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        검색결과 13,655

        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated the Protaetia brevitarsis larvae powder’s characteristic changes using hot air drying (60±2.5oC, 12 h) with different pre-treatment methods, including two sacrifice methods, two storage temperatures, and two defatting processes. Appearance, yield, moisture contents, pH, color, proximate analysis, volatile basic nitrogen level, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and total phenol content were assessed. Results revealed that a combination of blanching, defatting, and -20oC storage temperature resulted in higher total phenol contents, lower water contents, and lower volatile basic nitrogen levels than other methods. Defatted treatment resulted in a higher L-value than the non-defatted treatment. Taken together, these results indicate that a combination of -20oC storage, blanching, and defatting is the optimal pre-treatment method for obtaining P. brevitarsis larvae powder with high total phenol content, low water content, and low volatile basic nitrogen, taking into account cost efficiency considerations.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        자연발화 현상은 산업현장 또는 우리 생활 속 어디에서나 발생하며 물질이 대기 중에서 점 화원 없이 스스로 발화되는 현상이다. 화학반응 속도가 빨라져 발생하는 열이 증가하게 되어 자연발화의 위험성은 더욱 커진다. 본 연구에서는 식품과 화장품 소재로 이용되는 안전한 원료를 배합하여 다양한 자연발화 현상 중 특히 석탄 자연발화 방지제를 제조하였다. 인도네시아산 저열량, 저급탄에 대한 Lab 과 Field Test를 통하여 석탄 자연발화 억제 효과를 확인하였다. 옥외 현장 테스트 결과, 비교군(90일 후 발화)에 비하여 본 연구에서 제조한 발화방지제는 120일 이상 우수한 자연 발화억제 효과를 나타내었으 며 실내저탄장에서 50일 동안의 CO의 농도변화를 비교하여 CO 농도 제어 효과를 확인하였다. 비교군 인 석탄, 기존의 발화 방지 방법보다 우수한 결과를 확인하였다. 또한, 환경을 고려한 토양 및 수질 시 험, 작업 근로자를 고려한 발화방지제의 MSDS, 수질, 안 자극 등의 공인시험을 통하여 환경과 근로자 작업환경의 안전성 등을 연구하여 2024년부터 적용되는 실내저탄장용 석탄 발화방지제의 가능성을 확인 할 수 있었다.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper was to analyze domestic patents for food using edible insects. From January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2021, patents filed with the Korean Intellectual Property Office were searched, and a total of 242 valid patents were selected. The trend of Korean patent applications for edible insect food has increased since 2015, with 57 cases (the highest number) in 2017. As for the edible insects used in food, Bombyx mori L. were the most common with 127 cases, followed by Tenebrio molitor L. with 118 cases. By type of applicant, individuals accounted for the most, with 132 cases. As a result of grouping patents by food classification, 67 cases of edible insects were used in snacks, breads, and rice cakes. As a result of patent analysis, an effort was made to supplement insufficient nutrients by adding nutritionally excellent edible insects to existing foods, and efforts were made to improve the sensory properties of insect foods. It is expected that this study will contribute to establishing future R&D directions and patent application strategies related to edible insect food.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study identifies the perceptions and choice attributes toward plant-based foods and identifies the differences between vegetarians and omnivores. We conducted an online survey of 245 vegetarians and 246 omnivores. The results reveal a significant difference between vegetarians and omnivores. Compared to omnivores, vegetarians perceived that plant-based food products would be ‘good taste’, ‘animal-friendly’, and ‘consistent with their personal value’. Omnivore scores were higher in the perception that it would be ‘good for health’ and ‘environment-friendly’. No statistically significant difference was obtained between both diet groups when considering the factor of nutrition. When considering choice as an attribute for plant-based food products, vegetarians responded that ‘ingredients’ were the most important, while omnivores responded that ‘taste’ was the most important. These results can be used as basic data for developing and promoting plantbased food products in South Korea.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Known for its effectiveness in weight loss and diabetes prevention, Gymnema sylvestre products can be found in the US, Japanese, and Indian markets. However, the recommended dosage or safety of these products has not yet been proven. Therefore, development of an analytical method for detecting the content of Gymnema sylvestre in food products is required. Accordingly, this study proposes an analysis method that can examine Gymnema sylvestre in food using LC-ESI-MS/MS and KASP (Kompetitive Allele-Specific PCR) markers. In LC-ESI-MS/MS, a simultaneous analysis method for gymnemic acid and deacylgymnemic acid was optimized using negative ionization mode, and its validation test was completed for solid and liquid samples. In addition, KASP markers were prepared by finding the specific SNP of G. sylvestre in ITS2 and matK through DNA barcodes. The two KASP markers returned positive FAM fluorescence result when combined with G. sylvestre, and this aspect was confirmed in raw G. sylvestre as well. The applicability of the method was tested on 21 different food and healthy functional products containing G. sylvestre purchased on the internet. As a result, although there was a difference in the ratios of gymnemic acid and deacylgymnemic acid in LC-ESI-MS/MS, the index component was detected in all 21 products samples. In the KASP analysis, 9 products returned positive FAM result, and the rest of the products were found to be containing G. sylvestre extract. This study is the first study to use the dual system of LC-ESI-MS/MS and KASP for the analysis of G. sylvestre. The study has confirmed that these two methods are applicable to the examine G. sylvestre content in food products.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to explore the marketability by developing a fresh HMR product for improving hyperlipidemia and dieting for elderly chronic disease patients and young people pursuing healthy beauty. The diet menu increased the ratio of fresh vegetables and mushrooms, and chicken breast and cheese were used as protein sources. By using whole grains, the supply of vitamins and minerals was strengthened while minimizing calories. Regarding the recipe, the diet menu was mainly prepared in the form of salads, risotto, and pasta. In the hyperlipidemia improvement menu, the proportion of fresh vegetables was increased, and as protein sources, pork shank, tofu, seafood, etc. with minimal fat were used. As a carbohydrate source, whole grains were mainly used to minimize calories while strengthening the supply of vitamins and minerals. In the recipe, it was prepared in the form of steamed or bibim-myeon, and it was also produced in a form such as paella. As a result, the developed menu was analyzed as low-calorie and evenly comprised of essential nutrients, which can satisfy palatability and nutrition.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess consumption and satisfaction with fresh-cut produce in Korean adults. In this study, an online survey November 9~13, 2020 was conducted with 982 Korean adults age 19~64 (490 males and 492 females) with experience in purchasing fresh-cut produce in the past year. Among all respondents, the percentage with experience in buying ‘washed or peeled vegetables’ was the highest (71.18%), followed by those in buying ‘packaged salads/sprouts/ssam vegetables’ (64.15%), ‘pre-cut fruits/fruit cups’ (59.98%), ‘pre-cut or minced vegetables’ (56.01%), and ‘washed or peeled fruits’ (53.67%), respectively. Among the types of fresh-cut produce, ‘packaged salads/sprouts/ssam vegetables’ showed the highest satisfaction score at 3.73 pts, and the overall satisfaction score of fresh-cut produce consumption was also 3.73 pts. Compared to male respondents, female respondents showed a significantly higher percentage of respondents that purchased ‘packaged salads/sprouts/ssam vegetables’ (p=0.0409), significantly higher satisfaction scores (p=0.0124), and a higher percentage of respondents considering ‘freshness’ important when purchasing (p<0.0001). Additionally, the group with high household income comprised a significantly higher ratio of respondents considering ‘eco-friendly or organic status’ important. The study results may facilitate identify areas for improvement of fresh-cut produce in the future.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Comparing the quality characteristics of kimchi were measured and anticancer effects using AGS human gastric cancer cells were observed. Five kinds of kimchi samples were made of Kanghwa Baek kimchi (KB), Kangwha Turnip kimchi (KT), Turnip: Chinese cabbage = 1:1 Baek kimchi (T1B1), Turnip:Chinese cabbage = 4:1 Baek kimchi (T4B1), Turnip mul kimchi (T). As a result T kimchi showed the best fermentation characteristics among the five samples. T kimchi had a lower percentage of the total number of aerobic bacteria, while the number of lactobacillus was higher than that of other samples. The mRNA and protein expression levels of apoptosis-related factors found that T kimchi significantly increases the mRNA expression levels of caspases-3 and caspases-9 in AGS human gastric cancer cells as compared to the other kimchi samples. It showed high anticancer effects in the order of T, T1B1, and KB kimchi. As the anticancer effect of Turnip mul kimchi made only of turnip was higher, the higher the turnip content, the higher the anticancer effect. These results show that there were changes in fermentation characteristics such as pH, acidity, number of lactic acid bacteria, and anticancer effects according to the ratio of turnip and cabbage.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the anti-inflammatory effect of Chung-Dae Indigo Pulverata Levis, indigo naturalis) produced during indigo dyeing. As a result of in vitro cytotoxicity experiments using RAW 264.7 cell, Chung-Dae extract did not inhibit cell proliferation in Raw 264.7 cells in the range of 1~32 μg/mL. NO production was significantly reduced when Chung-Dae extracts were treated at concentrations of 2, 8, and 32 μg/mL (p<0.05). The pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β and IFN-γ significantly decreased when the Chung-Dae extract was treated at concentrations of 2, 8, and 32 μg/mL compared to the LPS group, and similarly, the TNFα and IL-6 mRNA levels also decreased. Additionally, the mRNA level of COX-2 was also suppressed. At the protein expression level, the expression of TNF-α, IL-6, iNOS and COX-2 were observed with LPS and Chung-Dae extract significantly decreased compared to the group treated with only LPS (p<0.05). From the above results, it shows that Chung-Dae extract, a plant-derived compound, inhibits the inflammatory response induced by LPS in RAW 264.7 cells. and in particular, regulates the inflammatory response by inhibiting the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and inflammation-related enzymes.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a comparative dissolution experiment was conducted between an immediate-release and a controlled-release vitamin C tablet applied with a technology to control the dissolution of vitamin C to maintain the vitamin C level in the human body. In order to confirm the dissolution rate (%) of vitamin C tablets, HPLC determination was conducted based on the dissolution test methods in the ‘Korean Pharmacopoeia (No. 2020-88),’ ‘Guidelines on Specifications of Dissolution Tests for Oral dosage Forms,’ and ‘Standard and Specifications for Health Functional Foods (No. 2020-63)’ from Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS). In addition, the dissolution pattern between the immediate-release tablet and the controlled-release tablet was comparatively analyzed. The analysis result confirmed that the immediate-release vitamin C tablet was 100% dissolved after 45 minutes, while the controlled- release vitamin C tablet was 100% dissolved after 480 minutes (8 hours). Furthermore, the dissolution rate (%) at 60 minutes was slower than that of the immediate-release vitamin C tablet. Based on these results, this study confirmed that the dissolution rate (%) test and development of controlled-release tablets containing vitamin C as the main component a re possible.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A number of studies have been conducted to confirm the preventive effect of xylitol on dental caries as a whole or partial alternative to dietary sugars. This study reviewed the oral health effects of xylitol on the prevention mechanism of dental caries, the prevention of dental caries, the inhibition of mother-to-child transmission, and the oral health effects in the elderly based on existing studies on the oral health of xylitol. Carbohydrates and dietary sugars in food are fermented by acid-producing microorganisms in the mouth and produce dental plaque and acid, which cause dental caries. However, most dental decay-causing bacteria cannot produce acids by metabolizing xylitol. Xylitol, stored in cells as a non-metabolizable metabolite by Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), affects bacterial glucose metabolism and inhibits bacterial growth. Xylitol consumption also reduces the amount of plaque and the population of S. mutans in both plaque and saliva. In addition, xylitol acts in the remineralization process. Xylitol has been confirmed to effectively prevent dental caries, inhibit mother-to-child transmission of MS, prevent dental caries, and increase salivary flow in the elderly. In conclusion, xylitol is an adequate sugar substitute for dental health, from infants to the elderly. For future studies, the researchers recommend reviewing the effects of xylitol on the oral and intestinal microbial environment and the side effects of excessive intake.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the quality characteristics of byeolmijang prepared several roasted whole grain powders (oat, brown rice, black soybean, corn) for eight weeks. As the fermentation progressed, the pH decreased from 6.10~6.12 to 4.48~4.92 and the total acidity increased dramatically from 0.41~0.48% to 1.67~2.24%. There were no differences in the moisture content. The content of reducing sugar decreased, in particular, brown rice sample(C) decreased significantly than the other samples during fermentation. In color, L and b-value decreased all samples, whereas a-value showed a tendency to slightly increase. The total cell counts and lactic acid bacteria revealed an increasing tendency during fermentation. In case of the amino-type nitrogen contents, it increased significantly during the fermentation period, especially control sample (A) showed the highest content significantly. The total polyphenol of all samples increased in the fermentation period. ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activities also increased, especially corn sample (E) had the highest levels. In by electronic tongue analysis, corn sample (E) revealed higher umami and sourness than the control. So, by adding roasted corn powder, it can enhance function and taste of byeolmijang.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is one of gram-positive foodborne pathogens with a very high fatality rate. Unlike most foodborne pathogens, L. monocytogenes is capable of growing at low temperatures, such as in refrigerated foods. Thus, various physical and chemical prevention methods are used in the manufacturing, processing and distribution of food. However, there are limitations to the methods such as possible changes to the food quality and the consumer awareness of synthetic preservatives. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-listeria activity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from kimchi and characterize the bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis which is one of isolated strains from kimchi. The analysis on the anti-listeria activity of a total of 36 species (Lactobacillus, Weissella, Lactobacillus, and Lactococcus) isolated from kimchi by the agar overlay method revealed that L. lactis NJ 1-10 and NJ 1-16 had the highest anti-listeria activity. For quantitatively analysis on the anti-listeria activity, NJ 1-10 and NJ 1-16 were co-cultured with L. monocytogenes in Brain Heat Infusion (BHI) broth, respectively. As a result, L. monocytogenes was reduced by 3.0 log CFU/mL in 20 h, lowering the number of bacteria to below the detection limit. Both LAB strains showed anti-listeria activity against 24 serotypes of L. monocytogenes, although the sizes of clear zone was slightly different. No clear zone was observed when the supernatants of both LAB cultures were treated with proteinase- K, indicating that their anti-listerial activities might be due to the production of bacteriocins. Heat stability of the partially purified bacteriocins of NJ 1-10 and NJ 1-16 was relatively stable at 60oC and 80oC. Yet, their anti-listeria activities were completely lost by 60 min of treatment at 100oC and 15 min of treatment at 121oC. The analysis on the pH stability showed that their anti-listeria activities were the most stable at pH 4.01, and decreased with the increasing pH value, yet, was not completely lost. Partially purified bacteriocins showed relatively stable anti-listeria activities in acetone, ethanol, and methanol, but their activities were reduced after chloroform treatment, yet was not completely lost. Conclusively, this study revealed that the bacteriocins produced by NJ 1-10 and NJ 1-16 effectively reduced L. monocytogenes, and that they were relatively stable against heat, pH, and organic solvents, therefore implying their potential as a natural antibacterial substance for controlling L. monocytogenes in food.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compared and analyzed the antioxidant effect of Doenjang prepared from vegetable water, and explored the optimal addition ratio of vegetables of 5 kinds and the possibility of application to Doenjang. The sample is three kinds of vegetable water (VW1, VW2, VW3) prepared by adding different ratios of radish, carrot, green onion, onion and shiitake mushroom and Denjang prepared using it. Doenjang was aged and fermented at about 40°C for 40 days, and then separated and used only solids. The content of their antioxidant compounds was measured the content of total phenolic acid contents and total flavonoid contents. In addition, the antioxidant effect was measured by electron donating activity, SOD-like activity, ABTs radical scavenging activity and reducing power. The total phenolic acid contents and total flavonoid contents were high at VW3 and that Doenjang made with VW3. Electron donating activity and SOD-liked activity were high at VW2 and Doenjang made with VW2. ABTs radical scavenging activity was high in Doenjang made of VW3, and Reducing power was high in VW3. Therefore, if Doenjang is prepared with vegetable water prepared by properly mixing 5 types of vegetables, the possibility of developing Doenjang with high antioxidant effect was suggested.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The antioxidant effects by pre-treatment of Hutgae fruit water and ethanol (30°, Soju) extract on refrigerated eels were analyzed. The antioxidant activities were measured through DPPH and ABTS scavenging effect, values of acidity, peroxide, carbonyl, and TBA. The peroxide prevention effects of linoleic acid and eel oil were also assessed. Regarding DPPH radical scavenging, Hutgae ethanol extract presented higher scavenging effects than vitamin C 5 mM solution (p<0.05). The eel’s peroxidation degree was measured through 21 days of refrigeration after cleaning and immersion into the extract solution for one hour. Upon measuring the values of four different peroxide indicators, those of eels pre-treated with Hutgae extracts were lower than those of eels untreated. The POV of Hutgae ethanol extract, vitamin C 5 mM, and the control was 11.1, 11.3, 15.5 meq/kg, respectively. Hutgae ethanol extract showed higher antioxidant activities in TBA value, and carbonyl value than other samples. In linoleic acid or eel oil, Hutgae extract was as superiorly effective in preventing peroxide generation of refrigerated eels as vitamin C 10 mM solution. In conclusion, pre-application of Hutgae water and ethanol (30°, Soju) extract on eels was proved to be competent in stopping peroxidation of eel in refrigeration.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the purchase of fresh-cut produce and meal kits has increased. Ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh-cut products have potentially hazard of cross-contamination of various microorganisms in the processes of peeling, slicing, dicing, and shredding. There are frequent cases of protozoa food poisoning, such as Cyclospora and Cryptosporidium, caused by fresh-cut products. The objective of the study is to investigate the microbiological qualities of various types of RTE fresh-cut products in the domestic on/offline markets. RTE fresh-cut fruits cup (n=100), fresh-cut vegetables (n=50), and vegetables in meal kits (Vietnamese spring rolls and white radish rolls kits, n=50) were seasonally analyzed. The contamination levels of hygienic indicator organisms, yeast and mold (YM), and foodborne pathogens (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli O157:H7) were monitored. Overall, the lowest microbiological qualities of meal kits vegetables were observed, followed by RTE fresh-cut fruits cup and fresh-cut vegetables. Contamination levels of total aerobic bacteria, coliforms, and YM in meal kits vegetables were 5.91, 3.90, and 4.71 logs CFU/g, respectively. From the qualitative analysis, 6 out of 200 RTE fresh-cut products (3%) returned positive result for S. aureus. From the quantitative analysis, the contamination levels of S. aureus in purple cabbage from a meal-kit and fresh-cut pineapple were below the acceptable limit (100 CFU/g). Staphylococcus enterotoxin seg and sei genes were detected in RTE fresh-cut celery and red cabbage from meal-kits, respectively. S. aureus contamination must be carefully controlled during the manufacturing processes of RTE fresh-cut products. Neither Cyclospora cayetanensis nor Cryptosporidium parvum was detected in the samples of RTE fresh-cut products and vegetables from meal-kits from the Korean retail markets.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the microbiological and physicochemical changes on packaged tofu stored at temperatures of 5, 13, 23, and 30oC, and measure the consumable period from the expiry date to ultimately evaluate the microbiological safety on the extension of the consumable period. From the investigation, the pH value of tofu at each storage temperature (5, 13, and 23oC) showed a slight decrease over the storage period, although there was no significant change. The hardness of packaged tofu decreased more rapidly as temperature and storage time increased and the tofu started to show signs of decomposition at the same time. Analysis on the microbial change of tofu at different storage temperature revealed that the number of general bacteria also increased as the temperature increased. It was further found that packaged tofu takes 25 days at 5oC, 7 days at 13oC, and 1 day at 23oC from the expiry date until the general bacteria count is at least at the early decomposition level which is 10oC log CFU/g. However, no coliform bacteria was detected from tofu after storing at 5, 13 and 23oC. When packaged tofu was stored at 5oC, the L value changed significantly after 26 days, whereas the a and b values showed no significant change during the storage period (P>0.05). When storing tofu at 13oC and 23oC the L value decreased after 8 and 3 days, respectively. However, both a and b values increased (P<0.05).
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify nutrition quotient for elderly (NQ-E) and to investigate factors affecting NQ-E of the elderly using welfare center and senior citizen’s center in Changwon city. A self-administered questionnaire was conducted between June 2021 and early August 2021 for 320 elderly (≥65 years, male, n=52, female, n=268). As a result of the survey, the mean NQ-E score was 61.12, which was within the medium-high grade. The scores of balance, moderation, and dietary behavior factors were within the medium-high grade, while diversity factor was within the medium-low grade. According to the results of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis, NQ-E showed positive correlations with the ‘with family’ (p<0.01), ‘education level’ (p<0.01), ‘health functional foods consumption’ (p<0.01), ‘monthly household income’ (p<0.05), ‘nutrition education experience’ (p<0.05), ‘reading nutrition labeling of health functional foods’ (p<0.01), ‘perception of the efficacy of health functional foods’ (p<0.01), and ‘the number of times of leisure activities per week’ (p<0.01) and negative correlations with the ‘gender’ (p<0.05), ‘age’ (p<0.01), ‘smoking’ (p<0.05), and ‘social frailty’ (p<0.01). As a result of multiple regression analysis, ‘gender’ (p<0.05), ‘perception of the efficacy of health functional foods’ (p<0.05), ‘the number of times of leisure activities per week’ (p<0.05), and ‘social frailty’ (p<0.05) were found to be factors affecting NQ-E. Based on the results of this study, customized services by characteristic, nutrition education, and counseling for the elderly should be implemented and the development of various programs and continuous support of the community are necessary so that the elderly can carry out social exchange.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to monitor the pesticide residues in frozen fruits and vegetables distributed and sold in online and offline markets in Korea. For the study, 107 samples of 34 types of frozen fruits and vegetables were examined, and a total of 341 pesticide residues were analyzed by using multiclass pesticide multiresidue methods of the Korean Food Code. As a result, pesticide residues were detected from 16 of 64 frozen fruits samples and 15 of 43 frozen vegetables samples. Conclusively, residues were detected from 31 samples in total, showing a detection rate of 29.0%. Specifically, pyridaben exceeded the Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) based on the Positive list system (PLS) in one of the frozen radish leaves, and the violation rate was 0.9%. Detection on frozen fruits and vegetables was made 23 times for 11 types and 36 times for 21 types. In total, 28 types of pesticide residues were detected 59 times. Fungicides were detected the most in frozen fruits, while insecticides were detected the most in frozen vegetables. The most detected pesticides were the insecticide, acaricide chlorfenapyr (5) and the fungicide boscalid (5). Chlorfenapyr was detected only in frozen vegetables, and boscalid was detected in frozen fruits except one.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the distribution of toxin genes and antimicrobial resistance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood in Gwangju. A total of 335 seafood, including 163 shellfish, 97 fish, and 36 mollusk, were tested in this study. As a result, V. parahaemolyticus was detected in 123 (36.7%) of 335 seafood. The tdh gene was not detected in all strains, while the trh gene was detected in 3 strains (2.4%). According to antimicrobial susceptibility test, 116 strains (94.3%) represent resistance to ampicillin, and 1 strain (0.8%) represents resistance to trimethoprim/sulfametoxazole. However, all strains were sensitive to 9 antimicrobial agents, including amikacin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, and more. Therefore, the risk of V. parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood in Gwangju is considered low, but continuous monitoring of V. parahaemolyticus in seafood is required.