The nutrient balances originated from livestock manure in Korea has not being include minor livestock species (e.g., horse, deer, and goat) since their manure excretion unit (MEU), nutrient excretion unit (NEU), and nutrient loading coefficient (NLC) are not known yet. In the present research work, the primary focus had laid therefore on securing domestic MEU for the specified minor livestock species which provides the basis for the computation of NEU and NLC. Moreover, the nutrient potential and economic value of composted manure from minor livestock was assessed on the basis of contents in the inorganic fertilizers such as Urea, (46% N) and Fused superphosphate (20% phosphorus pentoxide). The obtained MEU was found to be 10.52±5.48, 4.07±1.69, and 0.843±0.1 kg/head/day for horse, deer, and goat, respectively. In addition, the measured NLCs of horse, deer, and goat were [N, 0.7; P, 0.9], [N, 0.7; P, 0.6] (Both deer and goat were the same.), respectively. Consequently, the horse, deer, and goat manure have a potential of 3,840.1 ton N/year and 9,390.2 ton P/year as an inorganic fertilizer of urea and fused superphosphate. These findings may facilitate the development of more accurate nutrient budget taking into account both major and minor livestock and improve the manure management measures for land application.
여자만은 유기물 오염이 점차 진행되어 가고 있으며, 해역의 수질관리를 위하여 유역으로부터 유입하는 육상기인 오염물질을 GIS 기법을 이용하여 발생부하량과 배출부하량을 산정하였다. 목표수질을 달성하기 위해 해역의 환경용량을 초과하여 유입하는 육상오염물질의 양을 박스모델로 계산하여 삭감부하량과 허용유입부하량을 평가하였다. 여자만의 수질을 해역생활환경기준 I등급으로 회복하기 위한 허용부하량을 산정한 결과, 생물화학적산소요구량은 배출부하의 39.3%, 총인은 30.8%를 삭감해야 하고, 총질소의 경우 6.9%의 낮은 배출부하 삭감률을 나타내었다. 유역의 오염원 현황과 발생부하량 현황을 볼 때 토지계가 차지하는 오염부하 비중이 높고, 배출부하량에서도 가장 큰 비중을 차지하였다. 여자만의 해양환경 보호와 개선을 위해서는 육상기원 오염물질 중 점오염원 뿐만 아니라 축산계 및 토지계 부하 등 비점원 오염원에 대한 관리가 필요하다는 것을 시사한다.
Total water pollution load management(TWPLM) seeks to harmonize conservation and development by allowing regional developments to be carried out in an eco-friendly manner and within the scope of achieving the desirable water quality. Water pollutant sources are managed so as to keep the total amount of pollutants in public watersheds within a certain level or total allowance in accordance with target water quality goal. With relation to the basic guideline under the Special Act on the Water Resources Management and Community Support for Watersheds, the load from the land should be determined by the classification of rainy and dried season respectively. Objective loads of abatement applied in the 1st planning period(2004∼2010) are set up standards by low flow condition(Q275) without considering the change of flow, while allowable wasteloads are estimated by the criteria of daily mean precipitation 10 mm, as critical standard for the division of surface runoff load. Even though the standard flow conditions to meet the goal of water quality at the end of unit watershed are low flow, but it might be considered to set up drought flow condition(Q355) for the improvement of water quality. Also the objective loads for abatement to meet the target water quality should be calculated without the effect of non-point sources from the land.
Non-point source pollutants have characteristics the render them difficult to manage owing to the uncertainty of flow paths. As agricultural non-point sources account for more than 57% of non-point source pollutants, the necessity for management is increasing. This study examines the possibility of utilizing land cover maps to suggest a more appropriate method of setting management priority for agricultural non-point sources in the Daecheong Lake area and draws implications by comparing the results derived using the cadastral map, as mentioned in the TMDL Basic Policy. To define the prioritized areas for management, the pollution load was calculated for each subbasin using the formula from the TMDL technical guidelines. As a result, the difference in the average pollution load between the land cover map and cadastral map ranged from 11.6% to 21% among the subbasins. In almost all subbasins, there were differences in the ranking of management priorities depending on the land information that was used. In addition, it was found that it was reasonable to use the level 3 land cover map to calculate the load generated by the land system for examining the implementation goals and methods of each data and comparing them with satellite images.
Korea's protected horticulture is rapidly increasing in scale due to various advantages such as year-round harvesting, labor savings through automation and shortened culture period, and greater income generation. This study was conducted to investigate the impact of protected horticulture on water quality. The results of this study are expected to provide basic data contributing to improvements towards sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly design of protected horticulture complex. The average T-N and T-P loads from vinyl greenhouses were 286.55± 143.98 mg/L and 59.14±13.77 mg/L, respectively and those from glass greenhouses 380.68 ± 150.41 mg/L and 61.85±20.72 mg/L. The annual discharge of wastewater derived from the monthly discharge from the horticulture greenhouses were estimated at 2597 ton/ha, with the annual phosphorus load amounting to 155.3 kg/ha. The average T-N and T-P loads in the tested greenhouse effluents were in excess of 8.3- and 13.5-fold the standards for the Korean wastewater plant effluent. The waste nutrient solution discharged from a protected horticulture complex can cause water contamination. Therefore, there is a need to conduct follow-up research using a water purification system or a trench method to develop a eco-friendly protected horticulture complex for sustainable agriculture.
The objective of this study is to provide pollutant loads delivery ratio for flow duration in Oenam-cheon watershed, which is upstream watershed of Juam Lake. To calculate the delivery ratio by flow duration, rating curves and discharge-loads curves using measured data were established, then Flow Duration Curve(FDC) and pollutant loads delivery ratio curves were constructed. The results show that the delivery ratios for BOD5 for abundant flow(Q95), ordinary flow(Q185), low flow(Q275), and drought flow(Q355) were 23.9, 12.7, 7.1, and 2.9%, respectively. The delivery ratios of same flow regime for T-N were 58.4, 31.2, 17.2 and 7.1%, respectively. While, the delivery ratios T-P were 17.3, 7.5, 3.4, and 1.1% respectively. In general, delivery ratio of high flow condition showed higher value due to the influence of nonpoint source pollution. Based on the study results, generalized equations were developed for delivery ratio and discharge per unit area, which could be used for ungaged watershed with similar pollution sources.
본 연구에서는 유역내 비점오염원의 영향으로 하천으로 유입되는 유량분석 및 수질특성을 알고자 함이다. 강우에 의한 유출, 유사 거동 등을 해석 가능한 분포형 모형인 SWAT 모형으로 선정하고, 남강댐 유역에 대해 비점오염원 특성 분석을 실시하였다. 유역에 대한 모형을 구축하고 보정 및 검정을 한 후 오염부하량을 산정하였다. 남강댐 유역중 3개의 대표권역을 선정하여 유출모의와 계절별 오염부하량을 산정하였다. 유출량은 강우에 의해 큰 변화를 보이며, 오염농도 및 부하량은 유출량에 의해 변화를 보였다. 강우가 비교적 작은 봄, 가을, 겨울에 비해 여름에 오염 부하량이 높에 나타 났으며, 부영양화, 조류 현상을 발생시키는 오염요소인 총 질소량과 총 인량 도 여름철에 가장 높게 나타났다. 3권역중 덕천강 권역에서는 유사량의 유출이 크게 나타났다. 그 결과 유사에 대한 관리방안의 수립 및 저감시설의 구축이 필요하며, 유역의 최종 출구지점인 남강댐에 비점오염원의 영향을 검토 할 수 있었다.
이 연구에서는 FFC2Q모형의 WQUAL블럭의 기본이론과 적용성을 검토하고, 도시지역의 강우초기 시 집중적으로 발생하는 CSOs의 비점오염부하 특성을 분석하였다. 또한 비점오염물 축적량 산정법과 쓸림방정식에서 주요 매개변수들의 선택과 그 영향을 분석하였다. 군자 배수구역의 3개 강우사상에 대한 실측치와의 비교를 통해 첨두유출량, 총유출량, 총부하량, 첨두농도 발생시간 등을 적정하게 모의할 수 있었으며, 입력자료의 단순화에도 불구하고 SWMM, MOUSE
As analyzed the estimated values of the daily delivery loads from thirteen major side streams such as Naesung-river, Keumho-river, Hwang-river, Nam-river during five years (from 1999 to 2003), the daily BOD inflow into the main stream of Nakdong river in 2003 shows the highest quantity as 31.1 ton and the daily BOD inflows in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 are 26.7 ton, 22.5 ton, 21.0 ton, 25.8 ton, respectively. The daily TN inflow into the main stream of Nakdong river in 2003 shows also the highest quantity as 64.9 ton and the daily TN inflows in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 are 55.19 ton, 46.27 ton, 39.5 ton, 53.38 ton, respectively. The daily TP inflow into the main stream of Nakdong river in 2003 shows the highest quantity as 2.70 ton likewise and the daily TP inflows in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 are 2.17 ton, 1.87 ton, 1.60 ton, 2.10 ton, respectively. The rate of BOD loads from each side main stream into the main stream of Nakdong river shows that the BOD loads of Keumho-river are the highest as the values range from 32.8 % (2002) ~ 35.1 % (2003) and the BOD loads of Nam-river, Naesung-river, Hwang-river are high in the order named. The rate of TN loads to the main stream is also similar to the trend of BOD loads. The contribution of the TN loads of Geumho-river to the contamination of the main stream is also the highest having a range from 27.0 % (2002) to 28.8 % (1999) among the main side streams and the TN loads of Naesung-river, Nam-river, and Heachun-river are high in the order named. The rate of TP loads is quite different from the trend of BOD and TN loads. The TP rate of Keumho-river, however, is still the highest as ranging 58.6 % (2002) to 61.7 % (2003) and the river has the biggest portion (over 50%) of the entire pollution to the main stream of Nakdong river.
The delivery load data obtained from Nakdong river basin are used for developing the model estimating the daily delivery load on the main side streams of Nakdong River. The developed model assesses the daily contamination loads of the main thirteen side streams that contribute to the main stream of Nakdong river. It is developed that the model using the simplified equation that can estimate the daily delivery loads on the side main streams of Nakdong river for a period of having no data of the water quality and flow. The developed model for estimating the daily delivery loads from the main side streams in Nakdong river basin on each item such as BOD, TN, and TP is expressed as Daily delivery load (kg / day) = Production load (kg / day)×(1−α)×(daily runoff / average runoff per year)γ. The estimated values obtained by using the model are almost fit to the calculated values (real data) that have been acquired from the thirteen main side streams in Nakdong river basin. The correlation coefficient values, R, that indicate the correlation between the estimated and the calculated show over 0.7 that mean the estimated values from the used model are adapted to the real data except TN values of Nam-river, Hwang-river, Gam-river, We-river. Especially, the correlation of TP values between the estimated and the calculated implies quite a creditable data to use.
합류식 관거 내 고형물의 퇴적으로 인해 통수능이 감소하여 여름철 장마시 국지적인 침수가 발생하며 이로 인해 관거 내 퇴적을 더욱 초래할 수가 있다. 이와 같은 문제를 해결하고 관거의 적절한 유지관리를 위해서는 배수유역에서의 하수 및 지표면으로부터의 고형물 부하량을 산정할 필요가 있으나 많은 비용과 노력이 수반되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 미국환경보호청에서 제시한 건조기의 합류관거 내 고형물 퇴적 부하량 산정기법과 지표면에서의 고형물 부하량 산정기법
용담호의 주요 유입 지류를 대상으로 1998년 12월부터 1999년 10월까지 매월 1회 측정된 수질농도 자료와 1999년 6원 강우시 3차에 걸쳐 4시간 간격의 집중 수질 측정 자료를 이용하여 강우의 영향을 고려한 월별 가중 평균 농도를 산정하였다. 연중 오염물질 유입부하를 산정하기 위하여 10 mm 이상의 강우가 발생하였을 경우 유역의 표면유출 및 오염물질 농도가 심각하게 증가한다고 가정하고, 강우시 측정된 수질농도 측정치를 적용하였으며, 10 mm
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of water quality in Jeju harbor and to estimate pollutant loadings discharged into Jeju Harbor. To know characteristics of water quality in Jeju harbor and pollutant loadings of Sanzi river, we have investigated from August, 2000 to May, 2001.
The results showed that the concentrations of COD, DIN and DIP were in the range of 1.00~4.85㎎/L (mean 2.15㎎/L), 2.14~74.0㎍-at/L(mean 12.20㎍-at/L) and 0.52~4.00㎍-at/L(mean 1.18㎍-at/L), respectively. These values were under Ⅲ class of seawater quality criteria. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus was lower than 16 except for Station 1 in Jeju harbor. Therefore, nitrogen was playing an important role in phytoplankton growth as limiting factor in Jeju harbor. The mean values of eutrophication index were exceeding 1, which was the eutrophication criteria.
The results of estimating pollutant loadings at Sanzi river are 0.30 ton/day for COD, 300㎏/day for DIN and 18.0㎏/day for DIP, respectively.
In order to evaluate the applicability of GWLF model which can efficiently estimate non-point and point source pollutant loadings in rural watershed including urban district, the model was applied to an experimental watershed. The model was calibrated using observed data such as daily runoffs, sediment yields, T-N, and T-P. Simulated daily runoffs and sediment yields by the model using calibrated parameters were in food agreement with the observed data. There were difference between the simulated and observed nutrient loading which was considered resonable. The simulated results by the model showed that T-N, T-P and sediment yields were dependent on the amount of stream runoff discharge and land use. GWLF model is believed to applicable to estimate amount of pollutant loading of non-point source pollution for the water qualify control of agricultural watersheds.
The Keum river has been utilized for drinking water supply of several city including Kunsan city and is deepening pollution state due to numerous municipal and industrial discharges.
The concentration BOD in river is affected by the organic loading from a tributary and the algae biomass that largely happen to under eutrophication state. In the eutrophic water mass such as the Keum river, the autochthonous BOD was very important part for making a decision of water quality management, because it was accounted for majority of the total BOD.
The predict of water quality has important meaning for management of water quality pollution of the Keum river.
The purpose of this study will manage and predict water quality of the Keum river using QUAL-2E model considering the autochthonous BOD.
The estimation of autochthonous BOD represented that the relationship between BOD and chlorophyll a. The regression equation was shown to be autochthonous BOD=β5×chlorophyll a. The results of this study may be summarized as followed;
The QUAL-2E model was calibrated with the data surveyed in the field of the study area in June, 1998. The calculated value by QUAL-2E model are in good agree to measured value within relative error of 7.80∼20.33%. Especially, in the case of the considering autochthonous BOD, the calculated value of BOD were fairly good coincided with the observed values within relative error of 15%. But the case of not considering autochthonous BOD, relative error of BOD was shown to be 43.2%.
In order to attain Ⅱ grade of water quality standard in Puyo station which has a intake facility of water supply, we reduced to the pollutants loading of tributaries. In the case of removed 100% BOD of tributaries, the BOD of Puyo station was 4.07㎎/ℓ, belong to Ⅲ grade of water quality standard. But in the case of removed 88% nutrient of tributaries, it was satisfied to Ⅱ grade of water quality standard as below 3㎎/ℓof BOD.
For estimation of autochthonous BOD in Keum river, we are performed simulating in accordance with reduction of nutrient load(50∼100%) under conditions removal 90% organic load. Occupancy of autochthonous BOD according to nutrient loading reductions were varied from 25.97∼79.51%. Occupancy of autochthonous BOD was shown to be a tendency to increasing in accordance with reduction of nutrient loading.
Showing the above results, the nutrient that one of the growing factor of algae was important role in decision of BOD in the Keum river. For the water quality management of the Keum river, therefore, it is necessary to considering autochthonous BOD and to construction of advanced sewage treatment plant for nutrient removal.
In order to manage the water quality from the flowing streams in Cheju Island, the characteristics of water quality was investigated from August, 1996 to May, 1997 and the pollutant loadings for future were estimated from the watershed at each stream.
Comparing the mean concentrations of each water quality with the criterion of water quality in river, it was under I class except for Changgo Stream, for DO, under I class at the whole station for SS and under Ⅱ class for BOD.
As the pollutant loadings at each stream in 2020 is compared with those in 1996, the estimated results are as follows : 1) for BOD, 59% at Donghong Stream, 24% at Yeonoe Stream, 44% at Ohngpo Stream and 57% at Changgo Stream. 2) for T-N, 91% at Donghong Stream, 76% at Yeonoe Stream, 63% at Ohngpo Stream and 89% at Changgo Stream. 3) for T-P, 69% at Donghong Stream, 42% at Yeonoe Stream, 45% at Ohngpo Stream and 73% at Changgo Stream
The point source loadings discharged through combined sewer could be treated at sewage treatment plant. However, the expected slow decreasing rate of BOD, T-N, and T-P loadings is due to the part of untreated nonpoint source loadings. Nonpoint source loading overflow typically occurs when the flow of stormwater combined with sewage exceeds the capacity of the interceptor sewers. Since most of the sewers used in Cheju Island are the combined sewers, the combined overflow sewage is bypassed into the receiving water area after a rainstorm. Therefore, a means to control nonpoint source loadings should be considered for the river and marine water quality management.