Currently, the current status of mobile apps in traditional markets is still passive in digitalization, and services provided using mobile apps are limited. This study aims to propose a cloud platform-based mobile platform that can overcome digital transformation, strengthen the competitiveness of traditional markets, and revitalize the local economy by more consumers visiting traditional markets. This study identified the current situation and problems of the market due to its characteristics, and analyzed the impact and opportunities of cloud and mobile technology on the characteristic market. It also implemented a cloud-based smart traditional market mobile platform prototype. The platform combines the advantages of traditional markets with digital benefits to deliver value to all users, social, industrial, I hope it will be of great help on the social side.
This study aimed to provide insight into methods for activating management of traditional markets by understanding differences in merchant perception according to whether or not the merchant has participated in management activation education. Analysis of merchants’ levels of perception of market activation found that educated merchants had a higher perception of pre-post modernization satisfaction, promotion of traditional market revitalization projects, and post-support changes in sales. In a co-marketing context, educated merchants showed significant differences in onnuri gift certificates, bargain sales, festivals and events, and advertisement promotions. With regards to perception of management performances, educated merchants showed statistically significant higher responses for items such as satisfaction with the current vendor, increased sales, and increased customer awareness. The results in this study may be incorporated into the policy-making processes of the government or local governments in order to revitalize traditional markets, and merchant education for activation of management is deemed to be continuously necessary.
Since 2008 to 2014 the operating margins of Chinese traditional retail industry went a sustained downward. Instead, the operating margins of online-store have been the sudden explosion. In this case which online-store sale the same products with traditional market, my research try to find out how to improve the state of traditional market since 92.5% practitioners of retail industry are doing their business in traditional market. Customer equity can estimate customer lifetime value for the company (Rust et al, 2004). The firm can make proper marketing strategy with customer equity. Customer equity can both satisfy consumers and make a profit for the company (Lemon et al., 2001).So we built a model to connect service quality and customer equity to study how to prove the competitive power of traditional market. In this paper we used customer satisfaction and brand attitude as mediating variables since Store brands have become an important contributor to retail differentiation and basis for building store loyalty (Dodd and Lindley, 2003) and in retail market customer equity varies with customer satisfaction( Pappu and Quester 2006). Considering that Chinese economic growth rate was slowing down, traditional market is being a priority for Chinese Government to relieve severe export pressure and employment pressure. In this research we would like to study the relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction and brand attitude and how they influence customer equity in traditional markets. For this purpose we built a model which composed by service quality, satisfaction brand attitude and customer equity and tested it. The survey was collected from traditional markets in China and South Korea and the data was analyzed by AMOS and SPSS.
Sustainability is about how biological systems remain diverse and productive indefinitely. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. People do not only focus on economy but also focus on social and environment. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) was created in 1999 which was based on economy, social and environment to evaluate and rank companies according to their corporate sustainability performance. In this paper we try to find out how to build sustainability index based consumers’ perception instead of company’s internal data and find what influence customers’ satisfaction upon sustainable fashion products in traditional fashion markets. The data was collected in Dongdaemun Market which is the biggest Korean traditional fashion market.
The market distribution channels has changed from single to multi-channels due to the diffusion of digital development products. In addition the new consumption emergence has been applied in showrooming and reverse-showrooming. One of well-known shopping district in South Korea, Dongdaemun, has been introduced Dongdaemun-based fashion brand which use on/offline multi-channel distribution. This study aims to segment multi-channel attributes of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands and analyse the effects of customer equity attributes, customer satisfaction, and re-purchase intention. The goals of this study are as follows: 1) to identify multi-channel attributes of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands, 2) to analyse the influence of multi-channel attributes on customer equity, customer satisfaction, and repurchase intention, 3) to explore the consumer group differences on shopping orientation. This study applied means-end chain theory to conduct in-depth interviews for the purpose of deriving the multi-channel attributes of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands and explore the influence of such attributes on customer equity, customer satisfaction, and re-purchase intention. This study collected 493 samples and structural equation modeling was used for final data analysis. The main findings of this study are as follows. The multi-channel attributes have a significant impact on value equity and brand equity. Relationship equity is influenced by product diversity, entertainment, and informativeness. The all of customer equity drivers have significantly impacts on repurchase intention and only brand equity have significant effect on repurchase intention. Also, customer satisfaction affects re-purchase intention. Brand equity have a significant influence on CLV. The consumers group differ in how consumers recognize multi-channel attributes of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands, based on channel preference. This study shows the importance of customer equity and suggests long-term implications for the development of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands.
Customer equity can estimate customer lifetime value for the company (Rust et al, 2004). The firm can make proper marketing strategy with customer equity. Customer equity can both satisfy consumers and make a profit for the company (Lemon et al., 2001).So we built a model to connect service quality and customer equity to study how to prove the competitive power of traditional market. In this paper we used customer satisfaction and brand attitude as mediating variables since Store brands have become an important contributor to retail differentiation and basis for building store loyalty (Dodd and Lindley, 2003) and in retail market customer equity varies with customer satisfaction( Pappu and Quester 2006). Considering that Chinese economic growth rate was slowing down, traditional market is being a priority for Chinese Government to relieve severe export pressure and employment pressure. In this research we would like to study the relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction and brand attitude and how they influence customer equity in traditional markets. Through this study we also find out how to competitive power of traditional market through managing CLV and proving service quality
본 연구는 이론적 고찰 그리고 사례 및 국가적 차원에서의 관광 및 전통시장 활성화 정책에 대한 분석을 통하여 다음과 같이 발전 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 전통시장을 활성화하기 위한 R&D투자를 확대해 경쟁력을 제고해야한다. 둘째, 지역산업과의 연계를 강화하여 지역경제를 활성화 하여야 한다. 셋째, 이미지 전략으로써 전통의 보존과 현대적 재해석을 통한 특성화 지향을 통하여 장소의 역사성을 공간적으로 부각하며 점포별 스토리텔링을 통한 브랜딩과 디자인의 활성화를 유도한다. 넷째, 지속가능한 시장 운영관리 조직을 통한 경영 혁신으로써 디자인과 경영 컨설팅을 통한 전통시장의 현대화를 추진하고 사회적 기업 조직을 통한 공동체의 경제적 기반 조성한다. 다섯째, 지속적인 교육 프로그램을 개발함으로써 개방 공간의 조성과 문화 프로그램 제공함으로써 누구나 함께 즐기는 축제로 발전시킨다. 여섯째, 지역 특산품을 세계적 관광 상품으로 개발하고 구매심리 및 동선을 고려한 적절한 상품 배치를 통해 쇼핑의 편리성과 아울러 자연스러운 쇼핑을 유도한다. 일곱째, 시장 커뮤니티의 지역 결속력을 다지기 위하여 시장을 둘러싼 주체들의 의지와 파트너 쉽, 그리고 지역주민과 상인, 그리고 투자자들의 시장 커뮤니티에 대한 헌신성을 유도하며 시장 계획 및 운영 과정에서의 지역주민의 참여도(공간을 지키려는 주민의 결의와 단합)를 높이도록 한다. 또한 지속적인 상인 교육을 통하여 자발적인 노력을 유 도한다.
This study was investigated to determine the contamination levels of total aerobic bacteria, coliform group, E. coli and food-borne pathogens of side dishes from 2 traditional markets (100 samples) and 2 super markets (100 samples) located on Ulsan. The levels (range) of total aerobic bacteria was 4.75 log CFU/g (1.60~6.92 log CFU/g) in traditional market and 4.62 log CFU/g (2.00~6.46 log CFU/g) in super market, respectively. Coliform was detected in 64 and 66 samples sold at traditional markets and super markets, respectively. E, coli was detected in 4 and 6 samples sold at traditional markets and super markets, respectively. The food-borne pathogens, namely Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes were detected in 1 sample sold at traditional markets, respectively, and Bacillus cereus was detected in 4 samples sold at super markets. However, other pathogens such as Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium perfringens, Camphylobacter jejuni and Pathogenic E. coli were not detected. The Saengchae and Seasoned Jeotgal were relatively vulnerable compared to the others in the food-borne pathogens.
시대적 라이프 스타일과 소비문화의 변화로 인하여 점점 쇠퇴해져가는 고창전통시장을 활성화시키고자 고창의 지역고유의 자원(관광, 문화, 예술, 특산품)을 연계한 전통시장의 차별화된 스토리텔링 개발하여 문화관광형시장으로 재구성하기 위해서 무형 및 유형의 지역문화자원 콘텐츠를 접목한 전략적 스토리텔링 발굴을 통해 문화·관광·소비가 공존하는 테마형 문화 복합전통시장을 조성하여 고창지역을 찾는 관광객을 유인하고 지역인의 참여를 도모하여 지역문화·경제 중심지로의 위상을 확립하고자 한다. 고창전통시장의 문화관광형시장사업을 위한 스토리텔링을 개발하여 향후 공간설계, ICT융합, 홍보, 이벤트 등의 사업진행에 있어 시장 활성화의 축으로 활용함으로서 각 사업의 연계적 추진 및 일원화된 브랜드가치를 구축 하고자 하며 고창전통시장의 차별화된 스토리텔링을 제시하여 대외적으로는 고창의 이미지와 정체성을 강화시키고 대내적으로는 문화·예술·경제·편의시설 등의 구축 및 활성화를 통해 고창 지역민들의 애향심과 유대감 형성을 도모한다. 고창지역의 지속 성장을 위한 프로그램 제안하고 지역민의 참여를 통한 지역문화 허브로서의 교육 및 홍보프로그램 및 관광객 유입 및 참여를 위한 문화·예술·기행의 융·복합형 프로그램 제안한다.
Purpose - The purpose of this study was to propose a win-win development plan for not only suppliers of delivery applications but also traditional market vendor companies and delivery riders by analyzing existing delivery models and presenting a new delivery model to enhance competitiveness of the traditional market using delivery apps.
Research desgin, data, and methodology - Specifically, small retailers, such as traditional markets and supermarkets, presented a compromised delivery model that utilizes the platform of specialized delivery app service providers for order reception, and that the delivery is delivered by delivery systems jointly hired by Vendor companies, such as franchising companies. To validate the significance of the trade-off delivery model, a cost-benefit analysis was conducted by those involved in the delivery application.
Results - From the perspective of suppliers of specialized delivery applications, it is analyzed that the use of specialized delivery applications in traditional markets will be a new market opportunity for service providers to achieve increased sales. It is expected that consumer choice and satisfaction will be increased as convenience and accessibility of traditional market businesses that were available only through direct visit from the user side of the delivery application will be expanded. From the standpoint of delivery application franchises, it is analyzed that they can seek to increase sales and increase customer service as well as ease labor cost burden due to joint employment of delivery riders. The delivery rider will be able to seek to improve customer service due to job security, wage stability, risk reduction and overheated competition due to direct employment.
Conclusion - In conclusion, the compromised delivery model solved the problems raised in the preceding study conducted on delivery application suppliers, users, franchises, and riders to establish that it could be a strategic alternative to increasing sales and expanding detailed rights for the self-employed in the traditional market, which are experiencing difficulties in management. However, the adoption of a compromise delivery model requires social consensus from those involved in the delivery application and requires legal, institutional and policy support, which will require continued follow-up research on the delivery model in the future.
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between customer trust and intention to return to the traditional market by using empirical analysis.
Research design, data, and methodology – For the empirical analysis of this study, questionnaires were conducted for adults and over 20s. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to consumers with experience in traditional markets, and 163 of them were used for empirical analysis. In order to analyze the relationship between customer trust and return visit intention by consumers visiting the traditional market, variables were selected through 10 constructive concepts and revised based on previous studies. The SPSS for win 18.0 was used for data analysis. Results – In order to clarify the relationship between consumer's visit to traditional market and customer's trust, it was found that the tolerance values of both the visiting factors and the consumers' perceptions of traditional markets were higher than .01. In the relationship between visitor's visit to traditional market and customer's trust, price was positively related to customer trust at 0.1% level. Image, product quality and freshness of traditional market were 5% Positive effects were found. These results show that consumers who visit traditional markets gain customer's trust in price, image, product quality and reliability of traditional market. Conclusions – In this study, the results of this study are as follows: First, the effect of customer trust on customer satisfaction is affected by the image (emotion) consumers feel about traditional market, the trust level about the price of goods offered by the market, The confidence level of freshness, the reliability of consumers' connection with the local economy, the consumer's traditional marketplace, and the level of awareness of the service (kindness) of the variables on the independent variables. As a result of the analysis, it was found that among the influence variables of customer trust used in this study, consumers had a high level of confidence about the price of commodities offered by the market, quality of goods, and freshness, The same relationship, market environment such as hygiene or cleanliness, connection with a local economy, service (kindness) of traditional market did not affect consumers' trust in traditional markets.
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the variables that lead consumers to visit traditional markets and buy market goods. Thus, the current research examined the relationship between satisfaction and return intention as among the factors influencing loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology – This study was conducted to examine the effects of the perceived level of factors on loyalty and how it influenced consumers’ visits to traditional markets in 125 adult adolescents and women living in Mok-po area. The results of the questionnaire were obtained. The statistical data of the questionnaire were verified by SPSS. Results – In this study, consumers' perception level of eight loyalty factors can be perceived by the traditional Korean market. The empirical analysis is summarized as follows. First, by selecting five representative variables influencing intention to return to traditional markets, Mok-po area consumers were affected by the intention to revisit according to the intensity of recognition level among these variables. Second, the higher the perceived level of product price, quality of access (accessibility) among the factors that consumers perceive as important factors in visiting traditional markets were heightened. Third, Mokpo residents are aware of the main important factors of visiting the market such as receiving a friendly atmosphere (image) about traditional market, market environment (hygiene and cleanliness), connection with the local economy, and customer service such as kindness, refund and return. These loyalty factors did not affect consumers' intention to revisit. In other words, image, environment, regional economic linkage, and these factors did not have a positive effect on revisit intention. Conclusions – The empirical analysis of this study suggests that factors that directly affect loyalty among the key factors that play a major role in visiting traditional markets should be identified and developed as loyalty factors. It is necessary to identify the key factors influencing the satisfaction and loyalty of traditional market users, and operate a system that systematically and comprehensively manages and evaluates them. In order to do this, the government, the local governments, and related organizations should regularly conduct loyalty and satisfaction surveys on visa recognition levels and establish strategies for dramatic improvement measures.
In this study, consumers who have experience of visiting Jeongsun Arirang Market has been selected as samples to understand the characteristics of agricultural products purchase. For this, double hurdle model was used in order to resolve sample selection problem and obtain consistent estimator. The key points are the following. First, as the age increases(up to 59.8 years), chances of purchasing the products at traditional market increase as income increases. Second, when the residence area is outside of Gangwon-province, the purchase amount of the products increased compared to those from visitors within the Gangwon province. Also, visitors who use public transportations purchase less products compared to those who use their own car. Third, probability of agricultural products increase as the visitors consider positive effect the product purchase leads to the local farmers. Fourth, if the visitors consider the quality of the agricultural products, probability of purchasing agricultural product at the site increases. However, if the visitors consider the freshness of the agricultural products, the purchase amount rather drops. Fifth, the probability of purchase increases as visitors consider the brand of traditional market.
This study aims at reviewing satisfaction on facility modernization project of traditional market by case study on integration & move method of 2 markets (Seongbuk 5 day market & Geumgye daily market). Following this study, it asked 182 merchants & customers at Naju Moksagoeul Market about satisfaction and performance on integration & move and the facility modernization project of traditional markets. According to results of the survey, not only merchants but also customers are satisfied with the modernization project. But in detail, valuations between 5 days market and daily market, and between merchants and customers are different. For example, merchants regard as negative, but customers as positive about move of the markets from city to outside. About half of respondents answer that number of market visits and sales volume after move of the markets are higher than before. More than 80% of respondents answer that culture & tourism market programs are helpful to the market revitalization.
전통시장은 노후화된 시설의 관리 미흡, 상인들의 안전 의식 부족으로 인해 사고 발생의 위험이 높으며, 특히 화재 발생 시 고밀도로 집중된 상가와 인화성 높은 물품의 대량 적재 등 시장의 구조적인 문제점과 건축형태로 인해 짧은 시간에 대형 화재로 번져 많은 인명피해와 재산 피해가 발생할 가능성이 높아 안전 문제에 대한 우려가 증가하고 있다. 더욱이 2005년 발생한 대구 서문시장 화재는 노후화되고 밀집된 건물과 인화성 높은 취급 물품 등으로 인해 화재에 대한 근본적인 취약성을 내포하고 있는 전통시장에 대한 화재예방 실태 재점검, 시설 안전관리 및 대책마련 등의 필요성을 대두 시켰다. 전통시장 화재의 경우 무질서하게 자리 잡은 노점상과 좁은 통로, 진입로 주변의 불법 주정차 차량으로 인해 화재 발생 시 소방차량의 접근이 어려워 초기진압에 실패하여 대형화재로 번지는 경우가 빈번하게 발생하고 있다.
이에 본 연구에서는 전통시장의 화재 대응 방안을 마련하기 위해 전통시장의 현황과 화재 발생 현황을 조사하고 화재 취약요인을 분석하여 화재 대응방안을 제시하였다. 또한 화재의 초기진압이 늦어지는 원인을 알아보기 위해 진주시의 전통시장을 대상지로 설정하여 소방서(119안전센터)의 출동 거리와 시간을 분석하였다.
결과적으로 본 연구를 통해 전통시장 화재 발생 시 효율적인 초기진압과 대응방안을 마련하여 시장의 안전성을 높이고 상인들과 시민들의 안전 증진에 기여할 것으로 기대 된다.