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        검색결과 34

        2024.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        3D printing using ceramic powder to produce precision ceramic parts has been studied with various additive manufacturing methods. This study analyzed problems occurring in alumina additive manufacturing that uses digital light processing (DLP) as well as methods to address such problems. For efficient analysis, we have classified alumina additive manufacturing into three types according to the driving method of the build platform - lifting type (LT), tilting type (TT) of the vat, and blade movement type (BT). LT had a problem with detachment and cracking of the alumina green body. However, this could be prevented by carefully controlling the cure depth of the suspension slurry and the bonding force between layers and improving the material used for coating the vat. TT, which resulted in non-uniform alumina additive manufacturing, could be improved by modifying the bidirectionality of the axis and the fluidity of the highly viscous alumina suspension slurry. BT resulted in detachment of the specimen as well as non-uniform results, but this could be avoided by shortening the shifting distance of the alumina suspension when it is introduced to the build platform, and enabling effective spreading.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a process that fabricates products by manufacturing materials according to a three-dimensional model. It has recently gained attention due to its environmental advantages, including reduced energy consumption and high material utilization rates. However, controlling defects such as melting issues and residual stress, which can occur during metal additive manufacturing, poses a challenge. The trial-and-error verification of these defects is both time-consuming and costly. Consequently, efforts have been made to develop phenomenological models that understand the influence of process variables on defects, and mechanical/ electrical/thermal properties of geometrically complex products. This paper introduces modeling techniques that can simulate the powder additive manufacturing process. The focus is on representative metal additive manufacturing processes such as Powder Bed Fusion (PBF), Direct Energy Deposition (DED), and Binder Jetting (BJ) method. To calculate thermal-stress history and the resulting deformations, modeling techniques based on Finite Element Method (FEM) are generally utilized. For simulating the movements and packing behavior of powders during powder classification, modeling techniques based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) are employed. Additionally, to simulate sintering and microstructural changes, techniques such as Monte Carlo (MC), Molecular Dynamics (MD), and Phase Field Modeling (PFM) are predominantly used.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The growing significance of sustainable energy technologies underscores the need for safe and efficient management of spent nuclear fuels (SNFs), particularly via deep geological disposal (DGD). DGD involves the long-term isolation of SNFs from the biosphere to ensure public safety and environmental protection, necessitating materials with high corrosion resistance for DGD canisters. This study investigated the feasibility of a Cu–Ni film, fabricated via additive manufacturing (AM), as a corrosion-resistant layer for DGD canister applications. A wire-fed AM technique was used to deposit a millimeter-scale Cu–Ni film onto a carbon steel (CS) substrate. Electrochemical analyses were conducted using aerated groundwater from the KAERI underground research tunnel (KURT) as an electrolyte with an NaCl additive to characterize the oxic corrosion behavior of the Cu–Ni film. The results demonstrated that the AM-fabricated Cu–Ni film exhibited enhanced corrosion resistance (manifested as lower corrosion current density and formation of a dense passive layer) in an NaCl-supplemented groundwater solution. Extensive investigations are necessary to elucidate microstructural performance, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance in the presence of various corroding agents to simplify the implementation of this technology for DGD canisters.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Due to the necessity of isolating spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the human life zone for a minimum of 106 years, deep geological disposal (DGD) has emerged as a prominent solution for SNF management in numerous countries. Consequently, the resilience of disposal canisters to corrosion over such an extended storage period becomes paramount. While copper exhibits a relatively low corrosion rate, typically measured in millimeters per million years, in geological environment, special attention must be directed towards verifying the corrosion resistance of copper canister welds. This validation becomes inevitable during the sealing of the disposal canister once SNFs are loaded, primarily because the weld zone presents a discontinuous microstructure, which can accelerate both uniform and localized corrosion processes. In this research, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the microstructural characteristics of copper welds manufactured by TIG-based wire are additive manufacturing, which is ideal for welding relatively large structures such as a disposal canister. To simulate the welds of copper canister, a 12 mm thick oxygen-free plate was prepared and Y and V grooves were applied to perform overlay welding. Both copper welding zones were very uniform, with negligible defects (i.e., void and cracks), and contained relatively large grains with columnar structure regardless of groove types. For improving microstructures at welds with better corrosion resistance, the effect of preheat temperature also investigated up to 600°C.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On a global scale, the storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) within nuclear power plants (NPP) has become an important research topic due to limited space caused by approaching capacity saturation. SNF have e been collected over decades of NPP operation, coming up to capacity limitation. In case of Korea, every reactor except Saeul 1 and 2 has reached a SNF storage saturation rate of over 75%. One of the most studied methods for enhancing storage capacity efficiency involves increasing storage density using racks with neutron absorbers. Neutron absorbers like borated stainless steel (BSS) are utilized to manage the reactivity of densely stored SNF. However, major challenges of applying BSS are manufacturing hardness from heterogenous microstructure and mechanical property degradation from helium bubble formation. This study suggests that innovative fabrication methods of 3D printing can be good candidate for easier fabrication and better structural integrity of BSS. Directed energy deposition (DED), one of the 3D printing methods have become major candidate method for various alloys. It deposits alloy powder on base melt surface by high intensity laser, similar with welding process. Powder manufacturing is already demonstrated superior performance compared to casting in ASTM-A887, such as increased mechanical properties, owing to its well distributed chemistry of alloy. Moreover, as its original microstructural property, the formation of micro-pores through DED could lead to long-term performance improvements by capturing helium generated from the neutron absorption of boron. The potential for fabricating complex structure is also among the advantages of DED-produced neutron absorbers. Expected challenge on DED application on BSS is lack of printing condition data, because the 3D printing process have to be kept very careful variables of thermal intensity, powder flux and etc. These processes may get through much of trial & error for initial condition approaching. Nonetheless, as a recommendation of improved neutron absorber for efficient SNF pool storage, the concept of 3D printed BSS stands out as an intriguing avenue for research.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aluminum alloys are widely utilized in diverse industries, such as automobiles, aerospace, and architecture, owing to their high specific strength and resistance to oxidation. However, to meet the increasing demands of the industry, it is necessary to design new aluminum alloys with excellent properties. Thus, a new method is required to efficiently test additively manufactured aluminum alloys with various compositions within a short period during the alloy design process. In this study, a combinatory approach using a direct energy deposition system for metal 3D printing process with a dual feeder was employed. Two types of aluminum alloy powders, namely Al6061 and Al-12Cu, were utilized for the combinatory test conducted through 3D printing. Twelve types of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys were manufactured during this combinatory test, and the relationship between their microstructures and properties was investigated.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In additive manufacturing, the flowability of feedstock particles determines the quality of the parts that are affected by different parameters, including the chemistry and morphology of the powders and particle size distribution. In this study, the microstructures and flowabilities of gas-atomized heat-resistant alloys for additive manufacturing applications are investigated. A KHR45A alloy powder with a composition of Fe-30Cr-40Mn-1.8Nb (wt.%) is fabricated using gas atomization process. The microstructure and effect of powder chemistry and morphology on the flow behavior are investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and revolution powder analysis. The results reveal the formation of spherical particles composed of single-phase FCC dendritic structures after gas atomization. SEM observations show variations in the microstructures of the powder particles with different size distributions. Elemental distribution maps, line scans, and high-resolution XPS results indicate the presence of a Si-rich oxide accompanied by Fe, Cr, and Nb metal oxides in the outer layer of the powders. The flowability behavior is found to be induced by the particle size distribution, which can be attributed to the interparticle interactions and friction of particles with different sizes.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the CFRP(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) parts were printed and cut in a large-scale additive and subtractive hybrid manufacturing system. A method to increase the strength and durability of a product by identifying the interlayer adhesion during the printing process of a large-scale additive manufacturing hybrid system was investigated. According to the printing conditions(CF content, deposition temperature, compaction process), the specimen was printed and cut to determine the tensile strength in the printing direction. As a result of the experiment, the highest tensile strength was shown when ABS-CF 20wt.% Compound was printed at 230℃ extrusion temperature, and the higher the CF content of the material, the lower the tensile strength. As a result of observing the inside of the test piece through an optical microscope, a large number of voids were kept inside the test piece. To remove voids generated inside the test piece, a compaction process was applied to the additive manufacturing hybrid system to prepare a test piece. As a result, void size decreased, and the strength of the part showed a tendency to increase. It is thought that additive manufacturing with high tensile strength can be obtained through studies on the optimization of deposition conditions in additive manufacturing hybrid systems.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Additive manufacturing is a new approach to design and production. This applies in particular to processes such as repair and rework of selected components. Additive manufacturing can produce almost any shape, and from an MRO part perspective, additive manufacturing offers tremendous advantages. The special feature of additive manufacturing is that it is particularly economical for small-volume production as the number of units is irrelevant compared to the existing manufacturing process. The purpose of this study was started from the MRO point of view, and it Identify changes and respond to the Blisk It is a study on the effect of changing the conditions on the path of the toolpath and the CAM during additive manufacturing using CAM after finding suitable conditions. metal powder.The metal powder withstands various corrosive environments and age hardening occurs very slowly. Inconel 718, which can be used in various applications such as nuclear facility-related parts, aerospace, oil facilities, turbines, and valves, was used. This is SUS 316L with good high temperature strength. The variable of the laser used in the study is the laser power, and the variables on the CAM are Operation, Stepover, Pattern, etc. In the relation between laser power and feed, when feed is specified as 500mm/min, laser power of 700W was most suitable. As for the conditions on NX CAM, ADDITIVE PROFILE Stepover was 0.8mm for Operation, and Infills and Finish for Pattern. When stacking, each layer should be overlapped with the result. Therefore, the stepover should be smaller than the laser spot size and reprocessing should be done in terms of repair, so infills and finish were applied to work larger than the actual product shape.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        AlSi10Mg alloys are being actively studied through additive manufacturing for application in the automobile and aerospace industries because of their excellent mechanical properties. To obtain a consistently high quality product through additive manufacturing, studying the flowability and spreadability of the metal powder is necessary. AlSi10Mg powder easily forms an oxide film on the powder surface and has hydrophilic properties, making it vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, in this study, AlSi10Mg powder was hydrophobically modified through silane surface treatment to improve the flowability and spreadability by reducing the effects of moisture. The improved flowability according to the number of silane surface treatments was confirmed using a Carney flowmeter. In addition, to confirm the effects of improved spreadability, the powder prior to surface treatment and that subjected to surface treatment four times were measured and compared using s self-designed recoating tester. The results of this study confirmed the improved flowability and spreadability based on the modified metal powder from hydrophilic to hydrophobic for obtaining a highquality additive manufacturing product.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The process optimization of directed energy deposition (DED) has become imperative in the manufacture of reliable products. However, an energy-density-based approach without a sufficient powder feed rate hinders the attainment of an appropriate processing window for DED-processed materials. Optimizing the processing of DEDprocessed Ti-6Al- 4V alloys using energy per unit area (Eeff) and powder deposition density (PDDeff) as parameters helps overcome this problem in the present work. The experimental results show a lack of fusion, complete melting, and overmelting regions, which can be differentiated using energy per unit mass as a measure. Moreover, the optimized processing window (Eeff = 44~47 J/mm2 and PDDeff = 0.002~0.0025 g/mm2) is located within the complete melting region. This result shows that the Eeff and PDDeff-based processing optimization methodology is effective for estimating the properties of DED-processed materials.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        3D printing technology is a processing technology in which 3D structures are formed by fabricating multiple 2D layers of materials based on 3D designed digital data and stacking them layer by layer. Although layers are stacked using inkjet printing to release various materials, it is still rare for research to successfully form a product as an additive manufacture of multi-materials. In this study, dispersion conditions are optimized by adding a dispersant to an acrylic monomer suitable for inkjet printing using Co3O4 and Al2O3. 3D structures having continuous composition composed of a different ceramic material are manufactured by printing using two UV curable ceramic inks whose optimization is advanced. After the heat treatment, the produced structure is checked for the formation and color of the desired crystals by comparing the crystalline analysis according to the characteristics of each part of the structure with ceramic pigments made by solid phase synthesis method.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to compare the mechanical properties of NAB (Ni-Al-Bronze) material manufactured using WAAM (wire arc additive manufacturing) technology and cast NAB that has been used. Two types of mechanical property test pieces were collected from the deposited bulk NAB material according to the direction of deposition, and compared with each other. As a result of mechanical property evaluation, the deposited NAB exhibited anisotropy according to the direction of deposition, and showed high tensile strength, hardness, and shock absorption in the longitudinal direction of the welding line.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Additive manufacturing technology is recognized as an optimal technology for mass-customized distributed production because it can yield products with high design freedom by applying an automated production system. However, the introduction of novel technologies to the additive manufacturing industry is generally delayed, and technology uncertainty has been pointed out as one of the main causes. This paper presents the results of the research and analysis of current standardization trends that are related to additive manufacturing by examining the hierarchical structure of the quality system along with the various industry and evaluation standards. Consequently, it was confirmed that the currently unfolding standardization does not sufficiently reflect the characteristics of additive manufacturing technology, and rather can become a barrier to entry for market participants or an element that suppresses the lateral shearing ability of additive manufacturing technology.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The enamel powders used traditionally in Korea are produced by a ball-milling process. Because of their irregular shapes, enamel powders exhibit poor flowability. Therefore, polygonal enamel powders are only used for handmade cloisonné crafts. In order to industrialize or automate the process of cloisonné crafts, it is essential to control the size and shape of the powder. In this study, the flowability of the enamel powders was improved using the spheroidization process, which employs the RF plasma treatment. In addition, a simple grid structure and logo were successfully produced using the additive manufacturing process (powder bed fusion), which utilizes spherical enamel powders. The additive manufacturing technology of spherical enamel powders is expected to be widely used in the field of cloisonné crafting in the future.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present work, an explicit finite element analysis technique is introduced to analyze the thermal stress fields present in the additive manufacturing process. To this purpose, a finite element matrix formulation is derived from the equations of motion and continuity. The developed code, NET3D, is then applied to various sample problems including thermal stress development. The application of heat to an inclusion from an external source establishes an initial temperature from which heat flows to the surrounding body in the sample problems. The development of thermal stress due to the mismatch between the thermal strains is analyzed. As mass scaling can be used to shorten the computation time of explicit analysis, a mass scaling of 108 is employed here, which yields almost identical results to the quasi-static results.
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