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        검색결과 140

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The combination of the two-dimensional (2D) materials g-C3N4 and MXenes in photocatalysis offers several advantages. The g-C3N4 can serve as a visible light-absorbing material, while MXenes can enhance the charge separation and transfer processes leading to improved photocatalytic efficiency. A critical review of 77 already published articles in the field of photocatalytic reactions using g-C3N4 and MXenes, such as hydrogen evolution, the reduction of carbon dioxide, the degradation of organic compounds, the redox reactions of nitrogen, was conducted. For the purpose of greater objectivity, the published results were analysed by non-parametric Mann–Whitney, Kolmogorov–Smirnov, and Mood´s median tests and visualised by box and whisker plots. It was found that MXenes can significantly improve the photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4. Adding other co-catalysts to the MXene/g-C3N4 composites does not bring a significant improvement in the photocatalytic performance. Promising results were obtained especially in the fields of hydrogen evolution and the reduction of carbon dioxide. Since the MXenes are relatively a new class of materials, there is still a big challenge for finding new photocatalytic applications and for the enhancement of existing photocatalytic systems based on g-C3N4, especially in terms of the MXenes and g-C3N4 surface and in the heterojunction engineering.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        웹툰이 2D 애니메이션으로의 매체 전환 창작은 새로운 유행이 되어가 고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 현재 이 두 매체 간 전환에 대한 연구는 상 대적으로 적다. 본 논문은 베르너 볼프의 트랜스미디어 변환 이론과 브 루스 블록의 시각 이론을 바탕으로 중국에서 성공한 만화 <대리사일지> 를 애니메이션으로의 변환을 미디어 변환 관점에서 분석 연구하였다. 이 연구는 한국 만화의 각색 및 트랜스미디어 변환과 관련된 학문 분야에 연구 방향을 제공하며 응용 분야에는 제작 관점의 참고 의견을 제공한 다. 우리는 웹툰에서 2D 애니메이션으로의 매체 전환을 영향하는 요인들 을 탐구할 뿐만 아니라 두 매체의 시각적 요소 표현의 차이를 밝힐 것이 다. 웹툰에서 2D 애니메이션으로의 전환 과정에서 시각적인 충격을 강화 하고 현실감을 높이며 흥미를 더하는 방법에 중점을 둘 것이다. 또한, 사 려 깊은 촬영 안내를 통해 관중의 참여도를 더욱 강화하는 방법을 탐구 할 것이다. 이러한 측면을 깊이 연구함으로써 우리는 이러한 매체 전환 과정에서의 기회와 도전을 더 잘 이해할 수 있을 것이다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As various accidents have occurred in underground spaces, we aim to improve the quality validation standards and methods as specified in the Regulations on Producing Integrated Map of Underground Spaces devised by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea for a high-quality integrated map of underground spaces. Specifically, we propose measures to improve the quality assurance of pipeline-type underground facilities, the so-called life lines given their importance for citizens’ daily activities and their highest risk of accident among the 16 types of underground facilities. After implementing quality validation software based on the developed quality validation standards, the adequacy of the validation standards was demonstrated by testing using data from two-dimensional water supply facilities in some areas of Busan, Korea. This paper has great significance in that it has laid the foundation for reducing the time and manpower required for data quality inspection and improving data quality reliability by improving current quality validation standards and developing technologies that can automatically extract errors through software.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Reliable, inexpensive, environment-friendly, and durable properties of carbon materials with unique and outstanding photoelectric performance is highly desired for myriad of applications such as catalysis and energy storage. Since lattice modulation is a vital method of surface modification of materials, which form by an external force during the synthesis process, causing the internal compression and stretching, leading to lattice sliding event. In this review, we present a summary of different methods to tailor the lattice modulation in 2D carbon-based materials, including grain/twin boundary, lattice strain, lattice distortion, and lattice defects. This overview highlights the implication control of the diverse morphologies of nanocrystals and how to tailor the materials properties without adding any polymers. The improvement in the performance of 2D carbon materials ranges from the enhancement of charge transport and conductivity, structural stability, high-performance of light absorption capacity, and efficient selectivity promote the future prospect of 2D carbon materials broaden their applications in terms of energy conversion and storage. Finally, some perspectives are proposed on the future developments and challenges on 2D carbon materials towards energy storage applications.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        환경 오염과 천연 자원의 고갈에 대한 증가하는 우려는 환경적으로 지속 가능한 기술의 개발을 촉진했습니다. 퍼 바포레이션은 낮은 에너지 소비, 환경 영향 및 성능 효율로 인해 최근 수십 년 동안 주목을 받아 왔습니다. 이 방법은 막이 원하는 선택도를 충족하도록 미세 조정될 수 있기 때문에 화학 종을 분리하고 유기 용매를 탈수하는 데 사용되었습니다. 역 삼투 및 증류와 같은 여러 분리 공정은 실험 환경 및 산업 응용 분야에서 모두 활용되고 있습니다. 그러나 퍼바포레이션은 작동 압력 및 온도가 낮고 거부율이 높은 등 여러 이점이 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 현재 막 기술의 상태만으로는 실용적 인 응용에 대한 요구를 충분하게 할 수 없습니다. 반면, 복합막은 유기 물질과 무기 물질의 장점을 모두 활용할 수 있습니다. 많은 연구들이 현재 한계를 해결하기 위해 그래핀 산화물(GO) 및 MXene (MX)과 같은 무기 나노 물질을 고분자 막에 효과 적으로 통합했습니다. 이 검토는 투과증발에서의 2D 복합막의 최근 발전을 조사하고 성능 향상을 평가합니다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 웹툰 캐릭터 영상에 대해서 심층학습에 기반한 3D 안면 재구성 기술을 제안한다. 본 연구에서 제안하는 방법은 기본 사항 모듈과 상세 사항 모듈로 구성된다. 입력 받은 웹툰 캐릭터 영상에 대해서 기본 사항 모듈의 요소인 Albedo 모듈을 적용해서 안면에 들어오는 빛의 양을 계산하여 Albedo 맵을 생성한다. 그 리고 기본 사항 모듈의 다른 구성 요소인 FLAME 모듈에서는 입력 영상에 대한 기본적인 3D 안면 형태를 생 성한다. 이와 동시에 상세사항 모듈을 적용해서 실제 사람과 다르게 이목구비가 변형된 웹툰 캐릭터 영상의 표정이나 얼굴 깊이와 같은 특징을 살리는 세부사항을 추출한다. 계산한 세부사항들을 토대로 세부사항 맵을 생성하여 앞서 FLAME 모듈에서 생성된 3D 안면 형태와 결합하여 세부사항 안면 형태를 생성한다. 그 후 Albedo 모듈에서 생성된 Albedo 맵까지 적용하면 최종적으로 웹툰 캐릭터 영상에 대한 3D 안면 재구성이 완 료된다. 본 연구에서는 웹툰 캐릭터뿐만 아니라 안면이 스타일화된 애니메이 션 캐릭터에 대해서도 결과를 생성하고, 이를 기존 연구와 비교하여 그 우수성을 입증한다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the design of a spent-fuel (SF) storage, the consideration of burnup credit brings the benefits in safety and economic views. According to it, various SF burnup measurement systems have been developed to estimate high fidelity burnup credit, such as FORK and SMOPY. Recently, there are a few attempts to localize the SF burnup measurement system in South Korea. For the localization of SF burnup measurement systems, it is very important to build the isotope inventory data base (DB) of various kinds of SFs. In this study, we performed DeCART2D/MASTER core follow calculations and McCARD single fuel assembly (FA) burnup analyses for Hanbit unit 3 and confirmed the characteristic of the isotope inventory over burnup. Firstly, the core follow calculations for Cycles 1~7 were performed using DeCART2D/MASTER code system. The core follow calculation is very realistic and practical because it considers the design conditions from its nuclear design report (NDR). Secondly, the Monte Carlo burnup analyses for single FAs were conducted by the McCARD Monte Carlo (MC) transport code. The McCARD code can utilize continuous energy cross section library and treat complex geometric information for particle transport simulation. Accordingly, the McCARD code can provide accurate solutions for burnup analyses without approximations, but it needs huge computing resources and time burden to perform whole-core follow calculations. Therefore, we will confirm the effectiveness of the single McCARD FA burnup analyses by comparing the DeCART2D/MASTER core follow results with the McCARD solution. From the results, the use of single FA burnup analyses for the establishment of the DBs will be justified. Various FAs, that have different 235U enrichments and loading pattern of fuel rods and burnable absorbers, were considered for the burnup analyses. In addition, the results of the sensitivity analyses for power density, initial enrichment, and cooling time will be presented.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Efficient capture and storage of radioactive iodine (consisting of two isotopes: 129I and 131I), produced or released from nuclear activities, are of paramount importance for sustainable development of nuclear energy due to their volatility and long half-life. Therefore, it is very important to develop new adsorbents for efficient utilization of radioactive iodine from nuclear waste. Various methods and materials are used for I2 capturing and removing, including MOFs due to their high porosity and fast adsorption kinetics, which are rightfully considered effective sorbents for removing I2. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are porous crystalline materials which have diverse pore geometry and unique physicochemical properties, have attracted enormous attention for use in gas storage, separation and catalysis. The ability of MOFs to adsorb volatile products at room temperature can significantly improve the cost-effectiveness of the utilization process. This work describes the synthesis and characterization of three new metal-organic frameworks based on pyrazine (pyz), 44’bipyridine (bpy), 1,2 -bis(4 - pyridyl) – ethane (bpe) and copper (II) hexafluorozironate, as potential adsorbents for I2 capture. All of these three MOFs exhibit a two - dimensional (2D) crystal structure consisting from infinity non-crossing linear chains. The crystal structure of [Cu(pyz)2(ZrF6)2(H2O)2], [Cu(bpy)4(H2O)2ZrF6] and [Cu(bpe)4(H2O)2ZrF6] were characterized using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), single crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD). Comparative characteristics of synthesized MOFs, including Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were also performed. The I2 sorption experiments were examined by UV-vis spectroscopy.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The intrinsic negative Poisson’s ratio effect at the level of molecule in two-dimensional nanomaterials, especially in the perfect planar nanostructures with a single atom thickness, is really rare and has attracted a lot of research interests because of its unique mechanical properties in the nanoscale and extensive applications in mechanical nanodevices. In this work, a novel ideal planar carbon nanostructure (PCNS) framework with a single atom thickness composed by carbon and hydrogen atoms is proposed and studied by means of first-principles density functional calculation. The results showed that the PCNS is, simultaneously, of excellent thermodynamic, molecular dynamic and mechanical stabilities. In addition, the electronic structure, mechanical characters, and optical-electronic characteristics of PCNS are also explored. Excitedly, it is found that the PCNS has a significant negative Poisson’s ratio effect in plane, and the maximum value of Poisson’s ratio is as high as − 2.094. Meanwhile, the material has a wide range of elastic mechanics. Moreover, the PCNS presents an ideal UV absorption performance. It is hoped that this work could be a useful structural design strategy for the development of the ideal 2D carbon-based nanomechanical devices with the intrinsic negative Poisson’s ratio effect and other electronic functions.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Doped porous carbon materials have attracted great interest owing to their excellent electrochemical performance toward energy storage applications. In this report, we described the synthesis of nitrogen-doped porous carbon (N-PC) via carbonization of a triazine-based covalent organic framework (COF) synthesized by Friedel–Crafts reaction. The as-synthesized COF and N-PC were confirmed by X-ray diffraction. The N-PC exhibited many merits including high surface area (711 m2 g−1), porosity, uniform pore size, and surface wettability due to the heteroatom-containing lone pair of electron. The N-PC showed a high specific capacitance of 112 F g−1 at a current density of 1.0 A g−1 and excellent cyclic stability with 10.6% capacitance loss after 5000 cycles at a current density of 2.0 A g−1. These results revealed that the COF materials are desirable for future research on energy storage devices.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A simulation based (DFT) study is performed on activated 2D-carbon sheet without and with vacancies of central carbon atoms, and explored the electronic properties. The inter-atomic distance at the center of activated carbon sheet is gradually increased with increasing number of vacancies. We get lower binding energy with three vacancies, and higher without a vacancy. A covalent bond is found between C–C atoms, density of states exhibit a semiconductor nature of a system without vacancy, and metallic nature in the presence of vacancies. There are higher peaks of resultant anti-bonding states with three vacancy system and it exhibits higher amorphous nature which causes higher electron concentration, mobility and higher electrical conductivity.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Physical activity and exercise is an important step in the journey of a healthy lifestyle. It reduces the risk of developing many diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. In today’s world, we spend most of our time sitting in front of a computer or mobile phones for work and entertainment. This is one of the leading factors in a lack of physical activities and thus a decrease in the fitness level of many individuals. In this paper, we design a mobile 2D platformer game where progress inside the game world is dependent on physical activity in the real world. The game has two modes namely adventure and story mode. This design can motivate people to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The physical activity monitoring is done solely through the pedometer of a smartphone held by the user while playing the game. The number of steps walked by the user determines the number of revives inside the adventure mode of the game. There are three levels in the story mode which are unlocked by walking more than a certain number of steps in the real world.
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