Air flow field characteristics in a compact chamber system are indispensable for the efficient development of vehicle aerodynamic performance. In this study, air flow and velocity uniformity in the chamber system were numerically analyzed using the CFD method. Air flows at a uniform velocity from the outlet of the blower, passes fast through the heat exchanger with partial pressure difference, and then moves into the blower inlet. Overall pressure drop through the fan gradually increases with the flow rate. The uniformity varies along the test section, decreasing by 5-10% with distance from the nozzle. These predicted results can be widely used as basic conceptual design data for an efficient vehicle chamber system.
본 연구는 천태지의(天台智顗)의 『천태소지관』을 중심으로 명상의 심 리치유적 의미를 탐구하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 『천태소지관』의 원 문과 번역서, 관련 연구논문들을 바탕으로 천태지의 명상법의 특징과 심 리치유적 의미를 분석하였다. 『천태소지관』은 명상 수행 초보자들을 위한 지관 수행법을 체계적으로 설명하고 있으며, 특히 25방편은 명상 준비 과정으로서 현대인의 심리적 문제 해결에 도움을 줄 수 있다. 『천태소지 관』의 지관 명상은 심리적 왜곡과 장애를 극복하고, 정체성 확립과 긍정 적 성장에 기여할 수 있으며, 현대인의 심리적 안정과 마음치유에 도움이 될 수 있을 것임을 본 연구를 통해 확인하였다. 본 연구는 불교적 명상 이 현대인의 심리적 문제를 해결하고 긍정적 성장과 발달을 도모하는 데 기여할 수 있으며, 『천태소지관』 명상이 그 역할을 할 수 있다는 가능성 을 제시하였다는 데 그 의의가 있다.
본 연구에서는 온실가스 배출을 감축하기 위해 메탄올을 추진 연료로 사용하는 선박에 수소 연료전지 시스템이 추가된 하 이브리드 시스템 공정을 설계하였다. Case1에서는 메탄올 연료 엔진 시스템을 설계하여, 엔진에 가솔린 대신 메탄올을 연료로 공급했 을 때의 배기가스 배출량을 알아보았다. Case2에서는 Case1에 메탄올 개질 시스템을 추가해, 수소연료전지 시스템을 설계하였다. 이 하 이브리드 시스템에서는 그레이 수소를 생산하며, 엔진과 연료전지의 출력을 조합하여 선박을 구동한다. 하지만 그레이 수소는 수소를 생산하는 과정에서 탄소를 배출한다는 단점이 있다. 이 점을 보안하기 위해 Case3에서는 CCU시스템을 추가하였다. Case2에서 배출한 Flue gas의 이산화탄소를 포집한 후, 그레이 수소와 합성해 블루 메탄올을 생산하였다. 본 연구에서는 Case study를 통해 개질 온도22 0℃, 개질 압력500kPa, SCR은 1.0, flow ratio가 0.7일 때 최적의 운전조건임을 알 수 있었다. Case3의 시스템은 Case1에 비해 탄소 배출량 을 42% 감소시켰다. 결과적으로, Case3의 하이브리드 시스템을 통해 선박의 이산화탄소 배출을 유의미하게 저감할 수 있을 것으로 예 상한다.
줄수염나방아과는 나비목 중에서 가장 큰 분류군 중 하나인 밤나방과에 속한다. 분류군 내에서 날개무늬가 비슷한 경우가 있어 동정에 어려움이 많은 그룹 중 하나이다. 또한, 이 들은 산림 지역, 초지 및 물가 등 다양한 환경에 서식하며, 생활 습성에 따라 일부는 임업 및 농업에 피해가 큰 해충으로 알려져 있는 중요한 경제곤충 그룹이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 이와 같이 분류동정이 어려운 줄수염나방아과 곤충을 대상으로 야외채집조사, 표본제작, 생식기 해부검경 및 DNA 바코드 등을 수행하여 최종적으로 분류학적 동정지침서를 작성하고자 수행 되었다. 연구결과 19속 63종으로 정리되었다. 본 연구를 통해 확보된 DNA바코드 데이터는 정확한 바코드를 활용한 진단 및 동정 연구 등에 활용되고, 이들의 분포정보 구축, 형태적 특징 및 분자분석 연구의 기초데이터 확보를 통한 관련 분야 활성화 등에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
In this study, theoretical analyses are performed to investigate the characteristics of the static and dynamic stiffness of a nonlinear vibration isolator system. The vibration isolator system is modeled as an equivalent nonlinear oscillator. Based on the model, the static equilibrium and frequency response solutions are obtained with the variations of external static load and/or system parameters. It is shown that the static stiffness of the nonlinear vibration isolator tends to be hardened with the increase of external static load, which prevents the occurrence of excessively large deflection. This static stiffness-hardening effect is more remarkable with a larger spring constant ratio. The dynamic stiffness is also strengthened when the spring constant ratio increases, which enlarges the force transmissibility and reduces the isolation frequency bandwidth. Thus, the static stiffness- hardening improves the robustness of the nonlinear vibration isolator, whereas the dynamic stiffness-hardening rather degrades its performance. Thus, the opposite tendency of the static and dynamic stiffness-hardening effects should be considered in the design process of the nonlinear vibration isolator.
Recently, the occurrence frequency of earthquake has increased in Korea, and the interests for seismic reinforcement of existing school buildings have been raised. To this end, the seismic performance evaluations for school buildings that did not accomplish the seismic design are required. In particular, this study checks the eigenvalue analysis, pushover curves, maximum base shears, performance points and story drift ratios, and then analyzes the seismic performance characteristics according to bracing configuration of steel frame system reinforcement. Also, this study presents the practical field application methods through the comparison of analysis results for the seismic performance characteristics.
본 연구에서는 대학 평생교육체제 사업에 참여하는 성인학습자의 학업중단 현상을 방지하기 위한 토 대를 마련하고자 성인학습자를 심리적 특성별로 집단을 분류하고, 그에 따른 학업지속의향 및 소진의 차 이가 있는지를 확인하였다. 이를 위해 지방소재 A 대학 성인학습자를 대상으로 설문을 진행하였고, 그 결과 108명의 데이터를 수집․분석하였다. 성인학습자의 심리적 특성(대학생활적응, 사회적지지, 학업열 의, 학업목표)으로 집단을 분류하는 군집분석을 실시하였고, 그후 이를 독립변인, 학업지속의향과 학업소 진을 종속변으로 두어 일원분산분석을 진행하였다. 그 결과 고위험집단, 위험잠재집단, 성장가능집단, 고 성장가능집단으로 4개의 군집으로 분류되었다. 그리고 이 군집별 학업지속의향, 학업소진의 차이분석 결과 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 성인학습자 개인적 특성에 따른 군집에 따른 맞춤형 지원이 필요하다는 결론을 내렸고, 개인적 특성에 따른 군집유형을 좀 더 다각화하고 위계적으로 분류하며 맞춤형 밀착지원이 필요하다고 제언하였다.
Infrared radiation (IR) refers to the region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths range from about 700 nm to 1 mm. Any object with a temperature above absolute zero (0 K) radiates in the infrared region, and a material that transmits radiant energy in the range of 0.74 to 1.4 um is referred to as a near-infrared optical material. Germanatebased glass is attracting attention as a glass material for infrared optical lenses because of its simple manufacturing process. With the recent development of the glass molding press (GMP) process, thermal imaging cameras using oxide-based infrared lenses can be easily mass-produced, expanding their uses. To improve the mechanical and optical properties of commercial materials consisting of ternary systems, germanate-based heavy metal oxide glasses were prepared using a melt-cooling method. The fabricated samples were evaluated for thermal, structural, and optical properties using DSC, XRD, and XRF, respectively. To derive a composition with high glass stability for lens applications, ZnO and Sb2O3 were substituted at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mol%. The glass with 1 mol% added Sb2O3 was confirmed to have the optimal conditions, with an optical transmittance of 80 % or more, a glass transition temperature of 660 °C, a refractive index of 1.810, and a Vickers hardness of 558. The possibility of its application as an alternative infrared lens material to existing commercial materials capable of GMP processing was confirmed.
유기농 논이용 콩-밀 생산체계에서 재배유형별 밀 파종 전 경운여부에 따라 경운/무경운 처리, 콩 재배시 비닐 피복 여부에 따라 피복/무피복 처리, 논의 생태적 개선 여부에 따라 개선/대조구 처리로 시험구를 조성하여 밀 재배 중 곤충자원의 출현 및 분포특성을 조사 비교하였다. 출현 곤충의 총 종수는 20종으로 경운 14종, 무경운 14종으로 차이는 없었고 피복 14종, 무피복 16종이었으며 개선구 18종, 대조구 13종으로 개선처리에서 곤충 출현 종수가 많았다. 출현 곤충의 총개체수는 경운 124개체, 무경운 76개체로 경운처리에서 많았고, 피복 100개체, 무피복 100개체로 차이가 없었으며 경운-무피복-개선에서 40개체로 가장 많았다. 유기농 밀에 피해를 주는 해충 으로 노린재류는 갈색날개노린재가 가장 많이 발생하였고, 메추리노린재, 시골가시허리노린재도 출현하였으 며 재배유형별 발생 개체수는 경운 81마리, 무경운 39마리로 경운에서 많았고, 무경운-피복-대조(7) = 무경운-무 피복-대조(7) < 무경운-무피복-개선(9) < 경운-피복-개선(12) < 경운-무피복-대조(13) < 무경운-피복-개선(16) < 경운-피복-대조(27) < 경운-무피복-개선(29) 순으로 발생하였다.
본 연구는 DFT 재배 시스템을 이용한 밀폐형 식물생산시스 템에 MB처리 유무에 따른 상추(Lactuca sativa L.)와 배초향 (Agastache rugosa Kuntze)의 생육과 양액 특성을 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 상추와 배초향은 밀폐형 식물생산시스템에 서 23일간 재배되었다. MB는 매일 9시, 13시, 17시에 5분씩 16일간 처리하였다. 상추와 배초향의 엽장, 엽폭, 엽면적, 생 체중 및 건물중은 MB처리구에서 대조구에 비해 유의하게 낮 았다. 상추와 배초향의 총 뿌리길이, 뿌리 표면적, 근단 수도 MB처리구에서 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다. 평균 뿌리 직경의 경우, 상추는 처리 간에 차이가 없었으나, 배초향은 MB처리 구에서 유의적으로 굵어 종 간에 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구 결과, DFT 방식으로 상추와 배초향을 재배할 때 MB 처리는 비생물적 스트레스를 유발하여 생육을 억제하는 것으 로 나타났다.
Recently, it has been applied and used in various fields using 3D printing. Since it is closely connected to our lives, the mechanical properties of the output are actively studied. Therefore, in this study, tensile specimens were manufactured using the FDM lamination method using PLA materials, and the changes in tensile properties were compared and evaluated. First, 120 tensile specimens were manufactured using the spacing angle and lamination density of the lamination angle as control factors. After that, a tensile test was conducted at the same tensile speed of 5mm/s to compare and evaluate the tensile strength and elastic modulus. As a result, it was found that the tensile strength and elastic modulus increased linearly with density than the lamination angle. In addition, when the laminating angle was 0°, the tensile strength and elastic modulus were the largest. When the laminating angle was 108°, the lowest tensile strength and elastic modulus were confirmed.
The acoustic emission (AE) method as a passive non-destructive monitoring technique is proposed for real-time monitoring of mechanical degradation in underground structures, such as deep geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste (HLW). This study investigates the low-frequency characteristics of AE signals emitted during the fracturing of meter-scale concrete specimens; uniaxial compression tests (UCT) in a lab scale and Goodman jack (GJ) tests in a 1.3 m-long concrete block were conducted while acquiring the AE signals using low-frequency AE sensors. The results indicate a sharp increase in AE energy emission at approximately 60% and 80% of the yield stresses in the UCT and GJ tests, respectively. The collected AE signals were primarily found in two frequency bands: the 4-28 kHz range and the 56-80 kHz range. High-frequency AE signals were captured more as the stress increased in the GJ tests, which was in contrast to the UCT tests. Furthermore, the AE signals obtained from the Goodman jack tests tended to lower RA values than the UCT results. This study presents unique experimental data with low-frequency AE sensors under different loading conditions, which provides insights into field-scale AE monitoring practices.
As a filler metal for lowering the melting point of Ag, many alloy metal candidates have emerged, such as cadmium, with zinc, manganese, nickel, and titanium as active metals. However, since cadmium is known to be harmful to the human body, Cd-free filler metals are now mainly used. Still, no study has been conducted comparing the characteristics of joints prepared with and without cadmium. In addition, studies have yet to be conducted comparing the typical characteristics of brazing filler metals with special structures, and the joint characteristics of brazing filler metals with available frames. In this study, the characteristics of junctions of silver-based intercalation metals were compared based on the type of filler metal additives, using a special structure, a filler metal sandwich structure, to protect the internal base metal. The general filler metal was compared using the structure, and the thickness of the filler metal according to the thickness was reached. A comparison of the characteristics of the junction was conducted to identify the characteristics of an intersection of silver-based brazing filler metal and the effect on joint strength. Each filler metal’s collective tensile strength was measured, and the relationship between joint characteristics and tensile joint strength was explored. The junction was estimated through micro strength measurement, contact angle measurement with the base metal when the filler metal was melted, XRD image observation, composition analysis for each phase through SEM-EDS, and microstructure phase acquisition.
금당천의 어류군집 특징과 멸종위기종 한강납줄개(Rhodeus pseudosericeus)의 서식양상을 파악하기 위해 2021년 3월부터 10월까지 조사를 실시하였다. 조사기간 동안 7개 지점에서 5과 25종 1,698개체의 어류가 채집되었다. 우점종은 피라미(Zacco platypus, 상대풍부도 46.5%), 아우점종은 긴몰개(Squalidus gracilis majimae, 16.7%) 였으며, 그 외 버들치 (Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, 12.0%), 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus, 5.7%), 돌고기(Pungtungia herzi, 3.2%), 한강납줄개 (2.0%), 떡납줄갱이(R. notatus, 1.9%), 납지리(Acheilognathus rhombeus, 1.8%) 등의 순으로 우세하였다. 출현종 중 한국고유종은 돌마자(Microphysogobio yaluensis), 한강납줄개, 각시붕어(R. uyekii), 참중고기(Sarcocheilichthys variegatus wakiyae), 긴몰개, 참갈겨니, 점줄종개(Cobitis nalbanti), 참종개(Iksookimia koreensis), 얼록동사리 (Odontobutis interrupta) 9종(고유화율 36.0%)이었고, 외래종은 생태계교란 생물로 지정된 배스(Micropterus salmoides) 1종이 하류부에서 채집되었다. 법정보호종으로 환경부지정 멸종위기 야생생물 II급인 한강납줄개의 서식양상을 조사한 결과, 서식범위는 금당천 중류부(RP-1~RP-4) 약 6~7km 구간이며, 주로 수심 0.3~1.0m의 유속이 느리고 수생식물이 많은 소의 수변부에 서식하고 있었다. 어류군집 분석 결과, 전체적으로 우점도와 균등도가 낮고 다양도와 풍부도는 높게 나타났으며, 군집구조는 크게 상류와 중하류로 구분되었다. 하천 건강성은 좋음(3지점)과 보통(3지점), 나쁨(1지점)으로 평가되었고, 수질은 상류와 하류 모두 좋음으로 평가되었다. 선행연구와 비교한 결과, 종수는 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 과거에는 출현하였으나 본 조사에서 출현하지 않은 종은 13종이었고, 반면 본 조사에서 처음으로 출현한 종은 6종이었다. 교란요인은 하천공사와 많은 보, 외래어종 배스의 서식 등이 확인되었다. 금당천은 멸종위기종 한강납줄개를 비롯한 납자루아과(Acheilognathinae) 어류가 많이 서식하여 보존가치가 높은 지역이기 때문에, 지속적인 관심과 체계적인 보존방안이 요구된다.
This study was aimed to determine the effects of grow media on the mineral contents of the leaves and growth characteristics of strawberry grown under aquaponics system in a plant factory. For aquaculture, 12 fish (Cyprinus carpio) (total weight, 2.0 kg) were raised in an aquaponics tank (W 0.7 m × L 1.5 m × H 0.45 m, 472.5 L) filled with 367.5 L of water at a density of 5.44 kg·m-3 and total 34 of strawberry seedlings were transplanted in the pots filed with 200 g of orchid stone, hydroball or polyurethane sponge in the growing bed (W 0.7 m × L 1.5 m × H 0.22 m) laid out with holly acrylic sheet (140×60 mm, Ø80) on the top of the system. The pH and EC of the aquaponic solution was ranged from 7.6 to 4.9 and 0.24-0.91 dS·m-1, respectively. The concentration of NO3-N was about 28% lower than that of the hydroponic standard solution, and K, Fe and B were 10, 27 and 3.8 times lower, respectively; however, the mineral contents of strawberry leaves were in the appropriate ranges with lower contents in the leaves grown with sponge media. The organic content (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) of the sludge were 61.5, 5.72, 8.92, and 0.24%, respectively. The leaf area, leaf number, and dry and fresh weights of shoot at 81 DAT were significantly higher in the hydroball, and the average number of fruits per plant was significantly higher in both the orchid stone and hydroball. There was no significant difference in the fresh and dry weights of fruits. Integrated all the results suggest that the orchid stone and hydroball media are more effective to utilize nutrients in solid particles of aquaponic solution, compared to the polyurethane sponge.
Numerical analysis has been carried out to predict the thermal characteristics for a LED lens in mold core system. These thermal characteristics inside the lens are largely affected by geometry, material, and initial conditions of the mold core and lens system. Local temperature and heat flux variation inside the lens are compared for several initial temperatures. Maximum temperature inside the lens was decreased rapidly from the beginning of cooling process up to about 10 seconds. There was also large variation of the heat flux at the upper and lower surfaces of the lens with initial temperature distribution. And the heat flux from the thin lower surface of the lens was relatively higher than the opposite-side thick region. In addition, overall heat transfer rate from the lens through the mold core has similar transient distribution from the beginning. These results can be applied as basic heat transfer data for the LED lens design and manufacturing process in the mold core system.
Recently, the construction of tall buildings utilized by high strength-concrete in the whole world is tending to be on the rise. The application of high-rise structural system in buildings results in the excellent cut-down effect in construction materials due to section reduction. Therefore, in order to investigate the CO2 and resource reduction effect for the high-rise structural system, comparisons of GWP and ADP in embodied energy of structural materlais between 4 type of high-rise structural system have been performed. As a result, GWP emission increased in the order of steel structure outrigger system, RC shear wall system, and RC outrigger system. On the other hand, ADP emissions increased in the order of RC shear wall system, RC outrigger system, and steel structure outrigger system.
Test of the operating characteristics and energy saving performance of a container cooling system that reduces the operating energy of a refrigeration system using a loop thermosyphon heat exchanger that removes heat by temperature difference between outdoor and indoor was performed. As a result of the experiments, when the loop thermosyphon and the refrigeration system were operated simultaneously, the refrigeration system operated intermittently by reducing the heat load. As the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor increased, the operating time of the refrigeration system decreased and the energy efficiency rate increased. Energy efficiency rate showed a tendency to increase with increasing temperature difference, and the predicted correlation of energy efficiency rate using the performance of the loop thermosyphon heat exchanger and the refrigeration system was relatively consistent with the experimental value.
This study was performed to investigate the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of black soybean Sunsik product with functional food ingredients and functional labeling system. We prepared black soybean Sunsik (BS) containing black beans, cereals, and vegetables. Black soybean Sunsik with nondigestible maltodextrin and calcium lactate (BSN) was prepared by adding non-digestible maltodextrin and calcium lactate to the base recipe to apply a functional labeling system. The particle size in BS was 118.00 μm, whereas BSN was 127.00 μm. The respective L, a, and b color values of BS were 73.25, 2.36, and 14.21. The respective L, a, and b values of BSN were 73.21, 2.36, and 14.31. The respective water retention capacities of BS and BSN were 241.67% and 216.33%. No significant difference was observed between BS and BSN in the three physicochemical properties described above. However, the pH of BSN was 5.45, which was significantly lower than that of BS. The total respective phenolic contents of BS and BSN were 1.75 mg GAE/g and 1.61 mg GAE/g, and total respective flavonoid contents of BS and BSN were 6.36 mg RE/g and 5.95 mg RE/g. The antioxidant capacities of BS and BSN were compared via assays of DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities, FRAP, and reducing power. The antioxidant activities of BS and BSN increased in a dose-dependant manner. No significant difference between BS and BSN was observed in any measure of antioxidant capacity. These results suggested that the addition of functional food ingredients (non-digestible maltodextrin and calcium lactate) did not affect the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of black soybean Sunsik.