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        검색결과 8

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        한국에서 산업유산은 주로 광산이나 공장 등 대규모의 광업, 제조시설 혹은 상수도나 교량, 철도 등 토목관련 시설, 즉 협의의 산업유산 개념을 중심으로 인식되어 왔다. 그러나 산업의 발전에 있어 노동의 중요성은 간과할 수 없는 것이며, 특 히 대규모 산업생산이 가능할 수 있었던 데에는 사택단지와 같은 대규모 노동자 주택 단지의 건설이 기반이 되었다. 최근 산업유산이 보존과 활용의 대상으로 주목을 받고 있는 데에도 불구하고, 많은 노동자주택들은 관심의 대상조차 되지 못한 채 사라져가고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 1930년대 후반 일제의 군수공업도시로 형성된 부평의 대표적인 사택인 미쓰비시 중공업의 사택과 1960년대 경제개발기 공업도시로 발전한 울산의 현존하는 사택인 한국화학공업사택을 대상으로 살펴보면 서 산업유산의 개념을 노동자주택과 도시경관을 포함하는 산업도시경관으로 확장하는 것을 제안하고자 한다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조선시대 읍치는 전국 군⋅현 지역의 행정중심지인 동시에 교통의 결절지로서 소위 전통도시라고 할 수 있다. 또한 근대 이전 공유되어 온 전통적 공간인식체계이자 지리로서 풍수가 투영되어 있는 대표적 장소이기도 하다. 본 고에서는 조선후기 부평도호부를 사례로 읍치 상황을 확인할 수 있는 지리지, 고지도 등 관련 문헌과 현장답사를 병행하여 읍치의 풍수적 공간구성을 확인 하고 현재적 입장에서 특징적인 풍수 관련 경관의 복원 의미 및 방향성을 제시해보고자 하였다. 먼저 풍수 상 읍치 국면을 군⋅현 최고 명당으로 구성하는 근간이자 출발 로서 진산, 주산에 주목하였다. 읍치 복원과 관련해 진산, 주산이 지니는 의미는 단순히 읍치를 구성하는 주변 자연환경 중 하나가 아닌 읍치의 역사적 장소성 구성이나 경관배치를 위한 일종의 지표경관이 될 수 있다. 다음으로 진산, 주산과 읍치 내 중심 경관인 동헌, 객사 간 형성되는 공간 관계 즉 ‘공간구성을 위한 중심축’을 설정할 수 있다. 풍수적 공간구성에서 진산, 주산으로부터 동헌으로 이어지는 중심축은 읍치 경관 복원과 관련해 제반 요소 간의 중요도나 우선순위를 결정하고 또한 그것의 입지나 방위를 비정하 는데 있어서 시사하는 바가 크다. 마지막으로 지역 생태환경에 대한 통합적 인식과 장기적인 접근의 필요성 과 관련해 풍수 비보에 주목할 필요가 있다. 풍수 비보는 산과 물로 대변되는 생태환경을 하나의 생명체로 전제하고 인간과 교감, 공존하는 동기간(同氣間) 관계로 접근하는 생태중심적 환경관의 전통적 버전이라고 할 수 있다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 1939, Bupeyong was rapidly urbanized and industrialized for the purpose of constructing military logistics base of the empire of Japan. Based on Kyungin urban planning of 1940 and industrial land development plan of Kyeonggido, many military factories and arsenal were constructed, and great amount of housing were also built for their workers from 1939 to 1944. Although the initial urban planning was unfinished, urban change from rural area to military industrial city in the late Japanese colonial era, made identity of city of Bupyeong. Workers houses which built during five years vary in different size and type, and somewhat reflects discussions about housing attempts to solve the housing shortage. This study aims to analyze architectural characteristics of workers housing related with discussions of housing, and to evaluate its value as an industrial heritage which constitute the urban landscape of the industrial city of Bupyeong. Workers houses in Bupyeong were constructed by military factories, construction company, and Chosun housing administration, with land readjustment planning. As the war became serious, workers housing became smaller and simpler. Construction of workers housing was essential part of modern military industrial city, bupyeong, and many of workers housing are still remained whereas most of factories were demolished, thus workers housing of bupyeong has significant meaning as industrial heritage of Bupyeong.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        So far, the academic community has not reached a consensus on the naming and categorization of the creation of Chinese writers. It has generally been carried out around “World Chinese Literature”, “Sinophone Literature” and “Ethnic Chinese Literature”. This is because of the different academic positions of scholars and the different emphasis of the issue. This also reflects the importance of the creation of Ethnic Chinese writers and the significance of the study of Chinese writers. When dealing with the historical resources of revolution, their themes always cannot judge the right and wrong of history, and the entanglement of real life. The writing of suffering is basically centered around these themes. This explains to some extent the dilemma facing Chinese contemporary literature. Whether Chinese contemporary literature can get rid of this predicament. This study takes Chinese writer Li Yan's Chinese version of “Daughters of the Red Land” as the research object. Through textual perusal and psychoanalysis, cultural analysis and other methodologies, this paper analyzes the ideological level of the novel and analyzes how Li Yan reflects on the history of the country as a life. Many years of intellectuals in North America, she has thoughts about Western culture. Li Yan’s double reflection is full of criticism, deconstruction and reconstruction consciousness, and analyzes the meaning of this consciousness.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper analyzed the excavational data from Bupyeong-office in Ulsan county in Chosun Dynasty, examined the composition of the community estimated at station community, and studied the duration of the community by using the excavated relics. In addition, the paper compared the excavational data with documentary records, studied the location Bupyeong-office, and investigated the size of station community overall. Community compositions such as buildings, residential place, pits, stoves, hemp kilns, cremation tombs, and farming appliances were identified. When compared to excavated relics such as tiles, white porcelain jars, agrayish-blue-powdered celadons, and celadon porcelains from building, residance, and pits, the community existed during 14C~17C. The station location was on the west side to the quarters for Byongmajuldosa of the Left Gyeongsangdo at King's location according to the old maps and documentary records. It is widely expected that No, 201 foundation stone buildings at Pyungsan relicⅠ was related to the station because there was a distinctions on the stone pillar waterway and high quality of location in the size(the front 9 sections × the side 1 section) and the community. According to the building's functions and duplication relations in the community, it is regarded that there were 33~40 ground buildings, 40~45 pitting buildings, storages or 15~30 other purpose buildings, and 5~7 public buildings around No, 210 building in Bupyeong-office town.
        1995.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims 1) to estimate the form of living house of pre-urbanization of Inchon, and 2) to ensure originality of to be achieve urban plan and living space plan which is base on local character by 3) arranging changed character of living space through the urbanization sequence by invest of house in natural village at Pupyung. The character of arranging living space of house at Pupyung is placing Sarang-chae(husband's block of house) instead of making another Haenrang-chae (visitor's block of house) and Sarang-chae is attach importance to Man's living space but today, have disappearing the uses of Sarang-bang (husband's living space) because by Man lives An-bang(originally woman's space). The character of plan is arranging room in both side of Maru(wooden living floor) in spite of different structure, and the uses of plan or room is changing to fit to purpose of according to environment of living. Generally, the structure is made by natural stone and cubed column, and used smaller member cause by rare wood material.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gravity survey was conducted to investigate subsurface structure of the Bupyung caldera. Two profiles of about 23 ㎞ and 21㎞ length were chosen across the caldera and gravity values were measured at 333 points on those profiles. The regional gravity trend of the survey area is mainly attributed to isostasy. The maximum negative gravity anomaly over the caldera appears to be -8.5m gal. Gravity profiles were analyzed and interpreted by using power spectrum analysis, Marquardt-Levenberg inversion and ideal-body inversion methods. The result of 2-D inversion shows the existence of the low density structure of about 8km surface width and 3km depth under the caldera. Since the caldera has three dimensional, 2-D gravity inversion results in relatively large error as compared with 3-D modeling. Fortran subroutine was coded to calculate the gravity anomalies caused by 3-D subsurface bodies. The result of 3-D modeling shows the Bupyeong caldera can be approximated by basin-shaped low density body whose depth reaches to 3㎞. At this depth level we assume that there exist a nearly flat boundary between granite batholith and metamorphic rock out side of the caldera. The negative anomaly of Bupyeong caldera appears to be caused by density contrast between low-density granite inside the caldera and surrounding metamorphic complex. Relationship between the defect mass and the diameter of Bupyeong caldera satisfies general relationship observed in world-wide volcanic calderas.