crown prince was merged through ritual reform during the reign of King Sejong. However, the space for the parents of the king were considered separate, and this influence continued to the reign of King Seongjong. The construction of Changgyeonggung Palace(昌慶宮) during the reign of King Seongjong is an event where the king proclaimed the separation with his mother and grandmother.
The palace byeoljeon(別殿), the King’s non-ceremonial space, were created as a space for the king to comfortably use and for the king to do what he wanted to do. The byeoljeon housed various types of spaces and were flexible in that they could be repurposed to meet the demands of the times. Nevertheless, their characteristic as palatial building created for the King’s convenience has remained unchanged. In this study, we examine the process by which such royal spaces were created by focusing on the reconstruction of the Changdeokgung Huijeongdang during Japanese occupation period, with a view to continuity and the transformation process. The reconstruction of Huijeongdang at the time may be considered along internal and external characteristics. Internally, Huijeongdang connected the symbolism of the king’s space as the palace byeoljeon. Externally, Huijeongdang is characterized by its mixture of traditional and western style, where western style structures were housed within traditional buildings. The plans for the block of Huijeongdang also included the coexistence of traditional building, western style building, and mixture of traditional and western style building. This reflects the characteristic continuity of the byeoljeon as well as the architectural techniques of the time, manifested together within a specific spatial block.
This study attempted to analyze how dancheong for palace tablets during the Joseon period was designed as related to what plans and what materials were being used. It also investigated how this unique culture formed. The results found the following: First, the tablet dancheong unveiled through literature was designed using diverse techniques such as jinchae and yeokcheongchil. In jinchae, shell powder was applied to the tablet as the first lacquering, and then was colored. Second, in lacquer, maechil, chaesaekchil and jeohyeoptaechil were used. In yeokcheongchil, vegetable black, oil ash and perilla oil were applied to bitumen. Third, during the Joseon Dynasty, dancheong was applied to a tablet after first lacquering just like the danpihoe lacquering of Jiangsu Sheng, China. This tablet dancheong technique was developed based on a unique Korean lacquering culture that had been handed down from ancient times.
This study is about the Changdeokgung Palace and detached palaces of architect Park Jacheong who was a representative supervisor having framed the palace architecture of the Joseon Dynasty. The results are as follows. First, Park Jacheong had been in charge of Changdeokgung Palace for 15 years since its founding. The palace was continued to run for the longest time and was the palace on the frame made by him for the years, so Changdeokgung Palace’s status has become as good as Gyeongbokgung Palace’s. Second, he built a lot of palaces besides Changdeokgung. They were completed about the same time in accordance with the political intentions of King Taejong. Park Jacheong was a former military officer and was well skilled in mobilization of manpower and materials by making good use of the military power. Third, the detached palaces constructed by him were located in the places where military training and testing of new weapons were possible. They were also used as sleeping, dining and office spaces. This can be regarded as a result of the tradition of the storied-pavilion that had been since the Goryeo Dynasty, with the method of approaching to the main hall of the palace.
It is identified that an initial person who built of ‘Seoul Gyedong Modernized Hanok(former Min Hyeong-gi house)’ used as ‘Bukchon Culture Center’ in present, was not Min Hyeong-gi, but his wife, Yu Jin-gyeong, and she built it when 8 years went on after his death(1879~1973), and the construction year was at the gate of Chuseok in 1921. Yu Jin-gyeong was Head Family’s Eldest Daughter-in-law in family of Yeo Heung-min who was an influential person at the late Joseon Dynasty and was widow who had only son for 3 generations. And she built this house and moved to gain daughter and live futher grandchilds together in law in new nest. It is arranged that an annex surrounds with main building as the central figure. And this house emulates Yeonkeong-dang in backyard of the Changdeok Palace for 'preservation of main building' and Chim-bang-ga-toe applied on a bedroom in a palace is applied around nobleman family's the main room. It is rare case and expresses that a palace factor is borrowed. Yu Jin-gyeong's house is that a tradition Hanok is adjusted closely in city and central and basing mode as 'protective bedding' and building concept as 'a noble and protective architecture' is realized. So it has a character that development of Hangrang architecture is appeared and Head Family’s Eldest Daughter-in-law widow of modern upper class had a special benefit. As well as, a meaning that it is experimental house based on tradition and is build of Hanok with housekeeping as the central figure for appear a form which has minimal Hangrang for housekeeping in yangban family of modern city, can be found.
Choseon Dynasty, from many aspects, saw the institutional establishment of its royal palaces in the 17th and 18th century, with 'donggwol (east palace)' as the most representative form in the era. In that period, palaces were managed in the best way that fits the royal etiquette and order to maintain the Confucian framework of the times. While the royal palace was the place for the king to conduct state affairs, it was also a compound for the royal family to lead a life in. Since the royal family was also based on the Confucian system, women in the royal palace seldom revealed their existence to outside world. Yet daebi,(a Queen Mother) who was often called 'dongjo,' enjoyed the highest level of honor not only as a member of the royal family but in the hierarchical order of the dynasty. As they often engaged themselves in political affairs, daebi raised their reputation through rites and rituals. So, in the 16th century, they largely used Changgyeong-gung palace in the eastern part of the royal compound since they sometimes had to go out of the royal residence. While it was called 'dongjo' because it was seated in the eastern part, it was also used as a word symbolizing daebi. And, therefore, it has become a general principle of royal palaces to build the palace for daebi in the eastern wing of the compound. However, the residence for daebi was not always built in the eastern part in the 17th and 18th century and, instead, edifices for daebi were sometimes erected in several points within the royal compound. Beside, daebi’s residence in this period had additional spaces for ceremonies since they had a number of official events there. Construction of daebi’s residences in this era was not confined to the symbolic institutions and they became the peculiar palaces with specific characteristics for official ceremonies of the queen mothers. Consequently, it could be said that the architectural style of dongjo, which was the place of the supreme female in the hierarchical order, stemmed from donggwol where daebi spent the longest time of the royal life.
4 royal palaces are currently remained from capital city (Seoul) of 'Cho-Sun(朝鮮)' period. In these palaces, 'Main hall of Royal Palace(正殿)' is the center of the Royal Palaces. The 'Main hall of Royal Palace' of the Royal Palace was the best building of that time. Therefore there were many studies about the 'Main hall of Royal Palace'. But these studies were individual studies of these 'Main hall of Royal Palace'. Therefore, this study is to analyze and compare 4 'Main hall of Royal Palace' of the Royal palaces. It is to study the proportion regarding the Diameter of the pillar, the Height, the pillar and pillar Interval's Distance, and the arrangement of 'Kong-Po(bracket sets)'. With these studies, it is to prove that the 'Main hall of Royal Palace' is the building which high construction technique of this time is expressed. Result of this study is as followings; First, the proportion of pillar height(H) to its diameter(D) average from H=8.0 to 8.5D. Only the Myeong-Jeong-Jeon omitted the 'Go-Ju(高柱)' in the 'Toi-Kan (退間)' to place Ea-Jwa(御座). Second, Second, the proportion of diameter of the pillar of 'Eoi-Bu-Pyeong-Ju(外部平柱)' and 'Nae-Jin-Go-Ju(內陣高柱)' average D1(Diameter of 'Eoi-Bu-Pyeong-Ju') =0.91D2 (Diameter of 'Nae-Jin-Go-Ju'). In regards to the height, the single floor 'Main hall of Royal Palace' and double floor 'Main hall of Royal Palace' seems to be different. The height proportion of the double floor 'Main hall of royal palace' is H1(Height of 'Eoi-Bu-Pyeong-Ju')=0.34H2(Height of 'Nae-Jin-Go-Ju') and single floor 'Main hall of Royal Palace' has a proportion of H1=0.62H2. Third, in Geun-Jeong-Jeon, with the proportion of height and diameter of the pillar, interval's distance between pillars and diameter, the pillar interval distance and height, of 'Ea-kan(御間)' from the 'Toi-Kan' is different from 'Main hall of Royal Palace'. This is because the structure of 'Toi-Kan' of Geun-Jeong-Jeon is not stable. In order to reinforce this, 'Gui-Go-Ju(隅高柱)' of the Geun-Jeong-Jeon jut out $4{\sim}7%$ more compared to In-Jeong-Jeon. Fourth, when comparing double floor 'Main hall of royal palace' of Geun-Jeong-Jeon and In-Jeong-Jeon, based on distance of 'Eoi-Bu-Pyeong-Ju' and 'Nae-Jin-Go-Ju' of lower level, the 'Sang-Bu-Pyeong-Ju(上部平柱)' of Geun-Jeong-Jeon jut out $4{\sim}7%$ more compared to the In-Jeong-Jeon and also It becomes thicker. Fifth, the arrangement of 'Kong-Po' on the front row of 'Gan(間)' had to do with the change of side 'Gan'. Even though the Geun-Jeong-Jeon and the In-Jeong-Jeon were double floors, the arrangement of the 'Kong-Po' is different because the number of side bay is different.
This study is to comprehend the interior space of the Royal Palace in the 15th Century, the early years of Joseon Dynasty. The subject of this study is limited to the center of the Royal Palace, that is Jeongjeon(正殿, the royal audience chamber) and Haengrang(行廊, which encloses Jeongjeon on four sides and has many rooms). It is very important to understand the usage of the interior space because the architectural space consists of the space unified by the organic function of the interior and the exterior space. But there are few studies on the interior space of Jeongjeon and Haengrang at the Royal Palace. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the interior space of those buildings. The result of this study is following. Haengrang has several uses such as a night duty room, a storehouse, a government office or a banquet hall etc. So the interior spaces were finished with various methods that were suitable for the use of each room, and the material of the floor were the ground, Maru(the wooden floor) or Ondol(the Korean traditional heating system) There were held many kinds of ceremonies in Jeongjeon, and the government officials could not enter the inside of that building and took part in the ceremony on the front court of Jeongjeon, except the men performing the ceremony. But the high ranking officials could enter the inside when King gave a banquet and there, they prostrated themselves before King. They sat down with their legs crossed on the ground floor instead of sitting on a chair. When King held tea ceremony with Chinese envoys in Jeongjeon, they sat on Gyoui(交倚, a kind of armchair). Then, the government officials performing the ceremony in Jeongjeon prostrated himself around the King and the Chinese envoys and others stood around them.