In modern society, the delivery service market has grown explosively due to rapid changes in social structure and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, various problems such as injury to workers and an increase in human accidents are occurring due to the loading and unloading of parcels. In order to solve this problem, domestic company n is developing a “robot-based cargo loading and unloading system”. In developing a new technology system, quantitative reliability targets should be set for efficient operation and development. In this paper, reliability analysis was conducted through field data for the pneumatic gripper of the “robot-based cargo loading system”. The reliability of the failure data was analyzed to estimate the distribution parameters and MTTF. Random data was derived for the probability of occurrence of a failure with the estimated value. By repeating the simulation to predict the number and year of failures according to the estimated parameters of the probability distribution, it was proposed as a method that reflects realistic probabilities rather than calculating with simple arithmetic using the average MTTF previously used in the field.
Due to advancements in technology and manufacturing capability, it is not uncommon that life tests yield no or few failures at low stress levels. In these situations it is difficult to analyse lifetime data and make meaningful inferences about product or system reliability. For some products or systems whose performance characteristics degrade over time, a failure is said to have occurred when a performance characteristic crosses a critical threshold. The measurements of the degradation characteristic contain much useful and credible information about product or system reliability. Degradation measurements of the performance characteristics of an unfailed unit at different times can directly relate reliability measures to physical characteristics. Reliability prediction based on physical performance measures can be an efficient and alternative method to estimate for some highly reliable parts or systems. If the degradation process and the distance between the last measurement and a specified threshold can be established, the remaining useful life is predicted in advance. In turn, this prediction leads to just in time maintenance decision to protect systems. In this paper, we describe techniques for mapping product or system which has degrading performance parameter to the associated classical reliability measures in the performance domain. This paper described a general modeling and analysis procedure for reliability prediction based on one dominant degradation performance characteristic considering pseudo degradation performance life trend model. This pseudo degradation trend model is based on probability modeling of a failure mechanism degradation trend and comparison of a projected distribution to pre-defined critical soft failure point in time or cycle.
본 연구에서는 고체로켓의 임무 수행 중 연소실 내압으로 인해 발생하는 고체로켓 케이스의 3가지 고장(응력파괴, 균열파괴, 볼트 체결 부 파손) 확률을 효과적으로 예측하는 기법을 개발하였다. 전체적인 확률계산 과정은 다음과 같다: 1) 고체로켓 모터의 고장모드에 영향을 주는 설계 변수선정 및 확률분포 부여, 2) 연소해석을 통한 로켓의 최대작동압력(maximum expected operating pressure, MEOP)의 확률분포 계산, 3) 케이스의 응력과 변형 형상을 구하기 위한 유한요소해석, 4) 3가지 고장함수에 대한 신뢰도예측의 수행. 계산의 편의를 위해 유한요소모델은 축대칭으로 가정하였고 볼트 체결 부의 접촉을 고려하였다. 효율적인 신뢰도예측을 위해 FORM(first-order reliability method) 기법을 통해 MPP(most probable failure point)를 탐색한 후, LHS(latin hypercube sampling)와 반응표면기법을 적용하여 고장모드를 다항식으로 근사화하며, 중요도 추출법을 적용하여 고장확률을 계산하였다.
In industrial situation, electronic and electro-mechanical systems have been using different type of batteries in rapidly increasing numbers. These systems commonly require high reliability for long periods of time. Wider application of battery for low-power design as a prime power source requires us knowledge of failure mechanism and reliability of batteries in terms of load condition, environment condition and other explanatory variables. Battery life is an important factor that affects the reliability of such systems. There is need for us to understand the mechanism leading to the failure state of battery with performance characteristic and develop a method to predict the life of such battery. The purpose of this paper is to develope the methodology of monitoring the health of battery and determining the condition or fate of such systems through the performance reliability to predict the remaining useful life of primary battery with load condition, operating condition, environment change in light of battery life variation.
In order to evaluate on-going performance of systems and subsystems adopting primary batteries as energy source, The primitive prototype for performance reliability analysis device was developed and related framework explained.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects on reliability of equipment or product which spends a great deal of its time in the non-operating condition.
The paper will look at the effects on the failure modes, the failure rates, the failure distribution and the possible reliability models.
Many military and commercial systems experienced periods of non-operating stage throughout their life cycle, such as periods of operational storage where the system waits, ready for use. The design of such systems must account for how these periods of non-operating effects system performance.
The simulation methodology for reliability analysis was developed to support the evaluation of nonoperating modes of operation of systems and subsystems. For proper handling of the non-operating environment, issues relating to non-operating failures need to be taken into consideration from design stage of the life cycle. Furthermore, the relevant environmental concerns and issues that need to be taken into consideration are discussed.
As information-oriented industry has been developed and electronic devices has come to be smaller, lighter, multifunctional, and high speed, the components used to the devices need to be much high density and should have find pattern due to high integration. Also, diverse reliability problems happen as user environment is getting harsher. For this reasons, establishing and securing products and components reliability comes to key factor in company's competitiveness. It makes accelerated test important to check product reliability in fast way. Out of fine pattern failure modes, failure of Electrochemical Migration(ECM) is kind of degradation of insulation resistance by electro-chemical reaction, which it comes to be accelerated by biased voltage in high temperature and high humidity environment. In this thesis, the accelerated life test for failure caused by ECM on fine pattern substrate, 20/20μm pattern width/space applied by Semi Additive Process, was performed, and through this test, the investigation of failure mechanism and the life-time prediction evaluation under actual user environment was implemented. The result of accelerated test has been compared and estimated with life distribution and life stress relatively by using Minitab software and its acceleration rate was also tested. Through estimated weibull distribution, B10 life has been estimated under 95% confidence level of failure data happened in each test conditions. And the life in actual usage environment has been predicted by using generalized Eyring model considering temperature and humidity by developing Arrhenius reaction rate theory, and acceleration factors by test conditions have been calculated.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects on reliability of equipment or product which spends a great deal of its time in the dormant condition. Many systems experienced periods of dormancy throughout their life cycle, such as periods of operati
This paper presents a spreadsheet-based reliability prediction simulation framework for the conceptual product design stage to acquire system reliability information in timely manner. During early stage, reliability performance deals with both known and u
국내 고속도로의 교량은 2000년 이후 집중된 선형개량 및 신규 노선 증가 사업으로 10년 전과 비교하여 2배 이상 증가하였다. 이에 따라 유지관리 비용도 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 현재 고속도로 유지관리 예산 비중이 가장 높은 항목은 아스팔트 교면 교량의 콘크리트 바닥판 열화에 의한 보강 부분이다. 2011년 고속도로 관리교량은 약 7,800여개에 도달한 시점에서 현재 방법으로는 향후 어느 정도 바닥판 보강 예산이 필요한지 어느 시기에 증액을 하여야되는지 명확하게 추정하기 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 신뢰도 분석 방법인 와이불 분포에 의한 생존 수명 예측 기법을 적용하여 현재 고속도로 아스팔트 계열의 교면 교량의 평균 수명을 추정하였고 이를 토대로 향후 예상 보강 비용을 추정하였다.
Gas welding is a very important and useful technology in the fabrication of railroad cars and commercial vehicle structures. However, since the fatigue strength of gas-welded joints is considerably lower than that of the parent material due to stress concentration at the weld, the fatigue-strength assessment of gas-welded joints is very important for the reliability and durability of railroad cars and the establishment of a criterion for long-life fatigue design. In this paper, in order to save time and cost for the fatigue design, an accelerated life-prediction method that is based on the theory of statistical reliability was investigated. Its usefulness was verified by comparing the (Δσa)R-Nf relationship that was obtained from actual fatigue test results with the (Δσa)R-(Nf)ALP relationship that was derived from accelerated life testing. And the reliability of the predicted life was evaluated. The reliability of the accelerated life-prediction on the base of actual test data was analyzed to be (81~86)% of the actual test life of the fillet-type gas welded joint.
The reliability prediction and evaluation for general electronic components are required to guarantee in quality and in efficiency. Although many methodologies for predicting the reliability of electronic components have been developed, their reliability might be subjective according to a particular set of circumstances, and therefore it is not easy to quantify their reliability. In this study reliability prediction of electronic components, that is the interface card, which is used in the CNC(Computerized Numerical Controller) of machine tools, was carried out using PRISM reliability prediction specification. Reliability performances such as MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure), failure rate and reliability were obtained, and the variation of failure rate for electronic components according to temperature change was predicted. The results obtained from this study are useful information to consider a counter plan for weak components before they are used.
신뢰성이란 단기간에 측정되는 성능과는 다른 지표로서 흔히 장기간에 걸쳐 평가되는 품질의 척도이다. Oil Cooler는 공작기계(machine tools)의 주축 및 구동부 등에서 발생하는 열 변형을 제어하는 장치로서 공작기계의 신뢰성 향상을 위해서는 oil cooler의 신뢰성 개선이 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구에서는 oil cooler의 신뢰성 개선을 위해 고장률 데이터베이스를 이용한 신뢰성 예측과 이를 통한 취약부품 분석을 실시하고 신뢰성 시험기를
Recently, the reliability are applied for many industrial products, and many products are required to guarantee in quality and in performance. The purpose of this paper is to present some of reliability prediction methodologies using failure rate database
Recently, the reliability are applied for many industrial products, and many products are required to guarantee in quality and in performance. The purpose of this paper is to present some of reliability prediction methodologies using failure rate database for machinery parts that are applicable to machine tools. VDI Turret, which is core component of the NC Lathe, was chosen as the target of the reliability prediction. The results of reliability prediction has shown the failure rate, MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure), and reliability of the VDI Turret. It is expected that proposed methodologies will be applicable to prediction of reliability for other components of machine tools.
Supplier selection and evaluation are arguably one of the most critical functions for the success of an organization. Thus companies have increasingly considered better supplier selection approaches in order to attain the goals of low cost, consistent high quality, flexibility and quick response. In this paper, we present a measure of the overall reliability performance which is a weighted mean of the process capability indices of the reliability prediction characteristics of a supplier. This measure can be used both as a measure of supplier selection for the customer and as a measure for the self-diagnosis of the reliability prediction performance for the supplier.
This paper is concerned with the method of estimating lifetime distribution for field data in warranty period and for a situation where some additional field data can be gathered after the warranty period. Implementing the proposed methods in this paper will result in obtaining the more precise product life time estimation and product improvement.
콘크리트구조물의 진단에 사용되는 비파괴실험법들은 구조물에 손상을 입히지 않고 구조물의 결함이나 강도를 추정할 수 있다는 장점이 있지만 추정값에 대한 신뢰성이 떨어진다는 문제점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 2가지 배합으로 총 180개의 공시체를 제작하였고, P파와 S파에 의한 초음파속도 측정, 종진동과 변형진동에 의한 충격공진법 총 4가지의 비파괴실험을 실시하였다. 그리고 실제압축강도 측정을 통해 비파괴실험 결과값의 신뢰성을 비교 분석하였다. 각 비파괴실험법의 결과값에 대한 통계적 분석결과 변동계수값이 가장 낮은 실험법은 S파에 의한 초음파속도법으로 가장 안정적인 관측이 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 실제압축강도와의 관계를 통해 압축강도 4개의 압축강도 추정식을 제안하였으며 S파에 의한 초음파속도법의 결정계수값이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 향후 다양한 배합조건에 따른 비파괴실험 신뢰성에 대한 보완 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.