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        검색결과 4,216

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hypochaeris radicata, native to Europe and Eurasia, is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. In Korea, H. radicata was reported in 1992, mainly in Jeju Island, and gradually spreading to the inland. It overwinters in the form of a rosette and blooms yellow flowers from May to June. H. radicata propagates by seeds and rhizomes. The germination temperature of the seed is 15/20°C (day/night), and the rhizome forms a new plant at a depth of 2-3 cm in the soil. The roots of H. radicata secrete allelochemicals that inhibit the development of other plants. Some use it as a salad or forage substitute but to a limited extent. However, extensive research on ampicillin contained in H. radicata has been conducted, and its anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects have been recognized. There are only a few methods to manage H. radicata both culturally and physically. In orchards, soil treatments such as oxyfluorfen and diclobenil, or nonselective foliar treatments such as glufosinate-ammonium and glyphosate are used. Notably, there are no known biological control agents.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the correlation between livestock odor civil petitions and the establishment of malodor control areas in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, focusing on swine farms where numerous civil petitions regarding malodors have been received. After the designation of the malodor control areas, high odor concentrations occurred in Aewoleup and Jocheon-eup, and the odor concentration decreased in other areas. The number of civil petitions shows a consistent annual trend, with increased petitions from March, peaking during summer (July and August), and decreasing from September into winter. In Jeju-si, there were many civil petitions in Hallim-eup and Aewol-eup where there were many malodor control areas. However, in Seogwipo-si, there were also many civil petitions in Pyoseonmyeon, where there is no malodor control area. Additionally, we compared the average multiple of compound malodors and the rate of exceeding the maximum allowable emission level for compound malodors with the number of livestock malodor civil petitions to assess the actual state of malodors. The results reveal a stronger correlation between the number of civil petitions and the rate of exceeding the compound malodors allowable emission level than the average multiple for compound malodors. These findings provide valuable insights into addressing livestock odor concerns and enhancing malodor control measures in Jeju Island.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Benthic attached diatoms (BADs), a major primary producer in lotic stream and river ecosystems are micro-sized organisms and require a highly magnified microscopic technique in the observation work. Thus, it is often not easy to ensure accuracy and precision in both qualitative and quantitative analyses. This study proposed a new technique applicable to improve quality control of aquatic ecosystem monitoring and assessment using BADs. In order to meet the purpose of quality control, we developed a permanent mounting slide technique which can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analyses simultaneously. We designed specimens with the combination of grid on both cover and slide glasses and compared their efficiency. As a result of observation and counting of BADs, the slide glass designed with the color-lined grid showed the highest efficiency compared to other test conditions. We expect that the method developed in this study could be effectively used to analyze BADs and contributed to improve the quality control in aquatic ecosystem health monitoring and assessment.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 경로당 기능 활성화를 위하여 서울시 소재 3,400여 개의 경로당 운영을 지원하는 경로당프로그램 관리자 를 대상으로 진행하던 표적집단면접(FGI)을 코로나19로 중단하 고, 개방형 질문지를 이메일로 주고받으며 얻은 질적 자료와 영역별 핵심 최우선 순위의 내용을 양적 자료로 재분류하고 병 행하여 분석하였다. 서울시 경로당프로그램 관리자 총 71명 중 68명이 참여한 본 연구의 질문지 구성은 질문 대상자에 대한 근무기간, 교육수준 등과 경로당 운영에 있어서 개선할 사항, 경로당 이용노인의 선호 프로그램, 경로당을 이용하는 주된 이 유, 경로당 활성화에 필요한 사항, 베이비부머 등 연소노인 유 입을 위한 필요조건 등 5개 영역별로 개방형 질문을 하였다. 연구결과, 경로당을 이용하는 주된 이유는 “점심을 동년배 친 구들과 이야기 나누며 함께 할 수 있어서”이며, 경로당 운영에 있어서 개선사항은 “공과금 내고 나면 점심식사 반찬값 부족… 집에서 반찬 가져오기도” 등 운영비 부족을 가장 많이 서술하 였다. 또 경로당 이용노인이 가장 선호하는 프로그램은 “노래교 실, 놀이화투, 건강안마” 등으로 나타났다. 매일 방문하고 싶은 경로당이 되기 위한 요건과 베이비부머 등 연소노인들이 이용 할 수 있는 필요 요인에 대한 서술은 모두 “프로그램실·식당 설치…낙후된 시설 리모델링해야” 등 시설 확장과 다양한 여가 복지프로그램이나 세대통합 프로그램 활성화를 최우선으로 서 술하였다. 이에 경로당이 지역사회의 통합돌봄 공간으로 점심 과 취미여가활동을 하는 낮시간대 가족공동체로 자리할 수 있 는 기초자료를 제시하고자 하였다.
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