To analyze the effect of fire in electric-vehicle battery on concrete cement structure. A scenario evaluation was conducted for fire occurrence due to external influences on lithium battery cells used in electric vehicles. Visual inspection was conducted at each stage of the battery fire, and the fire duration and temperature were measured. The battery temperature rise curve and temperature during fire have been examined previously. The stability of a cement structure was evaluated via X-ray diffraction and SEM analyses of the reaction-product changes with respect to temperature. The battery temperature rise curve shows that the battery begins to change at 200 °C–300 °C. However, the general stage of battery damage cannot be readily confirmed from the literature. The current experiment and literature review indicate that battery fire can cause the fire temperature to increase beyond 1000 °C within a few seconds. The reaction product changes structurally in cement from 300 °C or higher. Many voids are generated owing to the decomposition of Ca(OH)2 and C-S-H gel. The temperature of an electric-vehicle fire increases rapidly to 1000 °C or higher within a few seconds. High temperatures change the reaction products in cement structures, thus creating internal voids and cracks and reducing the stability of the structure; therefore, the appropriate countermeasures must be identified.
This paper defines structural and dynamic analysis of a crane used for electric passenger vehicle fire scenarios. The crane model used in the study has a working radius of 9 meters, and under extreme conditions measured with real-world usage in mind, the load at the boom tip is 24.5kN. The boom is assumed to be made of ATOS80, and the pads are assumed to be made of Monomer Casting Nylon. Structural analysis was conducted based on the crane's materials and configuration, and dynamic analysis was performed by dividing the grab method into gripper and hinge types. In the structural analysis, the maximum stress increased as the telescopic boom faced upwards. In the dynamic analysis, the gripper type facing downward showed more stable stress. For the model with an added badge, the structural analysis showed an increase in maximum stress, but the value was negligible, and the maximum stress of the telescopic boom decreased in the dynamic analysis. Based on the analysis results, the suitable materials for the crane are ATOS80 for the lower articulated boom and the telescopic boom, and DOMEX1300 for the upper articulated boom. The gripper type grab method is more stable than the hinge type.
This study examines Japanese consumers’ innovative behaviors toward adopting electric vehicles (EVs) and the differences between male and female car owners in the adoption process. A theoretical framework is formulated based on six constructs: passive innovation, active innovation resistance, cognitive innovativeness, affinity for newness, social innovativeness, and actualized innovativeness. The premise of the study is to investigate whether these key independent constructs differentially influence Japanese car owners’ actualized innovativeness to adopt electric cars. This research seeks to address the following research questions.
In this paper, a simulation computerized crash analysis evaluation method through reverse engineering was applied to the Defender vehicle to systemize and simplify the certification of small-scale electric vehicles. The Defender vehicle was selected as a benchmarking vehicle that converts into an electric vehicle, and the layout of the frame and element analysis of individual parts were conducted through reverse engineering. To review the vehicle package layout, the fastening and assembly method for each part was analyzed referring to the Defender maintenance guide and parts list, and it was used for frame element technology analysis. In addition, collisions according to the main frame material and the shape of the crash box were analyzed, and various cases were analyzed through parameter study. As a result of the crash analysis, it was found that the mild steel main frame could not guarantee the safety of the vehicle in a fixed wall collision situation, and the ATOS material would increase the collision safety of the Defender relatively. Through the crash analysis according to the shape of the crash box, it was found that the strength of the crash box is too high compared to the main body, and this should be reflected in the design for small-volume production of multiple products.
High performance lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have attracted considerable attention as essential energy sources for high-technology electrical devices such as electrical vehicles, unmanned drones, uninterruptible power supply, and artificial intelligence robots because of their high energy density (150-250 Wh/kg), long lifetime (> 500 cycles), low toxicity, and low memory effects. Of the high-performance LIB components, cathode materials have a significant effect on the capacity, lifetime, energy density, power density, and operating conditions of high-performance LIBs. This is because cathode materials have limitations with respect to a lower specific capacity and cycling stability as compared to anode materials. In addition, cathode materials present difficulties when used with LIBs in electric vehicles because of their poor rate performance. Therefore, this study summarizes the structural and electrochemical properties of cathode materials for LIBs used in electric vehicles. In addition, we consider unique strategies to improve their structural and electrochemical properties.
Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) is one of key elements to determine both electrochemical performances and lifetimes of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). PEM is exposed to a variety of dynamic stimuli (e.g., temperature, humidity, pressure, fuel gases and so on) under their operation conditions and meets unavoidable mechanical damages derived from unequal pressure difference between anode and cathode feed gases. Even though there have been approaches to evaluate the mechanical strength of PEM materials, most of the trials could provide static information on their mechanical strength. In this study, a pressure-loaded blister hybrid system connected with gas chromatography was developed to disclose the efficacy of the system as an evaluation tool of dynamic PEM strength under realistic FCEV operation conditions.
The Jeju Special Self-Government Provincial Government made and has been working on the 'Carbon Free Island Jeju by 2030' Plan. Currently, it has been working on a plan of gradually penetrating (introducing) EVs to Jeju province to realize a carbon-free Jeju Island. In this paper, we made a model equation estimating the electrical energy consumed by EVs in a definite region, and then the number of EVs to be introduced every year according to the ‘penetrating EVs plan’ was estimated. Finally, the electrical energy consumed yearly for the next 10 years by the EVs was calculated.
Electric vehicles will be further increased with the development of technology and the increasing demand of customer in the near future. Thus, the stable supply of the core material used in an electric vehicle that can be required. In this paper, It explores the prospects on a material, as base metal like copper and rare metal like lithium , etc., for electric vehicles through the example of Japan.
Electro-accel pedal is needed to raise fuel efficiency by controlled pedal angle signal regardless driver’s willings to fast start or stop pedaling, and to reduce muscle fatigue by designed Ergonomic structure. For this purpose, in this study, we designed new mechanism of accel pedal in a double linkage with two springs to minimize the force of pedaling on main pedal period for HECV in close the future. We have achieved the simulation to dynamic characteristics and experimented to measure the pedal force with proto sample, and confirmed the potentialities this new mechanism.
Technical developments of electric vehicles have been progressed very actively. Especially there are great technical achievements of battery for the electric vehicles to store energy from the outside source. Also there are numerous efforts for improvement charging infrastructure and charging system of the battery. And that is supporting this technology. For example On-Board Charger (OBC) is a battery charging system attached to the vehicle to operate the car. On-Board Charger is designed in manner of consideration such subjects: control via communication with other vehicle’s controller, improve the reliability as the security part, decrease of the life span of the battery due to temperature change during charging and discharging process, high cost of using parts for the high current rating and limitation of increasing the battery capacity. In this paper, there will be a deep discussion of designing and implementing the On-Board Charger to attach to the vehicles, which has superior cooling quality by effective radiant heat design and vibration and shock resistant design
현재 스마트폰을 비롯하여 전기자동차(EV), 드론, ESS(Energy Storage System) 등 여러 번 충·방전이 가능한 리튬이차전지가 들어가지 않는 첨단기기를 찾아보기 어려운 상황이다. 이와 같이 이차전지 시장이 크게 성장함에 따라 효용 만료, 폐기 등을 통해 폐배터리의 형태로 그 배출 또한 급증하고 있어 관리체계가 구축될 필요가 있다. 리튬이차전지는 기존 전지 대비 에너지 밀도가 3배 정도 높고 무게가 가벼워 널리 활용되고 있으나, 폭발 위험이 있어 안전 측면에서 관리가 필요하다. 해외 각국에서는 리튬이차전지 시장이 급속히 확대됨에 따라 향후 발생할 폐배터리의 배출에 대비하여 친환경적인 자원회수 및 유해물질 관리 등을 통하여 폐배터리가 환경에 미칠 영향을 최소화하고 원재료를 대체해나가고 있다. 미국의 경우, 연방법 「Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act」하에 폐리튬이차전지를 관리하고 있다. 유럽연합(EU) 역시 「Battery Directive」를 통하여 폐배터리를 관리하고 있으며, 생산자책임제도에 기초하여 수거 및 재활용 체계를 구축하고 있다. 한편, 국내의 경우 「자원의 절약과 재활용 촉진에 관한 법률」에 따라 생산자책임재활용제도(EPR)제도를 통하여 니켈카드뮴전지 등 폐배터리를 관리하고 있으나, 리튬이차전지는 포함되어 있지 않다. 또한 전기차 폐배터리(보조금 지급대상)의 경우 「대기환경보전법」에 따라 지자체에 반납하도록 하고 있으나, 이후 관리체계가 부재한 상황이다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 전기차 폐배터리를 대상으로 배출-수거-자원회수-활용에 이르기까지 각 단계별 관리체계를 마련하고 자원순환성을 제고하기 위한 방안을 검토하였다.
As environmental concerns including climate change drive the strong regulations for car exhaust emissions, electric vehicles attract the public eye. The purpose of this study is to identify rural areas vulnerable for charging infrastructures based on the spatial distributions of the current gas stations and provide the target dissemination rates for promoting electric cars. In addition, we develop various scenarios for finding optimal way to expand the charging infrastructures through the administrative districts data including 11,677 gas stations, the number of whole national gas stations. Gas stations for charging infrastructures are randomly selected using the Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method. Evaluation criteria for vulnerability assessment include five considering the characteristic of rural areas. The optimal penetration rate is determined to 21% in rural areas considering dissemination efficiency. To reduce the vulnerability, the charging systems should be strategically installed in rural areas considering geographical characteristics and regional EV demands.