This study was conducted for the purpose of systematically identifying research trends in technology transfer and commercialization and setting future research directions in academia. Over a total of 35 years (1987-2021), 146 papers related to technology transfer and commercialization were analyzed for research period, research area, research methods, and research subjects. The research results are as follows. First, the largest number of papers (55) was published during the Park Geun-hye administration. Second, among major academic journals, only the ‘Korea Society for Technology Innovation’ had a relatively high proportion of research. Third, quantitative research (38%) was the most widely applied research method. Fourth, the most frequent research target was institutions/systems (44%). Additionally, the results of frequency analysis of 729 keywords were presented in a word cloud. This study is significant as the most current study that attempted bibliographic analysis of technology transfer and commercialization research papers over the past 35 years.
This study identifies the commercialization success factors that can be an important indicator for the transfer and commercialization of national R&D results in the agricultural sector. Unlike other industries, the agricultural sector has a non-systematically scaled and processed industrial structure, and R&D is led by government rather than the private sector. Although the quantitative performance of national agricultural R&D, especially the number of patents and publications, has increased rapidly with the quantitative expansion of the government R&D budget, the technology commercialization of the results of agricultural R&D has been accompanied by difficulties for SMEs. Therefore, this study summarized the success factors for commercialization of state-owned technologies presented in previous studies, and based on them, analysed the success factors for commercialization specific to the agricultural sector. It also conducted a questionnaire survey using Delphi and focus group interviews (FGI) with experts from academia, research and industry, and a survey of agricultural companies to derive success factors for commercialization in the agricultural sector using logistic regression analysis. As a result, five indicators with positive correlation and three indicators with negative correlation within technology characteristics, suppliers, adopters, policy and market factors were finally derived as key factors for agricultural commercialization. In the future, it is expected that independent factor analysis of the food and seed sectors, which have independent industry characteristics from the agricultural sector, will be needed.
Recently, there are some outdoor floor advertising lighting devices as one of the active marketing methods. However, for outdoor use, there are many restrictions due to the Outdoor Advertisement Act, according to requiring high-output heat generation, waterproofing, and AC power, etc. The purpose of this study is to develop a Duo Light product optimized for indoor use through publicity and information guidance in normal times and automatic evacuation route guidance display in case of disaster, in conjunction with disaster safety. To that end, patent search and patent association analyses were conducted, and a comparative analysis with commercial products was conducted as a case study. In addition, prototypes were designed and produced through the review of operation principles, where field environment surveys and self-tests were conducted. Also, technology roadmaps were presented by preparing plans for expandability and advancement of products. For the analysis of technology commercialization, the feasibility of technology commercialization was examined through the analysis of Jolly’s Model and Lean Canvas Model. The results of this study will be able to contribute to minimize human damage through the effective response to disasters, which can increase the effect of indoor advertising by using the proposed indoor floor advertising lighting device in advertising and disaster situations.
KHNP’s vitrification technology introduced a commercialized vitrification facility to the Hanul nuclear power site after a commercialization test through a lab test and a pilot plant at KHNP-CRI. France’s ANADEC (consortium with CEA, Orano, ECM Technologies and Andra) conducted a feasibility evaluation from FY2018 to FY2021 to apply In-Can vitrification, which was developed to treat Fukushima Effluent Treatment Waste (FETW) such as carbonate slurry and ferric slurry generated from ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System-Multi Radionuclides Removal) facilities for waste treatment in Fukushima, Japan. For commercialization, the following method was used. First, through the Laboratory scale studies, the possibility of high waste loading (60wt% in dry mass) of slurry on borosilicate matrix was tested. In addition, the volatility of radionuclide was evaluated through radionuclides surrogates with a Bench-scale mockup and glass discharge (100 kg) was evaluated through In-Can vitrification process verification. The feeding system was improved through a pilot scale test, and finally, glass discharge (300 kg) was evaluated after large amount of waste was treated through an industrial prototype (Fullscale) at the CEA Marcoule site (France).
Timely detection of nuclear activity is important for the management and supervision of nuclear materials, and inspections on North Korea as a method of safety measures for this monitoring system seem to be a not far future in the rapidly changing North Korea relationship. However, a simpler and more reliable monitoring device is required since the inspection period is limited and the possibility of revisiting is unclear. The seal is a simple but easily used security device for monitoring forgery and falsification in the IAEA. IAEA presents matters related to 1) project engineering, 2) remote monitoring, and 3) seal development as the three major tasks of the Department of safeguards and Division of Technical Support. The importance of development, modernization, and application of new seal devices is emphasized, and advanced sealing and identification system development is in progress at many research institutes such as JRC, ISCN, and JAEA. Since the existing seal devices used by IAEA and KINAC can only be confirmed through on-site inspections for damage, it is difficult to respond immediately in the event of similar situations such as theft of nuclear materials and loss of continuity of knowledge. Unlike facilities that comply with the requirements for safety measures, such as domestic nuclear facilities, in the case of facilities subject to denuclearization, it is very likely that various hazardous environments will exist that make it difficult to apply safety measures. Hence, a real-time seal device has developed through prior research due to the high possibility of situations in which Continuity of Knowledge (COK) is not maintained, such as damage, malfunction, and power loss of sealing and monitoring equipment. Through previous studies, the real-time seal device was loaded with server-based operating software and improved its performance by utilizing feedback from real users (KINAC) after use. In this study, the effectiveness of the previously developed sealing system was verified through performance evaluation, and the authentication of the equipment was secured through environmental tests.
본 논문의 목적은 국토교통분야에서 정부 R&D 지원을 받은 중소·중견기업을 대상으로 정부 R&D 지원이 기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 분석함과 동시에 사업화 프로그램의 조절효과를 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 국내·외 문헌을 기반으로 R&D를 통해 도출되는 성과를 1·2차 매개변수로 구분하고, 정부에서 운영하는 사업화 프로그램을 조절변수로 설정 하였다. 회귀분석, 이중매개분석, 그리고 조절된 매개효과 분석 등을 이용하여 정부 R&D지원이 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향과 그 과정을 확인하였다. 연구 결과, 정부 R&D 지원이 기업 경영성과에 유의한 영향을 미침을 확인하였고, 논문 및 특허 등 1차 성과와 시제품, 법제도 개정 등 2차 성과 모두 정부 R&D지원과 기업의 경영성과의 관계에서 이중매개 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러, 정부에서 운영하는 사업화 프로그램이 1차, 2차 성과가 매개변수로서 역할을 할 때 그 효과를 조절하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 향후 국토교통분야에서 기업 경영성과 및 경제적 효과 확대를 위한 정부 R&D 지원 정책을 수립할 때 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
The purpose of this study was to develop a technology commercialization strategy by analyzing the consumer preference for low-sodium instant noodle ramen, which has a sodium content of 1,730 mg or less. For the commercialization of such low-sodium ramen, this study examined how much consumers would pay through an analysis of consumer preference by conjoint analysis. This study surveyed 1,004 men and women in their 20 s and 50 s between the ages of 20 and 50 years in Korea using an online survey. If the price of conventional instant noodle ramen is KRW 4,000 (approximately USD 3.57) per 5 packs for one pack of 5 servings in a supermarket, this study surveyed how much more they respondents would pay if the sodium was reduced by 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0%. The study found that if sodium was reduced by 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0%, the respondents would pay as much as KRW 4,180, KRW 4,307, and KRW 4,515, respectively. The attributes of low-sodium instant noodle ramen were examined according to the degree of sodium reduction, vegetable protein ingredients, brand, where to buy and price with each level. The Marginal Willingness To Pay (MWTP) was analyzed as follows. If the sodium content of ramen soup is reduced by 1.0%, the amount that can be paid would be KRW 105.78. Respondents could pay KRW 1,673 more for famous brand ramen than an unknown brand ramen. The study results indicated that when a new product is developed and released, it can be expected to increase sales of the new product by understanding the foreseeable value that consumers could pay for and realize the technological commercialization of the technology.
딥러닝에 기반 한 인공지능과 다양한 센서기술의 발전이 빠르게 진행 되면서 운전자 없이도 도로를 주행할 수 있는 자율주행 기술을 가능하게 하고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 미국을 비롯한 선진 각국은 자율주행자동차의 상용화를 촉진하기 위해 기존의 법규와 제도를 바르게 개선하고 있으며, 예상되는 자율주행자동차의 사고 가능성에 대비하여 관련 법 개정은 물론 현재 진행 중인 실험 자율주행 차량에 대해서도 책임 범위의 명확한 한계와 신속한 피해구제를 위해 다양한 노력을 펼치고 있다.
그러나 앞으로 자율주행자동차의 상용화가 이루어지면 보험사기 역시 더욱 복잡하고 지능화될 것으로 예상됨에 따라 보험사기에 대처하는 방향 역시 지금과는 다른 모습으로 바뀌어야 할 것이다. 우선, 보험 경영학 측면에서 보다 적극적인 홍보 및 교육이 요구된다. 매체 접촉률이 높은 동영상 위주의 홍보와 함께, 보험 계약 시의 법정 의무교육 등의 제도 도입이 요구된다. 한편으로 보험사기에 대처하기 위한 DB의 구축과 보험 사기범에 대한 운전면허의 중지나 금융 거래 및 해외 출국금지 등의 강도 높은 제재방안도 검토해야 할 것이다.
또한, 자율주행자동차 사고는 매우 복잡하고 난해한 사고가 많아지기 때문에 새로운 보험제도 도입의 필요성이 있는데, 이 새로운 보험제도는 피해자 보호에 너무 치중하는 나머지 보험사기에 쉽게 노출될 수 있다는 단점을 보완해야 한다. 이런 문제점들을 해결하기 위해서는 사이버 보안에 있어 전문 인력의 확충과 양성을 통한 조직적이고 전문적인 조사와 수사체계를 구축해야 할 것이다. 더불어서 자율주행자동차 사고 보험사기 조사 조직을 일원화하고 일선 수사기관에 전담조직을 설치 운영함으로써 보험사기를 미연에 방지하려는 노력이 필요하다. 이러한 노력이 결실을 이룬다면 보험사기로 인해 낭비되는 사회적 비용의 절감과 더불어 선량한 보험계약자의 피해를 최소화 할 수 있을 것이다.
2003년 부산에서 처음 발견된 외래종인 등검은말벌(Vespa velutina)은 2018년 현재 전국적으로 확산되어 양봉을 포기하는 농가가 속출할 정도로 심각한 경제적 피해를 초래하고 있다. 말벌류의 방제는 유인 포획기를 사용하는 것이 가장 효과적인 방법으로 알려져 있다. 유인 포획기는 당 성분의 섭식 유인제에 1차 유인 포획된 말벌이 알람페로몬을 발산하면서 2차 유인을 여기하여 포획력을 극대화시키는 원리이다. 그러나 등검은말벌은 개체군 성장을 위해 단백질원이 필요하기 때문에 당성분의 휘발성 물질에 의존하는 유인제를 탑재한 기존 포획기만으로는 충분한 등검은말벌 개체 수 감소 및 방제에 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 이와 같은 문제점을 해결하여 등검은말벌 포획율을 향상시키고 말벌 피해로 인한 꿀벌 개체군 보호를 위하여 꿀벌통 일체형의 포획시스템을 개발하였다. 꿀벌 사냥 후 말벌집으로 회귀하는 습성, 최초 꿀벌 포획에 성공한 양봉장으로 회귀 후 지속적으로 사냥하는 습성, 어두운 곳에 있을 때 밝은 쪽을 선호하는 습성 등 다양한 생태 특성을 반영하여 시스템을 고안되었다. 즉, 최초 사냥성공 시 등검은말벌을 포획함으로 동일 개체에 의한 반복적 피해를 방지하는 새로운 방식의 포획법이다. 본 연구를 통해 개발된 포획시스템은 양봉 농가의 가장 큰 피해 요인인 말벌 사냥에 의한 꿀벌 개체수 감소를 방지함으로서 양봉 산업의 유지 및 발전에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
The purpose of this research was to test the effects of technological innovation capability and technology commercialization capability on new product performance of the companies in electronics industry and the moderating role of perceived usefulness of government R&D support. For this study, Research data were collected through questionnaire instruments from the sample of 346 employees in 17 electronics companies of metropolitan area. The 305 sample was selected and analyzed by hierarchical regression technique.
The results showed that technological innovation capability and technology commercialization capability had a positive effect on new product performance. And also found out perceived usefulness of government R&D support had the moderate roles between only technical innovation system our of three technological innovation capability factors and new product performance, and also between only manufacturing capability our of three technological commercialization capability factors and new product performance. With the research results, the implications for electronics company were discussed, and the directions for future research were suggested.
During the seven years from 2009 to 2016, PWR SNF (spent nuclear fuel) transportation and storage systems suitable for domestic conditions were developed by the government to cope with the saturation of wet storage capacity in NPPs. One of the developed systems is a multipurpose metal cask applicable for transportation/storage; the other is a concrete cask dedicated to storage. Efficient cask technologies were secured utilizing the characteristics and experience of relevant industrial, academic and research institutes. Technological independence was also achieved through several patent registrations of research outcomes. To prepare for a rapid increase of demand in the near future, technology transfer of secured patents and technologies to the domestic industry was carried out twice in the years of 2016 and 2017. This
본 연구는 공공연구기관의 기술이전시 연구자가 이전기술의 사업화 과정에 참여 하여 이전된 기술의 발명 과정에서 습득한 노하우를 전수하는 것이 사업화 성공에 미치는 영향 을 분석하였다. ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)의 2014년 기술 이전 계약건중 설문조사에 응답한 204건을 분석대상으로 하였으며, 종속변수가 범주형 변수일 때 특정 사건의 발생(성공 또는 미성공) 가능성을 예측하는 통계기법인 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용하였다. 실증분석 결과, 기술이전이후 사업화 지원의 강도가 이전된 기술의 사업화 성공 여부와 양의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 공공연구기관중 최대 규모의 기술이 전 및 사업화지원 실적을 보유하고 있는 ETRI의 사례를 통한 실증분석 결과라는데 의의가 있으며, 이를 통해 정부 및 공공연구기관의 중소기업 지원 정책 방향에 대한 시사점을 제시한다.