
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, according to the staking method of the fire hose in the indoor hydrant system, the number of kinks when the fire hose is deployed was measured and analyzed to examine how the staking method of the fire hose affects the kink when the hose is deployed. The fire hose staking method was classified into three types: donut-type, accordion-type, and hose hanger-type, and the walking speed and number of kinks were measured by repeating the experiment 5 times for male and female students. The results of the study are as follows. (1) Among the three types of fire hose staking methods, the donut-type staking method had an average of 92 times for male students and 86 times for female students on average. (2) The accordion-type and hose hanger-type staking methods showed similar results with an average of one or two kinks for both male and female students. (3) Regardless of the staking method, it was found that in general, male students with high walking speed had more kinking than female students with slow walking speed.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to check waterproof by number of twists of fire hose and measure the first waterproof time to analyze the relationship between twists of fire hose and first waterproof time and waterproof by position of twists so as to suggest the efficient plan to prevent twists of fire hose. Ordinary fire hose did not make waterproof in case that position of twists was near the nozzle with twists 5 times or more, while anti-twist fire hose had no problem for waterproof only with delayed time. Like ordinary fire hose, anti-twist fire hose also showed the tendency to increase the waterproof time in proportion to the number of twists. In case that the position of twists was near waterproof port even with 10 times of twists in anti-twist fire hose, the first waterproof time was increase by 0.63 seconds on average without any problem for waterproof, which was somewhat faster than that in ordinary fire hose. With respect to the position of twists, waterproof of anti-twist fire hose was affected more as the number of twists was increased more near the nozzle rather than near the waterproof port, like ordinary fire hose. In summary, anti-twist fire hose equipped with anti-twist tool at the middle connection port and the nozzle showed a good waterproof performance with delayed waterproof time regardless of number of twists, as a solution for the twist problem of ordinary fire hose.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of twisting in the preparation of waterproofing in the process of unfolded donut-type staking method fire hoses in indoor hydrant system. The central pull-out method caused more twisting than the rolling method, and there was no significant difference in the number of twists according to the pull-out method in the case of male and female students. It was found that the time it took to untwist and prepare waterproofing was much shorter for male students. The angle valve and hose are connected, and the time to untwist and prepare for waterproofing after withdrawing the fire hose with the hose and nozzle connected was shorter than the unconnected state. In the rolling method, when a hose connected with two 15 m fire hoses was used and the angle valve-hose was connected, but the hose-nozzle was not connected, the least kinking occurred. The time to untwist and prepare for waterproofing was also the shortest. As a result, in the withdrawal method of the donut-type loaded fire hose in the indoor hydrant system, it is a rolling method rather than a central withdrawal method. With the angle valve and hose connected, unfold the fire hose with the hose and nozzle connected, if a large number of people unwind the twisted hose, the time to prepare for waterproofing can be shortened.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        점적기의 성능은 압력보상 기능에 따른 유량 균등성에 의해 좌우되고, 유량의 균등성은 점적기 내부 의 위치에 따른 공급압력이 일정할 때 이루어진다. 점적기의 압력보상은 탄성을 가진 연질의 실리콘과 미로가 동시에 결합된 경우에 가장 큰 효과를 나타낸다. 그러나 경질 미로만으로 구성된 점적기의 경우 에는 미로의 길이와 내부구조에 따라 유량이 크게 달라진다. 경질 미로만으로 구성된 점적기의 경우에는 연질의 실리콘을 동시에 결합한 점적기보다 공급 압력에 따른 유량의 오차가 훨씬 크게 나타나므로 간편한 반면에 성능에서는 불리한 조건을 가진다. 경질미로로 구성된 점적호스의 경우 공급 압력과 미로의 길이와 단면에 따른 최적 설계를 통하여 적절한 조건에서 폭넓게 사용할 수 있는 장점이 있으므로 이에 대한 연구는 점적기의 성능을 개선하는데 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. 그러나 이러한 분야의 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않은 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 경질미로로 구성된 점적호스의 성능평가를 구명 하기 위해 원형의 미로를 길이별로 8단계(#1~#8)로 나누어, 공급압력(0.5~3.0bar) 변화에 따른 출구유량을 실험적 방법과 이론적 해석(CFD)으로 구하였다.
        2016.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to improve the performance of sewer trenchless entire repair method by using the multifunctional safety high-pressure hose. Because the flexural strength and flexing modulus of elasticity increased in the range from 60℃ to 80℃ of the setting temperature, the unform quality was secured to satisfy the standard quality and consolidate the strength, by supplying steam to the entire sewer through the safety high-pressure hose simultaneously. After the steam was supplied, the temperature of the condensate water with a large amount occurred , compared with a small amount, was very low. So, the setting time was shorter over than one hour by reducing the unsatisfied cure state and excluding the condensate water. The standard quality increased by approximately 15% at upper, central, and lower points of the same sewer was gained from the test result of CIPP(cured in place pipes) constructed at the optimum setting temperature. The steam and air were supplied evenly to the sewer by controlling the safety high-pressure hose in the tense and relaxed state and by using the exclusive function of condensate water. The availability and safety for the constructed process were achieved.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the application of a synthetic resine based net-hose system to sustain vegetated embankment slope reinforcement. The net-hose system is designated to improve water supply to the vegetation that can suffer the lack of water in case of extreme drying condition or rock slope where water supply is relatively insufficient to ensure the growth of vegetation. A series of laboratory tests were conducted to check the structural adequacy and effectiveness of net-hose system. The results indicated that the model slope equipped with net-hose system seemed to provide better water supply resulting in more vegetated areas and higher matric suction due to active water uptake capacity, which might be contributed to greater shear strength of slope surface. A limited numerical analysis was conducted to verify the effect of water uptake on vegetated root system that generally yields better slope stability.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the application of net-hose system to sustain a vegetated slope reinforcement. The net-hose system is designated to improve water supply to the vegetation that can suffer the lack of water in case of extreme drying condition or rock slope where the water supply is relatively insufficient to ensure the growth of vegetation. A series of laboratoy tests were conducted to check the structural adequacy and effectiveness of net-hose net hose system. The results indicated that the model slope equipped with net-hose system seemed to provide better water supply leading to more vegetated areas and higher matric suction due to active water uptake capacity, which might be contributed to greater shear strength of slope surface. A limited numerical analysis was conducted to verify the effect of water uptake of vegetated root system that generally yields better slope stability.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 여름철에 신선한 곤달비를 생산하기 위하여, 몇 가지 냉각방법에 따른 재배효과를 검토하고 베드의 구조물 및 냉각수단으로서 호스를 이용한 경제적인 팽연화왕겨 간이수경재배베드를 개발하기 위하여 수행하였다. 냉각방법별 곤달비의 생육은 냉수호스, 미스트, 무비가림 순으로 좋았으며, 13℃의 지히수를 약 240/hr의 유속으로 흘려 냉각시켰을 때 지온이 약 2~3℃ 낮아졌다. 여름재배 시 군락부위 부분냉방을 위해 개발된 호스베드시스템은 Φ15cm의 벽과, 유기배지로 팽연화왕겨가 이용된다. 냉수호스베드에서 냉수의 온도가 14~22℃ 범위에서 공급되었을 때 배지의 온도는 18~23℃로 유지되어 냉각효과가 양호하였으며, 스티로폼베드에 비하여 호스베드의 곤달비 군락부위의 온도는 약 0.5℃, 근권부의 온도는 약 3℃ 낮은 등 냉각효과가 있었다. 국부냉방을 위한 호스베드시스템은 곤달비와 같은 키가 작은 엽채류의 여름철 재배에 활용할 뿐 아니라 저온기에는 난방수를 순환하여 별도의 방열배관없이 국부난방에도 활용할 수 있어 경제적인 간이양액재배베드로서 활용될 것으로 기대된다.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the automotive part manufacturers have made a lot of efforts to increase the reliability of their products for various reasons. For that reason, many manufacturers have tried to get the automatic inspection system for their products. The automatic system can reduce the number of the workers and increase the accuracy of the inspection. In this study, inspection subject is brake-hose resonator. This component is made through a high frequency bonding process and can have the possibility of a defect like a leak problem. The purpose of this study is to make the automatic inspection system for detecting the implied leak problem of the products with the vision system. Consequently, this study show that the vision system is a very reasonable method to detect the leak problem. The automatic inspection system can decrease the detection time from 35s/EA to 22s/EA in case of continuous operation.