
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Physicochemical and sensory properties of puffed rice snack containing various levels (0%, 50%, 100%) of alkali-cooked brown rice were examined. To prepare alkali-cooked rice, brown rice was cooked in boiling 2% Ca(OH)2solution for 5 min, steeped for 3 h, and dried at 50oC for 18 h. Alkali-cooked rice showed a higher degree ofexpansion than that of untreated rice after puffing. Although moisture content, enzyme susceptible starch (ESS), anddensity of puffed rice snack decreased with increasing amounts of the alkali-cooked rice replacement, calcium con-tent increased because of the absorption of calcium during alkaline processing. The puffed rice snack had a darkercolor as the level of replacement with alkali-cooked rice increased. A sensory test revealed that puffed rice snackreplaced with 50% of alkali-cooked rice had no significant differences in color and sensory attributes from those ofthe control. These results indicate that fortification of calcium could be achieved by partial replacement of alkali-cooked rice without any detrimental effects on the quality of puffed rice snack.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine the optimal cooking conditions for brown rice using an electric pressure rice cooker. The effects of steeping conditions and cooking pressure on the hydration, gelatinization, texture and palatable properties of cooked brown rice were evaluated. Based on water uptake and DSC data, the optimal steeping time and temperature for brown rice were determined to be 25 minutes and ~60℃, respectively. The cooking conditions for brown rice were then divided into the following 6 categories: steeping at 25℃ for 25 minutes and cooking at an atmospheric pressure of 1.7 (25P) or 1.9 (25HP), steeping at 57℃ for 25 minutes and cooking at an atmospheric pressure of 1.7 (57P) or 1.9 (57HP), steeping at 85℃ for 15 minutes and cooking at an atmospheric pressure of 1.7 (85P) or 1.9 (85HP). The susceptibility of cooked brown rice starch to degradation into maltose by α-amylase, which is related to the degree of gelatinization and in vitro digestibility, were then determined. The amount of maltose produced by cooked brown rice samples was highest in the 57HP group, followed by the 57P and 85HP groups. Storing cooked brown rice at 73℃ for 24 hours resulted in significantly higher amounts of starch being degraded into maltose in the 57P, 57HP and 85HP groups than in the other groups. Textural analysis demonstrated that the 57P, 57HP and 85HP groups had significantly lower gumminess and chewiness values when compared to the other groups, and that 57HP received had the lowest hardness of all treatments. These results were confirmed by the results of the sensory evaluations. Furthermore, the 57P and 57HP groups were found to have a higher glossiness, stickiness aroma and taste score than the other groups. These findings were taken to indicate that steeping conditions and pressure exerted a positive synergistic effect on the cooking quality of brown rice. The texture analyzer also revealed that storing the cooked rice at 73℃ for 24 hours only led to significantly lower scores in gumminess, hardness and chewiness in the 57P and 57HP groups, which indicates that these groups underwent a lesser degree of retrogradation than other groups. Taken together, the results of the present study demonstrate that steeping brown rice at 57℃ for 25 minutes and a higher cooking pressure improved the palatability and in vitro digestibility of brown rice significantly.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        현미저장 중 저장온도에 따른 쌀과 밥의 품질변화를 구명하고자 추청벼 등 14품종의 현미를 15℃ 와 35℃ 에 10주간 저장 후 현미 및 백미, 밥의 품질관련 특성을 조사하였다. 1. 15℃ 저장이 35℃ 에 비하여 현미의 Tz값이 높아 배아 활성 정도가 높았으며 도정 후 백미 완전미율이 높아 15℃ 저장 쌀의 품질이 양호하였다. 2. 35℃ 에 비하여 15℃ 에 저장한 현미에서 쌀밥의 윤기치는 높았으나, 밥 색도 b 값, 밥 경도, 호화점도(최종점도, 강하점도)가 낮아 밥의 품질이 우수하였다. 3. 밥 색도 b값은 조생종이 중.만생종에 비하여 높았고, 밥 경도는 조생종이 낮았으며, 저장 현미의 도정 후 백미 완전미율은 15℃ 에서 78%, 35℃ 에서 70%이었으며 35℃ 에서 화성벼, 추청벼, 남평벼는 82%이상을 나타냈다. 4. 15℃ 저장에서 밥 색도 b값은 pH와 -0.693**, 윤기치와 -0.823**, L값과 -0.772**, 지방산도와 -0.548* , 백미 완전미율과 -0.576* , L값과 -0.772**, a값과 0.557* 의 유의성을 나타냈으며, 백미 완전미율은 밥색도 L값과 0.638* , 밥색도 b값과 -0.576* 의 유의성을 나타냈다.
        2005.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        시중에 유통중인 발아현미 무균포장밥 제품 2종을 대상으로 품질특성을 조사하였다. 수분함량은 였으며 주요 유리당은 glucose, sucrose, maltose로 A 제품은 glucose가 , B 제품은 sucrose 함량이 로 각각 가장 많았다. 발아현미밥의 백색도는 69.32로 B 제품이 높았으며, vitamin E 함량은 A 제품이 , B제품이 이었고, 식이섬유 함량은 A 제품이 , B 제품이 로 분석되었다. DSC 특성에서는 두 제품이 전