The thermal treatment of radioactive waste attracts great attention. The thermal treatment offers lots of advantages, such as significant volume reduction, hazard reduction, increase of disposal safety, etc. There are various thermal technologies to waste. The developed technologies are calcination, incineration, melting, molten salt oxidation, plasma, pyrolysis, synroc, vitrification, etc. The off-gas treatment system is widely applied in the technologies to increase the safety and operation efficiency. The thermal treatment generates various by-product and pollutants during the process. The dust or fly ash are generated as a particulate from almost every radioactive waste. The treatment of PVC related components generates hydrogen chloride, which usually brings corrosion of facility. The treatment of rubber and spent resin generates sulfur oxide, SOx. The treatment of nitrile rubber generates nitrogen oxide, NOx. The incomplete combustion of radioactive waste usually generates carbon oxide, COx. The process temperature also affects the generation of off gas, such as NOx and/or COx. Various off gas treatment components are organized for the proper treatment of the previously mentioned materials. In this study systematical review on off gas treatment will be reported. Also, worldwide experiences and developed facility will be reported.
In this study, we examined dimensional changes in processing carbon fiber composites using a cost-competitive domestic high-speed router. Lacking temperature compensation features found in typical machines, it faces increased defect rates due to temperature fluctuations during processing. To mitigate this, we defined specific processing temperature conditions, established hole positions as distance references for various temperatures, and measured dimensional changes. This enabled us to calculate necessary dimensional corrections, minimizing thermal deformation.
Temperature distribution studies were performed in steam-air retort to investigate the influence of various processing conditions (come-up time, sterilization temperature, and internal pressure throughout the steam-air retort). Retort temperature data were analyzed for temperature deviations during holding phase, maximum temperature difference between test locations at the beginning and after 1, 3, and 5 min of the holding phase, and box-and-whiskers plots for each location during the holding phase. The results showed that high sterilization temperature led to a more uniform temperature distribution than low sterilization temperature (pasteurization). In pasteurization condition, the temperature stability was slightly increased by increasing pressure during the holding phase. On the other hand, the temperature stability was slightly decreased in high sterilization temperature condition. Programming of the comeup phase did not affect the temperature uniformity. In addition, the slowest cold spot was found at the bottom floor during the holding phase in all conditions. This study determined that the temperature distribution is affected by retort processing conditions, but the steam-air retort needs more validation tests for temperature stability.
고성능 복합재료 제조에 사용되는 고온경화용 에폭시 수지 시스템의 성형성을 연구하였다. 테트라글리시딜 메틸렌 디아닐린계 에폭시 수지 시스템의 조성과 화학구조를 여러 가지 분석장비를 이용하여 분석하고 확인하였다. 이 수지 시스템은 보통의 작업온도 조건에서 시간 경과에 따른 점도 상승이 미미한 것으로 나타났다. 유전 경화 모니 터링 방법을 이용하여 선정한 수지 시스템의 경화거동을 연구하였다.
본 연구에서는 멸균처리공정이 없는 돈육 포장공정을 대상으로 작업장에서 직접 분리한 야생균주인 Salmonellaspp. KSC101를 작업장의 온도와 시간을 주요 변수로 하여, 이들 현장에서의 Salmonella spp. KSC101의 성장 특성을 파악하고, 이를 수학적으로 예측할 수 있는 모델을 개발하였다. 돈육포장공장 현장을 반영하여 온도는 0, 5, 10,15, 20oC로, 시간은 0, 1, 2, 3시간으로 하였으며, 0oC와5oC에서는 성장이 발생하지 않았으며, 10oC, 15oC, 20oC에서는 약간의 성장이 있었으나 증가수준은 평균 0.34 logCFU/g정도였고, 20oC에서 성장율이 더 높았으나 15oC와는 통계적으로는 유의하지 않았다(p < 0.05). 하지만 PMP와 비교시 야생균주인 Salmonella spp. KSC101의 성장이더 빠른 것으로 나타났다. 이들 실험결과를 바탕으로 1차모델은 Gompertz 4 parameter식을, 2차 모델은 Exponentialdecay식을 이용하여 성장예측모델을 개발하였으며, R2값은0.99이상으로 나타났다. 개발된 모델에 대한 검증으로RMSE를 이용하였으며, 값이 0.103으로 양(+)의 방향으로약간 초과 예측하는 것으로 나타났으나, 최종적으로 실험값과 예측값이 ± 0.5 log cfu/g 내에서 일치하고 있어, 본연구에서 개발된 모델은 추후 냉장돈육 포장공정에서 위생관리기준 설정에 대한 과학적 근거자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.
Synthesis of the NiTi shape memory alloy using the thermal explosion mode of the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis has been investigated. The significant fractions of intermetallics phases were found to form at the Ti/Ni powder interface during the heating to the ignition temperature and seemed to influence the relative fraction of phases in the final products. As the heating rate to the ignition temperature was increased, the combustion temperature and the fraction of NiTi in the final reaction products were increased. The synthesis reaction under 70 MPa compressive pressure yielded a reaction product with 98% theoretical density.
약식의 유통기간을 결정하는 중요한 품질요소인 조직감의 경화현상을 측정하는 방법을 수집하고 제조방법과 저장조건에 의한 경화속도의 변화를 조사하였다. 전통적으로 사용되는 표준 제조방법으로 만든 약식은 실온 (20˚C)에서 3일간 저장할 수 있었으며 유통 상한점에서의 경도는 multipuncture시험의 700g 하중 수준이었다. 냉장저장(5℃)에 의하여 약식의 굳는 속도는 급격히 증가하였으며 Avrami식으로 산출한 속도상수비는 1.3~3.3배 증가하였으며 수분함량이 높은 압력솥 처리구가 가장 큰 차이를 나타내었다. 물엿첨가는 약식의 경화속도를 다소 낮추는 효과를 나타내었다. 압력솥 처리에 의하여 약식은 너무 무르게 되어 기호도가 다소 떨어지나 냉장보관시에는 저장기간을 연장할 수 있는 방법으로 사료된다. 전자렌지로 조리한 약식은 대단히 높은 경도를 나타내었다. 약식의 종합적인 기호도는 조직감 기호도와 높은 정의 상관관계를 나타내며, 조직감 기호도는 multipuncture 시험의 최대 하중과 높은 부의 상관관계를 나타내어 multipuncture 시험이 약식의 품질평가 방법으로 사용될 수 있음을 확인하였다.
Fresh-cut burdock roots were processed at 4 and 25℃, respectively. The fresh-cut burdock roots were treated with different browning inhibitors (3% citric acid, 3% sodium chloride, 0.3% cystein, and 3% sodium acetate solutions), and the changes in their quality and browning characteristics were investigated. The respiration rate and browning index of the cut roots prepared at 4℃ were lower than those of the cut roots prepared at 25℃. The soluble solid content was higher in the cut roots prepared at 4℃ than in those prepared at 25℃. The weight loss and flesh firmness were not affected by the processing temperatures. Among the browning inhibitors, 0.3% cystein showed the best browning-retarding effect. There was no difference in phenolic compound content between the browning-inhibitor-treated roots and the nontreated roots, but the PPO activity was higher in the latter than in the former. Therefore, the processing temperatures of fresh-cut burdock roots affected their quality and browning development, and the combination of a low processing temperature and the use of the proper browning inhibitor should be applied for the higher quality of the produce.
Plum highlighted as a health food is needed to diversify the processed products because labor storage is big problem since the fruit was producted massively in June. The Plum was extracted by the pressing type extractor after washing, drying and removing the seed by seed separator. The crude extract was concentrated with stainless steel vessel at different temperature and stirring speed. This study was obtained as follows. The sugar content of fresh plum concentrated extract was 55.3~58.3Brix, and of the freezing plum concentrated extract was 75.5~70.3Brix. In color difference, the freezing plum concentrated extract was more deep black than fresh plum. In change patten of pH, it was decreased as concentration was proceed. The final pH was 2.3~2.2 in fresh plum, and 1.8~2.2 in freezing plum. The total acid content of fresh plum concentrated extract and the freezing plum was 45.4~47.8, 60.3~60.9%, respectively. The content of evaporation at 855 was constant irrespective of stirring speed. The yield of extraction of fresh plum was higher than freezing plum. According to this results, the use of stainless vessel, 50rpm, which gave a highly qualified plum concentrated extract.
Quality changes of Korean native-bee honey were investigated during processing and preseration at different temperature. There were no changes of HMF(Hydroxy methyl furfural) and proline contents, color and diastase activity in Korean native-bee honey, when the honey separated from honey combs at 20 and 40. However, at 50 and 80, browning of Korean native-bee honey was shown, HMF content was increased rapidly and proline content and diastase activity were decreased. There were no changes of chemical composition in Korean native-bee honey during storage at 4 for 6 months. But color was darken and HMF content was increased slowly in Korean native-bee honey during storage at 20. During storage at 30 and 40, HMF content was increased highly, proline content, diastase activity and total acidity was decreased rapidly. It is recommended that Korean native-bee honey is separated from honey comb and purified at less than 40 and stored at 4 through 20.