
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors related to milk consumption in university students. A questionnaire, comprised of general questions and factors related to milk consumption, was administered to 269 male and female university students (134 males, 135 females). The results show that the proportion of males reporting that they drink milk because “for good nutrition” was higher than that of females (p=0.0200). Additionally, males initiated more effort to drink milk than females (p=0.0192). Analysis of the groups classified according to milk consumption shows that the proportion of respondents exercising regularly was significantly high in the milk consumption group (p=0.0199). The proportion of respondents often consuming carbonated drinks as snacks was significantly low in the milk consumption group (p=0.0219). Whereas, the proportion of respondents consuming fruits as their main snack was significantly higher in the milk consumption group than in the non-milk consumption group (p=0.0063). Also, the milk consumption group shows significantly higher awareness of the importance of milk than the non-milk consumption group (p<0.0001). These results can be used as a valid foundation to provide university students with nutritional education relative to milk consumption and its associated benefits in the future.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 식품섭취량 데이터를 활용하여, 한국인의 식습관을 분석하고 관리방향을 제안하였다. 국민건강영양 조사의 원시자료를 활용하고, 국내 대표적 식품 분류체계인 식품공전을 반영해서 품목수 839개(세부품목수 1,419개)를 대상으로 실시하였다. 일일 총 식품섭취량은 1,585.77 g/day 이고, 그 중 원재료식품은 858.96 g/day(54.2%), 가공식품은 726.81 g/day(45.8%)로 산출되었다. 식품군별 식품섭취량은, 곡류가 가장 높은 비율을 차지했고, 식품섭취량 상위15위 식품군 중 90% 이상의 대상자가 섭취하는 목록으로는 곡 류(99.06%), 근채류(95.80%)로 나타났다. 품목별 분석에 의하면 주요 다소비(일일식품섭취량 1%이상 섭취, 158.6 g/ day) 및 다빈도(일일평균 국민 25% 이상 섭취, 5,168명) 품목은 쌀, 배추김치, 사과, 무, 달걀, 고추, 양파, 밀, 두부, 감자, 오이, 돼지고기로 산출되었다. 섭취빈도 중심의 상위순위 목록은 주로 한식양념 재료들이 포함되었다. 김치류는 배추김치(64.89 g/day)의 섭취량 비율이 67%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 주류의 경우 섭취량 및 섭취빈도 모두 상위 5위 안에 포함되어 있으며, 세부적인 섭취량은 맥주 (63.53 g/day), 소주(39.11 g/day), 막걸리(19.70 g/day) 순으로 높았고, 섭취빈도는 소주(11.3%), 맥주(7.2%), 청주(6.6%) 순으로 높게 산출되었다. 2010년부터 2015년도 식품섭취 량 추이에서 곡류는 꾸준하게 감소하고, 음료류는 다소 증가하는 추세였다. 주류의 섭취빈도에서는 일부 종류인 막걸리, 와인, 청주, 복분자주에서 년도별로 감소하는 경향 이었고, 김치류도 감소하는 추세였다. 식품 섭취패턴은 체내노출과 직접적인 영향이 있으며, 식품섭취량이 높은 식품과 섭취빈도가 높은 식품 모두 관리가 중요하지만, 우 리나라 섭취 특성을 고려하여 국내에 적합한 안전관리 방안 마련이 필요하다. 식품 섭취로 인한 유해오염물질의 노출량 관리를 위해서 다소비 식품은 섭취용량과 관련이 높으므로 식품의 오염도 관리 중심으로 다빈도 식품은 섭취 기간과 관련이 높으므로 섭취시 장기노출로 인한 체내축적 중심으로 접근하는 것을 권장한다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study considered the whole intake patterns and realities of consumption of instant noodles on sales targeting children and adolescents. Based on a total of 1021 subjects, data from self-administrated questionnaires were collected and analyzed using comparative statistical analysis, including frequency, chi-square, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Results of the study were as follows. The preference levels for instant noodles by children and adolescents were 5.25, thereby showing a more than moderate preference. Middle school boy students' preference for instant noodles was the highest. The main reason for preferring instant noodles was taste and convenience. The main reason for disliking instant noodles was poor nutrition and likelihood of becoming fat. The intake of instant noodles was the highest between lunch and dinner with a frequency of once to twice per week. Content of soup powder given taking instant noodles was the largest in having putted all. The soup quantity of being left given taking instant noodles was possessed the majority in almost not eating soup. The main reason for not consuming soup was being full or concerns for health. A significant difference was observed in preference level for instant noodles and in intake patterns depending on the respondents' general characteristics. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the snack and beverage intake patterns of students by body mass index groups (BMI 〈18.5, 18.5-23, 23-30, ≥30). Questionnaires were completed by 1381 high school students in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi-do, the area of Korea's capital region. There were no significant differences in skipping meals for overweight (BMI 23-30 and ≥30) or under-nourished (BMI 〈18.5) students. Girls skipped dinner more frequently than boys. Boys and girls both preferred meat and disliked fish regardless of BMI. Girls with BMI 23-30 disliked vegetables. Boys and girls would rather have crackers, candies, and chocolates than potatoes as snacks regardless of BMI. Obese boys (BMI ≥30) preferred flour-based food, fast food, and other food as snacks. Girls liked fruits more than boys. Snacks were eaten 2-3 times per week, when students were hungry or bored. There were no significant differences in the frequency or reasons (habitual, stressed) for snack consumption by BMI. Girls liked juice more than boys did, and boys preferred soda water more than girls did. Both the under-nourished (BMI 〈18.5) boy and girl groups had more juice than the overweight (BMI 23-30 and ≥30) groups. Obese (BMI ≥30) boys did not more drink soda water than other BMI groups. The under-nourished (BMI 〈18.5) boy group had more soda water than the normal (BMI 18.5-23) and overweight (BMI 23-30) groups. Girls in the overweight (BMI 23-30) group had 2 more cups of soda water a day than the normal group (BMI 18.5-23). Therefore, skipping meals and beverage intake patterns might influence BMI.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate patterns of fortified food (FF) consumption and intake of vitamins and minerals from FFs among 577 Korean children (12.4 years of age) who attended elementary or middle school. FFs eaten by children as a snack were surveyed using the food record method during 3 days, including 2 week days and one weekend. As a result, 114 FF items were eaten by the children, and several kinds of nutrients such as vitamin A, D, E, B complex, C, calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) were fortified in these foods. Ca-FFs (65.8%) were most frequently consumed, followed by vitamin C-FFs (33.4%) and vitamin D-FFs (33.3%). The number of FF items in each food group was the most in the milk group (n=24, 21.0%), followed by the beverage group (n=19, 16.7%), and the cookie/bread/cake group (n=17, 14.9%). Fortified nutrients in FFs were in various combinations, but the major combination patterns were Ca, Ca plus vitamins, Ca plus vitamins plus other minerals, and Ca plus other minerals. Daily mean intakes of vitamins and minerals from the FFs were 66-300% more than those of the recommended nutrient intake (RNI ) or adequate intake (AI) for most vitamins and minerals. Daily maximum intakes (95th percentile) of vitamins and minerals from FFs were 1-15 times the RNI or AI for most vitamins and minerals. Vitamin and mineral consumption ratios from each FF group were different according to the kind of fortified nutrient. For example, vitamin C was mostly eaten in fortified beverages (46-54%), and Fe was mostly eaten in fortified cookie/breads/cakes (87%). The above results show that FF consumption varied widely among the children, and that most of the children's foods were fortified with several vitamins and minerals without a common rule; thus, subjects risked over consuming vitamins and minerals by eating FFs. Therefore, practical guideline on FF use for children's optimal nutrition and health should be provided through nutrition education.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We surveyed 553 middle school students living in Incheon using questionnaires to compare their food behaviors and snack intake patterns according to weight groups based on BMI. Mean BMI was 20.3 for males and 19.6 for females. The rate of underweight, normalweight and overweight students was 33.3, 51.7, and 15.0%, respectively. Compared to the other two groups, the overweight students perceived their body shape more accurately (p<0.01). Regarding the reasons for skipping dinner, the most frequent answer by the underweight students was 'because of snacks', while that of the overweight students was 'to lose weight' (p<0.01). The normalweight students were found to eat a Korean traditional type breakfast more frequently than the other weight groups (p<0.05). The overweight female group was more likely to overeathabitually, whereas the normalweight and underweight groups tended to overeat when they were under stress (p<0.05). As for the amount of the snack intake, the overweight male students replied that they eat quite a lot of snacks. As a conclusion, the problems found in the underweight group were unbalanced diet and the disturbance of regular meal patterns due to inappropriate snack intake. The problems shown in the overweight group were overeating due to habit or stress, fast eating speed and large amount of snack intake.