Although the proportion of coal-fired power generation is decreasing, efficient operating technology is needed to continuously invest in facilities and reduce maintenance costs until it is abolished. Boilers, one of the main facilities of power plants, operate for a long time in harsh environments of high temperature and high pressure. In addition, damage due to deterioration is likely to occur depending on the fuel and tube material used. It is very important to judge soundness because damage caused by deterioration adversely affects facility operation. Previously, replication method was used to analyze the progress of deterioration. In the replication method, pre-treatment such as chemical treatment is performed on the boiler tube in the field, the area is reproduced by attaching a film, and the replicated film is determined by an expert in the laboratory with an expensive microscope. However, this method involves substantial costs and time requirements, as well as the possibility of human errors. To address these issues, we developed a mobile health assessment system in this research. Since it is detachable and takes images in real time, this system enables swift evaluations across a broad range and facilitates the assessment of preprocessing quality. In addition, it was intended to reduce existing human mistakes by developing a degradation classification algorithm using the merger cluster method.
The fuel oil used for ships has the viscosity higher than the fuel used for general vehicles and contain impurities, so it’s exhaust gas results in the environment pollution. There have been studies actively conducted to examine alternative fuels for improving the quality of the marine fuel oil. It is, however, necessary to test the quality of fuel for mega ships, by conducting the simulation test using reduced-size models, before the demonstration step, because it takes too much cost and time to directly perform the demonstration of alternative fuels. This study, therefore, developed a 30-liter small-size boiler similar to the ship system and performed an initial fuel test by applying MGO to it. The findings show that the amount of nitrogen oxide to which 4% of the standard oxide level was applied was about 24.69ppm, when the oxide level was 10.02%, with the CO2 of 8.02%, the exhaust gas temperature of 291.15℃ and the combustion efficiency of about 74.53%, indicating that it will be necessary to conduct various studies through the ratio control in the future.
Recently air pollution is becoming a global environment issue. Especially, the smoke from engines and boiler systems, which burn fossil fuels directly, is an extremely serious issue. For this reason, IMO is tightening regulations for the control of NOx and SOx. Therefore, in this study, the NOx reduction effect of emulsified oil mixed with 10% of water was tested after applying the emulsified oil to an industrial boiler burner using Bunker-C oil. The study showed that the exhaust gas oxygen concentration of emulsified oil was nearly 1.3% high and this was identified by the effect of dissolved oxygen contained in water. Also, based on the standard oxygen concentration(4%), the average and maximum NOx reduction rates were 28.53% and 30.23% respectively, which means the reduction efficiency was very high.
화력발전소 구조물 중 하나인 보일러 강구조물은 물탱크가 올라가게 되는 중요한 설비지만 그 중요성이 비해 지진에 대한 안전성 평가에 대한 연구가 미비하다. 본 연구에서는 취약도 곡선을 도출하고자 16개의 지진파에 12개의 PGA값을 선정하고 포 항지진을 포함해 총 200회의 동적 비선형 해석을 수행하였다. 강재의 인장, 압축응력과 강구조물의 상대변위를 측정하였다. 강재 재료적 특성의 경우 변형은 발생하였으나 파괴는 발생하지 않았고, 상대변위의 경우 한계점에 못 미치는 변위가 발생하였다. 취약도 곡선 도출결과 국내의 지진구역 구분 및 지역계수를 기준으로 강재의 재료적 변형(400MPa)에서는 인장이 38%, 압축이 62.5%로 변형이 발생하였고, 상대변위는 0%의 확률로 한계점을 넘었다. 이러한 보일러 강구조물에 대한 취약도 곡선은 대상구조물에 대한 한 계상태를 판별하는 정량적 근거와 지진에 대한 안전설계시 활용될 수 있다.
In order to effectively utilize thermal energy, we analyzed the performance of the high efficiency latent heat storage system which can be used for greenhouse heating by using the developed phase change material. The system consists of hot water boiler, heat storage material, heat storage box, heat storage tank, circulation pump, control panel, and storage material. As a result, the latent heat and latent heat temperature of sodium acetate hydrate as latent heat storage material are 231.6 ~ 264.8kJ/kg, 54.95 ~ 55.48℃. As the number of cooling and heating increased, the latent heat temperature showed a slight change, but the latent heat decreased 33.1kJ/kg as the number of repetition increased. In the case of sodium acetate hydrate, large supercooling phenomenon was observed, and it was found that mixing of additives such as nucleating agent, thickener and supercooling agent can control the supercooling more effectively. The consumption of kerosene decreased until the temperature of the heat storage tank was raised to the set temperature by the closed circuit for 4 hours in the initial stage of the boiler operation. The heat exchange rate according to the change of the flow rate was maintained at the set temperature inside the heat storage tank after 4 hours of operation, Consumption was high. As the flow rate increased, the inlet and outlet temperature difference decreased, the heat exchange rate increased, and the heat exchange efficiency was in the range of 57.4 ~ 60.5%.
An electric steam boiler equipped with a condensate recovery system, which stores the condensate generated after using steam in steam washers, steam cookers, steam irons, and steam cleaners in a condensate tank and supplies compressed air to the condensate tank so that the condensate is recovered to the boiler by the pressure of the compressed air, was studied. In the results of this study, the heat energy balance between the quantity of the heat generated by the non-metallic surface heating element and the quantity of the heat absorbed by the water was good in a range of ±5%. In addition, the heat transfer rate increased in proportion to the electric power of the surface heating element heater, the waste heat energy was normally recovered by the recovery of the condensate of the steam boiler equipped with the high compression waste heat recovery system, and the recovery rate of the waste heat exhibited 23%.
P92 steel weldment scheduled to use for next generation ultra super critical(USC) boiler header is assessed on creep characteristics. The test method to assess local structure of weldment is small-punch creep(SP-Creep) test, which is a kind of micro test proved the availability on evaluation of mechanical property for local structure. The results for P92 steel weldment are compared with that of tensile creep test for same microstructures of steel weldment. Overall, the creep resistance of coarse grain HAZ(CGHAZ) at 650℃ is inferior to the other structures while fine grain HAZ(FGHAZ) is most superior in the P92 steel weldment. The power law relationships can be obtained for each weldment structures(BM, ICHAZ, FGHAZ, CGHAZ and W.M) of USC boiler header
This study examined the factors affecting the bubble generation of a motor driven bubble generator to develop a heating unit using hydrodynamic cavitation. This study also investigated the heat production and thermal efficiency by changing operating conditions. Bubble generation using the 25 ℓ-capacity motor is driven bubble generator was confirmed visually in various experimental conditions: three levels of motor powers(1, 3, 5 HP), two levels of revolutions(1800, 3200 rpm), and two levels of internal pressures of the bubble generator(the atmospheric pressure, pressurized air). After constructing the heating unit, heat production, and thermal efficiency were measured in the following experimental conditions: two levels of motor powers(3, 5 HP) and three levels of water quantities(102, 152, 230 kg). And then specifically temperature increasing rate and specific consumed energy required for the heating unit design were calculated. Bubbles were generated stably at 1,800 rpm and pressure from 0~0.8 bar. When heating water around 30℃, specific temperature increasing rate was maximized at 0.247℃/min and 0.002422℃/min-kg. Thermal efficiencies were 121% with only motor driving power as input energy and 98% with both motors driving power and water circulating pump driving power as input energy. This showed that the heating unit using hydrodynamic cavitation had higher thermal efficiency than the existing combustion boiler. Maximum specific consumed energy was 0.0270 KJ/min-kg-℃. This study confirmed that water can be heated with the heat caused by the explosion of the bubbles generated by hydrodynamic cavitation. And the results of this study could be utilized for commercial use because it showed much higher thermal efficiency than the existing combustion boiler.
Depending on the living styles, the types of energy consumed by households have changed, and the consumption has increased rapidly.
Consequently, those have led to environmental issues, such as exhaustion of energy and the climate changes. As one of solutions to such issues, energy efficiency can be approached. Therefore, in this study, the gas water heater(115S type Rheem products) that made in Germany and obtain hot water using gas as a heat source is selected. a 1.0㎥ water tank with a 6kW electronic heater is installed and a water temperature and pressure is maintain constantly also thermometer is injected. Two of gas meter, one of pressure regulator and three of time measurement devices are installed in a combustion facility and fuelling facility with a magnet valve so it can observe and record combustion reactions. Quantity of hot water that heated by boiler is recorded using a quantity measurement tank, and have been heated by the boiler have been to record and measure the amount and utilized the data acquired through measurement of all factors that are applied to acquire hot water in order to calculate the use rate of final energy. In conclusion, this researcher drew the economic strong points of the hot water generated by gas.Key
As Crosby notes, the most companies spend 15 to 20% of their sales dollars on quality costs. Generally the most effective way to manage quality costs is to avoid having defects in the first place. In this paper we have studied about the repair(service) problem of domestic gas boiler within warranty period. We develop a system, which man could find the cause of the problem at an early stage and could devise a countermove to the problem under supposing that the service(repair) rate follows exponential distribution and the product is manufactured lot-for-lot continually. Using the developed early sensing system. it is expected to improve the reliability of the product, to save expenses of company and to improve customer’s satisfaction. And the system will be expended to incorporate information technology, which can detect the repair rate automatically.
The performance of electric boiler using thick-film heater has been investigated experimentally. Electric boilers are using thick film heater is composed of four to a water chamber. In this study, the water flow rate while changing then umber of heaters and heating performance was evaluated. One water chamber, the average heat release is approximately 6.63kW. And average heat release of four water chamber is about 29.08kW. The energy efficiency of the water chamber 4 was 95.4%. Finally, the average heat release and energy-efficiency of electric boiler is increased with increasing water chamber number.
본 연구는 콘덴싱 보일러 내부에 들어가는 원심 터보형 송풍기의 성능 향상 및 그 유동특성을 파악하고자 하였다. 보일러는 연소를 위해 반드시 필요한 가스와 공기의 양이 조절되어야하며, 이를 위해 송풍기는 보일러 내부의 한정된 영역을 차지한다. 한정된 영역에서 최적의 효율을 얻기 위해서는 케이싱 및 임펠러의 형상을 변경하는 것이 일반적으로 사용되며, 형상변화에 따른 입/출구압력, 유량, 임펠러의 토크 등의 성능특성을 파악하였다. MRF(Multiple Rotating Frame)기법 및 k-ù SST 난류 모델을 적용하여 회전 임펠러에 대한 수치해석을 수행하였으며, 형상의 변경에 따라 송풍기의 성능특성 및 최적화된 설계형상을 제안하였고, 압력측정실험을 통해 그 결과를 검증하였다.
The average sulfur content of crude oil is 2.2%. Coal is about 0.3 to 4.0 percent of the sulfur gases or particles being discharged into the atmosphere through the chimney as 1 to 2% SO3(Sulfur trioxide) and about 95% of the SO2 is reported. SO3 gas, which has many different causes of, as the combustion of sulfur containing fuel during the air due to the excess SO2 gas is oxidized to SO3 gas. Sulfur trioxide emitted from high sulfur heavy oil fired boiler caused white plume in stack and high temperature and cold end corrosion of facilities. So, in order to control sulfur trioxide concentration of Fuel gas in boiler, various of additives are used in other foreign. They are injected to Fuel Oil and consumed in boiler and reduce ash and the conversion rate of sulfur trioxide. In domestic, MgO compounds are used as additives but the total volume of them are made from other foreign company. In this study, MgO compounds were developed with liquid MgO compounds and field application was accomplished. The effect of newly developed chemicals and process were nearly equal to foreign products. In Consequent, the chemicals and process produced by newly developed technology can be substituted for foreign products and reduce the cost of plant operation.
본 연구에서는 수도수 중에서 Mg합금유전양극에 의한 연강재 온수보일러의 음극방식특성을 연구한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 온수보일러 관체의 개로전위에서나 전위가 높은 구간에서 모재의 부식전류밀도가 용접부위의 부식전류밀도보다 더 적게 배류된다. 2) 주조된 표면 그대로의 Mg합금 유전양극의 전류밀도는 주조된 표면을 연마한 상태의 Mg합금 유전양극의 전류밀도보다 더 많이 배류된다. 3) Mg합금 유전양극으로부터 거리가 멀어질수록 연강재 온수보일러의 음극방식전위는 높게 나타나고, 음극방식시간이 경과하면서 방식전위는 높게 나타나다가 6-10일 이후부터 방식전위는 안정되고 있다.
Heat transfer performance improvement by fin and groovs is studied for condensation of R-11 on integral-fin tubes. Eight tubes with trapczodially shaped integral-fins having fin density from 748 to 1654fpm(fin per meter) and 10, 30 grooves are tested. A plain tube having the same diameter as the finned tubes is also used for comparison. R-11 condensates at saturation state of 32 ℃ on the outside tube surface coded by inside water flow. All of test data are taken at steady state. The heat transfer loop is used for testing singe long tubes and cooling is pumped from a storage tank through filters and folwmeters to the horizontal test section where it is heated by steam condensing on the outside of the tubes. The pressure drop across the test section is measured by menas pressure gauge and manometer. The results obtained in this study is as follows : 1. Based on inside diameter and nominal inside area, overall heat transfer coefficients of finned tube are enhanced up to 1.6 ~ 3.7 times that of a plain tube at a constant Reynolds number. 2. Friction factors are up to 1.6 ~ 2.1 times those of plain tubes. 3. The constant pumping power ratio for the low integral-fin tubes increase directly with the effective area to the nominal area ratio, and with the effective area diameter ratio. 4. A tube having a fin density of 1299fpm and 30 grooves has the best heat transfer performance.
최근 연달아 경주와 포항에서 발생한 지진 이후 국내에서는 지진파와 구조물 내진성능에 대한 사항을 새로운 문제로 인식하고 있다. 향후 매우 큰 지진이 발생할 가능성이 높아 내진보강 성능이 미흡한 석탄 화력발전소에 대한 내진 신뢰성 향상이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 화력발전소 보일러 구조물의 지진 시 거동을 파악하고자 축소모형을 통한 진동대 실험을 수행하였으며, 실험결과 보일러는 Pendulum 거동을 나타내어 구조물과 다른 주기거동을 보이는 것으로 나타났다.
Thermal power generation was a very important power source in Korea. Therefore improvement of seismic reliability of the thermal power plants is required, because occurrence of very large earthquakes is expected in Korea. Especially, after the earthquake in Gyeong-ju and Po-hang, seismic waves are recognized as a new problem in Korea. In this study, numerical analysis was carried out in order to investigate behavior of the boiler structure in the thermal power plant under earthquakes. The effect of the developed hybrid damper is analytically confirmed.
Coal-fired thermal power generation was a very important power source in Korea. Therefore improvement of seismic reliability of the coal-fired thermal power plants is required, because occurrence of very large earthquakes is expected in Korea. Boilers of coal-fired power plants are usually suspended from the upper end of support structures in order to allow thermal expansion of the boilers, so boilers easily sway during earthquakes. In order to suppress the vibration, stoppers made of steel are generally installed between boilers and their support structures. Although stoppers made of steel are effective for vibration suppression, further countermeasure for earthquakes having long duration and many after shocks is required. This study has developed a hybrid damper for vibration and seismic control of coal-fired power plant boiler. The hybrid damper consists of an oil damper and a friction damper connected in series.
In thermal power plant, steam is made by boiler. As it rotates turbine, electric power is generated. Thermal power plant has a high-rise structure that has a boiler and other equipment. Thermal expansion of the boiler is large because combustion temperature is high. The boiler vibrates easily because it is suspended from the top of the support structure in order not to restrict deformation by thermal expansion. Thus, the boiler structure supported by the hanger is very vulnerable to earthquakes. In this study, numerical analysis was carried out in order to investigate behavior of the boiler structure in the thermal power plant under earthquakes.