Rice stripe virus (RSV) is one of the serious plant pathogenic viruses for rice transmitted by small brown planthopper (SBPH), Laodalphax striatellus. RNA interference (RNAi) was recently suggested as a promising strategy for controlling insect pests, including those that serve as important vectors for plant pathogens. To disturb transmission of the RSV in SBPH using RNAi pathway, we chose nine genes highly expressed in RSV-viruliferous SBPH by transcriptome sequencing. These SBPH-derived dsRNAs were applied to the insects indirectly through xylem of rice leaves by irrigation. qPCR result demonstrated that five out of nine SBPH-derived dsRNAs successfully reduced the replication of RSV in viruliferous SBPH in dose-dependent manner, suggesting that these five dsRNAs could suppress replication of RSV and provide a new tool for RSV control strategy.
The green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps is an insect vector which transmits virus diseases of rice plant causing severe damage to the rice and its damage both quality and yield of rice. Survival rate of overwintering N. cincticeps in Alopeculus acquadis among 15 species of the winter crops and weeds was 37.8% and its most preferred. Density of N. cincticeps in environment-friendly agriculture area which cultivated Astragalus sinicus as a green manure crop in winter season increased in number wintering pass in Alopeculus acquadis and Astragalus sinicus as host plants, because of control of N. cincticeps was not enough in the previous year. Survival rate of N. cincticeps was higher mainly in habitation mixed with rice straw, Astragalus sinicus and Alopeculus acquadis as winter habitation. It warmed due to the effect of the keeping warmth inside of a rice paddy field and the bank around a rice field covered with rice straw or Astragalus sinicus. Also, habitation conditions were optimal for survival because of growing Alopeculus acquadis as the major host plant of N. cincticeps in that place.
Stink bug species and host plants occurred in fallow lands for rice product regulation were studied in Honam area from 2004 to 2005. A total of 26 bug species in 8 families were surveyed in the fallow lands. Population density of Cletus punctiger adult reached its peak in July and was higher in fallow lands close to mountain area in Muan. Population density of stink bug species occurred in plain area of Wanju were significantly low in 2004 and population density of C. punctiger adult reached its peak in July and August in fallow lands in 2005. Five species of stink bug including C. punctiger immigrated from fallow lands to rice fields in August, and three other species including Cletus schmidti in September. Eight stink bug species which were observed to feed on weeds in fallow lands were C. punctiger, C. schmidti, Eurydema gebleri, Pachygrontha antennata, Trigonotylus caelestialium, Aelia fieberi, Eysarcoris aeneus, and Nezara antennata.
벼먹노린재(Scotinophara lurida)에 대한 생활사와 기주식물에 대한 연구를 1999년부터 2001년에 걸쳐 수행하였다. 벼먹노린재의 알은 엷은 회색의 란형이다. 약충은 5령까지 발육하고, 체색은 적갈색, 흑갈색 그리고 갈색으로 체장은 1.19~7.24mm이다. 성충은 암수 모드 검은색이며 체장은 각각 9.34, 8.47mm, 월동성충의 수명은 27.2일, 산란수는 30.7개이다. 각 태별 발육기간은 알기간이 4.3일, 약충기간은 45.8일이다. 기주식물로 확인 종은 총 9종이었다.
Insects are among the most important abiotic and biotic constraints to rice production. National rice research programs are in various stages in the development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) stratagies for rice insect control. Among the various control tactics, insect resistant cultivars are sought as the major tactic in rice IPM. Through the activities of interdisciplinary teams of scientists significant progress has been made in the development and release of insect resistant cultivars to farmers. Because of its compatibility with other control tactics insect resistance has proven to fit well into the IPM approach to rice insect control agents and minimize the need for insecticide applications. The development of biotypes which overcome the resistance in rice plants has been a significant constraint in the breeding of rice for resistance to insects. Most notable examples in Asia are the green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens, brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lygens and the Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae. The current breeding stratege is to develop rice cultivars with durable resistance on which virulent biotypes cannot adapt. In spite of the significant progress made in the breeding of insect resistant cultivars there are still numerous important rice insect species for which host plant resistance as a control tactic has not been fully utilized. Advances in biotechnology provide promise of solving some of the problems that have limited the use of host plant resistance as a major tactic in the integrated management of rice insect pests.
우리나라에서의 벼 줄무늬잎마름병의 발생, 피해, 기생범위, 전염 및 방제에 관하여 1965년부터, 1974년까지 실시한 연구결과를 다음과 같이 보고한다. 1. 발생 못자리에서 줄무늬잎마름병의 피해는 였고 포장에서는 입도중의 발병주율보다 재생도에서의 발생율이 높았으며 보통기재배보다도 조기재배에서 발병이 많았다. 또 포장에서 발병주의 분포는 대체로 휴반가까이에 많은 경향이었다. 벼 엽기별 피해에서 라병성인 일본계 벼의 경우 못자리 때인 3엽기에서 7엽기까지는 감염되면 고사하였으며 9엽기에서는 , 11엽기는 , 13엽기 이후에는 고사주를 볼 수 없었다. 참복기간은 3-7엽기에서는 7-15일이었고 9-15엽기에서는 15-30일이었다. 저항성인 통일벼의 경우 1.5-5엽기 접종구는 비교적 발병이 많았으나 9엽기 이후부터는 현저히 떨어져 15엽기 이후는 발병을 거의 볼 수 없었다. 그리고 감염된 것은 초장이 짧고 등숙율과 임실비율이 떨어지는 경향이었다. 2. 기주범위 기주범위를 구명하기 위하여 작물과 목초 및 잡초 36종을 공시하여 아래와 같이 21종의 기주를 밝혀 내었다. 작물: 벼, 보리, 밀 , 귀리, 라이맥, 조, 옥수수, 기장, 참피 목초: 티모시, 빗살대, 이타리안라이그라스, 패래니 알라이그라스, 죤슨그라스, 슈단그라스 잡초 : 들피, 겨피, 방울피, 잠자리피, 개미피, 바랭이, 민바랭이, 좀바랭이, 방동사니대가리, 강아지풀, 비노리, 참새, 포아풀, 독새풀, 우산대바랭이, 개보리, 겨풀, 쇠풀, 조개풀, 넓은 잎 개수염은 새로운 기주로 밝혀졌다. 3. 충매전염 우리나라의 애멸구화기는 5회였으며 수원에서의 제2회성충 최성기는 6월 20일 경이고 제3회성충 최성기는 7월 30일 경이었다. 진주는 수원보다 제2회성충 최성기가 5-7일 빨랐고 진주에서는 제3회성충 최성기의 발생량이 많은 것이 달랐다. 애멸구 세대별 보독충율은 월동약충이 였고 제1세대유충은 , 제2회성충은 , 제2세대유충은 , 나머지 화기에서는 약 였는데 보독충율은 남부지방보다 높은 경향이었다. 1966년부터 1970년생 사이의 애멸구 보독충율은 해에 따라 다소 차가 있었으며 화기별로는 제2회성충과 제3회성충의 보독충율이 높았다. 분리한 애멸구보독충을 재분리하여 이를 교배하였더니 차대에서는 보독충율이 인 애멸구를 얻을 수 있었으며 애멸구충령별로는 3, 4, 5령충의 감염능력이 높았고 애멸구 무독충의 바이러스 재획득율은 평균였고 여기에서 얻어진 친화성계통이라 할지라고 3회접종시험결과 계속하여 3회까지 벼에 바이러스를 매개하지 않았다. 또 애멸구보독충의 감염최적온도는 였으며, 이하에는 감염이 일어나지 않을때도 있었다. 그리고 애멸구기생봉의 기생율은 6월부터 8월말까지 였으며 7월 10일경이 로서 가장 높았다.
1. 벼줄무늬 잎마름병에 의한 기주범위를 알기위하여 화곡류 사료작물, 잡초등을 대상으로 온실에서 보독충을 접종한 결과 30종의 공시식물중 9종이 발병되지 않았으며 나머지 21종은 발병되었다. 2. 발병된 식물중 화본과에 속하지 않으나 논과 들에 자생하고 있는 방동사니대가리와 넓은 잎개수염 방동사니 등은 새로운 기주이다. 특히 방동사니대가리는 습기있는 포장에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 것으로서 발병율이 높았다. 3. 각종작물에 있어서 애멸구의 서식충수는 대체로 24시간후보다 48시간후에 적은 편이었다.
The author studied on the bionomics of Oriental moth. Cnidocampa flavescens WALKER, damaging to the persimmon tree n the southern part of Korea from 1964 to 1965. The results can be summarized as follows, 1. Emergence peak period of Oriental moth was mid-June in Taegu district and eggs are deposited on the opposite side of persimmon tree leaf. Specially most of eggs are deposited on the terminal part of opposite side and peak period s also mid-June. 2. Hatched Percentage of eggs was in 1964 while in 1965 at the rearing room. Mean egg Period was in 1964 while days in 1965. Thus during two years, the egg period was about 6 days. 3. In the growth ratio of Oriental moth fed on various host plants persimmon tree, Acer negund, Hazel-wood and Platanus, the best growth ratio was shown on the leaf of Hazel-wood from 1st till 3rd instar, but, on the contrary, persimmon tree was the best from 4th till the last instar. The growth ratio of head width was also the same tendency as the body length above mentioned. Individuals fed on the leaf of platanus were dead after 20 days. 4. Oriental moth has one generation a year and molts 6 times. The first molting occurred in 5 hours after hatched, and the other moltings were done at f days intervals. After 3 days since the last molting, larvae made the non for over-winter in it. 5. As the bristles on the process of larval body are different from each position and instar, judgement of instars are possible by the counting of bristles on the body according to the Table 8. Specially the bristle of L. 2., D. 2, 3 ,8. 10. and L. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, are perfectly different from each instar. From these bristles, instars can be recognized easily. 6. Pupation of larvae in the over-wintered cocoon on the stem of persimmon tree was done in mid-May and continued will early June when emergence will take place. 7. Mean number of eggs in the ovary was