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        검색결과 75

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내산 왕벚나무 수피를 건강기능식품 소재 로서 활용 가능성을 확인하기 위하여 용매별 추출물에 대 한 특성 분석과 항산화 활성을 평가하였다. 용매별 소재 의 아미노산과 지방산 분석을 통하여 성분함량 및 조성 차이를 확인하였고, 항산화 활성 비교를 위해 총 폴리페 놀 함량, 총 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH 라디칼 소거능, ABTS 라디칼 소거능, FRAP 활성을 측정 및 비교 후 상 관관계를 분석하였다. 아미노산 분석 결과, 열수 추출물, 30% 에탄올 추출물, 70% 에탄올 추출물에서 13종의 아미 노산이 검출되었고, 주요 아미노산으로 aspartic acid, arginine, proline으로 분석되었으며, 총 아미노산 함량은 각 각 0.17%, 0.16%, 0.09%로 확인되었다. 지방산 분석 결과, 포화지방산(SFA)이 열수 추출물, 30% 에탄올 추출물, 70% 에탄올 추출물에서 62.7-66.7%로 높은 조성비를 보였고, 확인된 지방산은 열수 추출물에서 behenic acid (C22:0)을 제외한 13종의 지방산이 검출되었으며, 30% 에탄올 추출 물과 70% 에탄올 추출물에서 14종 지방산이 검출되었다. 주요 지방산은 열수 추출물, 30% 에탄올 추출물, 70% 에 탄올 추출물에서 palmitic acid (C16:0)로 확인되었고, 총 지방산 함량은 각각 0.66 mg/g, 2.46 mg/g, 10.04 mg/g으 로 70% 에탄올 추출물에서 가장 높았다. 총 플라보노이 드와 총 폴리페놀 함량은 열수 추출물, 30% 에탄올 추출 물, 70% 에탄올 추출물에서 각각 727.70-769.87 mg QE/ g, 309.24-348.09 mg GAE/g이었다. 항산화 활성 측정 결 과 열수 추출물, 30% 에탄올 추출물, 70% 에탄올 추출물 에서 DPPH 라디칼 소거능은 0.05-1 mg/mL 농도에서 각 각 14.42-81.77%, 16.85-83.38%, 19.33-81.12%의 결과를 보였고, ABTS 라디칼 소거능은 0.05-1 mg/mL 농도에서 각각 6.32-89.55%, 16.14-70.61%, 8.99-92.08%의 결과를 보 였으며, FARP 활성은 0.05-0.5 mg/mL 농도에서 각각 0.32- 2.91, 0.07-0.61, 0.39-3.43으로 나타나 농도 의존적으로 항 산화 효과를 증가시키는 것을 확인하였다. 용매별 추출물의 총 플라보노이드 함량, 총 폴리페놀 함량과 항산화 활 성 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 높은 양(+)의 상관성을 보였다(P<0.01). 본 연구결과를 통해 왕벚나무 수피 추출 물을 이용한 건강기능식품 소재 개발의 기초 자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study investigated the seasonal occurrence of bark and wood-boring Coleoptera in Pinus densiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) (Pinales: Pinaceae), and Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) (Pinales: Pinaceae) stands using multi-funnel traps baited with pine volatiles in Korea. The number and species of bark and woodboring beetles caught in traps baited with ethanol, α-pinene, and ethanol+α-pinene were compared to determine the effective attractants. In addition, the effects of other pine volatiles, such as (-)-β-pinene, β-caryophyllene, (±)-limonene, β-myrcene, and 3-carene, were investigated. A total of 13,134 wood-boring beetles from 150 species were collected from pine and larch stands from 2019 to 2020. Tomicus minor (Hartig) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults were more attracted to traps baited with α-pinene, whereas Xyleborinus saxesenii (Ratzeburg) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Cyclorhipidion pelliculosum (Eichhoff) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and Phloeosinus pulchellus (Blandford) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults were more attracted to traps baited with ethanol. Hylurgops interstitialis (Chapuis) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Shirahoshizo genus group, Rhagium inquisitor (Linne) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Rhadinomerus maebarai (Voss & Chûjô) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were more frequently attracted to traps baited with ethanol+α-pinene than to traps baited with other attractants. The addition of 3-carene to ethanol+α-pinene enhanced the capture of H. interstitialis, R. inquisitor, and Hylobius (Callirus) haroldi (Faust) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bangladeshi medicinal plants (BMP) have a history of traditional use in treating chronic inflammatory diseases, but a BMP bark’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects remain largely unexplored. This study assessed methanolic extracts’ antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties from the bark of 15 medicinal plant species native to Bangladesh. The methanol extracts of BMP bark were evaluated for their total antioxidant activity and ability to counteract inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Among the 15 bark extracts from BMP, Albizia odoratissima (A. odoratissima), Engelhardia spicata (E. spicata), and Shorea robusta (S. robusta) showed the highest total phenolic contents and total antioxidant capacity by effectively scavenging free radicals. In particular, these three bark extracts significantly reduced the mRNA expression of LPS-induced inflammatory cytokines and enzymes inducible by inflammation in macrophages. Also, the mRNA expression of NADPH oxidase 2 was significantly suppressed by the three bark extracts in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages. These results suggest that out of the 15 bark extracts obtained from medicinal plants in Bangladesh, the extracts from A. odoratissima, E. spicata, and S. robusta exhibit substantial total antioxidant capacity by efficiently scavenging free radicals and also inhibit LPS-induced inflammation in macrophages.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pine bark extract was added during the beer manufacturing process to develop a functional beer using natural plant materials. Pilsner beer was prepared by adding 0-0.125% to the wort. Immediately before fermentation, extracts were added with yeast cultured twice for 48 hr, and fermentation was carried out at 25°C for 5 d and storage was carried out at 2°C for 15 d. In the experiment, pH, reducing sugars, soluble solid contents, specific gravity, alcohol contents, chromaticity, total flavonoids, total polyphenols, DPPH, and yeast number were tested during fermentation and storage to characterize. The pH, reducing sugar, soluble solid contents, specific gravity, and alcohol contents of the six samples were not significantly different during fermentation and storage. However, yeast number, flavonoids, polyphenols, and DPPH were higher at higher pine bark extract contents. L value in chromaticity was the highest in control, and a value and b value were higher as the amount of extract added. In the sensory test, beer with 0.05% pine bark extract showed the best color, sweetness and aroma. Therefore, it was judged that it is desirable to prepare beer by adding 0.05% pine bark extract to pilsner beer.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 건강기능식품 프랑스해안송껍질추출물 중 catechin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, taxifolin에 대한 동시분석법을 개발하는 연구이다. 최적분석조건을 확립하기 위해 시료 채취량, 용매 조건을 비교 검토하였으며, UPLCMS/ MS를 이용하여 각 4개 성분에 대한 정확한 분석 및 분석시간의 효율성도 향상하였다. 분석 시 사용한 컬럼은 Acquity UPLC BEH C18이며, 정량이온으로 catechin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, taxifolin 각각 133, 135, 245 및 248을 선정하였다. 확립된 시험법에 대해 특이성, 직선성, 검출한계, 정량한계, 정확성, 정밀성 등의 밸리데이션을 수행하였다. 4개 성분 모두 50-25000 mg/L 농도에서 결정계수(R2) 0.999이상으로 높은 직선성을 확인하였다. 또한 회수율은 84.9-104%이었고, 정밀성은 1.2-4.3%의 RSD를 확인하였다. 개발된 시험법은 프랑스해안송껍질추출물 중 catechin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, taxifolin 분석을 위한 시험법으로 활용되기에 적합한 것으로 판단된다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Stem and root of elm trees have used as traditional medical materials, but there is little information on the distribution and resources of habitats. Korean native growing Ulmus spp. (U. davidiana var. Japonica, U. parvifolia, U. davidiana, and U. macrocarpa) genetic resources studied through The National Forest Inventory of Korea data and field survey. The distributions of U. davidiana var. japonica according to elevation distributed evenly. Both U. parvifolia and U. davidiana were inhabited mostly at less than 200 m of altitude. Each Ulmaceae species widely were distributed nationwide, but a dominant species was different depending on locals. It observed that Ulmaceae inhabits mainly in steep slopes of 31-45 degrees. Most of the habitats regenerated by natural seeding and the most abundant species were a codominant tree. Distribution of trees in U davidiana var. japonica was 7 m-13 m, and in young U. parvifolia and U. macrocarpa, more than 25% of young trees less than 7 m observed. The distribution of the diameter of breast height of the U. davidiana var. japonica was 46.4% for 11-20 cm, 52.6% for 11-20 cm in U. parvifolia. The average T/R ratio was 0.83, and the mean weight ratio of root bark was 62%. As the results of this study, the domestic Ulmaceae biomassare very small. It is difficult to harvest in that the habitat on the slope. Thus, it is too hard to develop functional materials using biomass at present. Therefore, it is necessary to develop technology for the selection and propagation of elite trees of Ulmaceae.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study used a packed column reactor and a horizontal flow mesh reactor to examine the removal of copper ions from aqueous solutions using pine bark, a natural adsorbent prepared from Korean red pine (Pinus densiflora). Both equilibrium and nonequilibrium adsorption experiments were conducted on copper ion concentrations of 10mg/L, and the removals of copper ions at equilibrium were close to 95%. Adsorption of copper ions could be well described by both the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The bark was treated with nitric acid to enhance efficiency of copper removal, and sorption capacity was improved by about 48% at equilibrium; mechanisms such as ion exchange and chelation may have been involved in the sorption process. A pseudo second-order kinetic model described the kinetic behavior of the copper ion adsorption onto the bark. Regeneration with nitric acid resulted in extended use of spent bark in the packed column. The horizontal flow mesh reactor allowed approximately 80% removal efficiency, demonstrating its operational flexibility and the potential for its practical use as a bark filter reactor.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Shine Muscat grape(Vitis vinifera L.) have high quality and the cultivation area is increasing recentely in Republic of Korea. The total cultivation area of the country('18) is 963ha, and the cultivation area of Gyeongbuk area is 81%, which is 780ha. But the research on pests causing damage in cultivation is insufficient. Recently, the damage caused by Bark beetles is increasing due to the abnormal weather and the increase of the cultivation area of shine muskets. The Bark beetles that occur in the Grape Shine Muskete plantation are Xyleborinus saxesen, which pierce tree trunks and cause the whole tree to die. Xyleborinus saxesen occurred continuously from April to August, and it occurs in Shine Muscat stem damaged by the frostbite. Shine muskets are weak to frostbite, so it is necessary to keep the trees free from frostbite in winter and early spring.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        붉나무의 유용성에 대한 기초자료를 마련하고자 붉나무 수피를 에탄올로 추출하여 추출물의 몇 가지 이화학적 특성과 항산화 활성을 측정하였다. 추출물의 가용성 고형분의 함량은 73.5 mg/100g, 당도 는 17.8 °Brix로 측정되었으며, 총방향족 화합물, 총플라보노이드 함량 및 총페놀성 화합물의 함량은 각각 흡광도 0.508, 49.88 mg/100g 및 296.6 mg/100g으로 측정되었다. 추출물의 환원력은 대조구로서 추출물 의 가용성 고형분과 동량의 ascorbic acid의 27.5 %로 측정되었으나, 철환원력은 ascorbic acid 와 유사하 게 측정되었다. 추출물의 DPPH라디칼 소거능은 95.16 %로서 ascorbic acid와 거의 유사하였고, 금속이온 봉쇄능은 ascorbic acid의 74.73 %보다 높은 81.58 %로 측정되었다. 그리고 pH 2에서 추출물의 아질산염 소거능은 51.76 %로 측정되었으며, Rancimat test에 의한 대두유 산화 억제효과가 있음을 확인하였다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A biofilter filled with sintered glass media and wood bark media were developed and tested. Acetic acid and ammonia added in brewery wastewater were used as an artificial odor source. The Reynolds’ number (NRe) was below 130 in the loading range of 3~5 m3/m2-min, while the pressure drop was less than 6 mmH2O. The average removal efficiency of acetic acid was 87.6% and 71.5% at surface loading rate of 3.1 m3/m2-min and 4.4 m3/m2- min, respectively. The acetic removal capacities were 8.1~14.3 g/m3-min with the mass loading rates of 11.7~22.4 g/m3-min, indicating very high performance. However, the acetic removal capacity was sharply decreased at the mass loading rate of 20 g/m3-min. The average removal rate of ammonia was 38% and 25% at the surface loading rates of 3.1 m3/m2-min and 4.4 m3/m2-min, respectively. The ammonia removal capacity was 0.47~0.88 g/m3-min in the range of 11.7~22.4 g/m3-min mass loading rates. The intensity of complex odor was also decreased based on the findings in the measurement using the direct olfactory method and the GC analysis.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 약용실물 수피 추출물을 이용하여 in vitro 반추위 발효성상 및 반추위 메탄 발생에 미치 는 영향을 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 공시재료는 무궁화, 음나무, 팽나무, 두충 및 후박나무 추출물을 사용하였다. McDougall’s buffer와 반추위액을 2:1 비율로 혼합한 발효액을 티모시 0.3g과 식물 추출 물이 담긴 50mL serum bottle에 혐기상태로 20mL 분주한 뒤, 39℃에서 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 및 72시 간 동안 발효하였다. 약용식물 수피 추출물을 첨가하였을 때 반추위 발효 성상(pH, 건물소화율, 암모니 아태 질소, 미생물 성장량)에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 배양 6시간대에 두충 추출물 첨가구에서 acetate의 농도가 대조구에 비해 유의적(p<0.05)으로 낮고, 메탄의 기질인 이산화탄소의 발생량이 대조 구에 비해 유의적(p<0.05)으로 낮아 메탄 저감 효과를 기대하였으나 메탄 저감효과는 없었다. 메탄생성 박테리아인 Methanogen archaea의 경우 무궁화 추출물 첨가구를 제외한 전 추출물 첨가구에서 대조구 에 비해 유의적(p<0.05)으로 높았으나 메탄발생량에는 유의적(p<0.05)인 차이가 없었다. 추후 첨가 농 도를 달리하거나 flavonoid 함량을 측정하는 실험이 필요한 것으로 사료되며, 메탄생성박테리아를 감소 시키는 연구도 추가적으로 필요할 것으로 생각된다
        2014.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The thermal death kinetics of the Black timber bark beetle, Xylosandrus germanus, was investigated to develop a heat treatment for control of infested wood packing materials used to export goods. To determine the feasibility of microwave irradiation as an alternative control method, laboratory experiments irradiating wooden blocks of Douglas fir (200×200×250mm), which were artificially infested with adults, with 2.45 GHz of microwave energy. All (100%) Ambrosia beetle adults were killed by both hot water treatments and microwave irradiation at 52˚C and 58˚C, respectively. Probit analyses estimated the internal wood temperature required to produce Probit (0.99) efficacy to be 64.7˚C (95% CI 62.4-69.9˚C) at one minute after microwave treatment.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ips acuminatus is a minute bark beetle found in forest and can cause economic damage to pine and spruce trees. This beetle has well developed sensory system respond to both of visual and chemical stimuli. Both sexes have a pair of faceted compound eyes and another pair of knobbed antennae, work together to collect vital information. The antennae look similar in both sexes and consist of scape, pedicel, and segmented flagellum. The pedicel is the first segment by which the antenna is attached to the head and the scape is set in a membranous socket and surrounded by the antennal sclerite on which a single articulation occurs. The beetle’s antennae enlarge abruptly at the last segment of a flagellum giving the antenna a knobbed appearance. There are a number of sensory receptors, including olfactory and mechanical receptors. Here, the fine structural characteristics of the antennal sensory organs in male and female bark beetle Ips acuminatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) were analysed with field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM).
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, acetone extract and sub-fractions of Albizia amara stem bark were evaluated for their free radical potential. The results showed that the crude extract and all the fractions exhibited antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities under different in vitro assays. Among the different fractions, the ethyl acetate fraction exhibited higher DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities than the standard quercetin. A. amara stem bark might be valuable source of natural antioxidants that could be used for medicinal and food applications.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bark beetles are recently considered as important forest insect pests in several countries. Damage of bark beetles has increased in Korea, and monitoring of these beetles become important. However, there has been no study on development of monitoring skill on bark beetles in Korea. In this study, we tested the attractiveness of (-)-α-pinene, ethanol, (-)-α-pinene+ethanol for monitoring of bark beetles. Some bark beetles strongly attracted to (-)-α-pinene or (-)-α-pinene+ethanol. Some ambrosia beetles strongly attracted to ethanol. Our results indicated that (-)-α-pinene, ethanol, or (-)-α-pinene+ethanol could be useful infochemicals for the monitoring of bark beetles.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study were to form comparisons of total polyphenol compounds, the antioxidant activities and the urushiol contents of lacquer tree(Rhus verniciflua) bark and the sensory properties of chicken soup was made with lacquer tree bark that was cultivated from different cultivation areas; Hamyang, Wonju and China. Total polyphenol contents of Hamyang, Wonju and China were estimated as 375.28±3.48, 403.60±6.6 and 311.06±4.99 ㎎/g. The total flavonoids contents of Hamyang, Wonju and China were measured as 374±14.12, 683.70±12.64 and 334.64±18.40 ㎎/g. The total phenolic compounds and flavonoids concentration, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and ABTS radical scavenging of lacquer tree cultivated in Wonju were higher than the others; Hamyang and China. The urushiol content of lacquer tree bark from Hamyang was 4.59±0.04 ppm and higher than others. Urushiol was not detected in China lacquer tree bark. Sensory evaluation tests for chicken soup containing lacquer tree bark showed that the scores of Wonju lacquer tree bark chicken soup was highest, however there are no differences between Hamyang, Wonju, and China significantly(p<0.05).
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The wood-boring and bark beetle (Cerambycidae, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) community in Korean white pine, Pinus koraiensis Sieb. & Zucc., forests was surveyed using Malaise traps in 2007. A total of 1,669 wood-boring and bark beetles were collected, including 193 cerambycids from 16 species, 221 curculionids from 21 species, and 1,255 scolydid beetles from 6 species, of which the dominant species was the ambrosia beetle Xyleborus mutilatus Blandford. Ranked by order of population size, the wood-boring and bark beetle community in Korean white pine showed high dominance by one species of Scolytinae, suggesting the community was unstable and had low biological diversity. Thinning in Korean white pine forests influenced the abundance of bark and ambrosia beetles, whose populations in particular stands increased 1 year after thinning, and then decreased the following year.
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