Entomopathogenic fungi have been studied to control insect pests as an alternative to chemical insecticides. However, all fungi haven't a high virulence against pests. In this study, we compared the biological characteristics of Metarhizium anisopliae strains. First, we selected four M. anisopliae strains and compared the thermotolerance, conidial productivity, and virulence. For the thermotolerance test, conidial suspensions were exposed to 0, 30, 60, and 90 min at 45 °C. As a result, the conidial germination rates were over 95% when exposed for 0 min but, were 64, 37.7, 6, and 3% when exposed for 30 min at 45°C, respectively. To compare conidial productivity, 200g of millet were used and inoculated with a conidial suspension of 1 ml (1×107 conidia/ml). Conidial productivity was investigated after 14 days. As a result of conducting a virulence test against mealworms using a spray method, differences in virulence between strains were confirmed.
The box tree moth (BTM, Cydalima perspectalis Walker) is a pest that infests various plants within the Buxus genus. Although a specific parasitoid wasp species associated with the BTM has been observed in the Republic of Korea, no research on this species has been published. Here we describe the fundamental biological and morphological characteristics of this parasitoid. We placed the wasp under the genus Eriborus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Campopleginae). Eriborus sp. parasitizes within the living host body, with one wasp emerging from each host. The parasitism rate in collected BTM populations was 33.1%. The emergence rate was 87.1%, with all emerging adults being females, resulting in a sex ratio of 0. The pupal period averaged 9.5 days, and the adult lifespan averaged 10.5 days. Eriborus sp. parasitized BTM larvae from the first to the fourth instar and reproduced by parthenogenesis. Eriborus sp. exhibited morphological differences compared with previously reported Eriborus species in Korea, particularly in the length of the ovipositor sheath. In addition, the proportion of the highest similarity in nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I DNA was only 94.53%, rendering species identification using GenBank’s mt cytochrome c oxidase 1 DNA sequences unfeasible. These data suggest Eriborus sp. could be used as a biological control agent for managing BTM infestations.
In this study, Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was first reported as a natural enemy of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) egg collected from corn fields in Korea, and its biological characteristics was studied. Based on morphological and molecular analysis, the parasitoid emerged from S. frugiperda eggs was identified as T. remus. We found that T. remus can attack the eggs of S. frugiperda, Spodoptera litra and Spodoptera exigua under a laboratory condition. The longevity of T. remus female adult was longer than that of male adult. The egg-to-adult period of T. remus was not affected by the host age and sex. T. remus female adult laid at least 1-3 eggs a day to a maximum of 37 or more eggs, and the most oviposited on the 3rd to 4th day after emergence. The host preference for oviposition of T. remus adult was high in the order of S. litura>S. exigua>S. frugiperda. T. remus preferred to parasitize 1- and 2-day-old host egg rather than 3-day-old host egg. When compared to the sex ratio of T. remus progeny, the rate of female progeny was higher at the initiation time of oviposition, while the proportion of male progeny increased significantly with female adult age, especially after 8-day-old adult. This information may be useful for improving T. remus mass rearing system and developing a biological control program to control S. frugiperda.
Estuary is important in terms of biodiversity because it has the characteristics of transition waters, created by the mixing of fresh- and seawater. The estuarine water circulation provides a variety of habitats with different environments by inducing gradients in the chemical and physical environment, such as water quality and river bed structure, which are ultimately the main factors influencing biological community composition. If the water circulation is interrupted, the loss of brackish areas and the interception of migration of biological communities will lead to changes in the spatial distribution of biodiversity. In this study, among the sites covered by the Estuary Aquatic Ecosystem Health Assessment, we selected study sites where changes in biodiversity can be assessed by spatial gradient from the upper reaches of the river to the lower estuarine area. The α-, γ- and β-diversity of diatom, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish communities were calculated, and they were divided into open and closed estuary data and compared to determine the trends in biodiversity variation due to estuarine circulation. As results, all communities showed higher γ-diversity at open estuary sites. The benthic macroinvertebrate community showed a clear difference between open and closed estuaries in β-diversity, consequently the estuarine transects were considered as a factor that decreases spatial heterogeneity of their diversity among sites. The biodiversity trends analyzed in this study will be used to identify estuaries with low γ- and β-diversity by community, providing a useful resource for further mornitoring and management to maintain estuarine health.
Bacillus velezensis HKB-1가 표고버섯 수확후배지 퇴비로부터 분리되었으며 고추역병균(Phythopthora capsici), 인삼모 잘록병균(Rhizoctonia solani), 고추탄저병균(Collectotrichum coccodes) 및 시들음병(Fusarium oxysporium)의 균사체 성장을 70% 이상 억제하는 항 진균 활성을 보였다. B. velezensis HKB-1은 표고버섯 수확후배지 퇴비물 추출물과 당밀 1% 첨가배지에서 다른 상업용 세균배지보다 10~100배 더 높은 세균증식률을 보였으며 고추 역병균의 균사체 생장을 90% 억제하였으며 고추생육 촉진효과 및 고추역병에 대하여 70% 이상의 방제효과가 있었다.
본 연구는 포장 및 실험실 조사를 통해 자두수염잎벌(Monocellicampa pruni Wei, 1998)의 생활사를 확인하였다. 자두수염잎벌은 5령의 유충 단계를 가지는 일화성 곤충이다. 성충은 자두가 만개하는 3월 중순경에 흙에서 나와 꽃받침의 표피층 밑에 1개(드물게 2개)의 알을 낳는다. 부화 후, 유충은 곧 어린 과실 속으로 파고들어 성충이 되기 전 4번의 탈피 과정 동안 과실 안에서 과육을 섭식한다. 유충이 성숙하면(5월) 과실에서 나와 2 - 11 cm깊이의 땅속으로 파고 들어가 번데기방을 만들고 이듬해 봄까지 전용 형태로 월동한다. 실험실 조건(T = 20°C, RH = 40 - 60%)에서 수컷 성충의 생존기간은 암컷성충보다 약간 짧았고(수컷 6.03 ± 0.40일 및 암컷 7.55 ± 0.45일), 암컷은 평생 30.29 ± 4.50개의 알았다. 포장에서 알기간은 약 10 - 11일이었고, 유충기간은 약 31 - 34일이었다.
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of roasting temperature on the quality characteristics and biological activity of quinoa. Quinoa was roasted at 160, 200, and 220oC for 20 min. The lightness (L*) of quinoa decreased, however, the redness (a*) increased as the roasting temperature increased. The yellowness (b*) was the highest at 160oC and decreased at 200 and 220oC. The highest contents of total polyphenol, flavonoid, and quercetin were observed at 220oC, the highest roasting temperature. The highest radical scavenging activities of 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (73.65%) and α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl free radicals (47.82%) were found in roasted quinoa at 220oC. The α- glucosidase activity was inhibited by 62.13% at this temperature. The roasted quinoa at 220oC also showed a significant cytoprotective effect against oxidative stress in HepG2 cells. These results could be useful in the development of food products using quinoa.
This study analyzed the quality characteristics of Soksungjang combined with sorghum koji, according to the amount of sorghum added and the length of the fermentation period. The moisture content of Soksungjang was the lowest in the control group when there was no sorghum koji added, but gradually increased as the amount of added sorghum koji increased. The reduction in the sugar content of sorghum Soksungjang did not change according to the fermentation period of the control group, but increased alongside the fermentation period when sorghum koji was added to Soksungjang. The amino nitrogen content increased from 67.20-80.73 mg% from the beginning of the fermentation period to 173.13-383.60 mg% at the end of the fermentation period, and the total polyphenol content increased from 260.25-351.28 mg% from the beginning of the fermentation period to 567.28 mg%-674.93 mg% to the end of the fermentation period. DPPH radical scavenging activity also increased as the fermentation period elapsed, and ABTS radical scavenging activity increased and then decreased slightly over the fermentation period. The antioxidant activity was the highest in the Soksungjang mixture with a 10% concentration of sorghum koji.
본 연구는 갈색날개매미충을 생물적 방제인자로 활용하기 위해 알 기생 천적인 날개매미충알벌의 발육 특성을 조사하였다. 날개매미충알벌의 온도별 발육기간은 25°C에서 알은 3.8일, 유충 11.1일 및 번데기 16.3일, 30°C에서는 알 3.4일, 유충 7.8일 및 번데기 15.3일이었다. 유충 기간을 제외하고 온도에 따라 유의미한 발육 기간의 차이를 보이지 않았다. 다만 알~번데기까지 전 발육기간은 25°C에 비해 30°C에서 발육기간이 짧아 온도에 따라 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 하루 중 날개매미충알벌의 우화는 불이 켜져 있는 명 기간에 모든 개체가 성충으로 우화하였다. 우화율이 가장 높은 시간대는 10:00~12:00 사이였고 (34.5%), 그 다음으로 12:00~14:00 사이였다 (22.99%). 암 기간 (00:00~08:00)에서는 성충으로 우화하는 개체는 관찰되지 않았다. 날개매미충알벌 성충의 성비는 암컷이 75.8%, 수컷이 24.2%로 암수 비율은 약 3 : 1이었다. 성충의 수명은 20°C에서 암컷과 수컷이 각각 49.0일, 44.0일, 25°C에서 27.6일, 28.4일 및 30°C에서 18.0일, 14.0일로 조사한 온도 중 암수 모두 온도가 낮은 20°C에서 수명이 길었고, 온도가 높을수록 수명은 짧아지는 경향을 보였다. 암컷 성충은 00:00~02:00 사이를 제외하고 모든 시간대에 걸쳐 산란하였고, 산란수가 가장 많은 시간대는 20:00~22:00 사이로 26.1%를 차지하였고, 그 다음으로는 10:00~12:00 사이에 15.7%로 조사되었다. 날개매미충알벌은 수컷을 생산하는 단위생식을 하는 것으로 조사되었다. 따라서 이상의 결과로 날개매미충알벌은 갈색날개매미충을 방제하는 중요한 생물적 방제 인자로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
본 연구에서는 국내외에서 수집한 영지 유전자원에 대한 평가를 위하여 균주별 생육특성을 분석하였고, 영지의 항산화 활성과 관련이 있는 생리활성 성분, 베타글루칸 함량, 필수 및 비필수 아미노산 성분, 단당류, 이당류 및 당알콜 등의 당 성분 함량을 분석하였다. 14종의 영지 중 갓의 크기, 수확량 등을 고려하여 생육특성이 우수한 균주는 KMCC02960 (G. meredithae), KMCC02932 (G. tropicum)이었다. 14종의 영지 70% 에탄올 추출물 1 mg/ ml 농도에서의 DPPH 라디컬 소거능은 53.1% ~ 79.4%를 나타냈으며, 그 중에서 KMCC02932 (G. tropicum) 균주 가 가장 높은 소거활성을 나타냈으며, 아질산염 소거능은 영지1호인 KMCC02824 (G. lucidum)와 KMCC02852 (G. neo-japonicum)가 각각 69.5%와 63.2%로 높은 소거 활성을 보였다. 총 폴리페놀의 함량은 영지1호인 KMCC02824 (G. lucidum)와 KMCC02852 (G. neojaponicum) 가 각각 38.0 mg GAE/g와 37.8 mg GAE/g로 다른 균주에 비하여 높은 함량치를 보였다. 14종의 영지 중에서 높은 베타글루칸 함유량을 보이는 균주는 32.95% 의 KMCC02852 (G. neo-japonicum)와, 33.43%의 KMCC03018 (G. lingzhi)이었다. 4종류의 단당류와 2종류의 이당류, 4종류의 당알콜류 분석결과, 모든 성분이 검출된 영지 균주는 KMCC02996 (G. weberianum)과 KMCC03018 (G. lingzhi)이었으며, 총 아미노산과 총 필수아미노산 함량이 높은 균주는 KMCC02932 (G. tropicum)로 티로신(Tyr), 페닐알라닌(Phe) 성분함량이 높게 검출되었으며, 균주별로 성분함량 차이가 있었으나 시스테인(Cys), 티로 신(Tyr), 페닐알라닌(Phe) 성분이 다른 성분에 비하여 높게 검출되었다. 위와 같은 결과를 바탕으로 우수 유전자원을 선발하는데 기초자료로서의 활용도가 높으리라 기대 되며, 추후 영지 고유의 유용성분인 가노데릭산(ganoderic acid) 등의 분석을 통하여 기능성 소재에 관한 연구를 진행하려 한다.
We conducted a seasonal field survey to analyze the distribution patterns of a phytoplankton community and biological oceanographic characteristics in the Geum river estuary in 2018. The results showed that the phytoplankton community consisted of 58 genera and 116 species, showing a relatively simple distribution. It was controlled by diatoms at 70.2%, a low number of species in winter and spring, and a high number in summer and autumn. The phytoplankton cell density ranged from 10.0 to 2,904.0 cells mL-1, with an average layer of 577.2 cells mL-1, which was low in autumn and high in winter. The seasonal succession of phytoplankton dominant species was mainly centric diatoms from winter to summer, including Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii, Cerataulina bergonii, and Skeletonema costatum-ls in winter, S. costatum-ls and C. bergonii in spring, and Eucampia zodiacus and Th. nordenskioeldii in summer. However, the autumn species depended upon the regions, with the inner bay dominated by the centric diatom, Aulacoseira cf. granulata, the mixed areas by S. costatum-ls, and the open sea by the dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium polyedra. According to principal component analysis (PCA), the phytoplankton community was greatly affected by the inflow and expansion of freshwater, including high nutrients, which are introduced annually through the rivermouth weir in Geum river estuary. However, the estuary, which is strongly affected by annual freshwater, was limited to areas near Geumran Island, which is adjacent to the river-mouth weir.