이 연구는 설화에 내포된 금기 화소의 의미를 신학적 관점에서 재해석하고자 하는 연구다. 연구자는 설화의 금기 화소에 대하여, 인간은 신에게 어떤 존재인가. 신은 인간에게 어떤 존재이며, 신은 왜 인간에게 하필 금기를 부여하는가. 또 그렇게 부여된 금기의 의미나 목적을 인간은 어떻게 이해하고 수용하여야하는가 등의 의문을 갖게 되었다. 금기 화소의 의미에 관하여는 지금까지 적잖은 연구가 있었다. 그러나 대부분의 선행연구는 “인간은 결코 신이 될 수 없는 존재”이며, 금기는 그런 인간이 침범해서는 안 될 신적 영역의 “경계선”이나 “고갯마루”로 규정하고, 이를 경계로 신과 인간을 대치시키는 부정적 견해로만 규정하였다. 연구자는 설화가 원시종교와 함께 발화된 점에 주목하여 기존의 연구에 신학적 시각의 접근을 모색하였다. 그 결과 ‘금기는 인간이 그것을 깨뜨림으로써 신이 원하는 방향으로 이끌어가는 방법적 메시지’라는 융의 주장을 수용하고, 금기의 파기로 원형성을 상실한 인간이 금기에 투사하여 통과 의례를 치름으로써, 신적 지위를 회복할 수 있는 근본적 행위 문제로써, 이는 인간의 구원을 위한 신의 계획된 목적이라는 결론을 얻었다.
Swearing is a verbal abuse of a curse and a verbally and mentally homicidal act. These days, however, the concept of swearing prevails in various contexts, as with the saying "Any word that causes discrimination and hatred to the listeners is a curse." Words such as virgin, widow, and old man are not curses in a traditional perspective, but they can be interpreted as swear words that arouse an aversion depending on who listens to those expressions. Therefore, the movement of political correctness is foregrounded in pursuit of language purification, and the phenomenon of replacing old man with the elderly or silver is one example. These kinds of expressions appear in sociolinguistic areas that including race, sex, region, generation, occupation, and religion. These expressions could be political swear words and thus can be called political taboo words. These expressions are not traditional, objective, or typical swear words listed in the dictionary, but can be interpreted as subjective, psychological, and political swear words. Political taboo words should be purified to fair objective, nondiscriminatory, and non-aversive expressions; however, if purified languages are not coined, political taboo words can undergo the process of disuse.
The taboo system in the Song Dynasty was very strict, correspondingly, the academic notes of Scholars in the Song Dynasty also have a lot of taboo studies. These taboo studies have recorded a wealth of taboo materials of the past generation, which has high data value. Some of them are also good at textual research, and thus benefit the study of the later periods.But most of these studies Only record taboo materials and lack of innovation. Scholars are good at the induction of taboo materials and ignores the application research and theory construction of taboo. The reasons of taboo studies in the Song Dynasty have developed include cultural environment, the severity of the taboo in the Song Dynasty,and the adaptability between the notes genre and the characteristics of the Scholars’ taboo studies.
Taboo is an ancient custom in China. The taboo system was applied to the names of emperors had a long history in China. Beginning from Zhou Dynasty, until to Qing Dynasty. It is true that taboo system has caused confusion of the recording of ancient Chinese books and inconvenience to the study of historical materials, but one will be able to apply its principle to appraise the authenticity of those books and materials of one has a good grasp of it. Taboo studies also have a long history. According to Chen Yuan’s陳垣 Shi hui ju li史諱舉例,there are different ways to avoid the forbidden words, such as change the character, blank character, omit a stroke, change the pronunciation, etc. This paper claimed that besides change the forbidden word to a synonym, other ways to achieve taboos were occurred in Han Dynasty, such as “missing one stroke of a Chinese character”, “change the formation of a Chinese character”, “change the shape of a Chinese character”, etc. That means the old conclusion of Chen Yuan and other scholars may be not true. However, philologists argued that those changes are the result of the variant form of a Chinese character異體字. Scholars stated that the way to avoid a tabooed word in Han dynasty was to change the forbidden word to a synonym. In this paper, according to Louji’s 婁機 Hanliziyuan漢隸字源, Hongkuo’s洪适 Lishi隸釋, Zhou Guangye’s周廣業 Jing shi bi ming hui kao經史避名彙考, we examine the relationship between tabooed character and variant form of a Chinese character. Finally, discuss the importance of variant form of a Chinese character in the aspect of taboo studies.
Taboo character is typical phenomenon of Chinese characters system, it is considered as the effective key in decrypting the date of Han-Nom texts inscirption texts. Such key is maintained clearly on the ancient books add steles of Vietnam, specially Taboo characters system in the insription texts of Tran Dynasty (1225-1400). Based on research results, we have found a new form of Taboo character previously published in studies in Vietnam Taboo characters. Such new characters forms have helped us easily discover in cription texts at the date of Tran dynasty in Ninh Binh. This is the useful and reliable source for researching of Vietnam Taboo characters in particular and ancient books of Vietnam in general.
Kim Gyu-nam. 2016. “Nation lead ideology and Social taboo emerged from Personal Records of a man in rural Korea”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(1). 37~65. The aim of this paper is to analysis nation lead ideology and social taboo in the modernization era based on the language life history memoirs and diary of an old man in a rural area of Korea. Modern society in korea was built up through the colonial period, separated government of south-north Korea and the Korean war, Saemauel Undong. ≪Weolphayugo≫ and ≪Changphyeong diary≫ are a village dimension report on these periods. Even though the writer is an average person who adapted to the process of making a nation in each period successfully, he caused conflict with his family and neighbors constantly. His conflicts were caused by his attitude about the ideology of making a nation. It is modernity that influenced his conscience. It's affect on his conscience caused conflict with his family. He was the centre of power in the village in every period and is a typical self-made person. But his life was not happy and he became thought of as a troublesome person. In fact he was a victim of making a nation by each government in Korea. His success made him proud of by himself but it was a trap that made him a troublesome person in his family and village. Every society with conflict of a cross-cultural period and every nation should reflect upon his national consciousness and taboo seriously. This paper is beneficial for us because we can think back on ourselves in inter-cultural society.
Taboo, as a kind of language taboos, people since ancient times due to religious beliefs, and in the process of human development, the formation of one of the taboo is in social communication between language and social groups or in a particular region or individual by the formation of a mutual understanding of the language taboo morphology. Taboos in Chinese due to the ethnic customs of different kinds and different, alternative forms. This theory focuses on the definition of taboo, the kinds of linguistic taboos in Chinese and some of the taboo language to convey the alternative types of. The scope of the study of Chinese taboo is huge, this paper expounds the one failed. Therefore, the content of deficiencies, please enlighten experts.
A food life style itself is substrative relations with culture, and is concerned with our daily life. Especially a food taboo comes from the intelligence which resulted from an ancestor's life experience. Accordingly, we can say a food taboo began with human appearance, settled in convention of folklore society, and forms it's own boundary todays. Since a practice of a food taboo is combinded firmly with various sociological factors such as religion, custom, and so on, it is very hard to change, even though the belife of a food taboo is not true. According to the result, first, significant factors effecting on a practice of a food taboo was a level of age, a level of education, religion, family pattern, behavior of subject and her mother for food life management, education of subject and her mother, and religion of subject and her mother. Second, in analysis of factors according to classification of food taboo a practice of a food taboo which classified to food of animal, food of plant and the other food showed significant differences, comparing religion of subject with her mother. Third, a result examined practice frequency and review of science, non science indicated that foods such as Egg of Globefish, Lettuce, Coffee, Persimmon, dried Persimmon, Soybean and Sugar are tabooed on the basis of science, and foods such as Vinegary food, Thieved food, Soup of Tangle and Dogmeat tabooed on the basis of non science. But in the case of Puja, it's basis of science is not identified. These food taboos are tabooed by more then 50% of subjects including who answerd 'there is some case to practice it' Therefore, we should continue analysis of science for the reason of a food taboo, at the same time, provide the origin and try to have a rational food life.