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        검색결과 227

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indoor air quality is a critical factor affecting health and quality of life, especially in spaces frequently used by sensitive populations such as adolescents. This study assessed the impact of garden ball installations and electrochemical fertilizer applications on indoor air quality in two youth centers, Center S and Center W, located in Bucheon, South Korea. PM2.5, PM10, and CO2 concentrations were monitored and analyzed based on the presence of garden balls and the use of electrochemical fertilizers. The results showed that spaces with garden balls (w/ G.B.) had significantly lower PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations compared to offices and spaces without garden balls (w/o G.B.). In Center W, the presence of garden balls alone improved air quality, highlighting the potential of vertical greening as a sustainable solution. In Center S, the application of electrochemical fertilizers during the “after + period” (when both garden balls and electrochemical fertilizers were applied) further enhanced particulate matter reduction, demonstrating the fertilizers’ ability to amplify plants’ air-purifying effects. This study provides empirical evidence that garden balls are an eco-friendly option for indoor air quality management. Combining electrochemical fertilizers with garden balls shows promise for enhancing air quality, offering a practical model for multi-use facilities such as youth centers.
        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to propose new grading standards that can be applied to AI-based automatic sorting machines, reflecting current distribution and consumption trends. The current domestic grading standards for onions in South Korea are based on the “Agricultural and Fishery Products Quality Control Act”. They classify onions based on criteria such as uniformity, shape, color, and the presence of foreign matter. Onion grading standards are divided into four categories based on bulb diameter and weight. However, in the actual domestic market, onions are distributed according to a five-grade classification based on bulb diameter. Therefore, this study classified onions into eight grades, reflecting current distribution and consumption trends in the domestic market. These grades are applicable to AI-based automatic sorting machines. Marketable onions were classified into A1 (extra large) to A5 (extra small) based on the diameter of a single bulb. Onions used for non-marketable purposes (processing) were classified as grade B. Additionally, grade C and grade D were designated for processing and disposal, respectively. By establishing quality grading classifications that align with current distribution and consumption market trends as well as the operational characteristics of AI-based automatic sorting machines, we can expect improvements in work efficiency and reductions in distribution costs. Following this study, it will be necessary to establish comprehensive quality grading standards that include both external criteria (such as bulb weight and size) and internal criteria (such as detection of internal decay and disease occurrence).
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In contemporary society, consumers increasingly demand foods that provide health benefits and satisfy taste. As a result, the importance of functional foods has risen, particularly in the development of functional bread using various ingredients. This study examines the impact of different functional ingredients on bread quality, including plant-based components like vegetables, fruits, and grains, as well as animal-derived materials, medicinal herbs, and other additives. The study evaluates changes in the physical, chemical, and sensory properties of bread dough. Plant-based ingredients improved the color, flavor, and texture of the bread, enhancing its overall sensory quality. They also increased water absorption in the dough, improving its appearance and texture. Animal-derived ingredients, especially from insects, enhanced the physical properties and nutritional value of the dough. Medicinal herbs significantly boosted the bread's nutritional value and health benefits through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The findings show that functional additives play a crucial role in improving bread quality, providing valuable data for the development of functional foods that meet modern consumer demands for health benefits and good taste.
        2024.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This case report aimed to provide basic data to improve instrumental activities of daily living and quality of care for elderly with dementia. Methods: A total of ten sessions were organized and operated once a week for 16 elderly with dementia. Data analysis was conducted through observational evaluation of participation, concentration, and satisfaction, and pre and post test for each individual. In-depth interviews were performed at the end of each session. Results: Participants were 16.0% in their 70s, 68.7% in their 80s, and 6.3% in their 90s. Their average instrumental activities daily living (I-ADL) score was 20.12±4.93. Post test scores increased in 78% of the elderly. Participation, concentration, and satisfaction were the highest in the 8th session, which was operated under the theme of ‘A good day to go to the hospital,’ and the lowest participation, concentration, and satisfaction were in the 5th session, which was operated under the theme of ‘A good day to go out.’ Conclusion: In the case of elderly with mild or early dementia, performance of instrumental activities of daily living can be improved through repetitive learning. Thus, there is a need to continuously provide such program as a regular program for elderly people in the early stages of dementia.
        2024.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research investigated the preparation of activated carbon derived from Krabok (Irvingia malayana) seed shells to improve the quality of crude glycerol obtained during biodiesel production. The activated carbon was prepared using a dry chemical activation method with NaOH, utilizing an innovative biomass incinerator. The results revealed that the resulting KC/AC-two-step exhibited favorable physicochemical adsorption properties, with a high surface area of 758.72 m2/g and an iodine number of 611.10 mg/g. These values meet the criteria of the industrial product standard for activated carbon No. TIS 900-2004, as specified by the Ministry of Industry in Thailand. Additionally, the adsorption efficiency for methylene blue reached an impressive 99.35 %. This developed activated carbon was then used to improve the quality of crude glycerol obtained from biodiesel production. The experimental results showed that the KC/AC-two-step increased the purity of crude glycerol to 73.61 %. In comparison, commercially available activated carbon (C/AC) resulted in a higher crude glycerol purity of 81.19 %, as analyzed by the GC technique. Additionally, the metal content (Zn, Cu, Fe, Pb, Cd, and Na) in purified glycerol using KC/AC-two-step was below the standards for heavy metals permitted in food and cosmeceuticals by the Food and Drug Administration of Thailand and the European Committee for Food Contact Materials and Articles. As a result, it can be inferred that Krabok seed shells have favorable properties for producing activated carbon suitable as an adsorbent to enhance crude glycerol purity. Furthermore, the improved crude glycerol from this research has potential for various industrial applications.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the impact of two bacterial strains, H05E-12 and H05R- 04, on alleviating non-irrigation-induced stress and its subsequent effects on the fruit productivity of sweet pumpkin plants. When subjected to non-irrigation-induced stress, the lipid peroxidation, proline, total phenol, and total soluble sugar content significantly decreased in plants treated with either H05E-12 or H05R-04 compared to the control. In a greenhouse experiment under non-irrigated conditions, H05E-12-treated plants exhibited higher stomatal conductance than the control, although there was no significant change in the soil plant analysis development (SPAD) value due to treatment. Upon re-watering, an increase in fruit diameter was observed in H05E-12-treated plants, and the L-ascorbic acid content in the fruit also showed a significant increase compared to the control. The H05E-12 strain was identified as Kushneria konosiri. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report detailing the beneficial effects of K. konosiri on the alleviation of non-irrigation-induced stress and the promotion of plant growth in sweet pumpkin plants.
        2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This case aims to present basic data needed to improve cognitive function and quality of care for aged with dementia. Methods: A total of ten sessions were organized and operated once a week for 12 aged with dementia using the center. Data collection was conducted from July 27 to September 30, 2022. Data analysis was conducted through observational evaluation of participation, satisfaction, and performance of each individual and in-depth interviews at the end of the program. Results: Among the 12 subjects who participated in the quality improvement program, an average of 8.4 subjects in each session showed high levels of participation and satisfaction. On the other hand, the performance level was low, with an average of 6.9 subjects per session. In the in-depth interview, two concepts were confirmed: ‘regrets about the past’ and ‘satisfaction with present life.’ Conclusions: We hope that the results of this case report will be useful in developing a multifaceted cognitive therapy program to improve the cognitive function of aged with dementia in the future.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we focus on the improvement of data quality transmitted from a weather buoy that guides a route of ships. The buoy has an Internet-of-Thing (IoT) including sensors to collect meteorological data and the buoy’s status, and it also has a wireless communication device to send them to the central database in a ground control center and ships nearby. The time interval of data collected by the sensor is irregular, and fault data is often detected. Therefore, this study provides a framework to improve data quality using machine learning models. The normal data pattern is trained by machine learning models, and the trained models detect the fault data from the collected data set of the sensor and adjust them. For determining fault data, interquartile range (IQR) removes the value outside the outlier, and an NGBoost algorithm removes the data above the upper bound and below the lower bound. The removed data is interpolated using NGBoost or long-short term memory (LSTM) algorithm. The performance of the suggested process is evaluated by actual weather buoy data from Korea to improve the quality of ‘AIR_TEMPERATURE’ data by using other data from the same buoy. The performance of our proposed framework has been validated through computational experiments based on real-world data, confirming its suitability for practical applications in real- world scenarios.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        탁주의 제조과정 중 사입량의 비율을 조절하여 담금 조건을 달리하는 증량 담금법과 3단 담금법으로 탁주를 제조하여 탁주의 품질특성을 조사하였 다. 3단 담금법에서 초기 당도가 높았으나, 발효가 진행됨에 따라 발효 6일차 까지는 10.5oBrix로 서서히 감소하다가, 그 이후 다시 상승하였다. 증량 담금법의 알코올 증가량은 3단 담금법에 비해 초기 발효속도는 완만했으나 발효완료 시 16.0%에 도달한 반면, 3단 담금법은 초기 발효속도가 빨랐으나, 14.9%로 발효가 완료되었다. 초기 아미노산도는 3단 담금법에서는 2.3%로 높았으나, 증량 담금법은 아미노산도가 서서히 증가하여 발효완료시 3.2%였고, 3단 담금법에서는 3.3%에 도달하였다. 증량 담금법에서 Sake meter value (SMV)는 발효 3일차에 -13.1까지 감소하였으나, 그 이후 지속적으로 증가하여 발효 종료시 11.3으로 나타났다. 관능검사 결과 전반적 기호도는 단맛과 쓴맛의 기호도가 우수했던 증량 담금법에서 더 높게 나타났다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate quality and anthocyanin content of ‘Tarocco’ orange fruit in order to support early harvest. Harvest times were set at 280 days after anthesis (DAA), 300 DAA, and 320 DAA (conventional harvest). The fruits were classified as those having an intense reddish color or a yellowish orange color in the rind. The fruits were stored during 45 days at 8oC, for low temperature storage, or 18oC, for room temperature storage in winter. The changes in the fruit quality were measured at 15-days interval. The reddish rind fruit had slightly higher sugar content than the orange fruits with yellowish rind, but had similar acidity. A sugar content of 13.0 oBrix or more was recorded for fruits harvested 280 DAA with 45 days of low-temperature storage. A similar finding was recorded after 15 days of low temperature storage for the fruits harvested 300 DAA with 30 days for the conventional harvest. The anthocyanin content was higher for fruits with later harvest time (37.8 mg·L-1) and longer storage period in both low and winter room temperatures (25.2-53 mg·L-1 and 10.3-51.9 mg·L-1, respectively). For all harvest periods, the peel and juice color intensity increased after 15 days of low temperature storage and remained constant regardless of the storage temperature. The result indicated that the fruit quality and anthocyanin content of fruits harvested 300 DAA was better than fruits harvested 320 DAA (conventional harvest), stored 15 days at 8oC or 30 days at 18oC after harvesting 300 DAA.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지구온난화 완화를 위한 노력이 전 세계적으로 계속되고 있는 가운데 우리나라는 2030년 온실가스 배출량을 Business As Usual (BAU) 대비 37% 감축하는 목표를 설정하고 이산화탄소 순 배출 제로 달성을 목표로 하는 ‘2050탄소중립 시나리오’를 발표하였다. 이러한 상황에서 케나프 (Kenaf)는 높은 탄소흡수율과 빠른 성장으로 인해 대체 해결방안으로 제안된다. 시료선정에 대한 분석결과, 케나프 잎은 질소 함량이 높아 적합하지 않은 것으로 나타났고, 줄기와 잎-줄기 혼합 케나프는 Biomass-Solid Refuse Fuel (Bio-SRF) 등급을 충족했다. Bio-SRF 등급을 만족하였지만, Bio-SRF 등급으로 이용할 수 있는 활용처가 뚜렷하지 않다. 따라서 케나프의 연료품질을 반탄화 공정을 통해 개선하여 보다 효율적으로 활용하고자 한다. 반탄화 공정의 공시재료로 줄기만 사용하는 것보다 시료 이용률이 높은 잎-줄기 혼합 케나프를 선택하였다. 반탄화 공정은 여섯가지의 공정 온도 (200·210·220·230·240·250℃)와 다른 세 가지 공정 시간(20·30·40 min)에서 수행되었다. 반탄화 공정결과, 공정시간이 길수록 230℃, 240℃, 250℃ 온도에서 질량감소가 크기 때문에 에너지수율이 낮았다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 200℃·20 min, 200℃·30 min, 210℃·20 min, 220℃·20 min의 에너지 수율이 높고 질량감소가 작아 최적 반탄화 공정 조건으로 선정하였다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the current study, lactic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus were used as a mixed additive for the production of Orchardgrass silage by ensiled method and nutritional change fermentation ability and microbial content of experimental silages. The addition of LAB to Orchardgrass during ensiling process rapidly reduced the pH of the silages than the non-inoculated silages. In addition, the lactic and acetic acid content of silage was increased by LAB strains than the non-inoculated silages whereas butyric acid content was reduced in silage treated with LAB. A microbiological study revealed that higher LAB but lower yeast counts were observed in inoculated silages compared to non-inoculated silage. Overall data suggested that the addition of LAB stains could have ability to induce the fermentation process and improve the silage quality via increasing lactic acid and decreasing undesirable microbes.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The cutting quality of abrasive water jet cutting of aluminum alloy(Al-5083) for shipbuilding is affected by the surface roughness, cutting pressure, cutting speed, and the distance between nozzle and material. The cross-section of water jet cutting is formed a V-shape as the cutting speed increase. The upper width(kerf width) is wide and the lower surface is narrow. The width of cutting cross-sections are effected in the order of cutting speed, cutting pressure, and distance between nozzle and material. From the experimental results, to improve of cutting quality of abrasive water jet cutting of aluminum alloy(Al-5083) for shipbuilding, the optimal cutting conditions to improve the surface roughness and kef width are proposed and discussed.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to identify a gradation control method that minimizes the volatility of recycled aggregates to maintain the quality of reclaimed asphalt mixtures. METHODS : In this study, two types (0~13 and 0~10 mm) of recycled aggregate stockpiles with an extraction viscosity of 40,000 poise and a 19 mm hot asphalt mixture with virgin aggregates are used. The test methods are evaluated for plastic deformation resistance using the Hamburg wheel-tracking test and for low-temperature crack resistance using the dynamic modulus test. In the field, the performance is evaluated via an accelerated pavement test. RESULTS : The Hamburg wheel-tracking test shows good water resistance as well as less than 5 mm of deformation. The result of a dynamic modulus test at -5 °C shows a 92.9% low-temperature crack resistance as compared with that of the 19 mm dense grade hot-mix asphalt mixture. The result of the accelerated pavement test confirms that the performances of the 19 mm dense grade hot-mix asphalt mixture and reclaimed asphalt mixture are equal owing a 1.2 cm plastic deformation. CONCLUSIONS : By evaluating the plastic deformation resistance and crack resistance of the reclaimed asphalt mixture based on a stockpile gradation controlled at 0~10 mm via an indoor test, it is discovered that the plastic deformation resistance increases partially, whereas the crack resistance remains almost unchanged. The accelerated pavement test confirms that a performance equivalent to that of a 19 mm dense grade hot-mix asphalt mixture is achieved.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pilot-scale coagulation and sedimentation processes were operated to investigate the T-P (Total phosphorus) removal efficiency. A multiple regression model was also derived to predict the water quality improvement effect with river water characteristics. The inflow rates for the pilot-scale facility were 157–576 m3/day, and the coagulant doses were in the range of 13.7–58.5 mg/L (average 38.9 mg/L) for PAC (Poly alum chloride) and 16.5–62.1 mg/L (average 36.0 mg/L) for alum. The results found that the influent BOD (Biochemical oxygen demand) and T-P concentrations were 4.9 mg/L and 0.115 mg/L, and the removal efficiencies were 52.7% and 59.4%, respectively. T-P removal efficiencies on wet weather days were higher by 10% than dry weather days because influent solids influenced T-P's coagulation process. The pH of river water was 6.9–7.8, and the average pH was 7.3. Although the pH variation was not significant, the trend showed that the treatment efficiency of T-P and PO4-P removal increased. Thus, the pH range considered in this study seems to be appropriate for the coagulation process, which is essential for phosphorous removal. The T-P removal efficiencies were 19.6–93.3% (average 59.2%) for PAC and 16.4–98.5%(average 55.9%) for alum; thus, both coagulants showed similar results. Furthermore, the average coagulant doses were similar at 42.4 mg/L for PAC and 41.3 mg/L for alum. When the T-P concentration of the effluent was compared by the [Al]/[P] ratio, the phosphorus concentration of the treated water decreased with an increasing [Al]/[P] ratio, and the lowest T-P concentration range appeared at the [Al]/[P] ratio of 10–30. A seasonal multiple regression analysis equations were derived from the relationships between 10 independent and dependent variables (T-P concentration of effluent). This study could help lake water quality maintenance, reduce eutrophication, and improve direction settings for urban planning, especially plans related to developing waterfront cities.
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