
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of installing highway rest areas reflecting continuous driving time as a factor that can affect drowsy driving. METHODS : In this study, various models were tested for representing the effect of reducing accidents of highway rest areas. Among the various models including negative binomial, a series of the zero-inflated models reflecting accidents, the zero-inflated model showed the best suitability. RESULTS : According to the results of the zero inflated negative binomial model, installation of highway rest areas was found to have an accident reduction effect of approximately 11.93%. This is somewhat lower than the accident reduction effect estimated in previous studies. In addition, variables related to continuous driving time were found to affect accidents caused by drowsy driving. CONCLUSIONS : Basically, by using the continuous driving time index, a vehicle that has been driving continuously for more than 2 hours or if the continuous driving time is increased for more than 2 hours, the probability of accidents increases. However, in the case of trucks, a more in-depth study is needed on whether an increase in trucks induces defensive driving of other vehicles and this causes a reduction in accidents. Thus, it is necessary to use the variable cautiously for the highway rest area installation plan.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of the reduction of working safety accidents in stow net fishery through the prevention education to fishing crews. The benefit was evaluated by estimating insurance payment amount that was reduced through prevention education. The decreasing rate of working safety accidents was presumed to follow the experience in Japan. The cost was assumed as the cost of textbook development. Results indicated that IRR was estimated to be 79.9% in case of scenario assuming no additional operating costs while IRR was 56.3% in case of scenario assuming 10% additional operating costs. In addition, the economic feasibility would be secured when annual operating costs increased to 274 million won according to the result of sensitivity analysis.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양사고는 주로 충돌과 좌초에 의한 것으로 인적과실이 원인이다. 한국형 e-Navigation 사업은 인적과실에 의한 해양사고 저감 및 초고속 해상무선통신(LTE-Maritime)의 구축 방안을 마련하고 있다. 그에 따른 사고취약선박 모니터링 지원 서비스(SV10)는 육상에서 수집한 선박의 위치정보를 기반으로 선박의 충돌·좌초 위험도를 평가하여 선박이 위험상황을 인식할 수 있도록 정보를 제공하고 해양사고 발생 시 육상에서 조기 대응할 수 있도록 실시간 선박 위치 및 위험상황 정보를 유관기관과 공유하는 서비스이다. 본 연구에서는 중앙해양안전심판원에서 제공된 해양사고 통계연보 및 재결서를 분석하여 SV10 서비스로 저감될 수 있는 해양사고 비율을 확인하였다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정부와 안전보건공단에서는 건설현장의 안전사고를 줄이기 위하여 감독․점검, 기술지도, 재정지원 등의 산업재해예방 활동을 지속적으로 수행하여 왔다. 하지만, 전체 산업의 사고사망만인율과 재해율이 전반적으로 감소 추세에 있는 반면에, 건설업의 사고사망만인율 및 재해율은 2014년 이후 오히려 증가 추세에 있다. 특히, 2016년 재해통계를 기준으로 전체 건설업 재해자의 약 70%가 공사금액 20억 미만의 소규모 건설현장에서 발생하였다. 이러한 소규모 건설현장의 재해를 줄이기 위해서는 현재의 산업안전보건법 상의 소규모 건설현장 산업안전보건관리체제와 고용노동부 및 안전보건공단에서 수행하고 있는 소규모 건설현장재해예방 사업에 대한 실효성을 파악하고 개선할 필요가 있다. 현 산업안전보건관리체제에서는 건축공사 기준으로 120억 이상인 공사인 경우 안전관리자를 의무 선임하도록 되어 있으며 3억에서 120억 미만 공사의 경우 재해예방지도기관의 기술지도를 받도록 되어 있다. 또한, 안전보건공단에서는 민간위탁기관을 지정하여 3억 미만 건설공사의 안전관리를 지원하고 있으며, 클린사업장 조성지원사업을 통해 20억 미만 소규모 건설현장의 추락재해예방을 위해 시스템 비계, 사다리형 작업발판 및 안전방망 등의 설치 비용을 지원하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 공사금액별 재해통계 및 안전관리자 선임관련 제도를 분석하여 안전관리자 선임 대상을 현행 건축공사 120억 이상인 공사에서 단계적으로 50억까지 확대할 것을 제안한다. 설문조사와 전문가 의견을 수렴하여 재해예방지도기관의 기술지도 영역을 조정하고 실효성을 강화하기 위한 방안을 수립하고, 클린사업장 조성지원사업의 사업 확대 요구 및 개선사항을 도출한다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Traffic cameras have been installed to reduce traffic accidents. The effectiveness of traffic cameras has been proved by dozens of studies, but recently questions over its effectiveness have been raised by a series of studies. In this study, the effectiveness of traffic cameras was analyzed with a focus on different road environments. METHODS : The effectiveness of the traffic cameras was analyzed by extracting the occurence frequency before and after camera installation. The effect of reduction was analyzed comprehensively considering the installation position, monitoring direction, and surrounding environment of traffic cameras. RESULTS : The result of this study is as follows. First, the installation of cameras in an area with relatively low accidental traffic was more effective. Secondly, the effect of camera installation on car-to-pedestrian collisions was better than that of car-to-car collisions. Thirdly, accidents tended to occur more frequently when cameras were installed in front of the accident-prone owing to the negative spill-over effect. CONCLUSIONS: The result can be used to guide placement of traffic cameras. Moreover, the installation of cameras with consideration of the road environment is expected to contribute to a reduction in traffic fatalities.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During five years (Year 2009~2013), Total victims of 72 %( 81,560 people) and those 50.6 %( 1,258 people) of death accident occurs in small scale construction site which operate 2 million USD less construction budget. Especially, falling death accident account for 785 people, in the share of 33.2 %( 261 people) death disaster takes due to defect of original cause materials. The major safety issues in small scale work place take place while scaffold installation, disassembling, work-plate improper installation or non-professional skills of workers. Furthermore, labor subcontract systems make small construction site shortage of resources. Those workers regard work-plate as unnecessary and consumables supplies. Because of that most of workers use unsafe workplace in most construction site. Therefore, in order to prevent falling accident occurring in small scale work site, government should organize related regulations such as “Work site safety construction method” and then expands education support, financial aid, and sourcing safety supplies for work plate which offer broad variety experiences. Also, introduce certificate solutions for various work plates to improve safety function such as anchoring type method and anti sliding function.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The disaster and safety accidents in any construction site occur inevitably. Since the on-site disaster and accident occurrence became one of major concerning factors in construction site, architects & building executers have been flooded with safety management advices. The purpose of this paper is to survey and analyze the effect of the application of Safety Patrol Management System(SPMS) upon the reduction of disaster & accident occurrences in construction site. In order to estimate and reduce the disaster and accident ratio in construction site, various surveyed data has been analysed. It will establish the suitable design standards and suggest the basic database for estimating disaster and accident ratio.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study deals with the effects on the installation of RLC(Red Light Camera). The objective is to analyze the effects of accident reduction after the installation of RLC. METHODS : In pursuing the above, the study uses the 703 accident data occurred at the 64 intersections which RLC are installed or not installed. RESULTS : The main results are as follows. First, Poisson RLC accident model developed in this study is analyzed to be statistically significant. Second, using the above developed model, 33 intersections among 40 intersections are predicted to have the decreasing effects of accidents after the installation of RLC. Finally, the reduction effects are analyzed to be affected by ADT and the number of left-turn lane. CONCLUSIONS : This study is expected to improve the efficiency of RLC and to help in decision-making of RLC installation.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to analyse the performance and the mechanisms of workers' participation and communications in industrial accident prevention activities leading to the reduction of industrial accidents. This study also aimed to find out the causal relationship influencing the promotion of prevention activities of industrial accidents. Of the manufacturing businesses with more than 5 workers as the population of the survey, a questionnaire was conducted with 2,500 workspaces chosen by stratified sampling. Out of 2500 workspaces, 971 workspaces equipped with industrial safety and health committee were analysed in this study. According to the results of this study, the primary influential factors on safety activities were the management of industrial accidents and the cooperations between supervisors and workers on site. The secondary influential factor was the establishment of industrial safety and health committee. Regarding the effectiveness of industrial accident reduction, -0.01 was shown by workplace safety activities by themselves and -0.09 was shown by participation and communications through indirect safety activities. This indicated workers' participation and communications play an important role in the reduction of industrial accidents. By discovering the clue to the mechanism of the workers' participation and communications, this study is expected to stimulate the reduction of industrial accidents by emphasizing the importance of workers' participation and communications in resolving the safety and health problem in the workplaces.