Background: In Taekwondo athletes, ankle sprain is the most common risk factor for injury. Repeated ankle injuries lead to weakness and imbalance of the ankle muscles, resulting in chronic ankle instability (CAI). Both the ankle and toe muscles contribute to the inversion and eversion of the foot at the subtalar joint. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the ankle and toe joint positions when measuring ankle invertor and evertor strength. Objects: This study aimed to compare the muscle strength and ratio differences of the ankle invertor and evertor muscles in both the toe and ankle positions between the CAI and uninjured sides in Taekwondo athletes. Methods: Fifteen Taekwondo athletes participated in this study. The isometric strengths of both the ankle invertor and evertor were determined in different ankle and toe positions (dorsiflexion with toe extension, dorsiflexion with toe flexion, plantarflexion with toe extension, and plantarflexion with toe flexion). Paired t-tests were used to determine the differences between the ankle invertor and evertor in strength and ratio according to toe and ankle positions between the ankle CAI side and the uninjured side. Results: The results demonstrated that ankle evertor strength significantly decreased in all ankle and toe positions on the CAI side (p < 0.05). In addition, significant differences were observed in the ratios of the ankle invertor and evertor strengths in the dorsiflexion with toe flexion, plantarflexion with toe extension, and plantarflexion with toe flexion positions (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that athletes, trainers, and clinicians should consider ankle and toe positions when measuring invertor and evertor strength and develop ankle rehabilitation protocols for Taekwondo athletes with CAI.
세계적으로 환경에 대한 관심이 커지면서, 탄소 저감 및 탄소 중립을 위한 다양한 연구들이 진행되고 있다. 특히 최 근에는 탄소 포집 및 저장 기술인 CCS(Carbon Capture and Storage)에 주목이 높아졌다. 그뿐만 아니라, 대기 중의 탄소를 효과 적으로 저장하는 특성을 가진 바이오차는 탄소 중립에 기여할 수 있는 방안으로 다양한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 건설 산업에서 는 시멘트 대체재를 활용한 탄소 감소 관련 연구가 진행 중이며, 본 연구에서는 바이오차를 콘크리트 및 모르타르의 시멘트 대 체재로 활용하여 시멘트 사용량을 줄이고, 동시에 콘크리트 및 모르타르 내의 탄소를 포집하고 저장하여 탄소 배출량을 감소시 키고자 한다. 이를 위해 바이오차의 시멘트 치환율을 0%, 10%, 20%로 설정하고, 각각의 경우에 대해 콘크리트 및 모르타르의 슬럼프, pH 농도, 그리고 압축강도를 비교하였다.실험 결과에 따르면, 바이오차의 시멘트 치환율이 증가함에 따라 슬럼프와 압 축강도가 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, pH는 유사한 양상을 나타냈다.
Concentration of nitrogen, one of the major elements, and ratio of two nitrogen forms (NH4 + and NO3 –) in the nutrient solution affect the quality and food safety of fresh vegetable produce. This study was conducted to find an appropriate strength and NH4 +:NO3 – ratio of a nutrient solution for growth and development of a Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longiflora) ‘Caesar Green’, a representative leafy vegetable, grown in a home hydroponic system. In the first experiment, plants were grown using three types of nutrient solution: A commercial nutrient solution (Peters) and two strengths (GNU1 and GNU2) of a multipurpose nutrient solution (GNU solution) developed in a Gyeongsang National University lab. Plants grown with the GNU1 and GNU2 had greater shoot length, leaf length and width, and biomass yield than Peters. On the other hand, the root hairs of plants grown with Peters were short and dark in color. Tissue NH4 + content in the Peters was higher than that of the GNU1 and GNU2. The higher contents of NH4 + in this solution may have caused ammonium toxicity. In the second experiment, eight treatment solutions, combining GNU1 and GNU2 solutions with four ratios of NO3 –:NH4 + named as 1, 2, 3 and 4 were used. Both experiments showed more growth in the GNU2 group, which had a relatively low ionic strength of the nutrient solution. The growth of Romaine lettuce showed the greatest fresh weight along with low tissue NO3 – content in the GNU2-2. This was more advantageous in terms of food safety in that it suppressed the accumulation of surplus NO3 – in tissues due to the low ionic strength of the GNU2 subgroup. In addition, this is preferable in that it can reduce the absolute amount of the input of inorganic nutrients to the nutrient solution.
Background: Delivery workers repeatedly get in and out of trucks and walk or run to deliver packages during work. Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a well-known non-traumatic overuse injury of the lateral side of the knee caused by frequent knee flexion and extension. Hip muscle strength is among the factors that prevent lower extremity injuries. Although many studies have examined the relationship between ITBS and hip muscle strengths, there was no study comparing hip muscle strength and ratio between delivery workers with and without ITBS.
Objects: This study aimed to compare hip muscle strength and hip internal/external rotator and adductor/abductor strength ratios between delivery workers with and without ITBS.
Methods: Fourteen delivery workers with ITBS matched inclusion criteria in the present study among 20 participants. Because total sample size was required 28 subjects by G*power program (ver.; University of Trier), 14 delivery workers without ITBS were recruited. Hip muscle strengths were measured in a side-lying position using a Smart KEMA pulling sensor (KOREATECH Co. Ltd.). An independent t-test was used to compare hip muscle strengths and hip internal/external rotator and hip adductor/abductor strength ratios between delivery workers with and without ITBS.
Results: The adductor/abductor strength ratio was significantly greater in delivery workers without ITBS than in those with ITBS (p < 0.05). The strengths of the hip abductor, hip adductor, hip internal rotator, hip external rotator, and the ratio of internal/external rotator strengths were not significantly different between the delivery workers with and without ITBS (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: This study’s findings showed that delivery workers with ITBS had significantly lesser adductor/abductor strength ratio, while the strengths of the hip abductor and adductor muscles did not differ significantly. These results suggest that adductor/abductor strength ratio should be considered when evaluating and treating ITBS in delivery workers.
PURPOSES : The main purpose of this study is suggest of field bond strength evaluation method for more objective evaluation method through Evaluation of Bond Strength Properties with changing aspect ratio and temperature.
METHODS : The evaluation is laboratory bond strength test. Using the core machine, the pull-off test method ; the bond strength test of interface layer the universal testing machine. RESULTS: As a result of the laboratory bond strength evaluation, it was verified that the bond strength by aspect ratio decreases linearly with increasing aspect ratio and the bond strength properties by temperature change existed at high and low temperature condition relative to odinary temperature condition.
CONCLUSIONS: According to the results of laboratory bond strength evaluation, the field bond strength evaluation results suggest applying the proposed correction factor (0.8, 1.0, 1.4, 1.9) according to aspect ratio(0.5, 0.1, 1.5, 2.0), For more objective evaluation of the bond strength, it is analyzed that the evaluation value is within 6 ~ 32℃ and the result can be obtained within 5% of the coefficient of variation.
The contemporary high-tech structures have become enlarged and their functions more diversified. Steel concrete structure and composite material structures are not exceptions. Therefore, there have been on-going studies on fiber reinforcement materials to improve the characteristics of brittleness, bending and tension stress and others, the short-comings of existing concrete. In this study, the purpose is to develop the estimated model with dynamic characteristics following the steel fiber mixture rate and formation ration by using the nerve network in mixed steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC). This study took a look at the tendency of studies by collecting and analyzing the data of the advanced studies on SFRC, and facilitated it on the learning data required in the model development. In addition, by applying the diverse nerve network model and various algorithms to develop the optimal nerve network model appropriate to the dynamic characteristics. The accuracy of the developed nerve network model was compared with the experiment data value of other researchers not utilized as the learning data, the experiment data value undertaken in this study, and comparison made with the formulas proposed by the researchers. And, by analyzing the influence of learning data of nerve network model on the estimation result, the sensitivity of the forecasting system on the learning data of the nerve network is analyzed.
본 연구는 철골 모멘트 골조의 이력거동을 잘 나타내는 강도한계 이선형 단자유도 시스템에 대하여 지반조건, 후탄성 기울기, 감쇠비, 항복강도 저감계수, 고유주기 등의 변화가 비탄성변위비에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. NEHRP의 기준에 따라 B(보통암지반), C(매우 조밀한 토사지반), D(단단한 토사지반)의 지반조건에 해당하는 총 240개의 지진 가속도에 대하여 비선형 시간이력 해석을 수행하였다. 본 연구에서는 비탄성 거동 하에서 P-\Delta 효과를 반영할 수 있도록 음강성비를 -0.1 에서 -0.5까지 고려하였다. 비선형 회귀분석을 통하여 감쇠비 2%, 5%, 10%, 20%에 대한 강도한계 이선형 모델의 비탄성 변위비와 로그표준편차식을 제안하였다.
횡하중을 받는 RC 기둥의 전단강도는 기둥의 변위연성도가 증가함에 따라 감소하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 연성도의 증가에 따른 전단강도의 감소율은 초기전단강도에 따라 크게 좌우되므로 이를 합리적으로 예측하기 위해서는 초기전단강도의 평가가 매우 중요하다. 기둥의 전단거동은 단면모양, 형상비, 축력, 축방향철근비, 연성도 등 다양한 요인에 의하여 영향을 받아 복잡하다. 본 연구에서는 형상비, 단면의 중공비, 축방향철근비, 중공 및 중실단면을 변수로 하는 시험체를 제작하여 실험적 연구를 수행하여 전단거동특성을 살펴보았다. 또한, 축방향철근이 전단강도에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 형상비와 축력을 고려한 기존의 초기전단평가식을 보완하였으며, 그 타당성을 검증하였다.
최근, 교량교각과 같은 기둥구조물의 사용성능을 향상시킴과 동시에 복잡한 도심지 내 효율적 공간활용을 위해 콘크리트 충전강관(CFT: concrete-filled steel tube)의 적용이 점차 증가하고 있다. 이러한 기둥구조물의 정확한 설계를 위해서는 재료 및 기하학적 특성에 따른 콘크리트 충전강관 기둥의 거동에 관한 실험적 연구가 요구된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 압축강도실험을 통하여 외경-두께비 (D/t) 및 강재-콘크리트 단면적비 (As/Ac)에 따른 콘크리트 충전강관 기둥의 극한강도 분포특성에 대해 명확히 파악하였다. 또한 콘크리트 배합강도에 따른 콘크리트 충전강관 기둥의 극한강도 분포특성을 실험을 통하여 명확히 파악하였다. 실험결과의 고찰을 통하여 압축하중을 받는 콘크리트 충전강관 기둥의 극한강도는 콘크리트 강도보다 강과의 단면특성에 주로 의존함을 알 수 있었다.
Diamond segments were fabricated by cold pressing and sintering under pressure at the temperature up to . Based on the results of this investigation, it can be concluded that the segments containing 39wt.% cobalt in the matrix material have the highest bending strength at a fracture probability of 50 % due to the weibull distribution method. According to the weibull statistics, it was also determined that the transverse rupture strength was the best for 39 wt.% cobalt ratio in the matrix material for the fracture probability when the other variables are the same.
The purpose of this study was to examine the isokinetic moment of quadriceps and hamstring strength ratio among women of different ages. The study population consisted of 1,184 women referred to the Health Promotion Center at the S district. All subjects were aged 20 to 69 years old and divided into 5 groups; 20s (n=248), 30s (n=255), 40s (n=248), 50s (n=228), and 60s (n=205). The strength of the knee extensor and flexor, quadriceps, and hamstring of all the participants were assessed at 60 degrees/second with an isokinetic machine. We calculated the peak torque, peak torque %BW (%Body Weight), deficit of peak torque and hamstring/quadriceps ratio of the knee. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA to investigate statistical differences in strength variation between different age groups and were computed by ⊿% difference from women in their 20's. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Peak torque of the knee extensor, quadriceps, were significantly reduced in women older than 30, but peak torque of the knee flexor, hamstring, were significantly reduced in women older than 50 compared to women in their 20's. (p<.05). 2. Peak torque %BW of the knee extensor, quadriceps, were significantly reduced in women older than 20, but peak torque %BW of knee flexor, hamstring, were significantly reduced in women older than 40 compared to women in their 30's (p<.05). 3. Compared to the women in their 20's, there was no significant difference among any of the age groups in the deficit of peak torque of the knee extensor and flexor, but the deficit of peak torque of knee extensor among women between 30 and 50showed significant difference within the normal range of deficit. 4. Compared to the women in their 20's, there was no significant difference among any of the age groups in the hamstring/quadriceps ratio These results showed that peak torque, peak torque %BW, deficit of peak torque, and hamstring/quadriceps ratio of the knee were reduced in each age group, but especially among the women over 50. Further longitudinal study may be needed to see if volume of muscle mass and intervention of exercise affect knee strength in spite of aging.
건설폐기물로부터 선별된 재생골재의 사용은 천연자원이 부족한 현실에 있어 많은 기회를 제공한다. 전 세계적으로 한정된 천연자원은 고갈되어가고 있으며 골재의 장거리 수송은 낮은 가격의 재생골재를 사용하는 것보다 더 비경제적 일 수 있다. 연간 한국에서 대략 7백만톤의 폐콘크리트가 발생하지만 이중 대략 2-3백만 정도만 재활용되고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 폐콘크리트로부터 얻어진 재생골재를 이용하는 방법에 대해서 제시하고자 한다. 재생콘크리트는 압축강도, 휨강도, 피로시험을 위해 w/c 40, 50, 60%에 대하여 제작했으며, 혼화재로는 플라이애쉬 (15%)를 사용하였다. 천연골재에 대한 재생골재의 대체율은 0, 25, 50%로 하였다. 이 연구의 목적은 재생골재 콘크리트의 피로수면과 천연골재 콘크리트의 피로수명을 비교하는데 있다. 본 연구를 통해 재생골재 콘크리트의 피로수명은 천연골재에 대한 재생골재의 대체율과 w/c에 상관성이 있음을 알 수 있었다.
The quadriceps-angle (Q-angle) and the ratio of hamstring/quadriceps (H/Q) are important for the stability of the knee and for protection from excessive stress. The aim of this study was to examine the association between Q-angle and H/Q ratio with and without knee osteoarthritis. We compared knee osteoarthritis patients with symptom-free women. The mean age of the patients in the arthritis group (25 women, osteoarthritis) was 59.7 years. The non-arthritis group consisted of 25 women with a mean age of 55.2 years. Of the 25 women with osteoarthritis, 5 had the condition in their left knee, 5 had it in their right knee, and 15 had it on both sides. There was no significant difference in the knee Q-angle of the left and right knees of the arthritis group and the non-arthritis-group (p>.05). The strength of all the muscles around the involved right knee in the arthritis group was significantly weaker than that of the non-arthritis group (p<.05). However, in the left knee, only the strength of the knee extensors and internal rotators was significantly weaker than that of the non-arthritis group (p<.05). The Q-angle was not associated with the H/Q ratio and internal rotators/external rotators ratio of the involved knee in the arthritis group (p>.05). Neither was the Q-angle associated with the pain level of an involved knee in the arthritis group (p>.05). The knee pain was not associated with the H/Q ratio of the involved knee in the arthritis group (p>.05). The Q-angle was not associated with the ratio of H/Q and pain level of the involved knee in the osteoarthritis women.
산업부산물을 활용하여 친환경적인 재자원화를 도모하고 화재에 대비한 콘크리트의 내화성능 및 폭열을 방지하고자 산업부산물(플라이애시, 고로슬래그 미분말)과 섬유(PVA섬유, 강섬유)를 혼입한 내화모르타르의 압축강도 잔존률을 비교분석하여 내화모르타의 역학적 특성을 파악하고, 내화소재 개발에 대한 기초적인 자료로 활용하고자 한다.