The purpose of this study was to evaluate of black carrot on the antioxidant activity and quality characteristics of Sulgidduk. Sulgidduk was prepared with different amounts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4%) of black carrot. As the amount of added black carrot increased, the moisture content (p<0.05) and pH were decreased (p<0.001). Sugar content results showed the increase with the addition of black carrot (p<0.01). L (lightness) values and b (yellowness) values decreased whereas a (redness) values increased with an increased concentration of black carrot powder (p<0.001). The mechanical texture of Sulgidduk was decreased by the addition of black carrot considering hardness, chewiness and gumminess (p<0.001) while those of springiness, cohesiveness increased. Consumer acceptability test revealed that the 2% black carrot groups had a higher score than the other groups in respect to color, flavor, taste, texture, overall palatability. To examine antioxidant activities of Sulgidduk, total phenolic, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and total anthocyanin were tested. Total phenolic, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and total anthocyanin showed good vitality as amounts of black carrot powder increased (p<0.001). Based on the various aspects of results, 2% of black carrot added into Sulgidduk showed the best functionality and sensory qualities.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of black carrot (Daucus carota L.) on the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of pork patties. Patties were provided with different amounts (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8%) of black carrot. Notably, the cooking loss rate of the group added with 8% black carrot was lowest (p<0.001). As the content of black carrot increased, the L value decreased and the a, b value increased. The texture analysis results showed that the hardness and chewiness to decrease as the amount of black carrot increased (p<0.05). Evaluation of consumer acceptability revealed that the 4% black carrot groups had a higher score in respect to overall preference and taste to the other groups (p<0.05). For antioxidant activities, both total phenolic compounds content and DPPH were increased (p<0.001) as the amount of added black carrot was increased. As a result, it can be concluded that adding the black carrot to patties in processing can improve antioxidant activities and quality of the patties. Considering various aspects of quality, the suitable amount is 4% of total weight.
This study examined the quality of bread made from a wheat flour, oat powder, and wild carrot powder mixture. The lightness and redness values decreased with increasing amount of wild carrot powder addition, while the yellowness was increased significantly. In a sample of wild carrot powder addition, the total volume was lower than the control. The texture profile analysis of oat bread, such as hardness, gumminess and cohesiveness decreased significantly with increasing amount of wild carrot powder addition. In the case of springiness, the value was not significant. The sensory evaluation of oat bread was significantly different in all analyses. Oat bread (BCB2.0) containing 2.0% (w/w) wild carrot powder showed the highest value in the four sensory evaluation items. Therefore, the 2.0% (w/w) addition of wild carrot powder addition was appropriate. An analysis of the physicochemical active component and DPPH scavenging activity of oat bread revealed a higher total flavonoid and total polyphenol content than normal bread. The DPPH scavenging activity was also 20.3% compared to the wild carrot powder. The availability of wild carrot powder in oat bread could be identified.
당근(Daucus carota L. cv. Hongshim)의 접합자배와 체세포배의 경정부의 구조는 주사전자현미경과 종단면 관찰을 통하여 이루어졌다. 접합자배의 경정부는 도립된 보우트형이고, 2ㆍ3ㆍ4자엽 체세포배의 경정부는 각각 도립된 보우트형, 피라미드형 및 볼록한 다이아몬드형으로 나타났다. 접합자배의 경정부는 다소 작은 세포들로 구성되어 있고, 초층과 내체의 구별이 된다. 체세포배의 경정부는 다소 큰 세포들이 불규칙하게 배열되어 있다.
당근종자의 발아율의 낮음과 발아지정의 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 Danver 126품종을 공시하여 여러가지 prime처리와 density separation 방법을 이용한 결과 다음과 같은 효과를 얻었다. 1. 여러가지 prime처리중 SMP처리(수분함량 90%, 6일간처리)에서 배의 생장이 아주 양호하였고 발아속도 및 발아율이 가장 좋았으며 종자에 피해도 없었다. 2. 무기염처리(0.2M KNO3 +0.1M K2 HPO4 )에 서는 배의 생장은 좋았으나 염에 의해 종자가 피해를 입었다. 3. SMP처리(수분함량 90%, 6일간)된 종자를 density separation한 결과 종자의 비중이 낮을수록 배의 생장이 컸으며 발아율 및 발아속도가 빨랐다.