
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 71

        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항(Product by Process Claim)은 물건청구항의 형태를 갖추 고 있으나, 제조방법에 의하여 그 물건을 한정하 는 형식으로 기재된 청구항이다. 제조방법이 기재 된 물건발명 청구항은 특허성 판단시와 보호범위 판단시에 그 해석이 국가별로 다양하고, 한 국가 내에서도 법원에 따라 상이한 경우가 많을 정도로 논란이 되어 왔다. 하지만, 2009년 미국의 CAFC 전원합의체 판결을 시작으로, 2012년 일본 지적 재산고등재판소 판결에서 제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항의 해석을 명확히 정리하였다. 한국의 경우 2015년 1월 대법원 전원합의체 판결이 나오면서 제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항의 특허성 판단의 기준을 마련하였으며, 2015 년 2월 처음으로 대법원 판결로 제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항의 보호범위 판단기준을 제시하였다. 우리나라의 최근 대법원 판례는 기재요건과 관 련하여 명확설의 입장을 취하였고, 특허성과 보호 범위 판단시에 물적 동일설로 입장을 변경하였다. 다만, 보호범위 판단시에 예외적으로 제법 한정설 을 채택하여, 경우에 따라 특허성과 보호범위 해석의 일치여부에 해석이 문제될 수 있을 뿐만 아 니라, 어떠한 경우에 예외가 적용되는지에 대한 명확한 기준이 없으므로 제조방법이 기재된 물건 발명 청구항의 전체적인 법적 안정성을 저해하는 요소가 될 수 있다는 점이 우려된다. 따라서, 보호 범위 판단시에 불명확한 “예외”를 통하여 청구항 의 해석방법을 달리할 것이 아니라, 불합리한 정 도로 넓게 해석되는 경우에는 (동일한 해석방법 에 따르면) 진보성 등의 특허성에 관한 무효사유 가 존재할 가능성이 높으므로, 오히려 무효주장으로 별개로 다투도록 하여 해결하는 것이 효과적일 것이라고 판단된다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We propose that while EMFs’ international diversification promotes new product performance, technological capability actually mediates the relationship between international diversification and new product performance. We further argue that focusing on more developed markets strengthens the positive effect of EMFs’ international diversification on their technological capability accumulated over the process of internationalization, whereas it weakens the impact of EMFs’ technological capability on their new product performance because EMFs have to compete with local and global firms in the more developed target countries. Analysis on Chinese manufacturers’ international efforts provides support for these hypotheses.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 온라인 쇼핑몰 상황에서 이전사업경험, 제품속성과 온라인 고객 의견이 신제품 매출성과에 미친 영향을 살펴보았다. 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 제품 성과에 대한 연 구들은 선진국 온라인 쇼핑몰을 중심으로 고객들의 구전효과에 초점을 두고 연구를 진행해 왔으며 상대적으로 기업특성이나 제품속성에 대한 연구는 미흡하였다. 본 연구에서는 중국 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 판매중인 총 407개 TV모델들을 대상으로 기업특성, 제품속성 및 온라인 고객의견이 제품 매출성과에 미친 영향을 살펴보았다. 기업특성에서는 이전TV제조업체들의 제품이 신규 진입기업들의 제품들보다 매출성과가 높았다. 제품속성에서는 경쟁제품 대비 초기 가격수준이 낮을수록 성과가 높으며 가격할인율이 높은 경우에는 오히려 매출성과가 낮았다. 전반적인 제품의 기술경쟁력 수준이 높을수록 판매성과가 높으며 신기능의 특성에 따라 매출성과에 미친 효과는 다르게 나타났다. 제품별 온라인 고객평가 의견수가 많을수록 해당 제품의 매출성과는 높은 것으로 나타난 반면, 온라인 고객평가 점수는 매출성과에 유의 한 영향관계나 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 온라인 쇼핑몰 상황에서 신제품 매출성과 향 상을 위한 이론적 실무적 의의를 제시하고 향후 연구과제들을 제시하였다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Smartphone industry grew rapidly enough to draw a close attention in a short period less than ten years. Accordingly, required camera module industry is getting increase. In this study, it will be shown how to improve the productivity of new product model for the camera module before the growth to maximize the company profits.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of new product diffusion. We seek to document and explain systematic features of product diffusion. In this essay, we examine the well-documented empirical regularity that the speed of diffusion has accelerated during the twentieth century. The empirical results show that the main source of acceleration are faster declines in prices. Faster price declines make the product affordable to more consumers within a given period of time. Based on theories of intertemporal price discrimination and learning-by-doing, the association between the speed of adoption and the speed of price decline was explained. Faster price declines are attributed to several product characteristics as well as changes in income distribution. Above all, the introduction of consumer electronic products in more recent years can be regarded as the most important factor in accelerating price declines. Consumer electronic products are technologically different from non-electronic goods, in that semiconductors are important components. As the price of semiconductors has dropped rapidly, the falling production costs can be rapidly incorporated to the price of consumer electronic goods. Furthermore, most of the recently introduced consumer electronic products have network externalities, and many products with network externalities require complementary products. A complementary product becomes more readily or cheaply available as more people have the main product. One major difference between previous studies and this study is that the former focuses only on the factors that operate directly on the speed of adoption, while this study incorporated factors that work through price changes as well as the factors that work directly on the speed of adoption.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 한국 제조기업들을 대상으로 역동적인 환경 하에 공급사와 구매 사의 신제품 개발 기술협력이 구매기업의 신제품 개발 프로젝트의 운영성과에 미치는 영향 에 관하여 고찰하였다. 한국생산성본부와 지식경제부가 공동으로 조사한 2012년도 한국 600 개 제조기업 조사 자료를 기반으로 회귀분석 방법을 사용하여 분석하였다. 독립 변수로 구매 사와 구매사의 주요공급사와의 신제품 개발에서의 기술협력을 사용하였고 종속변수로 구매 사의 신제품 개발 프로젝트의 품질달성률(quality), 비용절감(cost), 개발일정준수률(time)의 세 가지 운영 성과를 사용하였다. 환경의 역동성을 조절 변수로 사용하였다. 실증분석 결과 공급사와 구매사간의 기술협력이 신제품 개발 프로젝트 품질 달성율 제고에 긍정적인 영향 을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 예상과 달리 환경의 역동성은 오히려 공급사 구매사의 기 술협력의 신제품개발 프로젝트 성과에 모두 부정적으로 작용하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 환경의 역동성이 높은 산업(통신기기산업)과 낮은 산업(조선산업)으로 분리하여 사후분석을 실 시하였다. 사후분석결과, 역동성이 낮은 산업에서는 구매사-공급사의 기술협력이 신제품 개 발 프로젝트 운영성과에 긍정적인 작용을 하지만 역동성이 높은 산업에서는 구매사-공급사 의 기술협력이 구매사의 신제품 개발 프로젝트의 운영성과에 부정적인 영향을 주고 있음을 발견하였다. 역동성이 높은 산업은 새로운 기술이 요구되는 경우가 많아 기존에 지속적으로 거래를 하고 있는 특정 공급업체와의 협력을 통한 축적된 학습효과 및 시너지를 누리기가 어 렵고 이에 주공급업체와의 협력이 프로젝트 운영의 효율성으로 연결되지 못하는 것으로 보 인다. 반면에 환경의 역동성이 낮은 환경에서는 기존의 공급업체와의 협력을 통한 축적된 협 력 역량 프로젝트 운영성과 향상에 긍정적으로 작용하는 것으로 보인다. 이는 신제품 개발 프로젝트의 속성과 횟수는 기업이 처한 환경과 밀접히 관련되어 있고 주 공급업체와의 기술 협력의 효과는 환경에 따라 다르게 나타나고 있음을 시사한다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        차량산업의 기술 패러다임이 소비자의 편의 및 안전기능의 증가와 기술융합 (Convergence)과 더불어 소프트웨어가 핵심적 역할을 하는 시스템기반의 융합 아키텍처 형 태로 진화하고 있다. 이처럼 소프트웨어가 핵심 혁신요소로 대두되는 환경에 따라 R&D 개 발 프로세스를 기계, 품질, 소프트웨어 등 이질적 프로세스를 통합하려는 시도가 있어왔지만, 실제 산업현장에서는 각각의 개발 프로세스가 개별적으로 운영되고 있어 이러한 혼란을 방 지하기 위한 실용적 통합 R&D 프로세스의 개발이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 프로세스 통합관련 기존 연구를 토대로 주요한 프로세스 통합 요건들을 분 석하고, 실제 차량 산업현장의 문제점 조사 및 분석을 통해 차량 전장품에 적합한 R&D 프로세스의 통합 모형 및 통합 프로세스를 제시하였다. 특히, 부품 단계에서부터 완성차 단계까 지 연결된 통합 프로세스를 개발하기 위하여 실제 산업계의 완성차와 전장품 업체에서 적용 하고 있는 개별 프로세스의 장단점을 비교 분석하였고, 전장품의 구성요소인 시스템, 소프트 웨어, 하드웨어 등 분야별 프로세스의 상관관계 연구를 통해 수행하였다. 마지막으로 본 연 구에서 제시한 통합 프로세스 모델은 현재 일부 전장품 업체에 적용되고 있으며, 모델 개선 을 위한 모니터링을 진행하고 있다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While the necessity of closing the marketing capabilities gap is an important issue, little is known about the mechanisms that enable firms create and refine marketing capabilities to market new products. Although it is suggested that market knowledge enables firms to create and refine marketing capabilities, little is known about why some firms are better at generating market knowledge or the extent market knowledge development impacts marketing capabilities. We advance the literature by showing that the development of market knowledge through internal processes is not sole or main foundation, external ties are also required to facilitate closing the marketing capabilities gap. Building on the literature on organizational ambidexterity, relational governance, and positional advantages, we examine the extent that external ties facilitate the effect of the firm’s market knowledge development processes (MKD) on exploratory and exploitative marketing capabilities. We use the positional advantage principle (Day & Wensley, 1988) to uncover the path that exploratory and exploitative marketing capabilities drive new product success through. Data from a sample of 169 industrial firms using a multi-informant design shows that the interplay between MKD and external ties provide the foundation to build exploratory and exploitative marketing capabilities to successfully market new products. Given the differences in the nature (e.g., goal convergence, longevity) and knowledge embedded in business and political ties, we draw attention to the different impacts that business and political ties have in helping to build exploratory and exploitative marketing capabilities. Our findings reveal that business ties promote the positive effect of MKD on exploitative marketing, indicating that business ties promote a firm’s capacity to improve its existing marketing routines. Political ties, however, enhance the positive effect of MKD on exploratory marketing, indicating that political ties provide support required to create new marketing initiatives (e.g., new distribution channel). Further, we show that distinct positional advantages, differentiation and cost efficiency, help explain how exploratory and exploitative marketing capabilities may be more or less effective in driving new product success. Our results suggest that while both new product differentiation and cost efficiency are significant drivers of NPP, their antecedents are different. Hence, achieving fit between the preferred positional advantage(s) and the type of marketing capabilities represents a critical determinant of new product success.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examines the effects of sampling promotion of a new product in terms of the purchase and WOM. Existing users of the category and related category which the new product were introduced tend to purchase it, compare to non-users. Consumers who knew about the new product before receiving the sample tend to engage into WOM
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        How to manage these marketing and R&D functions is very important in the new product development (NPD) process. Which function should have more power to make more decisions? Previous study seldom touched this question. Further, according to strategic contingent theory, perceived uncertainty is very important determinant for power structure in the NPD process (Hickson, Hinings, Schneck, & Pennings, 1971). However, Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) argued that there is indeterminacy between environment and power structure. Thus, is external environmental uncertainty related to power structure in the NPD process? Resource dependence theory gives us a hint to solve this puzzle, that is, the concept of institutionalization (Pfeffer, 1981; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978). The current study tends to adopt NPD duration reflected institutionalization (Pfeffer, 1981) to examine the moderating effect of NPD duration on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and marketing-R&D power structure in the NPD process. In general, power is defined as that the relation among social actors in which a specific social actor can potentially influence the decision to achieve his or her desire outcomes (Dahl, 1957; Emerson, 1962; Pfeffer, 1981; Salancik & Pfeffer, 1977). This definition also suggested that power is the structure in human aggregates like complex organization (Pfeffer, 1981). Thus, the power structure in the NPD process is defined as the proportion of decision making by marketing and R&D functions in the NPD process. When a NPD team faces the high market uncertainty, marketing function can gather more resources because of its special ability. A new product team has the limited resources, so another important function like R&D will have fewer resources than marketing function. Thus, our first hypothesis is that the higher market uncertainty, the more power marketing function has. R&D members have background knowledge to overcome the difficult of processing technological language and decide the main resolutions. The team will tend to allot more resources to deal with the problems of technological change as such the R&D members can buy the license of new technologies to apply it on their new products and to create the disruptive innovation like smartphones or tablets successfully. Therefore, the second hypothesis is that the higher technology uncertainty, the more power R&D function has. According to resource dependence theory, however, the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure does not always exist (Pfeffer, 1981; Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) indicated that the perceived environmental uncertainty of a subunit is weakly related to subunit’s power structure when an organization is highly institutionalized. When one subunit has more power than others, it tends to maintain the current power structure. So, the subunit makes rules or norm to formalize its power legally. This process is so called institutionalization (Pfeffer, 1981; Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). In general, as time goes by, organizations will form their own social norms, and some of these norms will become the principles or rules in organizations (Pfeffer, 1981). As a result, when NPD time is long, marketing and R&D functions form norms or official rules. Then, the relationship between their perceived environmental uncertainty and power structure in the NPD process is weaker than the relation in the shorter duration of NPD. Therefore, our hypothesis is that the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure in the long-run project time is weaker than the relationship in the short-run project time. The current study used questionnaire survey and purposive sampling method to collect data. In order to eliminate the bias of common method variance (CMV), this study conducted multiple sources including project managers, the member charging marketing, and the member charging R&D to administrate questionnaires differently. In order to avoid selection bias, this study, moreover, asked the informants select the most recent new products developed and launched for minimum of twelve months. We sent three types of questionnaires to project managers, the member charging marketing, and the member charging R&D respectively. The current study sent questionnaires to 112 firms, and 69 firms are returned. The response rate is 61.61%. At new product level, there are 207 new product projects, and 100 firms are returned. The response rate is 48.31%. We also do tests of bias due to nonresponse which were conducted by using a comparison of early to late respondents’ all variable means (Armstrong & Overton, 1977). No evidence of a bias was found. Our variables are included market and technology uncertainty, and power structure which the left side is totally decided by marketing and the right side is totally decided by R&D. Moreover, NPD time is from star-up projects to launch it. In order to rule out other effects, we controlled industrial category, firm age, the number of marketing and R&D members involved in the NPD process, environmental hostility, and NPD process formalization. Every overall fit index in our measurement model is shown that χ(55)^2=71.5259,p-vaule=.066,χ^2/df=1.30<2, goodness of fit index=.90,adjusted goodness of fit index=.84,comparative fit index=.97,normed fit index=.87,non-normed fit index=.95, and root mean square error of approximation=.06. In general, all fit indexes in our measurement model are acceptable, and the average variance extracted (AVE), composite reliability (CR), and Cronbach’s α of all constructs are acceptable. Their ranges are .45-.70, .70-.93, and .75-.93 respectively. The overall model showed that the higher market uncertainty, the more power marketing has (β=-.279, t-value=-3.11, p-value<.050) but technology uncertainty is not significantly related to power structure. We used the mean of the NPD time as the cutting point to split short-run and long-run project time, and the mean is about one year and half in our sample. The result showed that in the short-run group the higher market and technology uncertainty, the more power marketing and R&D function have (β=-.355, t-value=-2.53, p-value<.050; β=.296, t-value=2.23, p-value<.050) . However, in the long-run group the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure is statistically insignificant. Additionally, in the long-run group the more NPD process formalization, the more power R&D function has (β=.277, t-value=2.33, p-value<.050). Back to the original puzzle, that is, does external environmental uncertainty determine power structure in the new product development process? The empirical evidence is shown that it is dependent on how long an organization develops new products to the market. Because the dominant subunit involved in the NPD process tends to maintain it power, it institutionalizes rules or norms to have legitimacy in the organization, and this argument is consistent with resource dependence theory (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). We also found that in short-run perceived environmental uncertainty are positively related to power structure in the NPD process. Consistent with strategic contingent theory’s proposition, the one subunit enable to reduce or respond external environment pressure, and it can have more power in the organization (Hickson, et al., 1971; Hinings, et al., 1974). We additionally found that in long-run group process formalization is positively related to R&D power. R&D function plays a main role in the NPD process as especially in the manufacturing industry; therefore, R&D function has much motive to maintain its power (Workamn, 1993). So R&D function can use formal rule to maintain its power when R&D function formalize the NPD process. As a consequence, formalizing the NPD process helps R&D function to gain more power in the long run. The contribution of our study is that we tested the proposition in strategic contingent theory, and the empirical evidences supported our hypotheses. Furthermore, our study also is the first study to test and find the support evidence with the institutionalization proposition in resource dependence theory. We not only explored the relationship between environmental uncertainty and power structure in the NPD process, but also extended strategic contingent theory and resource dependence theory to the NPD research. The further study can follow our definition of power structure to find what strategy marketing and R&D function will used to take back or maintain their power (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 1988; Li & Atuahene-Gima, 2001; Pfeffer, 1981).
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Vertical alliances for collaborative new product development in interfirm relationship have been an ongoing theme of strategy and marketing research to cope with fast changing environments, and to continuously innovate in the marketplace. However, no study has yet examind both direct and indirect effects of vertical alliances on new product performance under high technology turbulence. As alliance partners seek to enhance their collaboration and performance, the relational nature of business relationships and structural network positions can influence firm innovativeness and subsequent new product performance. Using survey data of 146 firms collected in Turkey, this study shows that while firms form stronger cooperation under conditions of high technology turbulence, the impact on firm innovativeness and new product performance is contingent upon network positions and information exchange. The findings indicate that indirect effects of vertical alliance portfolio and information exchange enhance new product performance through firm innovativeness. Vertical relationship structures facilitate firm innovativeness with enhanced exploration but may not have a positive direct effect on new product performance. Furthermore, the effect of information exchange on new product performance is contingent upon information exchange which enhances firm innovativeness.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While the relationship between market orientation and new product performance has been extensively investigated, the mechanism by which market orientation contributes to new product performance was further studied in a business-to-business context. We developed a set of alternative research models to examine the roles of timing of entry and positional advantage in the market orientation—new product performance relationship. The results showed that industrial firms’ positional advantage is a key step in the process. Market orientation does not directly influence new product performance. Instead, market orientation helps to establish a firms’ positional advantage, which, in turn, positively influences new product performance in the marketplace. Timing of entry, shown to be an outcome of positional advantage, is not a determinant of new product performance in the business-to-business context. The findings revealed that market-oriented firms achieve superior new product performance through thoughtfulness indicated by a well-defined positioning strategy, not rapidity of action.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It seems most important for a manufacturing company to be well aware of its relationship with suppliers. This is why it is essential to analyze and control the structural relationship among CEO's characteristics, relations between suppliers and manufacturers and new product development performances affected by such relations. The present study may be summed up as follows: First, from the analysis of characteristics of manufacturing company's CEO and relations between suppliers and manufacturers, it could be verified that CEO's characteristics exercised influence upon sharing of product development process and upon cooperation for technical manpower, but not upon sharing of core technologies, signifying the fact that nothing could be more important than the role of CEO who has strong will to improve his or her relations with suppliers; and Second, from the analysis of relations between suppliers and manufacturers as well as relations between management and new product development performances, it became evident that both management performance and product development performance were affected by sharing of product development process. It was also known that cooperation for technical development process had influence upon the product development performance but not upon the management performance. Furthermore, the analysis showed that both management performance as well as product development performance were affected by sharing of core technologies.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we propose development of new products including the proposed process of at the customer's requirements. The success of new product development depends on customer satisfaction in the marketplace. Existing product development process, including the customer's interest was weak. In this paper, we propose development of new products which include Kano's attractive quality factor method and Timko's customer satisfaction index method. Also we verified new medical treatment of incontinence-nency which is applied to the proposed process.
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we propose development of new products including the proposed process of at the customer's requirements. The success of new product development depends on customer satisfaction in the marketplace. Existing product development process, including the customer's interest was weak. In this paper, we propose development of new products which include Kano's attractive quality factor method and Timko's customer satisfaction index method. Also we verified new medical treatment of incontinence-nency which is applied to the proposed process.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kano model offers an effective way to understand customer requirements strategically Thus, the integration of Kano model and QFD can reflect customer requirements more effectively in designing new product. Most of previous studies on the integration have been focused customer attributes, but engineering characteristics are used at the final stage of new product design. It is proposed that how to classify engineering characteristics into Kano's elements and how to use the classified results in new product development process in this thesis. A case example is included to explain the proposed method.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 차량용 Navigation은 우리나라에서 급속도로 발전하는 Emerging Market으로 실시간 교통정보와 DMB TV, 영화, 음악, 게임 등 다양한 복합기능을 추가하면서 Car Infotainment(Information & Entertainment) 핵심 기기로 진화해가고 있다. 반면 시장진입에 따른 기술 장벽이 낮고 경쟁이 치열한 상황에서 제품디자인 차별화가 중요한 요소로 부각되고 있다. 이에 본 사례연구에서는 A/V 전문기업 인켈이 「와이드터치(WideTouch)」라는 신규 브랜드로 차량용 Navigation 시장에 진출한 사례를 중심으로 선행 수요자 니즈 조사를 통한 Concept 발굴과 신세대 및 중 장년층, 여성 Targe시장 세분화에 의한 디자인 차별화 전략 및 그 성공 요인을 분석하였다.
        2006.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        제조업체의 성공은 고객의 요구를 파악하는 능력과 이들 요구를 만족시키면서, 얼마나 최소비용을 투자하여 제품화를 신속히 개발하는가에 달려있다. 기업의 목표를 달성하기 위해서 제조 판매 및 마케팅 그리고 제품 디자인 및 개발기간과 같은 여러 요소들이 복합적으로 적절히 조화를 이루어야만 한다. 이 논문에서는 여러 요소 중 신제품 개발기간에 초점을 맞추어 현재 각 기업에서 많이 사용되고 있는 6시그마 기법을 적용하여 새로운 제품의 개발기간을 단축시키기 위한 방법론을 제시한다.
        2005.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper considers a set of project management practices for government R&D projects, enterprise R&D projects and new product design project. The approach of managing multi-project is proposed by the use of organizational structure and control.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        3D Modeling Solution can reduce projecting error and also make possible to design visually, so that it can minimize human resources. On the other hand, it has defects of operating difficulties caused by too much complex function, thus it consequently prevent user from prompt handling. According to this paper, the developed party S/W will help that user can construct the parts easily, can let everybody use 3D modeling solution readily, and make fast development of new product. This software will carry out prompt development of new product and derive satisfaction of customers from high quality. Also, saving time and expense naturally raise competitive power in consequence.
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