
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study collected and analyzed the fishing process of existing fishing boat and newly built fishing boat by using the video observation methods to understand the improvement of fishing operation efficiency and safety according to the scale change of coastal composite fishing boat. The fishing operation efficiency was calculated by analyzing the frequency of movement, the movement distance and the moving time per basket used in the fishing process to derive the improvement of the newly built fishing boat compared to the existing fishing boat. It was confirmed that the mean frequency of movements decreased to 13.9%, the average moving time decreased to 21.8%, the mean movement distance increased to 20.5% and the movement through the top of gunwale did not occur. Movement of frequency, increased and time according to the fishing operation were directly affected by the width of side passages and the presence or absence of walking obstruction such as bulwark stay, hatch coaming and fishing gears on deck. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for redesigning into a safe and efficient coastal composite fishing boat in the future.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the current administration, the government's main policies for youth employment and job creation are recognized by the Ministry of National Defense as a special environmental group. In particular, we believe that the self-help efforts of the advanced armed forces of the military, which are being pursued by the military, will fully demonstrate synergies with the current government policies. For this purpose, this study focuses on the people who are the targets of the youth employment, and suggests ways for them to have better jobs and values after the whole world. In accordance with the policy trends of job creation and job creation, we plan to propose a plan to link the national technical qualifications of the Korea Human Resources Development Service with the various projects currently underway for an average of 250,000 human resources development methods of 250,000 soldiers each year. This study suggests the link between IP (criticality performance) analysis and the Boston Consulting Group 's matrix (BCG Matrix) on the relevance of military human resource operations and qualifications. The results will be presented in conjunction with the military-oriented development projects of advanced countries currently under military control.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When weapon system is designed and developed, a reliability is one of important factors to determine the development goal. The reliability analysis of the weapon system and equipment is based on MIL Specification, MIL-HDBK-217F and MIL-HDBK-338B. And the weapon system is operated on various environments by operating concept of the military using the weapon system. This study, at first, present failure rate by PSA comparing with failure rates by PCM, the different reliability analysis method, for same CCA(Circuit Card Assembly). And the study present change of reliability analysis results for CCA on various operation environment condition..
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the early operation of the Kyoto Protocol’s non-compliance procedure since 2006. Several important non-compliance cases recently or currently before the Kyoto Compliance Committee of the procedures and mechanisms deserve to be analysed and discussed. As we may see, the enforcement branch of the Compliance Committee has dealt with some important cases of non-compliance; Among them, from the viewpoint of interpretation or application of international environmental treaties, the question of compliance by Croatia would be particularly interesting. What must be noticed is that the Kyoto Protocol’s NCP has prepared a multilateral forum which enables both the parties and the enforcement branch to base their arguments on international legal perspectives. This examination will also contribute to contested theories of compliance with international legal rules.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996년 천호대로 중앙버스전용차로가 시행된 이후 2008년 까지 8개 구간이 운영되고 있다. 그러나 중앙버스전용차로의 시행에 따른 직 간접적 영향권 내의 도로교통량 변화는 보고되지 않고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 2004년 7월에 동시 개통된 3개 구간에 대한 사전 사후 도로교통량 변화를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 중앙버스전용차로 구간의 교통량은 중앙버스전용차로 개통 후(2004년 11월) 24.7%로 급격히 감소한 후, 개통 후 1년(2005년 11월) 1.4%로 안정화 된 것으로 분석되었다. 인접 우회도로 교통량은 개통 후(2004년 11월) 2.9% 감소한 후, 개통 후 1년(2005년 11월) 0.3%로 미비하게 증가하였다. 측정오차(±5%)를 고려하면 중앙버스전용차로 교통수요는 안정화 단계에 들어섰으며, 자동차 수요가 인접지역으로 우회하기 보다는 타 수단으로 전환된 것으로 판단된다.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to study the change of pollution loads flowing into Mokpo harbour after the operation of Mokpo Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant (MMSTP) and to evaluate the contribution of MMSTP operation to the improvement of marine water quality of Mokpo harbour, the pollution loads flowing into Mokpo harbour from land in dry weather were surveyed and estimated on the bases of the seasonal flow rates and the seasonal water qualities of streams and effluents located around Mokpo harbour from summer, 1997 to spring, 1998 before the operation of MMSTP, and the pollution loads of the inflow and the effluent of MMSTP were also surveyed and estimated from winter, 1998 to spring, 1999 after the operation of MMSTP. The treatment rates of MMSTP were shown to be about 49% in COD, 76% in TSS, 79% in VSS, 3% in T-N, 7% in DIP, 29% in T-P and -32% in DIN. The change rates of pollution loads flowing into the inner harbour of Mokpo due to the operation of MMSTP were shown to be about 56% In COD, 78% in TSS, 84% in VSS, 45% in DIN, 22% in T-N, 34% in T-P and -14% in DIP. The contribution rates of MMSTP operation to the reduction of total pollution loads flowing into the entire Mokpo harbour were found to be about 3% in COD, 3% in 755,5% in VSS,1% in DIP, 3% in T-P and -1% in DIN.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        기존의 저수지 운영 연구들은 미래의 기후가 과거와 유사하다는 정상성의 가정을 전제로 하였다. 하지만 기후의 비정상성으로 인해 불확실성이 더욱 커질 경우에는 큰 불확실성에서도 안정된 최적해를 찾을 수 있는 로버스트 최적화 과정(Robust Optimization, 이하 RO)이 필요하다고 알려져 있다. RO는 입력자료의 비정상성으로 인해 야기되는 불확실성을 제어하는 로버스트 항을 목적함수에 추가하여 기존의 최적화 방법을 개선한다. 본 연구는 기후변화의 비정상성을 대비하는 저수지 운영규칙 산정을 위해 추계학적동적계획법(Stochastic Dynamic Programing, 이하 SDP)과 RO를 결합하는 Robust-SDP를 제안하였고, 이를 최근 4년간 가뭄을 겪었던 보령댐에 적용하였다. 즉, 비정상성이 반영된 미래 유입량 자료를 생성하고 이를 6가지의 평가지표와 2가지의 의사결정 지원그림을 사용하여 과거 유입량 자료로부터 산출된 저수지 운영규칙의 수행능력을 평가하 였다. 그 결과, Robust-SDP가 기후의 비정상성 하에서 극단적인 물 부족 사건의 발생률과 물 부족 사건의 실패의 크기를 감소시켰지만, 작은 크기의 물 부족 발생률은 증가하는 상충관계(trade-off)를 가져옴을 확인할 수 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 의사결정자가 우선시하는 평가지표의 결과에 따라 최적화 모형을 선택할 수 있음을 제안하였다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, using coke dust from ironwork, the pulse pressure on a pulse air jet bag filter was investigated considering the influence of the pressure loss due to filtration velocity and pressure intervals. The research on the optimal pulse pressure prediction of a pulse air jet type bag filter using coke dust showed the following results. Pressure loss volatility produced by the pulse pressure under low dust concentration(0.5, 1 g/m3) and low face velocity(1.25 m/min) was less than 10 mmH2O. This suggests that the pulse pressure has a low impact on the pressure loss. In contrast, pressure loss volatility under high dust concentration(3 g/m3) and high face velocity(1.75 m/min) was 25 mmH2O. Therefore, pulse pressure with high dust concentration and high face velocity has a strong influence on the pressure loss volatility, compared to the condition of low dust concentration and low face velocity. The optimal pulse pressure of inlet dust concentration(0.5 g/m3) was 6 kg/cm2 under the same face velocity(1.75 m/min). As concentration increased from 1 to 2 g/m3, the pulse pressure gradually reached 5 kg/cm2 thus indicating that the pulse pressure(5 kg/cm2) is pertinent at a high concentration(3 g/m3). The pulse intervals: 20, 25 and 30 sec, which are relatively longer than 10 and 15 sec, corresponded to high pressure loss volatility produced by the pulse pressure. Furthermore, low pressure loss volatility was noted at 5 kg/cm2 of the overall pulse pressure.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 새만금유역과 호 내의 복잡한 수체 형상, 유입 및 유출 구조를 반영하는데 적합한 모델을 적용하고 재현성이 검토된 모델 결과를 이용하여 호 내 수질을 모의하였다. 또한 구성한 모형의 결과를 바탕으로 만경강, 동진강의 상류에 위치하고 있는 제수문에서의 방류조건을 가정하 여 모의를 수행하였다. 방류조건별 모의 결과, 만경강을 통해 유하하는 호 상류부인 M3, 동진강을 통해 유하하는 호 하류부인 D5지점에서 목표수 질을 초과하는 것으로 나타났고 새만금호 상류부인 M3, D3지점은 방류조건에 따른 수질개선효과가 큰 것으로 예측되어 만경강과 동진강의 유입 수의 영향이 지배적인 것으로 평가되었다. 전량방류시 영향범위를 거리로 살펴보면 만경강대교에서 새만금호 하류방향으로 약 22 km지점, 동진 강대교에서 새만금호 하류방향으로 약 15 km지점까지로 나타났다. 농도변화와 방류조건별 영향범위를 살펴보면, 하류측으로 갈수록 수질개선에 영향을 적게 미치지만, 증가된 방류량에 의해 수질이 개선되어 제수문에서의 방류량 증가는 호 내 수질개선에 기여하는 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        현재 국내에서 발생하는 음폐수의 해양투기 금지 및 음식물류 폐기물의 에너지화 정책에 따른 유기성 폐기물 육상처리의 일환으로 혐기소화를 통한 바이오가스화 시설이 지속적으로 설치 및 운영되고 있다. 그중에서도 음식물쓰레기는 처리 단가가 높고, 바이오가스 회수 잠재력 또한 높아 바이오가스화 시설의 경제성을 높여줄 유용한 폐자원으로 여겨지고 있다. 하지만 국내 발생 음식물쓰레기의 평균 고형물함량(TS)이 18~20% 수준으로 혐기소화를 통한 바이오가스화 이전에 전처리가 필수적이며, 단순 파쇄/선별을 통한 물리적 전처리만으로는 충분한 가용화가 어려운 부분이 있다. 이러한 유기성폐자원의 가용화를 위한 전처리 방법에는 가수분해/산발효를 통한 생물학적 처리, 산, 알칼리, 오존 등을 통한 화학적 처리, 초음파, 열, 압축 등에 의한 물리적 처리 등이 있는데 본 연구에서는 물리적 처리방법 중 하나인 열가수분해를 통한 음식물쓰레기의 가용화효율을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 1차로 물리적 파쇄/선별 처리한 음식물쓰레기에 대해 다양한 운전 조건(온도, 압력 변화)으로 열가수분해를 실시하여 각 운전조건별 음식물쓰레기 성상변화를 분석함으로써 음식물쓰레기 열가수분해를 위한 최적 운전조건을 도출하고자 하였다.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Research results for the pressure drop variance depending on operation conditions such as change of inlet concentration, pulse interval, and face velocity, etc., in a pulse air jet-type bag filter show that while at 3kg/cm2 whose pulse pressure is low, it is good to make an pulse interval longer in order to form the first layer, it may not be applicable to industry because of a rapid increase in pressure. In addition, the change of inlet concentration contributes more to the increase of pressure drop than the pulse interval does. In order to reduce operation costs by minimizing filter drag of a filter bag at pulse pressure 5kg/cm2, the dust concentration should be minimized, and when the inlet dust loading is a lower concentration, the pulse interval in the operation should be less than 70 sec, but when inlet dust loading is a higher concentration, the pulse interval should be below 30 sec. In particular, in the case that inlet dust loading is a higher concentration, a high-pressure distribution is observed regardless of pulse pressure. This is because dust is accumulated continuously in the filter bag and makes it thicker as filtration time increases, and thus the pulse interval should be set to below 30 sec. If the equipment is operated at 1m/min of face velocity, while pressure drop is low, the bag filter becomes larger and thus, its economics are very low due to a large initial investment. Therefore, a face velocity of around 1.5 m/min is considered to be the optimal operation condition. At 1.5 m/min considered to be the most economical face velocity, if the pulse interval increases, since the amount of variation in filter drag is large, depending on the amount of inlet dust loading, the operation may be possible at a lower concentration when the pulse interval is 70 sec. However, for a higher concentration, either face velocity or pulse interval should be reduced.
        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mokpo coastal area is connected to the adjacent a long river and two large basins. It is essential for port planning coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the data related to the ship operation and variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area including dredging reclamation and estuary barrage. The Yongsan river estuary weir and Yongam-Kumho basins discharge much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood control and prohibit salt intrusion at the inland fresh water area. To meet this purpose discharge through the gates have been done at the period of maximum water level difference between inner river and sea level. This discharged water may cause the changes of current pattern and other environmental influences in the vicinity and inner area of semi-closed Mokpo harbor. In this study ADI method is applied to the governing equation for the analysis of the changes on current pattern due to discharged water. As the results of this study it is known that the discharging operation causes many changes including the increase of current velocity at the front water area at piers approaching passage and anchorages. Discussion made on the point of problems such as restricted maneuverability and the safety of morred vessels at pier and anchorage. To minimize this influence the linked gate operation discharging warning system and laternative mooring system are recommended.