
한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집

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한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 (2024년 4월) 340

2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Xenorhabdus와 Photorhabdus 속은 각각 곤충병원성 선충인 Steinernema와 Heterorhabditis에 공생하는 공생세 균이다. 감염성 선충의 유충은 공생세균을 표적 곤충의 혈강에 전달하고, 여기서 세균이 증식하여 숙주 선충의 발달을 돕는다. 이러한 선충과 세균 복합체의 성공적 공생관계는 세균의 이차대사산물을 통한 숙주의 면역억제 에 달려져 있다고 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 서로 다른 살충력을 보이는 6종의 Xenorhabdus를 확보하고 이러한 차이가 세균의 성장속도와 NRPS (Non ribosomal peptide synthease)에 의해 생성되는 세균의 이차대사산물 발현에 서 기원한다는 것을 확인하였다. 서로 다른 균주들은 콩명나방 (Tenebrio molitor)에 대한 살충력에 차이를 가지고 있었다. 이러한 세균들은 TSB 배지에서는 세균 성장 속도에 차이가 존재하지 않았지만 콩명나방 혈강 내에서는 세균의 성장 속도에 차이가 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 각 세균의 이차대사산물 추출물을 통한 곤충의 면역 억제 실험 결과 PLA2 활성 억제, 세포독성 능력들이 살충력과 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 이차대 사산물의 경우 많은 물질이NRPS (Non ribosomal peptide synthease)에 의해 생성되므로 각 세균 별 NRPS의 유전자 발현을 보았을 때 흥미롭게도 살충력이 더 높은 스트레인의 세균이 일부 NRPS 유전자의 발현이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. NRPS에 의해 합성되는 물질을 포함한 세균의 이차대사산물의 차이를 서로 비교하기 위하여 이차대사 산물 추출액을 GC-MS/MS를 이용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통해 곤충병원세균에 살충력의 기원이 NRPS를 통해 합성되는 이차대사산물에 있다는 것을 확인하였으며 이를 이용한 다양한 NRPS 유래 물질 연구는 신규 살충 물질 개발에 들어가는 비용과 시간을 획기적으로 줄일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In vertebrates, it is well documented that the parental consumption of high-fat diet increases the risk of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in offspring. While insects have long been used as popular study organisms in various biological research, few studies have explored how the nutritional quality of parental diet affects offspring behavioral phenotypes associated with ADHD in insects. Here we used the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae), as a study organism to test the effect of parental high-fat diet on offspring hyperactivity, impulsivity, and diffuse attention, which are widely held as the three core symptoms of ADHD in vertebrates. Peanut was used as the high-fat diet while soybean was the control. Parental high-fat diet consumption induced hyperactivity in R. pedestris offspring. Compared to the controls, the hyperactive offspring of parents fed on high-fat diet were behaviorally more impulsive and less attentive, as they were found to be highly attracted to visual stimuli but losing attention easily. Collectively, these results provide the experimental evidence that the parental consumption of high-fat diet results in increased hyperactivity, impulsivity, and diffuse attention in an insect. This study implies that the well-known association between parental high-fat diet and offspring ADHD is conserved across the tree of life and opens up the new horizons that insects can arise as novel and feasible models for studying the mechanism and evolution of this common neurodevelopmental disorder in humans.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
전 세계적으로 RNA 간섭(RNA interference, RNAi)을 활용한 해충방제제 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 대표적 으로 Monsanto의 서부 옥수수 뿌리벌레(Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) 특이적 방제용 dsRNA (DvSNF7)를 발현하 는 옥수수 종자가 상용화 되었고, 2016년 이 종자가 국내 사료 및 식품용으로 수입이 승인 되었다. 본 연구는 국내 에 서식하는 좁은가슴잎벌레(Phaedon brassicae)를 Non-target 곤충으로 사용하여, 옥수수 종자에 사용된 DvSNF7 dsRNA의 잠재적 위해성을 평가했다. P. brassicae의 SNF7 유전자와 DvSNF7 dsRNA 간 Sequence유사성 을 확인했다. 다음으로 P. brassicae가 DvSNF7 dsRNA를 섭식할 수 있는 환경을 조성하여, 치사 효과 실험과 Sequence특이적인 Knockdown효과를 확인하였다. 그 결과, DvSNF7 dsRNA는 P. brassicae생존에 영향을 미치지 않았으며, P. brassicae의 SNF7유전자를 Knockdown시키지 않음을 확인했다. 이번 연구를 통해 D. virgifera virgifera와 같은 과인 P. brassicae 는 SNF7유전자 간 Sequence유사성이 있지만, Sequence특이성이 부족하여 생존과 유전자 발현에 영향을 주지 않음으로써 위해성이 낮음을 확인했다.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
귀뚜라미는 단백질 함량이 높고 필수아미노산이 풍부하여 세계적으로 식용과 사료용 곤충으로서 가치가 높 다. 국내에서 쌍별귀뚜라미(Gryllus bimaculatus)는 사육이 용이하다는 장점이 있고 주로 파충류, 물고기 등의 사료로 대량 소비되고 있기 때문에 매우 중요한 산업곤충으로 자리매김하고 있다. 그러나 최근 쌍별귀뚜라미의 활동성이 저하되고 다리가 마비되는 등 이상 증상이 발생하여 대량 폐사된 농가가 급증하였다. 이에 대한 원인을 규명하기 위해 질병 발생 농가로부터 귀뚜라미 시료를 수집하여 RNA를 추출하고 metatranscriptomic analysis 를 수행하였다. 그 결과, 신규한 덴소바이러스(Densovirus)가 대량 폐사의 원인임을 밝혀내었고, 이 바이러스를 Gryllus bimaculatus densovirus (GbDV)로 명명하였다. 또한, GbDV의 유전체 분석 결과, genome size는 5,643 bp로 5개의 ORFs(Open Reading Frames)을 포함하며, 왼쪽에는 세 개의 Non-structural proteins을 포함하는 유전자(NS1, NS2, NS3)가 존재했고 오른쪽에는 두 개의 Structural proteins을 포함하는 유전자(VP1, VP2)가 존재했다. 본 연구 는 알 수 없는 곤충 질병의 원인을 밝혀내어 해당 질병에 대한 모니터링을 가능케 함으로써 산업곤충 질병의 예찰하고 확산을 방지하는 데 기여할 것으로 사료된다.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
RNA interference (RNAi) has been applied to control insect pests using gene silencing machinery in which small interfering RNA derived from dsRNA specifically degrades target mRNA. This study optimized dsRNA insecticide specific to thrips infecting hot peppers. Among potent candidate target genes, vATPase B was chosen because its RNAi was highly efficient as much as Snf7, a well-known RNAi target gene. Although RNAi specific vATPase B is lethal to Frankliniella occidentalis, it was not much effective to control other thrips species such as F. intonsa and Thrips tabaci. To expand its target spectrum, we devised a mixture treatment of dsRNA specific to individual species. As expected, each dsRNA was highly efficient in a species-specific manner. This supported the hypothesis of 21mer identity for the efficient RNAi. However, the dsRNA mixture efficiently killed the three thrips species in a crop field. To further expand its spectrum to the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, we applied virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) to produce dsRNA in the hot peppers using Tobacco Rattle Virus. VIGS successfully suppressed control gene. dsRNA produced by VIGS gave significnat mortality to B. tabaci in addition to the thrips. These results suggest a technique to expand dsRNA insecticide spectrum using a mixture treatment and VIGS in insect pest control_.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Although insects lack the adaptive immunity characteristic of vertebrates, certain species exhibit enhanced subsequent immune responses upon re-encountering a pathogen, a phenomenon known as immune priming. The underlying mechanism of this phenomenon is still elusive. This study evaluated the immune priming of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, induced by a nonpathogenic and commensal bacterium, Bacillus subtilis. Prior exposure of P. xylostella to B. subtilis significantly increased survival against a pathogenic bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, compared to larvae without pre-exposure. To extend the effect of the microbial commensals, two antibiotics, ampicillin and kanamycin, were treated to suppress their populations. In the axenic-like condition in the gut, cellular and humoral immune responses were significantly suppressed. An addition of B. subtilis to the diet of P. xylostella significantly enhanced the immune responses. Apolipoprotein D, known as a lipid carrier, acts like a vertebrate lipocalin in the immune priming of the other insect, Spodoptera exigua. The ortholog of this gene has been identified in P. xylostella, and its expression was induced upon B. subtilis treatment. This study sheds light on the potential role of commensal gut microbes, including B. subtilis, in the immune priming of these insects.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
법곤충학은 곤충과 관련된 법적 문제를 해결하는 학문으로써, 미국, 유럽, 한국 등 다양한 국가에서 범죄 수사, 사후경과시간 추정 등에 활용되고 있다. 한국은 최근, 법곤충감정실(경찰청) 개소하여 전국의 법곤충 사건을 감정하고 있다. 한국은 짧은 연구역사를 가짐에도 불구하고, 중앙행정기관 산하의 법곤충감정실을 설립, 운영할 수 있는 것은, 그 특이적인 연구역사에서 기인했다. 한국 법곤충 연구는 2004년경부터 시작되었으나, 중앙행정기 관(경찰청, 국립과학수사연구소, 농림축산검역본부)의 투자로 연구개발이 진행되었다. 특히, 한국의 경찰청은 2016-2020년과 2022-2026년, 10년간의 연구과제 발주를 통해 현장 중심의 법곤충 감정 시스템 구축, 비전문가를 위한 형태 및 분자 유전학적 종 동정 기법 개발, 한국형 DB 확보 등을 진행하고 있으며, 법곤충 감정기법의 세계적 인 선도를 목표하고 있다.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The study of blowfly (Diptera, Calliphoridae) biodiversity and distribution is crucial for forensic investigations involving cadavers. Abiotic and biotic factors, such as seasonality and habitat type, have significant impacts on blowfly populations. However, few forensic entomology studies have been conducted in South Korea, particularly the Gyeongsangnam-do region. To address this, in this study, an extensive year-long survey was conducted to analyze the compositions, habitat preferences, distribution, and seasonal abundance of forensically relevant blowflies in urban and forested habitats in Gyeongsangnam-do, utilizing mouse carcass-baited traps set for 48 h each month. A total of 3,478 adult blowflies were recorded, encompassing six genera and 14 species, with a noted absence of specimens during the winter months. The predominant species was Lucilia porphyrina, accounting for 37.1% of the total sample, followed by Chrysomya pinguis (27.5%), Lucilia sericata (7.6%), and Lucilia illustris (7.1%). The species composition was consistent across all surveyed regions; however, seasonal variation in species diversity was evident, with a peak in spring and decline in summer. Notably, certain species exhibited clear preferences for either urban (Calliphora calliphoroides and L. sericata) or forested habitats (L. porphyrina and Ch. pinguis). This pioneering study elucidates the diverse blowfly communities in Gyeongsangnam-do, highlighting significant seasonal and habitat-dependent variations.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study explores the significant influence of micro-environmental factors on carcass decomposition and insect colonization, with a particular emphasis on detailed insect community analysis. The research employed an innovative approach by placing two pig carcasses in contrasting environments that one in a sunlit open field and the other in a shaded forest. The findings revealed dynamic shifts in insect diversity in the sunlit area, characterized by a rapid increase followed by a decrease, in contrast to the more steady, gradual changes observed in the shaded area. This contrast highlights the sensitivity of insect communities to even minor changes in environmental conditions like sunlight and temperature. It unveils the nuanced ways in which such factors shape the composition and dynamics of insect communities. These insights are crucial for the field of forensic entomology, enhancing the accuracy of post-mortem interval estimations. By providing a clearer understanding of how different micro-environmental conditions influence insect activity and decomposition processes, this study significantly contributes to the refinement of forensic methodologies.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study aims to identify insect species relevant to medicolegal entomology in South Korea, to develop valuable forensic indicators for addressing legal challenges. We conducted carcass experiments with animals from 2015 to 2023 and analyzed domestic medicolegal literature. Species with uncertain taxonomic status or those recorded only once in experiments or literature were excluded. Our dataset includes observations from 185 carcasses, 24 criminal cases, and 468 autopsies. We identified a total of 254 carcass-associated species across 67 families and 8 orders. Of these species, 32 species consistently found on both human corpses and animal carcasses, suggesting their significance in forensic contexts. The order Diptera, comprising 53.13% of these taxa, was predominantly represented by the families Calliphoridae (70.59%), Muscidae (17.65%), and Sarcophagidae (11.76%). Coleoptera constituted 46.87% of the identified taxa, with the families Silphidae (53.33%), Dermestidae (26.67%), Cleridae (6.67%), Scarabaeidae (6.67%), and Staphylinidae (6.67%) being most significant. Lucilia sericata was the most frequently found species in autopsies of corpses found indoors (51.95%) and outdoors (14.77%), followed by Phormia regina, Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya pinguis and Lucilia illustris, highlighting their potential as forensic markers. This comprehensive study provides crucial baseline data for medicolegal entomologists in South Korea, identifying key insect species as forensic indicators.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study was conducted to review the genus Bucculatrix Zeller, 1839 belonging the family Bucculatricidae. In Korea, only three species have been reported to date (Park, 2013; Lee and Jeun, 2022; 2023). A total nine species were identified in Korea in this study. Among them. two species, Bucculatrix sp. nov.1 and B. sp. nov.2 was described as new to science. Also four species: B. duanwuia Liu, 2020, B. tsurubamella Kobayashi, Hirowatari & Kuroko, 2010, B. demaryella (Duponchel, 1840) and B. comporabile Seksjaeva, 1989 are reported for the first time from Korea. These species were identified by visiting Osaka Metropolitan University and comparing the specimens. Available information, host plants, images of adults and genitalic structures, and DNA barcode for the species are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Ptiliidae, also called featherwing beetle because of their remarkable feather-like hind wings, is group of the smallest beetles, with their body size generally about 1 mm long. Although more than 1,000 valid ptiliids within approximately 100 genera are distributed worldwide, this family remains one of the least understood beetle groups in Korea. In this study, we introduce 13 known Korean ptiliids species within seven genera and additional some unknown species. All available information about Korean ptiliids, including their natural histories, distributional data, and diagnostic characters are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
A total of 187 species are involved in the genus Pidonia Mulsant (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae) worldwide, of which 174 species are distributed in Eurasia. Since Bates recorded P. (P.) gibbicollis in 1888, a total of 17 species have been recorded in Korea. After An & Kwon’s study on Korean Pidonia in 1991, no taxonomic study has been carried out for almost 30 years, making it difficult to identify the species due to their mutations. In this presentation, we provide an update on the taxonomic study of Korean Pidonia and report a newly recorded species, P. (P.) obscurior hakusana, in Korea.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Glyphipterigidae comprises more than 500 described species worldwide. In Korea, only 11 species of 4 genera under 2 subfamilies recorded. In this study, a total of 16 species were discovered, including 5 new recorded species. The new recorded species discovered are as follows; Glyphipterix euleucotoma Diakonoff & Arita, 1976, G. gamma Moriuti & Saito, 1964, G. gemmula Diakonoff, 1976, G. mikadonis Arita & Owada, 2006 and G. semiflavana Issiki, 1930. All available information, adults and genital images structures are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The Chalcididae belong to a medium-sized family of parasitoids in the superfamily Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Chalcidids can be recognized by the swollen hind femur, the indistinct prepectus, the sharp occipital carina bordering the gena posteriorly, and the strong punctation of the mesosoma. They have been recorded parasitizing six insect orders, and several species are facultative or obligate hyperparasitoids. More than 1,500 species in 90 genera have been recorded worldwide, of which 12 species in six genera have been recorded in South Korea. As a result of taxonomic and faunal studies on Korean Chalcididae, we have found two newly recorded species, Haltichella nipponensis Habu and Dirhinus anthracia Walker, in Korea. These species were discovered using Malaise traps, Lindgren funnel traps, and observation with the naked eye in Jeonbuk, Gangwon province, and Sejong city in 2023. The genus Haltichella Spinola, 1811, is recorded in Korea for the first time. In this presentation, we provide morphological and ecological information on these species.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Scathophagidae, commonly known as dung flies, is a small dipteran family of Muscoidea and is the sister group of Anthomyiidae. Currently, there are 373 described species distributed across 47 genera worldwide. Scathophagidae is subdivided into two subfamilies, Scathophaginae and Delininae. Notably, Delininae is characterized by tergite 6 short, bare, and firmly fused with syntergosternite 7+8. Delininae includes five genera and one uncertain genus with around 26 species described to date. Taxonomic instability within Delininae has been raised by notable inconsistencies, particularly evident in the classification of genera of Americina Malloch, 1923, Parallelomma Becker, 1894, and Leptopa Zetterstedt, 1838. These disparities necessitate a systematic reevaluation to rectify taxonomic uncertainties, acknowledging the nuanced variations introduced by different taxonomists. To address these taxonomic conundrums within Delininae, molecular approaches were employed, using three mitochondrial genes (16S, Cytb, COIb) and three nuclear genes (28S, Ef1a, Pol II). Phylogenetic analysis was conducted by maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods to elucidate the comprehensive phylogenetic relationships within Delininae. Particularly, this study includes previously unexplored genera, namely Neochirosia Malloch, 1917 and Micropselapha Becker, 1894, and uncertain genus Synchysa Vockeroth, 1987, encompassing all genera in Delininae. The incorporation of all taxa contributes to a more thorough understanding of the evolutionary history within Scathophagidae, shedding light on previously overlooked aspects of its phylogenetic landscape.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, is highly polyphagous pest that damages over 400 plant species, including commercially grown crops and fruits. It was first described in Taiwan and has since invaded Japan and China. In 2021, B. dorsalis was reported on Jeju Island in the Republic of Korea (ROK). To investigate its origin and understand its colonization pathway in ROK, the genetic characteristics were analyzed by using mitochondrial genes. The study analyzed the haplotypes and genetic differences among populations oriental fruit flies collected from Southeast Aisa, including Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome B (CytB) were used for the analysis. The results showed that B. dorsalis had high levels of haplotype diversity among species. No major haplotype was found among populations. The present study enhances our understanding of the haplotype diversity of B. dorsalis in neighboring countries of ROK. This will expand our knowledge of the source of origin and invasive pathway for B. dorsalis.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Bombyx mandarina (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), the presumed ancestor of the domesticated silkworm B. mori, has long been a subject of study to illustrate the geographic relationships in connection with origin of B. mori. We sequenced 100 mitochondrial genomes of B. mandarina collected from South Korea and Japan and these were combined with public data. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses showed that all individuals collected in South Korea, except one individual from Inje, formed a strong group together with northern China and some individuals of southern China. This group was placed as the sister group to B. mori strains, suggesting that this group could have been served as an immediate progenitor for B. mori. For further robust inference more analysis is underway.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Spelaeochthonius Morikawa, 1954, which comprises 11 species, is a genus in the family Pseudotyrannochthoniidae Beier, 1932. Members of this group can be represented by troglobitic characterisitics and narrow-range endemism. Three species are documented on the Korean Peninsula: Spelaeochthonius cheonsooi You, Yoo, Harms and Harvey, 2022; S. dentifer Morikawa, 1970; S. seungsookae You, Yoo, Harms & Harvey, 2022. In this study we utilize ten species, including three recorded Korean species, two Japanese species, and five new species, for molecular analysis. We employ four genes (COI, H3, 18S, 28S) commonly used in pseudoscorpions studies. This study aims to (i) identify the most specific gene for species identification in pseudoscorpions, (ii) demonstarate the narrow-range endemism of Spelaeochthonius, and (iii) explore the speciation pathway of this genus. Consequently, our understanding of biodiversity and necessity of species conservation.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Over 350 species of Stathmopodidae have been reported worldwide, but due to their morphological similarities, there are many difficulties in species identification. To address these issues, various methods including larval, behavioral ecology, molecular techniques, and others have been utilized. In this study, we compared the resistance to pressure based on wing venation, which has not been extensively covered before, to further elucidate the differences between species. Type species, and one species from the genus reported in Korea, this study utilized Fusion 360 to create 3D models and visually represented resistance under the same pressure with colors. Colors derived from simulation results are extracted for trend analysis using PCA (Principal Component Analysis), and differences between groups formed through K-means clustering are analyzed.
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