국내 화장품 기업들은 ESG 경영을 통해 환경보호와 환경 관련 문제 해결을 위해 노력하고 있 다. 본 연구는 서울·경기지역의 MZ세대 여성을 대상으로 환경가치관에 따른 업사이클링 화장품의 지각된 소비가치, 구매행동 간의 관계 및 영향력을 분석하였다. 아울러 연구 결과를 토대로 업사이클링 화장품에 관련된 제품개발 및 마케팅 전략 수립을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 첫째, 각 변수 간의 모두 정 (+)의 상관관계로 나타났다. 둘째, 환경가치관이 높아질수록 업사이클링 화장품의 지각된 소비가치가 높아 지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 환경가치관이 높아질수록 구매행동이 높아지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 업사이클링 화장품에 대한 긍정적 소비가치를 유도하고, 화장품 산업은 관련된 제품개발 및 차별화된 마케 팅 전략 수립을 위한 기초자료로 도움이 될 수 있기를 기대한다.
In NPP (nuclear power plant), boric acid is used as a neutron absorbent. So radioactive boric acid waste are generated from various waste streams such as discharge or leakage of reactor coolant water, floor drains, drainage of equipment for operation or maintenance, reactor letdown flows and etc. Depending on KHNP, 20,015 drum (200 L drum) of concentrated boric acid waste were stored in KOREA NPP until 2019. In previous study, our group suggested the waste upcycling process synthesizing B4C neutron absorber using boric acid waste and activated carbon waste to innovatively reduce radioactive wastes. Radioactive activated carbon waste was utilized in off gas treatment system of NPP to capture nuclide such as I-131, C-14 and H-3. Activated carbon waste is treated as low-level radioactive waste and pre-treatment system for removing nuclide from the activated carbon waste is needed to use B4C up-cycling process. In this study, microwave treatment system is suggested to treat the activated carbon waste. Activated carbon waste was exposed to microwave for a few minutes and temperature of the waste was dramatically increased over 400°C. Nuclide in the activated carbon waste were selectively removed from the waste without massive production of secondary off gas waste.
We report the use of face mask materials as a carbon precursor for the synthesis of multi- and single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in an open-loop chemical recycling process. Novel surgical mask precursors were suspended in toluene and injected into a chemical vapor deposition reactor previously optimized for CNT production using liquid injection. The CNTs were collected and characterized using resonant Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before being turned into fibrils that were tested for electrical conductance. Once confirmed and repeated for statistical accuracy, a CNT-based Ethernet cable was manufactured and tested using iPerf3 for uplink and downlink speeds exceeding broadband standards worldwide. Radial breathing modes from Raman spectroscopy indicate single walled CNTs (SWCNTs) with diameters ranging from 0.8 to 1.55 nm and this matches well with TEM observations of SWCNTs with 1.5 nm diameter. This work pushes the horizon of feedstocks useful for CNT and SWCNT production in particular; this work demonstrates upcycling of materials fated for disposal into materials with positive net value and plenty of real-world applications.
The dismantlement of the Kori Unit 1 and Wolsong Unit 1 nuclear power plants is scheduled. Since about 40% of the cost of dismantling nuclear power plants is the cost of disposing of generated wastes, it is important to secure recycling technologies. Among them, low and intermediate level radioactive wastes are made of porous filters and adsorbent materials of ceramic foam to remove nuclides such as C-14, I, and Xe generated during nuclear dismantling. In order to remove a large amount of nuclides, physical properties such as a specific surface area and porosity of a ceramic foam filter are important, however when a heat treatment temperature is increased to increase the strength of the filter, the nuclides removal ability is reduced. In order to remove a large amount of nuclides, physical properties such as a specific surface area and porosity of a ceramic foam filter are important, however when a heat treatment temperature is increased to increase the strength of the filter, the nuclides removal ability is reduced. Therefore, in this study, the foam filter performance was improved by applying a sacrificial material to increase the specific surface area and porosity of the ceramic foam filter. The sacrificial material is burned out with polyurethane (PU) of the green filter before the heat treatment temperature to increase the strength of the ceramic foam filter so that it can be maintained as pores, thereby improving the specific surface area and porosity. The sacrificial materials and melting temperature (Tm) reviewed in this study were anthracite (530~660°C), PMMA (160°C), Cellulose acetate (260~270°C), and aluminum particle (660°C), and their effect on the manufacture of foam filters was studied by applying this. The specific surface part and porosity of the foam filter were improved when anthracite and aluminum particle were added, and PMMA and Cellulose acetate, which are relatively low temperature melting points, were burned out at a temperature lower than PU, and thus their physical properties were not greatly affected. The physical properties and specific surface part and porosity of ceramic foam filters manufactured using various sacrificial materials will be discussed.
The purpose of this study is to develop up-cycling fashion design methods centered on discarded denim material for the study of original up-cycling design methods. Up-cycling fashion design work was developed using digital clothing technology. This is a recent hot topic among sustainable fashion design methods. Up-cycling fashion design expression methods (categorized as dismantlement, collages, dépaysement, grafting, weaving, and tearing) were centered on design methods. These methods create various three-dimensional modeling effects in planar forms, whereby five pieces can be applied to the fabric and digitally produced. The results are as follows: First, the use of discarded denim fabric for the development of up-cycling fashion design pieces enabled the recycling of existing resources, provided solutions to environmental pollution problems, and provided expansion opportunities for design processes for sustainable fashion products that expand the design value of denim products and their utility. Second, new eco-friendly fashion designs that attempt to achieve diversity in modern fashion trends could be presented through formative contemporary fashion produced by up-cycling work products. Third, up-cycling fashion design work is expected to provide opportunities for eco-friendly fashion design methods. This will expand the value of sustainable fashion design by recycling simple waste materials through the use of three-dimensional digital clothing technology and further through the presentation of expanded life cycles that extend product planning, production, and life cycles.
The mass production after the industrialisation and the fast changing fashion cycles in today’s world resulted in buying clothes and home textiles more than we need and discarding them before they complete their life cycles. This causes vast amounts of textile waste that creates environmental issues. Upcycling is the creative process of transforming clothing and textile waste by reusing deadstock or used fabric to create new garments and products. It holds importance in terms of sustainability, reducing waste and environmental pollution. During the process of upcycling, certainly the creativity and innovation are the key words because to reuse a product to a better value needs a creative mind, aesthetic consciousness, innovative look and knowledge and it is quite different from a normal design procedure. There is a delicate level of aesthetics which carries the reused materials to a higher value. The handling of the materials, knowing how to manipulate the waste material, the techniques available to apply to surfaces, the concept of two and three dimension on textiles and clothing, contributions of other branches of art such as sculpture and painting all help the designer to reach a higher aesthetic value in the upcycled product in this process. In the study; it was aimed to raise awareness, to attract attention to sustainable fashion and also to contribute to sustainable development as an upcycling design project realized with students in textile and fashion design education taken as an example.
IT 산업의 발달로 인한 제조업 중심에서 서비스업 중심으로의 시대적 변화는 우리의 삶의 방식을 변화시키고 있다. 수많은 소셜네트워크서비스를 통하여 수많은 정보를 공유하고 있으며 브랜드경험에 대한 정보도 얻을 수 있다. 환경을 생각하는 윤리적 기업으로 잘 알려져 있는 프라이탁은 업사이클링 제품을 만드는 기업으로써 소비자들은 프라이탁의 제품을 구매하는 것이 아니라 윤리를 소비한다. 프라이탁은 환경에 관한 경험 스토리를 통하여 소비자들과 소통하고 구매자들은 프라이탁 제품과 함께 또 다른 윤리적 경험 스토리를 생산해내고 공유한다. 이에 본 연구는 윤리적 기업의 브랜드 정체성 구축을 위한 디자인경영 전략에 관하여 고찰하고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 결론적으로 프라이탁의 디자인 경영의 가장 큰 특징은 ‘경험’과 ‘소통’의 방식을 따른다는 것이다. 이는 일방적인 소통이 아니라 소비자와의 양방향 소통이다. 프라이탁은 이러한 ‘경험의 소통’을 통하여 윤리적 기업으로서의 브랜드 정체성을 구축하고 이미지를 전달하고 있다.
In order to promote the resource circulation and upcycling of waste refrigerators, it is necessary to analyze the material flow of recovered valuable resources and low-value residues after they are discharged. This study divided the flow of waste refrigerators into the five steps of discharge, collection, pretreatment, resource recovery, and sale/export/disposal and conducted material flow analysis (MFA) in each step. Waste refrigerators are treated via official (formal sectors, 65.6% of total amount) and unofficial (informal sectors, 34.4% of total amount) channels. Officially, waste refrigerators are collected through free collection by national and local governments, recovery by product producers and distributors, and waste collection·transportation·recycling companies and are recycled at public and private recycling centers. Unofficially, waste refrigerators are collected through junk shops and individual collectors. Waste refrigerators recycled in the formal sectors undergo pretreatment processes such as the disassembly, shredding, and separation and recovery of resources such as scrap irons, plastics, PCB (printed circuit board), cables, glasses, waste refrigerants, urethane, etc. Waste refrigerators recycled in informal sector treated through disassembly of the exterior, the shredding process by the excavators in illegal facilities and recovered waste refrigerants, plastics, glasses, scrap irons, copper, nickel silver, PCB, urethane, etc. MFA results show that in 2015, the amount of waste refrigerators collected from formal sectors reached 121,642 ton/year, the amount of recycling was 107,684 ton/year, and the amount of residues was 13,955 ton/year respectively. Thus, actual recycling rate per a waste refrigerator was estimated 88.15% in 2015. To promote the resource circulation and upcycling of waste refrigerators, it is necessary to find a way to improve the recycling of urethane, which accounts for 10.8% of the total weight of a refrigerator.