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        검색결과 24

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Building on communication accommodation theory, we examine the effect of language style matching – the degree to which the language style of a response matches the language style of a relevant negative review – on prospective customers’ attitudes toward firms and firms’ sales performance, and the moderating effect of firms’ overall ratings.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도시 내 기후변화로 인한 이상 기상 현상과 함께 다양한 환경문제의 발생 빈도가 높아지고 있다. 도시의 회복력 향상을 위해서 자연기반해법이 대두되며, 이는 식물의 생육과 밀접한 관련이 있으므로 환경 스 트레스에 회복력이 강한 식물 소재가 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 식물 소재 중 지피식물 47종을 대상으로 침수 내성을 평가하여 식재 및 관리를 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 수행되었다. 시험 식물을 3일 및 7일 간 지제부까지 완전히 침수시킨 후 관행의 방법으로 관리하여 생육 변화를 4주간 관찰하였다. 식물의 외관 변화와 대조구와 처리구간의 S/R율(Shoot / Root ratio)차이에 따라 내침수성을 5개 집단으로 구분 하였다. Group A는 ‘곰취’등 28종의 식물로 외관 변화가 없으며, 침수에 의한 영향을 받지 않는다. Group B, C, D 및 E의 17종은 침수에 의한 외관 변화나 S/R율의 차이가 뚜렷이 확인되었다. 특히 ‘구절초’등 4종은 외관의 변화가 뚜렷하고 대조구와 처리구간 S/R율이 4배 수준이며(Group C), ‘눈개승마’는 지상 부가 완전히 고사하였다(Group E). 따라서 침수에 대응한 식재 계획에서는 Group A의 식물을 이용하는 것이 적합할 것으로 판단된다.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, due to the change to SASB(Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) and GRI(Global Reporting Initiative) Standards 2021, the paradigm for non-financial information disclosure is changing significantly, with the number of ESG topics and indicators that must be disclosed by industry from an autonomous material topic selection method. This study revealed that the number of compulsory topics in the oil and gas industry by GRI standards 2021 is up to 2.4 times higher than the average number of material topics disclosed when domestic companies publish sustainability reports using GRI Standards 2020. In the oil and gas industry, I analyzed the similarities and differences between the GRI standards 2021 and the ESG topics covered by SASB by environmental, social, economic, and governance areas. In addition, the materiality test process, which is different in GRI standards 2021, is introduced, and the issues included in the following 10 representative ESG-related initiatives are summarized into 62 and suggested improvement plans for materiality test used in the topic pool.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Second language (L2) peer response literature is defined in part by discourse research, yet there is scant research on text-specific comments, or comments that make explicit text references, thus resisting generic qualities. The purpose of this case study was to examine such peer response activities in an English writing course at a South Korean university. The data comprises two essay assignments with peer response conducted between two drafts – as accomplished during class time on the class learning management system (LMS) – as well as the subsequent revisions in second drafts. This paper expands on previous coding schemes accounting for area, nature and type commentary to account for a specificity dimension, and also links these categories to revision practices. While students entertained diverse commenting and revising options, popular practices included generic evaluating or revising local or surface-level concerns. This paper offers implications for modelling response activities as well as for how to better define specific and complex idea construction exhibited during response.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The proper operation and safety management of water and wastewater treatment systems are essential for providing stable water service to the public. However, various natural disasters including floods, large storms, volcano eruptions and earthquakes threaten public water services by causing serious damage to water and wastewater treatment plants and pipeline systems. Korea is known as a country that is relatively safe from earthquakes, but the recent increase in the frequency of earthquakes has increased the need for a proper earthquake management system. Interest in research and the establishment of legal regulations has increased, especially since the large earthquake in Gyeongju in 2016. Currently, earthquakes in Korea are managed by legal regulations and guidelines integrated with other disasters such as floods and large storms. The legal system has long been controlled and relatively well managed, but technical research has made limited progress since it was considered in the past that Korea is safe from earthquake damage. Various technologies, including seismic design and earthquake forecasting, are required to minimize possible damages from earthquakes, so proper research is essential. This paper reviews the current state of technology development and legal management systems to prevent damages and restore water and wastewater treatment systems after earthquakes in Korea and other countries. High technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles, wireless networks and real-time monitoring systems are already being applied to water and wastewater treatment processes, and to further establish the optimal system for earthquake response in water and wastewater treatment facilities, continuous research in connection with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including information and communications technologies, is essential.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the trend of restructuring and direction of management response in the Large Purse Seine Fishery. The large-scale fishing industry is one of the most popular fishing areas in the coastal area, and it has been developed by providing exclusive supplies of many types of catchy fish, such as mackerel and horse mackerel through physical productivity in fleet operations. However, the Large Purse Seine Fishery has been declining in profitability due to the deterioration of the business environment since 2000. It is at a crossroads whether it will disappear or regenerate as it is. The Large Purse Seine Fishery's current problems are: firstly, the continued deterioration of the fishery business balance and worsening labor problems, secondly, insufficient freshness management and quality control after landing, and thirdly, import competition. The fourth is the intensification of the market competition, which is the evolution of fishing variability and the increase in the proportion of small fish. The fifth is the reduction of the operating fishing ground due to the suspension of mutual fishing in Korea and Japan. To address these problems and suggest management response directions for the survival of large-scale fishing businesses is as follows. First, a sustainable production system should be established through strengthening resource management and promoting international fisheries cooperation. Second, the profitability of fishing management should be improved by introducing a low-cost supplier system and securing a stable labor force. Third, we should improve the leading and quality control of catch, improve the high value-added value of catch through brand development, and secure competitive advantage with imported produce. Finally, the government should establish a cooperative system among private sector, government, and research institutes to push ahead with these tasks and strengthen the competitiveness of the front and rear industries.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current study aims to propose a reorganization plan for the national emergency management system to improve the current organizational structure for responding to national disasters and emergency situations. As a theoretical framework, the current study identified four key elements of successful disaster response systems: responsiveness, controllability, expertise, and devotedness. On the basis of the four key elements of disaster response systems, this study critically reviewed the current state of the organizational structure of the Korean national emergency response system by discussing the issues inherent in the current structure and by doing a comparative analysis of two high-profile national disaster cases—the Sewol ferry disaster in 2014 and the Gwangsan Rescue of buried people in 2013. Then, this study proposed the reorganization plan for the national disaster response system in which the NEMA is under direct control of the Prime Minister of Korea. It coordinates and controls the related government departments, such as the police, maritime police, and military during the national disaster and emergency situation. This study also proposed a reorganizational plan for the regional disaster response system in Korea. Finally, it was suggested that the status of firefighters should be elevated to the national public servant level in order to achieve organizational efficiency and solve existing problems that come from the current separated systems.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the users continuously play the mobile game, the mobile game service requires a method to manage their information such as their game play score and their own game items. For the purpose of responding to the user requests in real time, the proposed method reduces the size of the database by separating the information of inactive users from the main database. Considering the construction cost, the proposed method moves the information of the inactive users to the file instead of another secondary database system. In order to minimize the effect of the system environment such as CPU or memory, the proposed method depends on the response time to the user request rather than the last login time or the number of the user accounts. For the safety and consistency of the database, the proposed method utilizes a traditional RDBMS rather than NoSQL.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New paradigm to the technological advancement and policies for disaster management is required for the fast change of the social framework such as climate change, urbanization, and aging. In these circumstances, enhancing the capacity of disaster management of national has become important issues, which is based on the ISO/TC223(Societal Security) In this research, we analyzed international trend and proposed effective domestic strategy for adapting TC223; 1) establishing a new department for effective corresponding, 2) activating an accreditation related to public and private field.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Disaster management is successful if the situation in the event of an accident to minimize casualties and property damage, and commitment to improve the efficiency of personnel and material, and further the administration site conditions promptly reported to the director or the people. transmit from one generation to the next the stability of the society could seek would be. In this respect.
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A series of disaster response drill was conducted using a robust and integrated safety management platform (WINS+) which can provide multi-functions of safety evaluation in realtime, disaster information provision and recovery actions for major water infrastructures, which are designated as nation’s first class infrastructures, under natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. It is believed that the experience of disaster response drills using the new integrated safety management system (WINS+) enhances our capability of preparedness and response against disasters, and that the validity of WINS+ can be clearly confirmed.
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