This study utilizes social big data to investigate the factors influencing the awareness, attitude, and behavior toward vegan fashion consumption among global and Korean consumers. Social media posts containing the keyword “vegan fashion” were gathered, and meaningful discourse patterns were identified using semantic network analysis and sentiment analysis. The study revealed that diverse factors guide the purchase of vegan fashion products within global consumer groups, while among Korean consumers, the predominant discourse involved the concepts of veganism and ethics, indicating a heightened awareness of vegan fashion. The research then delved into the factors underpinning awareness (comprehension of animal exploitation, environmental concerns, and alternative materials), attitudes (both positive and negative), and behaviors (exploration, rejection, advocacy, purchase decisions, recommendations, utilization, and disposal). Global consumers placed great significance on product-related information, whereas Korean consumers prioritized ethical integrity and reasonable pricing. In addition, environmental issues stemming from synthetic fibers emerged as a significant factor influencing the awareness, attitude, and behavior regarding vegan fashion consumption. Further, this study confirmed the potential presence of cultural disparities influencing overall awareness, attitude, and behavior concerning the acceptance of vegan fashion, and offers insights into vegan fashion marketing strategies tailored to specific cultures, aiming to provide vegan fashion companies and brands with a deeper understanding of their consumer base.
A new type of food created in laboratories – lab grown meat (LGM) is an alternative to traditional animal farming and attracting attention of media, industry experts and consumers. Why is this new product so controversial? It is claimed that cell-based meat production is more environmentally friendly, ethical and sustainable than traditional methods that involve animals. Hence, being less harmful and potentially slowing down environmental degradation that leads to climate change. However, consumers have concerns regarding product quality, sourcing of cells used for production and use of growth serums. So many differing views are present, even before LGM is introduced as a marketable product. This paper examines what drives public discourse regarding how this new industry can be regulated, technology and how social media posts, fake news and publicly available rhetoric address consumer concerns and consumer acceptance regarding this new food category.
최근 중국 정부는 중국의 환경오염 문제가 심각해짐에 따라 생태문명 건설이라는 새로운 국정운영 목표를 제시 하였다. 중국의 환경과 관련된 이러한 거시적 변화는 중국 소비자들의 친환경 소비에 대한 관심에도 영향을 미치고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 중국의 친환경 소비시장이 새로운 전환점을 맞이하고 있다고 판단하고, 중국 소비자의 친환경 소비행동을 설명할 수 있는 새로운 변인을 찾고자 다양한 분야의 문헌연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과 사회적 공감이라는 새로운 변인이 중국 소비자의 환경관심 및 친환경제품 구매의도에 주요한 영향을 미칠 것으로 예측하고 연구 가설을 설정하였다. 가설검증을 위해 중국의 북경, 상해, 청도에 거주하는 327명의 중국소비자들로부터 실증분석 자료를 수집하였고, 다중회귀분석법으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중국 소비자의 사회적 공감은 환경관심과 친환경제품 구매의도에 모두 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 사회적 공감의 세 하위요인인 정서적 반응, 인지적 공감, 거시적 관점수용 중 인지적 공감과 거시적 관점수용만 환경관심에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 사회적 공감의 세 하위요인인 정서적 반응, 인지적 공감, 거시적 관점수용은 모두 친환경제품 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 실증분석 결과는 중국소비자의 친환경 소비행동 연구 분야에서 사회적 공감이라는 새로운 변인의 설명력을 확인하였다는 점에서 관련 연구의 학문적 확장에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 또한 중국의 친환경 소비시장이 거시적․미시적 변화에 직면하고 있다는 점에서 사회적 공감이라는 새로운 변인의 확인은 중국 진출 국내기업들에게 친환경 마케팅 전략 수립의 실무적 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
The research employs factor analysis, followed by a MANOVA procedure to explore relationships between fashion consumption and social media usage behavior based on data collected from 447 individuals. Findings suggest that social media usage and apparel consumption motivations interact, particularly for whom use social media for instant-self presentation.
This paper presents two social and academic studies on the boundary between cultural production and consumption. The first line of the study on cultural omnivore analyzes the choice of heterogeneous audiences in the face of various cultural offerings. The second line is a study of market categories, which analyzes the responses of peer audiences to objects with different levels of category code compliance. As such, this paper developed a heterogeneous audience model to evaluate objects of different types. This allows us to consider two dimensions of cultural preference: diversity and orientation of selection. To this end, this paper proposes a new analytical frame work to map consumption behavior on these two dimensions. The results suggest that one type of target that values diversity and transformation is particularly resistant to those that span boundaries. We test this argument in the analysis of two large data sets on film and restaurant reviews. Overall, our findings can extend beyond cultural consumption. Outline variability of contextual individuals or individuals in the same situation can cross cultural boundaries even if they are not intentionally pursuing such hybridism.
The literature on ethical consumption has expanded over time and has focused on studying the attitudes and behaviours of consumers with regards to different products and services, such as organic, Fair Trade, environmentally and social friendly products. In addition to this, some research has focused on studying consumers’ attitudes and behaviours towards pirated or counterfeited products. However, to the best of the author’s knowledge, so far research has not mapped the “objects” taken into account within ethical consumption research (i.e. the type of products or services bought by consumers). Hence, this research aims at mapping these elements in order to have a clear picture on what aspects the marketing literature on ethical consumption has focused on and, in this way, understand if there are products and services on which future research should focus on. In order to achieve this aim a scoping review has been carried out by analysing 195 papers published on ethical and unethical consumption. From the results achieved so far, it appears that research has mainly focused on environmental and social products and services, while limited research has been devoted to legally questionable objects (e.g. smuggled cigarettes, illegal drugs, etc.). It should be noted, however, that the analysis of collected papers is still on-going, thus the results here reported are incomplete.
China, with its rapid growing wealthy consumers, is increasingly becoming a major market for luxury brands and products. It is believed that the growing consumption of wildlife products in China is one of the key factors in the acceleration of global extinction of endangered species. It is certainly not an easy task to reveal consumers’ true motivations behind their purchase, but is even tougher to change their behavior. In the field of wildlife conservation, despite many efforts so far have been made to de-market the consumption, the results are not encouraging. This study is designed to fill the research gap by treating ivory purchase as a type of luxury product purchase in China. Through studying the behavior and its underlying values and motivations, this research is aimed to identify effective communication strategies to curve the ivory consumption in China. Pretest among small groups was first conducted for the purpose of scale validity evaluation. A random stratified sample was obtained from an online panel in China in January 2018. Total 600 usable samples were obtained. The data analysis showed a strong and positive relationship between power distance and materialism; power distance and negative attitude toward social media. Materialism/collectivism is found a strong predicator of positive attitude toward social media and social media usage. While ivory likely buyers associate uncertainty avoidance with materialism and positive attitude toward social network, ivory purchase rejecters demonstrate a positive relationship between long term orientation and materialism; long term orientation and positive attitude toward social media. Based on the strong relationships between materialism and social media usage we found form this study, it is recommended to design a social media campaign to dissociate ivory products from social status; and to associate social status with healthier, greener alternatives (e.g., Tesla car). Advocating desired behavior (e.g., charitable works to save elephants in Africa) in social media and de-advocating the undesired behaviors by celebrities on TV (e.g., ‘No Trading - No Killing’ campaign by YaoMing) is likely to work for likely ivory buyers.
The key objectives of the research is to examine the impacts of consumption community and underlying motivations for joining consumption communities in consuming masculine products among Korean female consumers. This study is the first to link a consumption community to social identity theory. To find an answer to our research questions, the study uses Korean Harley Davidson female riders who ride the American heavy motorcycle in a consumption community to answer the research questions. Harley Davidson is an icon of masculine products due to the size and the powerful engine of the motorcycle. A hermeneutic approach is adopted to understand Korean female consumers’ motivations in joining consumption communities and their perceptions about riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle. A hermeneutic method uses personal in-depth interviews to elicit the behaviors, values, and motivations that researchers are trying to understand (Kozinets, 2001; Thompson et al., 1994). The hermeneutic method is appropriate when researchers are attempting to understand motivations, values and beliefs deeply embedded in a person’s mind (Thompson et al., 1994).
The global apparel market is estimated to increase from US$1,105 billion in 2012 to US$2,110 billion in 2025 (Statista, 2014), with women’s wear accounting for approximately 55% of the total within the United Kingdom (UK) (Verdict, 2015). In 2013 and 2014 market research performed by Mintel identified the ‘shopping experience’ as one of the key factors in women’s shopping habits, noting that consumers aged 16-24, in particular, tended to browse online but to buy in-store, still seeing shopping for clothes as a day out with friends (Mintel, 2013). Nevertheless, the growing influence of social media was noted, and by 2015 this age group had overtaken the 25-34 year olds to become the main online clothes shoppers. Despite this, young people aged 16-24, all of whom potentially qualify as digital natives, still show a preference for shopping in-store (Mintel, 2015), although preliminary research indicates that more of them are now shopping alone than with friends. This suggests that there has been a shift in consumer shopping habits within the youth sector, with less importance being placed on the shopping experience. Given that, this study aims to explore the social media behaviours of the youngers aged between 18-24 with a particular focus on fashion consumption.
Crowd sourcing has been identified as an emerging practice found in several sectors including fashion (Yeomans, 2013). Preliminary research suggests that the shift is just a perceived one and that technology savvy young fashion consumers are using smart-technology to upload ‘chelfies’ (‘selfies direct from the changing rooms’) to crowd source opinion about proposed purchases (Soar and Torn, 2015), using social media to replace ‘physical friends’ with ‘digital friends’. To explore this phenomenon further, this study employs qualitative research method and uses semi-structured interviews. The result of this research provides evidence of crowd sourcing behaviours via social media, as well as indicates the complex communication mechanism that embeds within fashion consumption among the generation of the youth.
Many fashion brands have established brand pages or accounts in social media platforms as a vehicle to promoting brand and managing customer relationship. Customers’ interaction in social media with other customers and brand page maintainers could attract their attention of the brand and inform their purchase decision. Despite the significance of the interaction in social media, there has limited attention on the social media using experience specified in fashion brand area. Drawing on theories and concepts from diverse areas including social media marketing, consumer psychology, and fashion brand management, this study propose four dimensional of social media using experience to understand how the experience with fashion brand page could enhance customers’ fashion consciousness and status consumption behavior. Data collected from customers who following main fashion brand pages in Instagram and used to test the hypotheses. Implications for research on social media marketing of fashion brand are discussed.
In service experiences, customers often look to create their own magic in the service environment, through interaction with other customers, not the producer of the experience (the provider) at all. The current study examines the bar environment, where hedonically-driven service encounter experiences are constructed, not by the provider, but by the social interactions of the consumers of the environment. The study surveys 130 consumers, measuring experiential, situational and social involvement levels in relation to consumption motivation and overall experience evaluation. The research finds that, while bar consumers are likely to be highly socially involved, they still need the company of close friends to become fully involved in the bar service experience. In addition, where atmospheric theory discusses the value of extraordinary or surprising service environments, consumers in the already hedonic bar environment may indeed prefer environments which are simply comfortable and consistent with their expectations (in regard to motivations to consume and overall positive evaluations).
This paper will investigate social marketing strategies and tactics used to promote sustainable fashion consumption. It will map the impact of selected ethical awareness-raising campaigns by Asia-based sustainability champion NGO, Redress, using a case study method to determine the effectiveness of promotional practices employed in promoting environmentally sustainable fashion brands.