Unlike companion cats raised at home, feral cats are more likely to be infected with parasites. Feral cats can transmit parasites not only to other cats but also to pets and people. This study was conducted to investigate prevalence intestinal parasites prevalence through the fecal examination of feral cats in Gunsan City. After making a suspension in Sheather's Sucrose solution, the feces were mixed and centrifuged, and then examined under a microscope. The results were revealed mostly unsporulated oocysts and sporulated oocysts of coccidia, followed by pinworm's eggs, which showed a relatively high infection rate. Scabies and mites were also found in the feces. Due to the behavioral characteristics of cats, they tend to remove the foreign objects from their fur through grooming, which is why a lot of hairs were observed in the feces, and it is thought that this is why scabies and mites were also found in the fecal examination results. The results of this study confirm that feral cats are exposed to those parasites. It is also thought that consideration should be given to expanding the TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-release) program, which can reduce the number of feral cats.
This study was conducted to secure basic data for developing technologies to reduce the generation of odor substances by investigating the effects of environmental temperature on growth performance and the generation of odor substances from feces in growing pigs. A total of 16 pigs (Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc, average body weight 56.49±0.47kg) were randomly assigned to two treatments: thermal-neutral (TN) and heat stress (HS) conditions. The experiments were conducted for two weeks, with average temperature-humidity indices of 68.91±0.09 for TN and 85.98±0.08 for HS. The results showed that HS significantly decreased average daily feed intake (ADFI, 33.3%) and average daily gain (ADG, 25.8%) compared with TN (p<0.05). Non-esterified fatty acid in serum was lower (36.2%) in HS compared with TN (p<0.05). However, protein, blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, and IgG in serum showed no difference between HS and TN. Phenol (350.0%) and skatole (416.3%) were significantly higher in HS than in TN (p<0.05). The decrease in growth performance is attributed to reduction in ADFI. The increase in phenol and skatole in HS is presumed to be due to the effect of HS on the metabolism of intestinal microbial composition. Digestion rate, intestinal microbial composition, and urine emissions are known to affect odor substances. Further research on the content of odor substances in urine, nutrient digestion rate, and intestinal microbial composition is considered necessary to determine the exact associations.
Vespa mandarinia (Vespidae: Hymenoptera) is one of the two largest true hornets known to science. The species is a noted predator of social Hymenoptera and a significant pest of managed honey bees in its native range, but is also known to feed on a wide variety of other species when available. Most of the prey records for V. mandarinia are derived from visual observations in Japan, with sparse observations from other parts of its native range. A population of V. mandarinia was detected in North America in 2019 and five nests were removed between 2019 and 2021. We extracted DNA from larval meconia from four nests collected in Washington State, USA, and amplified the CO1 region to determine the potential prey base. We compared these with sequences generated from three nests in the Republic of Korea, and with prey pellets collected from foraging hornets at several locations in Korea. Results indicate that the prey base was much wider in the ROK than the USA, although social Hymenoptera were the most abundant and common prey items in both regions. Prey range seems to be bound by an intersection of organism size and local biodiversity, with little evidence to suggest that the latter is a limiting factor in colony success.
본 연구에서는 남극 로스해 연안에 서식하는 아델리펭귄(Pygoscelis adeliae)과 황제펭귄 (Aptenodytes forsteri)의 분변 시료를 기반으로 펭귄 장내 미생물 메타지놈 연구를 수행하였 다. Taxonomy 분석 결과, 아델리펭귄과 황제펭귄의 장내 미생물에는 주로 7개의 문(phylum), 18개의 과(family)가 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 미생물 다양성을 평가하기 위해 Alpha diversity 및 OTU abundance 분석을 수행한 결과, 전반적으로 아델리펭귄의 장내 미생물 다양 성이 황제펭귄보다 높은 것을 확인하였고, PCoA를 기반으로 한 Beta diversity 분석을 통해 두 개체군 간 장내 미생물 군집에 차이가 존재함을 확인하였다. PICRUSt를 활용한 기능적인 차원의 KEGG pathway 분석을 통해서는 아델리펭귄과 황제펭귄 시료에서 nucleoside and nucleotide biosynthesis pathway가 가장 많이 존재하는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구를 통해 남극 아델리펭귄과 황제펭귄의 장내미생물 구성과 다양성을 비교분석 할 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과 는 향후 펭귄의 먹이 섭식 관련 연구에 활용될 수 있으며, 더 나아가 다양한 남극 생물의 장내 미생물 메타지놈 분석에 대한 기초가 될 수 있을 것이다.
본 연구는 소맥 위주 사료에 xylanase 효소제의 첨가가 육성돈의 사양성적, 영양소 소화율, 혈액성상, 분 중 휘발 성 지방산 및 암모니아성 질소 농도에 미치는 영향을 알 아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 총 192두(4처리, 8반복, 반복당 6두)의 육성돈(25.14±0.11 kg)을 공시하여 xylanase 첨가수 준(0, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.0375%)으로 6주간 사양시험을 실시 하였다. xylanase의 첨가수준이 증가함에 따라 전체 사양 구간에서의 일당증체량(ADG), 일일사료섭취량(ADFI) 및 사료요구율(FCR)이 유의적으로 개선되는 효과를 나타냈 다(p<005). 영양소 소화율에 있어서, xylanase 첨가수준이 증가함에 따라 phase Ⅰ에서는 건물 및 에너지, phase Ⅱ 에서는 조단백질 소화율이 유의적으로 개선되었으며, 또 한 육성돈의 혈중 GLU 농도는 사료 내 xylanase의 첨가 수준이 증가함에 따라 유의적으로 증가하는 효과를 보였 다(p<0.05). 반면에, 휘발성 지방산 및 암모니아성 질소 농 도에서 xylanase의 유의적인 첨가효과는 나타나지 않았다 (p>0.05). 결론적으로, 소맥 위주의 사료 내 xylanase의 첨 가는 육성돈의 사양성적, 영양소 소화율 및 혈중 GLU 농 도를 증가시키는데 긍정적인 효과를 보였으며, 육성돈 사 료내 소맥을 주원료로 사용할 경우 xylanse의 적정 첨가 수준은 0.0375%으로 사료된다.
When researchers performed intestinal microbiota analysis using fecal samples, sample preparation processes are not standardized as of now. In particular, contrary to lab conditions, there are various factors hard to be controlled when sampling livestock feces on the farm. In this study, we wanted to know the influences of sample preparation conditions on fecal microbiota. We designed an experiment considering various sample preparation conditions (sample origin: rectum and ground; transporting condition: lysis buffer-treated, dry ice, ice, and room temperature; delayed times to extract DNA: 0, 1, 6, and 24 h) that can occur during microbiota analysis using cattle feces. First, we investigated the influences of sample origin, and microbial diversity (observed OTUs, p<0.001) was significantly higher when fecal samples were obtained from the ground than from the rectum and the principal coordinates analysis plot showed that samples were divided into two groups by origin. When we investigated the influences of transporting and storage conditions, observed OTUs (p<0.05) was significantly higher when samples were transported at room temperature than other conditions, and microbiota was affected by transporting and storage conditions. Finally, we investigated the effects of delayed time before DNA extraction from frozen fecal samples on microbial composition. Although this factor did not have a significant influence on microbial diversity, multidimensional scaling revealed its impact on microbial composition. Our findings will contribute to establishing an optimal procedure for microbiota analysis using farm-housing livestock feces.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary protein level and supplementation of protease on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, gut microflora, intestinal morphology and fecal noxious gas emission in weanling pigs. A total of 240 weaned pigs (Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc, 5.82±0.3 kg) were used during 4 weeks in 2 phases (days 0-14, phase 1; and days 15-28, phase 2) feeding program based on age and initial body weight. Pigs were allocated to 2×2 factorial arrangement, including 2 protein levels (HP, high protein; LP, low protein) and 2 protease levels (with or without protease). The average daily gain in the LP treatment (357 g/d) was increased rather than the HP treatment (339 g/d). A greater avarage daily gain was observed in dietary suppiemented protease treatment (358 vs 339 g/d). Average feed intake was greater in the LP treatment (544 g/d) rather than the HP treatment (530 g/d). A greater average daily feed intake was observed in dietary supplemented protease treatment (552 vs 523 g/d). Dry matter and crude protein digestibility were increased in dietary supplemented protease treatment (82.62% and 76.08%, respectively) rather than non-supplemented treatment (81.74% and 75.13%, respectively). Ileal Lactobacillus spp. count increased in dietary supplemented protease treatment (7.42 vs 7.32 log10CFU/g). Emission of H2S was decreased in the LP treatment (4.41 ppm) rather than HP treatment (4.78 ppm). Emission of NH3 was decreased in dietary supplemented protease treatment (10.43 ppm vs 11.76 ppm). In conclusion, the decrease of dietary protein level and supplementation of protease had beneficial effects on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, gut microflora, and noxious gas emission in weanling pigs.
The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal digestible energy levels on pregnancy mares. Physical changes and fecal microorganism in pregnant horse and changes in birth characteristics of neonatal foals were investigated. The experiment was conducted by 18 mares (Jeju corssed bred, older than 36 months) into three treatment groups. The experimental diet consisted of 80%, 100%, 120% digestible energy levels based on NRC. The average daily intake was lower in the 120% (8.75±1.01) than the 100% (9.34±0.92), 80% (9.14±0.88) and there was significant difference (p<0.05). The feed efficiency was lower in the 120% than 80%, 100% (p<0.05). Total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride was higher in 120% than others (p<0.05). However there were no health problem and there was no difference between the treatment groups in the birth characteristics of neonatal foals. At the phylum level, Fibrobactres was difference by digestible energy levels, 80% (8.53%) was higher than 100%, 120%. At the genus level, Bacteroides and Kineothrix increased in fecal proportions with increasing digestible energy levels (p<0.05). Fibrobacter showed higher composition at 80% than 100% and 120% (p<0.05).
To evaluate alterations in fecal bacterial compositions in weaning piglets after supplementation with Phellodendron Cortex extract (PCE), piglets were allowed freely to consume feed containing 10 ppm of PCE for 7 weeks. During the feeding period, fecal samples were collected from individual piglets. A total of 578 valid sequence reads were generated from 40 fecal samples of normal piglets before supplementation with PCE. Fifteen classes were identified. Approximately 90% of classifiable sequences belonged to Clostridia and Bacilli classes. The abundance of Clostridium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. was determined based on the results of the sequencing. The supplementation with 10 ppm PCE for 3 weeks increased the numbers of Clostridium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. whereas seven weeks of supplementation with PCE reduced their abundance. In vitro, PCE inhibited the growth of E. coli and Salmonella enteritidis in a dose-dependent manner.
This study was conducted to analyze the diversity census of fecal microbiome in horses using meta-analysis of equine 16S rRNA gene sequences that are available in the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP; Release 11, Update 5). The search terms used were “horse feces (or faeces)” and “equine feces (or faeces)”. A total of 842 sequences of equine feces origin were retrieved from the RDP database, where 744 sequences were assigned to 10 phyla placed within Domain Bacteria. Firmicutes (n = 391) and Bacteroidetes (n = 203) were the first and the second dominant phyla, respectively, followed by Verrucomicrobia (n = 58), Proteobacteria (n = 30) and Fibrobacteres (n = 24). Clostridia (n = 319) was the first dominant class placed within Bacteroidetes while Bacteroidia (n = 174) was the second dominant class placed within Bacteroidetes. The remaining 98 sequences were assigned to phylum Euryarchaeota placed within Domain Archaea, where 74 sequences were assigned to class Methanomicrobia. The current results will improve understanding of the diversity of fecal microbiome in horses and may be used to further analyze equine fecal microbiome in future studies.
Fecal calprotectin is a noninvasive marker of gut inflammation and has been widely utilized in human gastrointestinal diagnostics. This marker, however, has not been extensively utilized in porcine samples. The aim of this study was to optimize a protocol for the extraction of porcine fecal calprotectin, and to the best of our knowledge this is the first study to be conducted in this regard. Freshly collected swine fecal samples were used in this study. We determined the variability of three commercial ELISA assays in the recovery of porcine fecal calprotectin. We further studied the effect of dilution factor and roller shaker homogenization on the yield of calprotectin from swine fecal samples. Calprotectin recovery was significantly different(p<0.05) across the three commercial assays with MBS033848 having a greater recovery compared to DAEF-012 and calprest. Fecal calprotectin yield increased with an increase in dilution factor with maximum recovery at 1:250. Furthermore, homogenization of fecal sample extracts using a roller shaker for tubes for 30 min led to a 30.75% relative increase in calprotectin yield. Further increase in shaking time(at 60 min) led to a reduced calprotectin recovery. Calprotectin recovery ratio was 130.8% and 101.4% at 30 min and 60 min homogenization respectively. In our conclusion, we observed that various factors affect the recovery of porcine fecal calprotectin, and therefore the researcher should double check certain parameters in regard to the type of kit, the dilution factor and homogenization time if reliable and reproducible results are to be obtained. Results of the present study provide useful information on a non-invasive protocol to veterinarians and researchers in examining and monitoring swine gut healthusing the fecal calprotectin.
In Korea, ecological research on the goral is underway to restore and increase population size of these ungulates, but clinical research on gorals species is still in its infancy. Owing to the nature of the gorals’ habitat, several animals live together within limited areas; so, the risk of parasitic infection is very high. In this study, we performed physical examination of 17 gorals undergoing breeding and restoration at the Korean Goral Restoration Center. Weight, ear height, horn length, withers height of the anthropometric data of this study were no differences from other researchers. Blood samples from each species were analyzed. There was no significant difference among individuals in terms each value examined, although some hematological and biochemical values, such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, glucose and amylase showed differences among individuals. The average values of blood tests in gorals ware lower in lymphocytes, blood urea nitrogen, and calcium than in livestock goats, and hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and glucose were higher in livestock. Helminth eggs were detected in 15 out of 17 gorals by microscopic examination of their fecal samples, and Eimeria spp. and Strongyloides spp. were detected in all the gorals. However, there may be cases of death due to diarrhea, which may lead to a decrease in growth and production. Therefore, proper prevention and treatment are needed. These results may serve as an important reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment of gorals. This information helps further understand the current health status of these species and may contribute to a more systematic restoration of the gorals.
This study was conducted to evaluate the changes of pH, dry matter digestibility (DMD), NH3-N concentrate, gas production and volatile fatty acid (VFA) through in vitro fermentation by adding horse feces to various juice pomaces fermented with Bacillus, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. The pH range of fermented fluid with juice pomaces was 6.4-7.1, indicating that the digestion by microbial fermentation was normal. Juice pomaces adopted will be helpfully used to assist with digestion by microbes in intestines because approximately 109 CFU/㎖ microbes were grown after 48 hours in fermented fluid. DMD rate gradually increased from 12 hours. It was 39.19% in pomaces of apple, 38.22% in grape, 37.02% in carrot, 36.2% in citrus and 34.35% in mixture respectively after 48 hours. NH3-N concentrate was not changed significantly as it was maintained at 1.5 mg/100㎖ level in the entire treatment group from beginning of fermentation until 12 hours, but increased rapidly from 24 hours. Amount of gas produced was lowest in the mixture and increased rapidly after 12 hours. Total VFA increased from 24 hours and was highest at 48 hours. It was suggested that dry matter digestion was processed while fermented juice pomaces kept proper pH during in vitro digestion, and cellulose degrading microorganisms could act actively in the caecum and colon of horses.