To suppress mold generation of yujacheong, Penicillium chrysogenum LB31 was cultured, and spores were harvested and put into yujacheong. Antioxidant activity, useful ingredients, mold size and incidence were investigated while storing yujacheong for 30 days, after sterilization with different methods (nontreatment, ozone gas emission, heating after ozone gas emission and heating). The results showed that the content of narirutin, naringin, hesperidin, or neohesperidin, which are functional components of yuzu, increased as the storage period increased in all the treatment units. In addition, mold generation was not observed until the 15th day in the heat treatment group after ozone gas emission. As the treatment group emitted ozone gas. molds of 34.8 and 112 mm2 in size were observed on the 30th day. These results suggested that ozone sterilization can prevent microbial contamination, further extending the shelf life of yuzacheong and maintaining a fresh state.
Low alcohol (6%) wines were manufactured using Campbell Early. To develop the sterilization process of low alcohol wines, red wines were heat sterilized, and rose wines were nonthermal sterilized by concentration using potassium metasulfite and potassium sorbate. Samples were stored at 25℃ and quality characteristics were investigated by period. Results of this study revealed the pH of the samples after sterilization ranged from 3.15 to 3.19, and the total acidity of wines ranged from 0.011 to 0.024%. The free SO2 contents of wines ranged from 13.00 to 29.678 mg/L, and the total SO2 contents of wines ranged from 47.50 to 121.00 mg/L. L (lightness) of wines decreased whereas a (redness) and b(yellowness) increased. The hue value of wines ranged from 0.52 to 1.03, and decreased significantly(not including rose sweet wines). The color intensity of red and rose dry wines after sterilization increased, whereas red and rose sweet wines decreased. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of red wines and rose wines ranged between 75.50 to 89.23%, and 36.60 to 56.54%, respectively. The total polyphenol contents were 57.51~182.63 mg%. Results of this study provide scientific information to establish the sterilization process of low alcohol wines.