In this study, the second-order Nomoto’s nonlinear expansion model was implemented as a Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model based on the heading angular velocity to design the automatic steering system of a ship considering nonlinear elements. A Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy PID controller was designed using the applied fuzzy membership functions from the Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model. The linear models and fuzzy membership functions of each operating point of a given nonlinear expansion model were simultaneously tuned using a genetic algorithm. It was confirmed that the implemented Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model could accurately describe the given nonlinear expansion model through the Zig-Zag experiment. The optimal parameters of the sub-PID controller for each operating point of the Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model were searched using a genetic algorithm. The evaluation function for searching the optimal parameters considered the route extension due to course deviation and the resistance component of the ship by steering. By adding a penalty function to the evaluation function, the performance of the automatic steering system of the ship could be evaluated to track the set course without overshooting when changing the course. It was confirmed that the sub-PID controller for each operating point followed the set course to minimize the evaluation function without overshoot when changing the course. The outputs of the tuned sub-PID controllers were combined in a weighted average method using the membership functions of the Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model. The proposed Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy PID controller was applied to the second-order Nomoto’s nonlinear expansion model. As a result of examining the transient response characteristics for the set course change, it was confirmed that the set course tracking was satisfactorily performed.
This study was conducted to determine whether the layout of wheelhouse and work environment of coastal improved stow net fishing boats affect the physical abnormalities of wheelhouse workers through a survey and to use it as basic data to improve the wheelhouse work environment. The analysis results are as follows. The result of factor analysis on the wheelhouse work environment was classified into three factors: suitability of work environment, suitability of work space arrangement, and layout of navigational and fishing equipment. The result of factor analysis on physical abnormalities was divided into two factors: physical pain and fatigue. The results of regression model analysis showing factors affecting physical pain showed that the t-value in the regression model was 3.625 (p < 0.05), indicating that the work environment suitability had an effect on the physical pain. Work environment suitability had a significantly positive effect on the physical pain. As work environment suitability increased by 1, the physical pain increased by 0.371 (p < 0.05). The results of regression model analysis showing the influencing factors on fatigue were found to have a t-value of 3.009 (p < 0.05) in the regression model, indicating that the work environment suitability had a significantly positive effect on the feeling of fatigue. It was found that fatigue increased by 0.324 (p < 0.05) as the work environment suitability increased by 1. In addition, the manageability of task suitability was found to be t = –2.521 (p > 0.05). As the manageability of task suitability increased, the skipper’s fatigue level decreased. From these results, it is inferred that the wheelhouse of the current coastal improved stow net fishing boats causes physical pain and fatigue for the skippers. In order to reduce such physical pain and fatigue, and to improve safe fishing operation and job satisfaction, it is necessary to provide a wheelhouse to fishermen on coastal improved stow net fishing boats in consideration of the characteristics of the wheelhouse work of fishing boats and in consideration of users.
The ship steering is a very important factor for safe operation. Recently, the ship is controlled in a space other than the wheelhouse through the wired controller. However, there has been a continuing need to improve the inconvenience of wired systems. In this study, a system to control the steering angle and throttle of ship by RF communication method was developed and applied to actual ship. Since the reliability is secured through the safety evaluation, the wireless steering system improves the convenience and economic efficiency of ship steering.
2014년 2월 여객선의 타두재 상단 너트가 풀려 타가 작동하지 않은 사고가 발생하였다. 많은 여객과 화물의 이동을 목적으로 하는 여객선의 조타 장치 사고로 인한 인명사고는 통계에 의하면 2010~2016년 0명이지만 조타장치의 고장으로 선박의 요건인 이동성을 갖추지 못한다면 물살이 거센 해역이나 출입항 선박이 많은 협수로에서는 선박의 조종에 대한 제약으로 인명사고의 비율이 높은 전복 사고나 충돌 사고로 발전할 수 있다. “선박안전법” 및 관련 고시인 “강선의구조기준”에는 타판과 타심재의 체결에 관련된 내용은 기준화 되어 있으나 타 빠짐의 원인이 되는 상부 타두재와 너트의 체결에 대해서는 별도의 법령이 없다. 사고 이후 한국선급은 강선규칙 5편 제7장에 결합방법에 대해 개정을 하였다. 목포항과 주변 섬을 운항하는 여객선 12척에 대한 현장조사 결과 대부분 C형타 2개가 설치된 구조였으며, 체결방법으로는 9척이 용접에 의한 체결 방법을 적용하고 있었고 선박 자체적으로 예방 점검을 위해 체결 개소에 접근하기 어려운 구조로 되어 있었다. 1년에 한 번씩 타를 들어 올리거나 빼내야 하는 여객선의 특성을 고려하여 동종 사고를 방지할 수 있는 방안에 대해서 NAS 3350 시험을 통해 검토하였다.
멀미는 구토 증상뿐만 아니라 현기증, 두통, 졸음, 피로감, 무기력증 등을 동반하여 선박운항자의 신체리듬과 판단능력을 저하시켜 해양사고로 이어질 수 있다. 이 연구는 승선경험이 없는 조타실 근무자(실습항해사)와 기관실 근무자(실습기관사)를 대상으로 뱃멀미 민감성에 대하여 조사하였다. 선박의 X, Y, Z축 방향에 대한 선체운동을 측정할 수 있는 선체운동계측장비(motion sensor)를 이용하여 선체의 운동을 계측하였고, 설문을 통해 조타실과 기관실 근무자의 멀미에 대한 증상 정도(VIR, VSR)를 산출하였다. 이 연구를 통해 동일한 상황에서 조타실 근무자와 기관실 근무자간에 느끼는 멀미 정도에 차이가 있다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 멀미는 선체 움직임의 크기뿐만 아니라 움직임의 주기와도 높은 연관성이 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 X축과 Y축 방향 선체운동보다 Z축 방향의 선체운동이 멀미와 상관관계가 높았다. Z축 이외 X축과 Y축에 대한 연구가 진행된다면 조타실과 기관실 근무자의 안전과 선박의 거주성 및 승선감 향상에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
가까운 거리에서 상대선과의 마주치는 상황 또는 교차된 상황에서 상호 피항동작을 취하게 되는데, 상대선박의 변침의도를 정확히 파악하지 못해 서로 같은 방향으로 피항동작을 취함으로써 충돌위험에 처하게 되기도 한다. 항해사는 피항동작을 취함에 있어 시각에 의한 판단, 레이더 또는 AIS 벡터를 이용한 판단, 또는 VHF 통신을 활용하여 피항동작을 취하고 있으나, 레이더 및 AIS를 이용한 기존의 방식은 선박이 선회 후 선수방위가 표시되기 때문에 선회를 탐지하기까지는 상당한 시간이 요구된다. 따라서 조타기 작동 신호를 상대선박에 신속하게 전달하여 상대선의 선회의도를 보다 신속히 판단할 수 있는 선회조기감지 방안을 제안하였다. 이러한 방법은 상대선의 변침의도를 보다 신속하게 파악함으로써 선박 상호간 충돌예방에 효과적이며, VTS 시스템 및 해양사고 분석에서 활용이 가능하다.
Reduction of ship's rolling is the most important performance requirement for improving the safety of the crew on board and preventing damage to cargo as well as improving the comfort of the ride. It is a common experience for mariners, to see that steering with a rudder generally induces rolling of the ship, though the original aim of the rudder is to keep the ship's heading to the required course. At the first stage, when a rudder is steered, usually a ship heels in an inward direction, due to the roll moment acting on the rudder. At the next stage in steering, the main heel may change to an outward. This coupling between rudder and roll motion has become an attractive problem from the point of view of roll stabilization using the rudder, because it is a natural in sight that if the rudder action is skillfully related to the change of roll as well as to the course deviation, the roll can be reduced to a certain degree. The main aim of this paper is to discuss the results of the actual full-scale sea trials carried out on steer gear No.1 and No.1 2, the individual quartermaster and to make clear their statistical properties, using the actual data which included measurement of roll angle, roll rate and the comparative tests were carried out immediately after each other, in order to minimize any statistical variation in sea conditions. It can be concluded that the steer gear No. 1 2 reduced the roll motion on average by about 21% in comparison with the No.1 and confirmed the some difference as per a ability of quarter-master's maneuver.
이 논문은 선박의 자동조타장치를 음성인식으로 제어할 수 있는 시스템을 개발하기 위한 기초연구로 SMCP(IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases)에 제시된 조타명령문의 구성 형태를 분석하여 화자의 의도를 예측할 수 있는 특정 파라미터를 추출하였다. 그리고 이 파라미터를 이용하여 1차 패턴인식 과정으로부터 도출된 후보단어 집합으로부터 최종 단어를 결정하는 후처리 인식 프로시저를 설계하였다. 이 프로시저의 유용성을 검증하기 위하여 음성인식용으로 총 525개의 조타명령문을 획득하였고, 표준패턴 기반의 인식과정 인식률과의 비교실험을 수행하였다. 실험결과 의도예측 특정 파라미터를 이용한 인식 프로시저의 인식률이 약 42.3% 향상되어 유효함을 알 수 있었다.
When a ship is course-keeping in the open seas, autopilot system is adapted. The design of autopilot system is very important for improvement of ship′s element research. Automatic steering system consists of autopilot device, power unit, steering gear, magnetic or gyro compass and ship dynamics. In order to evaluate automatic steering system of ships in open seas. we need to know the characteristics of each component of the system, and also to know the characteristics of disturbance to ship dynamics. In this paper, I provide evaluation method of autopilot navigation system of the fishing ship. Prediction method based on the principle of linear superposition is introduced for irregular disturbance. For the evaluation of automatic steering system of a ship, "performance index" is introduced from the viewpoint of energy saving and calculation method is frequency response analysis. Finally, I carried out calculation of sensitivity of control constants of autopilot with various conditions of ocean environments.
A combination steering system was designed to provide the flexibility in controlling the steering wheel in fishing operations of the inshore and coastal fishing vessels. The designed steering system basically is consisted of three driving units, such as a electrically driven hydraulic pump unit with a solenoid control valve, a DC motor driven hydraulic pump unit and a manually driven hydraulic pump unit, and two controllers to provide remote steering on the deck, respectively. The steering torque was measured and analyzed to investigate the dynamic performance of the developed steering system. The steering system showed excellent linearity between the working pressure of cylinder and the torque of rudder post in case of increasing in rudder angle from 5˚ to 35˚ that is, the steering torque increased from 10.4 kgf·m to 105.3 kgf·m and then the working pressure of cylinder fluctuated from 6.3 kgf/cm super(2) to 16.4 kgf/cm super(2). The steering time of 3.2 sec in remote hydraulic steering by the on/off solenoid valve control was much faster than 13.2 sec in the manual steering by the helmsman and 11.6 sec in the electric steering by a DC motor, and then it was verified that operation of one unit does not affect other units in combination steering system in any way. Furthermore, the developed steering system can be remotely controlled in multiple stations of the deck during the fishing operation and the automatic pilot steering unit can be used to add hydraulic steering.
Generally, the three position solenoid valve has veen used for the hydraulic steering gear on account of it’s low cost, simplicity in device, etc. But, there is some off-set because of dead-zone which exists in on-off valves. In this paper, we proposed a combined controller which was added an integral controller to an only on-off one in hydraulic steering gear control system used low speed three position solenoid valve. Experimental results show that the off-set is removed, and the number of valve switching is reduced considerable. The validity of proposed method comparing with an only on-off control was proved by the response experiments.
When an automatic course-keeping is concerned, as is quite popular in modem navigation, the closed-loop steering system consists of autopilot device, power unit (or telemotor unit), steering gear, magnetic or gyro compass and ship dynamics. In order to estimate automatic steering system of ships in open seas. we need to know the characteristics of each component of the system, and also to know the characteristics of disturbance to ship dynamics. In this paper, I provide calculation method of imposing irregular disturbance to autopilot navigation system of the ship in open seas, and also show calculation examples about fishing boat. The disturbance consists of the irregular wave and the fluctuating component of wind. Finally, The disturbances are calculated in terms of equivalent yaw angular velocity. Each spectrum and time history of disturbance are reasonably evaluated.