
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many changes in the scale and structure of the Korean rice cropping system have been made over the past few decades. Still, insufficient research has been conducted on the sustainability of this system. This study analyzed changes in the Korean rice cropping system’s sustainability from a system ecology perspective using an emergy approach. For this purpose, an emergy table was created for the Korean rice cropping system in 2011, 2016, and 202, and an emergy-based indicator analysis was performed. The emergy analysis showed that the total emergy input to the rice cropping system decreased from 10,744E+18 sej year-1 to 8,342E+18 sej year-1 due to decreases in paddy field areas from 2011 to 2021, and the proportion of renewable resources decreased by 1.4%. The emergy input per area (ha) was found to have decreased from 13.13E+15 sej ha-1 year-1 in 2011 to 11.89E+15 sej ha-1 year-1 in 2021, and the leading cause was a decrease in nitrogen fertilizer usage and working hours. The amount of emergy used to grow 1 g of rice stayed the same between 2016 and 2021 (specific emergy: 13.3E+09 sej g-1), but the sustainability of the rice cropping system (emergy sustainability index, ESI) continued to decrease (2011: 0.107, 2016: 0.088, and 2021: 0.086). This study provides quantitative information on the emergy input structure and characteristics of Korean rice cropping systems. The results of this study can be used as a valuable reference in establishing measures to improve the ecological sustainability of the Korean rice cropping system.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        치유농업의 목적은 건강회복 및 유지, 증진을 위한 사회적 비용의 절감과 농촌의 활력, 소득원의 창출을 통한 농업‧농촌의 지속가능한 성장에 있다. 이러한 치유농업의 가치는 치유농업 대상자뿐만 아니라 농 업인, 지역사회, 보건서비스 제공자 등 다양한 주체가 혜택을 얻는 데 있다. 이 연구는 치유농업의 지속 가능한 생태계 구축방안을 제시하고자 선행연구를 통해 핵심요인을 도출하여 환경생태적, 사회경제 적 편익, 지역사회발전으로 설정하였다. 또한 각각의 요인은 하위요인으로 구분하여 적합도와 중요도 를 파악하였다. 델파이 조사는 치유농업에 실무와 경험이 풍부한 연구자, 교수, 치유농가 등 전문가 15 명을 대상으로 하였는데 이 중 불성실한 답변을 제외하고 최종 12명을 대상으로 2차에 걸친 조사를 하 였다. 분석결과 치유농업의 지속가능한 생태계 구축을 위한 핵심요인을 도출하였다. 또한 측정영역과 하위요인에 대한 중요도와 적합도 분석결과 7개의 상위요인과 33개 하위요인을 선정하였다. 지역사회 의 다양한 주체와의 교류 활성화를 통해 농업, 의료, 사회, 교육 분야에서 농업의 새로운 대안으로써 치 유농업을 운영할 필요가 있다. 이를 통해 치유농업의 지속가능한 생태계 구축을 위한 정책지원과 기초 적인 방향성을 제시하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, sustainable utilization plans were proposed by reviewing the current status and problems of water infrastructure, focusing on water supply and sewage system in Chungcheongnam-do. Due to the regional characteristics of the rural areas in Chungcheongnam-do which has a very low urbanization rate, there is a difference in the level of water welfare services between local governments. Compared to other governments, there are relatively many small water facilities, resulting in a service imbalance in terms of tap water safety. In addition, Chungcheongnam-do has a structure that is very vulnerable to water security to cope with climate change and drought due to its high dependence on wide-area water supply. Therefore, it should be considered in consideration of population reduction and local extinction due to low birth rate and aging population. Rural areas should clearly establish marginal areas for the supply of water and sewage, and implement regional customized water and sewage projects in consideration of local extinction. Water supply projects should be implemented in a distributed water supply method using various water sources. In order to respond to climate change and establish water security, a distributed water supply system should be established through a multi-source water loop system using various water sources. Sewage projects should be establish public sewage treatment facilities in consideration of the priorities of each local government, focusing on local governments with low sewage treatment population rates. In consideration of regional characteristics, it is necessary to consider the installation of private sewage treatment facilities or nature-friendly treatment facilities such as soil infiltration and artificial wetlands. An integrated management system using Internet of Things(IOT) or Information and Communications Technology(ICT) should be established and operated to improve the operation and management efficiency of small-scale water supply and sewage facilities.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The emergence of environmental and social issues has led to global discussions for the realization of sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to propose a method of sustainable fashion design using waste Hanbok, focusing on men's Hanbok with cultural values. The study utilizes literature research and fashion design development. From the literature study, reform was judged to be a higher concept encompassing reduction, recycling, and upcycling. Reduction is a design method through removal, and recycling design transforms from its original form into a completely different product. Upcycling design focuses on improvement and change in functionality. Accordingly, nine redesigns using men’s Hanbok were developed from which three were produced. Consequently, the reduction design demonstrated a small range of variation without changing the item, and cultural sustainability was confirmed through the design that removed the components and recombined the Hanbok. Second, recycling redesign can be reconstituted into a different item. Third, upcycling enables various designs through module assembly, which prolongs the lifespan of the product and confirms its value as a raw material for waste Hanbok. This study is meaningful in realizing sustainable fashion and suggesting practical measures for the sustainability of Korean traditional culture and creative fashion design planning.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As interest in the sustainable fashion industry continues to increase along with climate issues, it is necessary to identify research trends in sustainable fashion and seek new development directions. Therefore, this study aims to analyze research trends on sustainable fashion. For this purpose, related papers were collected from the KCI (Korean Citation Index) and Scopus, and 340 articles were used for the study. The collected data went through data transformation, data preprocessing, topic modeling analysis, core topic derivation, and visualization through a Python algorithm. A total of eight topics were obtained from the comprehensive analysis: consumer clothing consumption behavior and environment, upcycle product development, product types by environmental approach, ESG business activities, materials and material development, process-based approach, lifestyle and consumer experience, and brand strategy. Topics were related to consumption, production, and education of sustainable fashion, respectively. KCI analysis results and Scopus analysis results derived eight topics but showed differences from the comprehensive analysis results. This study provides primary data for exploring various themes of sustainable fashion. It is significant in that the data were analyzed based on probability using a research method that excluded the subjective value of the researcher. It is recommended that follow-up studies be conducted to examine social trends.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study presents a sustainable design method to optimize the embodied energy and CO2 emission complying with the design code for reinforced concrete column. The sustainable design method effectively achieves the minimization of the environmental load and energy consumption whereas the conventional design method has been mostly focused on the cost saving. Failure of reinforced concrete column exhibits compressive or tensile failure mode against an external force such as flexure and compression; thus, optimization analyses are conducted for both failure modes. For the given sections and reinforcement ratios, the optimized sections are determined by optimizing cost, embodied energy, and CO2 emission and various aspects of the sections are thoroughly investigated. The optimization analysis results show that 25% embodied energy and 55% CO2 emission can be approximately reduced by 10% increase in cost. In particular, the embodied energy and CO2 emission were more effectively reduced in the tensile failure mode rather than in the compressive failure mode. Consequently, it was proved that the sustainable design method effectively implements the concept of sustainable development in the design of reinforced concrete structure by optimizing embodied energy consumption and CO2 emission.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전라남도는 우리나라에서 50% 이상을 차지하는 섬과 갯벌을 가지고 있다. 특히 그중에서도 신안군은 가장 많 은 섬 개수와 넓은 갯벌을 차지하고 있다. 신안군은 2개 읍, 12면으로 구성되어 있고 약 1,000여개의 유∙무인 도 섬들이 산재해 있다. 섬과 갯벌이라는 독특한 생태계 특성을 가진 신안군의 생태계서비스 가치를 Costanza et al. (1997)의 생물군계에 의해 계산하였다. 신안군은 갯 벌이 가장 높은 생태계서비스 가치를 나타내었다. 이러 한 결과는 대부분의 섬에서 같은 결과를 보였고 특히 압해읍과 지도읍이 가장 높은 값을 보였다. 증도면의 경 우에는 실제적으로 군내에서는 면적이 11위에 해당하 지만 생태계서비스 가치는 전체에서 4위를 나타내었다. 현재까지의 연구 상황으로는 정확하게 생태계서비스 가 치를 계산하는 것이 어렵지만 대략의 가치라도 측정해 보는 것도 중요하다고 판단된다. 신안군 전체의 생태계 서비스 가치를 살펴봄으로써 현재 가지고 있는 가치를 잘 보전하고 지속적으로 활용하기 위한 정책에 활용하 는 것이 필요하다. 특히 갯벌이라는 독특한 생태계를 잘 보전하고 이를 올바르게 활용할 수 있는 시스템 구축이 절실하다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 앞으로 신안군 발전계획 등의 정책결정에 좋은 자료를 제공하고자 한다.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 신기술을 바탕으로 급속히 성장한 신재생에너지 분야 기업의 재정적 어려움을 계량적으로 파악하고 부도위험과 지속가능성을 예측하는 것이다. 태양광 및 풍력기업으로 대표되는 신재생에너지산업은 신생기업이 많은 분야이며, 또한 한국의 현실상 중소기업이 많은 영역이라 start-up기업, 중소기업의 연구란 관점에서도 의의가 있다. 기업의 부도가능성 측정에 관한 연구는 재무비율을 이용한 초기모형 구축을 통한 분석, 기업의 지배구조 분석을 통한 모형분석, 위험과 생존요인을 이용한 분석 등이 주를 이룬다. 본 연구의 분석방법으로 많은 국가에서 이용되고 있는 ‘Altman Z-score’를 채택하였다. 분석 표본은 한국의 태양광과 풍력분야 상장기업 121개 이며, KIS-VALUE Data를 중심으로 수집, 분석하였다. 분석 대상기간은 2006년부터 2011년이다. 알트만 스코어로 분석한 결과, 태양광과 풍력기업 중에서 ‘경계 태세(on-alert)’로 분류되어 부도위험에 크게 노출된 기업은 38%,’예의주시(watch)’가 필요한 기업은 38%로, 합하여 76%가 지속가능성에 의문을 받는 기업으로 측정되었다. 신생기업의 경우 순수한 중소기업이 대기업군에 속한 기업보다 지속가능성이 낮았다. 기업규모가 대체적으로 큰 풍력분야 기업과 규모가 작은 태양광분야 기업의 부도위험을 비교한 결과, 풍력기업군의 부도위험이 다소 높게 나타났으나 유의적이지는 않았다. 결과적으로 Altman Z-score의 유용성이 한국의 신재생에너지 산업군 분석에도 검증되었다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 신성장산업인 태양광, 풍력기업의 상당수가 부도위험에 직면하였다는 것을 실증적으로 보여준 점에 의의가 있다. 또한 신생 start-up 기업의 연구, 중소기업과 대기업군 기업과의 비교연구를 진전시켰다는 점에 의미가 있다.
        2012.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A fundamental concepts of business environment changes and the importance of stakeholder's value creation is changing in the business. This study ISO9004: 2009 quality management system of Category 5: Strategy and Policy, Category 10: improvement, innovation and learning (Note) SBK target was to develop a model that is the company's sustained success. Three concepts of the new revision of ISO9004 "in response to environmental changes," "learning", "innovation" (Note) SBK applied to the project settings and talent establish long-term vision was to establish the process as the organization's learning content was TDR for the creation of exceptional and innovative programs were introduced. As a result, (Note) SBK three years of continuous business performance indicator has grown dramatically to more than 50% continued success is going to create business models. But 100 years to accomplish the vision, ISO9004 model needs to extends the entire category as a management system to achieve the optimization needed.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was evaluated the indicators of GRI guideline LA6-LA9 for industrial safety sanitation field on 22 domestic sustainable management reports and 46 overseas reports published by companies in 2007 and 2008, was developed new indicators with emphasis on industrial safety sanitation act, and was assessed whether they are released. As a result, LA6(Percent of total workforce represented in formal joint management-work health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs) was evaluated highest in release ratio on whether to release the reports by each indicator of industrial safety sanitation field using domestic sustainable management report GRI guideline, and in the case of overseas companies, it was evaluated that there is no companies that release all from LA6 through LA9 among GRI guideline, but it was grasped that the ratio of partial release is high. As for the release of indicators was developed with the use of industrial safety sanitation act of 22 domestic companies, the release of indicator No. 1(report and industrial disaster record) and 10(health diagnosis) of industrial safety sanitation act was high. This study is meaningful in that it analyzed the industrial safety sanitation field of sustainable management report(CSR) that has not been attempted so far with the use of new indicators developed with emphasis on GRI guideline and industrial safety sanitation act.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지구온난화와 기후변화에 의한 수문사상의 불확실성이 커지고 있는 점을 고려하여 수자원의 지속가능성은 매우 중요한 과제로 대두되고 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라 주요 다목적댐을 대상으로 지속가능성지수를 이용하여 용수공급 이행도를 평가하였다. 수자원시스템 용수공급 평가에 많이 활용되고 있는 지표들을 대상으로 적용성과 유연성을 고려하여 선정하고, 선정된 매개변수로 구성된 복합지수를 이용하여 통합적으로 평가하는 방식이다. 실질적으로 신뢰도, 회복도, 취약도 및 최대물부족도 등을 기초 매개변수로 댐의 용수공급 지속가능성지수를 구성하고 15개 다목적댐을 대상으로 개별 댐과 유역별로 평가하였다. 평과결과, 금강유역의 대청댐과 낙동강 유역의 임하, 합천 및 남강댐이 취약한 것으로 나타났으며, 유역은 낙동강 유역이 가장 취약하여 용수공급 안전도 향상을 위한 대응방안이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Agriculture plays a vital role in the sustenance of human society and is the fundamental of developing economies. Nitrogen is one of the most critical inputs that define crop productivity. To ensure better value for investment as well as to minimize the adverse impacts of the accumulative nitrogen species in environment, improving nitrogen use efficiency of crop plants is of key importance. Efforts have been made to study the genetic and molecular biological basis as well as the biochemical mechanisms involved in nitrogen uptake, assimilation, translocation and remobilization in crops and model plants. This review gives an overview of metabolic, enzymatic, genetic and biotechnological aspects of nitrogen uptake, assimilation, remobilization and regulation. This review presents the complexity of nitrogen use efficiency and the need for an integrated approach combining physiology, quantitative trait genetics, system biology, soil science, ecophysiology and biotechnological interventions to improve nitrogen use efficiency.
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