
한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Abstracts of Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Wasts Society

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2023 춘계학술논문요약집 (2023년 5월) 412

2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
A disposal system for spent nuclear fuel divides into two parts; (1) engineered barriers including spent nuclear fuel, canister, buffer and backfill, (2) natural barriers surrounding engineered barriers. Sorption and diffusion are main retardation mechanisms for the migration of released radionuclides. We analyzed the sorption properties of radionuclides for bentonite as a buffer material and collected/ evaluated the distribution coefficients for the purpose of safety assessment for the deep geological disposal of a spent nuclear fuel. Through this, we presented recommended distribution coefficients for radionuclides required for the safety assessment. This work included the radionuclides as follows; alkali and alkaline earth metals (Cs, Sr, Ba), lanthanides (Sm), actinides (Ac, Am, Cm, Np, Pa, Pu, Th U), transition elements (Nb, Ni, Pd, Tc, Zr), and others (C, Cl, I, Rn, Se, Sn). The sorption of radionuclides affected various geochemical conditions such as pH/carbonates, redox potential, ionic strength, radionuclide concentration, kinds and amounts of minerals, and microbes. Among the evaluated radionuclides, Cs, Ni, Pd, and Ra is sensitive to the ionic strength, while Np, Pu, U, Se, and, Tc is sensitive to the redox condition. For the evaluation of distribution coefficients, the data from Sweden (SKB), Finland (Posiva), Switzerland (Nagra), and Japan (JAEA) were collected, analyzed, and the recommended distribution coefficients were suggested.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Since 1992, various numerical codes, such as TOUGH-FLAC and ROCMAS, have been developed and validated to dispose of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) safely through a series of DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments (DECOVALEX) projects. These codes have been developed using different approaches, such as general two-phase flow and Richards’ flow which is an approximated approach neglecting gas pressure change, to implement the same multiphysics behaviors. However, the quantitative analysis for numerical results, which originated from different fundamental approaches, has not been conducted accurately. As a result, improper utilization of the approach to analyze certain conditions occurring such as dramatic gas pressure change may result in erroneous outcomes and systemic problem pertaining to TH analysis. In this study, the quantitative analysis of the two approaches, in terms of TH behavior, was conducted by comparing them with a 1D simulation of the CTF1 experiment carried out by laboratory experiment. The results calculated by different approaches show agreement in terms of TH behaviors and material properties change until 120°C. The results verify the applicability of Richards’ flow approach in a high temperature environment above the current thermal criteria, set as 100°C, and gas pressure change does not have a significant impact until 120°C. Therefore, although further studies for applicability of Richards’ flow are needed to suggest the appropriate temperature range, these quantitative analyses may contribute to the performance assessment of a compact repository using the high-temperature bentonite concept, which is currently gaining attention.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In the engineered barrier system of deep geological disposal repository, complex physicochemical phenomena occur throughout the entire disposal time, consequently impacting the safety function. The bentonite buffer, a significant component of the engineered barrier system, can be geochemically altered due to the changes in host rock groundwater, temperature, and redox condition. Such changes may have direct or indirect effects on radionuclide migration in case of canister failure. Therefore, a modeling tool that accounts for coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes is necessary for the safety assessment. To this end, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has developed the APro, a modeling interface for conducting safety assessment of deep geological disposal repository. The APro considers coupled THMC processes that influence radionuclide migration. Here, the solute transport considering thermal and hydraulic processes are calculated using the COMSOL multi-physics, while geochemical reactions are carried out in PHREEQC. The two software are coupled using a sequential non-iterative operator splitting approach, and transport of non-water H, non-water O, and charge were additionally considered to enhance the coupling model stability. Finally, the applicability of APro to simulate long-term geochemical evolution of bentonite was demonstrated through benchmark studies to evaluate the effects of mineral precipitation/dissolution, temperature, redox, and seawater intrusion.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
A methodology is under development to reconstruct and predict the long-term evolution of the natural barrier comprising the site of radioactive waste disposal. The natural barrier must protect the human zone from radionuclides for a long time. So for this, we need to be able to restore the evolution of the bedrock constituting the natural barrier from the past to the present and to predict from the present to the future. A methodology is being studied using surface outcrop, tunnel face of KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel), and drill core at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). Among them, drill core is an essential material for identifying deep geological properties, which could not be confirmed near the surface when considering the geological condition of the repository in the deep part. In this study, we selected several qualitative and quantitative analyses to construct a deep lithological model from the disposal perspective. These were applied to drill core samples around the KURT. There are the dikes presumed the Cretaceous were intruded by Jurassic granitoids in the study area. Analyzing trace elements of each rock type in the study area classified through geochemical characteristics and microstructure in previous studies made it possible to obtain qualitative information on the petrogenetic process. In addition, synthesizing the quantitative numerical age allows for grasping the evolution of bedrock, including intrusion and cutting relationships. LAICPMS was used for determining the age of zircons in plutonic rocks. The highly reliable 40Ar-39Ar method was selected for volcanic rocks because it can correct the loss of Ar gas and obtain the values of two types of Ar isotopes in a single sample. As a result, it was possible to infer the formation environment of rocks through anomalies in specific trace element content. And according to the numerical ages, it was possible to support the known separated rock type found in previous studies or to present a quantitative precedence relation for unclassified rocks. These methods could be applied to reconstruct the long-term evolution of bedrock within natural barriers.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Performance and safety assessments for deep geological disposal are often conducted over a longterm time scale, such as from hundreds of thousands to a million years. During this period, it is expected that the surface environment will be changed significantly. Uplift-subsidence and erosion-deposition are thought to be included as the main causes of the changes, and it is necessary to evaluate their expected effects. In this study, the conceptual processes of the changes in the surface environment components were to be presented by identifying the uplift-subsidence and erosion-deposition processes and analyzing their effect on the surface environment components. For inferring the long-term change process of the surface environment due to the internal activities of the Earth, the process of uplift and subsidence caused by crustal movements that change the subsurface environment through the deep and sallow underground was briefly presented in the form of a chain flowchart. Uplift-subsidence is mainly caused by diastrophism due to tectonic movement, such as subduction at the boundary of plates. They can change the geomorphology by affecting sealevel change and erosion-deposition. The changed geographical features have an influence on the distribution of surface water and the flow path of groundwater. They also have an impact on the scale and processes of local uplift and erosion, which can be the main factors of pedogenesis and vegetation in the local site. The results of this study can be helpful for formulating scenarios related to long-term evolution in the surface environment required for performance and safety assessments of deep geological disposal.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Backfill is one of the key elements of deep geological disposal. The backfill material is used to fill disposal tunnels and is mainly composed of swellable clay, preventing the migration of nuclide and structurally supporting the tunnel. The selection and application of backfill material are critical for the stable and efficient disposal of spent fuel. Therefore, it is essential to secure various candidate materials for backfill and to comprehensively understand the properties and behavior of these materials. Recently, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has selected a candidate material called Bentonil-WRK and is evaluating its applicability. To utilize this material as backfill, the safety function of a mixed backfill concept, consisting of sand and Bentonil-WRK, was assessed. The swelling pressure was measured as a function of dry density for a bentonite/silica sand mix ratio of 3/7. The results showed that the swelling pressure ranged from 0.15 to 0.273 MPa, depending on the dry density, with higher dry densities resulting in higher swelling pressures. The measured swelling pressure met the target performance criteria suggested by SKB and Posiva (i. e., 0.1 MPa), but did not meet the design requirement for swelling pressure (i. e., 1 MPa). This indicate the need for further research after increasing the mass fraction of bentonite (e. g., mix ratio 4/6 or more). The results of this study are expected to be used in the selection of candidate backfill materials and the establishment of design guidelines for engineered barrier backfill.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Geologic disposal at deep depth is an acceptable way to dispose of high-level radioactive waste and isolate it from the biosphere. The geological repository system comprises an engineered barrier system (EBS) and the host rock. The system aims to delay radionuclide migration through groundwater flow, and also, the flow affects the saturation of the bentonite in the EBS. The thermal conductivity of bentonite is a function of saturation, so the temperature in the EBS is directly related to the flow system. High-temperature results in the two-phase flow, and the two-phase flow system also affects the flow system. Therefore, comprehending the influencing parameters on the flow system is critical to ensure the safety of the disposal system. Various studies have been performed to figure out the complex two-phase flow characteristics, and numerical simulation is considered an effective way to predict the coupled behavior. DECOVALEX (DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments) is one of the most famous international cooperating projects to develop numerical methods for thermo-hydro-mechanicalchemical interaction, and Task C in the DECOVALEX-2023 has the purpose of simulating the Fullscale Emplacement (FE) experiment at the Mont-Terri underground research laboratory. We used OGS-FLAC, a self-developed numerical simulator combining OpenGeoSys and FLAC3D, for the simulation and targeted to analyze the effecting parameters on the two-phase flow system. We focused on the parameters of bentonite, a key component of the disposal system, and analyzed the effect of compressibility and air entry pressure on the flow system. Compressibility is a parameter included in the storage term, defining the fluid storage capacity of the medium. While air entry pressure is a crucial value of the water retention curve, defining the relation between saturation and capillary pressure. From a series of sensitivity analyses, low compressibility resulted in faster flow due to low storage term, while low air entry pressure slowed flow inflow into the bentonite. Low air entry pressure means the air easily enters the medium; hence the flow rate becomes lower based on the relativity permeability definition. Based on the sensitivity analysis, we further investigate the effect of shotcrete around the tunnel and excavation damaged zone. Also, long-term analysis considering heat decay of the radioactive waste will be considered in future studies.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Since spent nuclear fuel (SNF) should be isolated from the human life zone for at least 106 years, deep geological disposal (DGD) is considered a strong candidate for SNF management in many countries. Therefore, a disposal canister should be nearly immune to corrosion in such a long-term storage environment. Even though copper has a low corrosion rate of a few millimeters per million years in geological environments, the corrosion resistance of the copper welds must be preferentially validated, which inevitably occurs during the sealing of the disposal canister after the SNF is loaded. This is because the weld zone is a discontinuous area of microstructure, which can accelerate uniform and localized corrosion. In this study, the microstructural characteristics of copper welds in different welding conditions such as friction stir welding, electron beam welding, cold spray, were analyzed, focusing on the formation of microstructure, which affects resistance to corrosion. In addition, the microstructure and corrosion properties of the copper weld zone manufactured by recent wire-based additive manufacturing (AM) technology were experimentally evaluated. From this preliminary test result, it was found that the corrosion characteristics of the welds produced by the AM process using wire are comparable to those of the conventional forged copper plate.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Bentonite is a potential buffer material of multi-barrier systems in high-level radioactive wastes repository. Montmorillonite, the main constituent of the bentonite, is 2:1 type aluminosilicate clay mineral with high swelling capacity and low permeability. Montmorillonite alteration under alkaline and saline conditions may affect the physico-chemical properties of the bentonite buffer. In this study, montmorillonite alteration by interaction with synthetic alkaline and saline solution and its retention capacity for cesium and iodide were investigated. The experiments were performed in three different batches (Milli-Q water, alkaline water, and saline water) doped with cesium and iodide for 7 days. Alteration characteristics and nuclide retention capacity of original- and reacted bentonite was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) analysis. From the results, cesium retention occurred differently depending on the presence of competing ions such as K, Na, and Mg ions in synthetic solutions, while iodide was negligibly removed by bentonite. Montmorillonite alteration mainly occurred as cation exchange and zeolite minerals such as merlinoite and mordenite were new-formed during alkaline alteration of the montmorillonite. CEC value of reacted bentonite increased by formation of the zeolite minerals under alkaline conditions.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), including the discharged spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and contaminated by-products produced from relevant chemical treatments, has become a serious pending problem for numerous countries that operate the nuclear power plants. The deep geological disposal (DGD) has thus far been considered the most proven and viable solution for isolation of the HLW and preventing any significant release of radionuclides into the biosphere. The DGD system consists of the multiple engineered and natural barrier components. Among them, the montmorillonite-based buffer and tunnel backfills are designed to perform the two major geochemical functions: 1) preventing the ingress of groundwater and any chemicals that compromise the safety of waste canister and 2) retarding the migration of released radionuclides by providing sufficient chemisorption sites. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the sorption mechanism of radionuclides onto montmorillonite and develop a thermodynamic reaction model in advance in order to accurately predict the long-term performance of engineered barriers and to reduce the uncertainties in the safety assessment of a deep geological repository (DGR) ultimately; thus far, sorption of chemical species onto mineral adsorbents has been widely described based on the concept of sorption-desorption distribution coefficient (Kd), the value of which is intrinsically conditional, and active scientific efforts have been made to develop robust thermodynamic sorption models which offer the potential to improve confidence in demonstration of radionuclide migration under a wide range of geochemical conditions. The natural montmorillonites are generally classified into Na-type or Ca-type according to its exchangeable cation, and the Ca-montmorillonite containing clays are being considered as candidate materials for the engineered barriers of DGR in several countries; they generally have advantages of higher thermal conductivity and lower price than the Na-montmorillonite based clays, but their sorption capacities are still comparable. In this framework, we aimed to investigate the chemical interactions of Ca-montmorillonite with selenite [Se(IV)], which is a major oxyanionic species in terms of HLW disposal, and develop a reliable thermodynamic sorption model (TSM). The present work summarizes the characterization of Ca-montmorillonite separated from the newly adopted reference bentonite (Bentonil-WRK) by means of XRD, BET, FTIR, CEC measurement, and acid-base titration. Further, its sorption behaviors with aqueous selenite species under aqueous conditions of S/L = 5 g/L, I = 0.01-0.1 m CaCl2, pH = 4.5-8.5, pCO2 = 10-3.5 atm, and T = 25°C were examined, and the resulting thermodynamic data are discussed as well.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Chemical environments of near-field (Engineered barrier and surrounded host rock) can influence performance of a deep geological repository. The chemical environments of near-field change as time evolves eventually reaching a steady state. During the construction of a deep geological repository, O2 will be introduced to the deep geological repository. The O2 can cause corrosion of Cu canisters, and it is important predicting remaining O2 concentration in the near-field. The remaining O2 concentration in the near field can be governed by the following two reactions: oxidation of Cu(I) from oxidation of Cu and oxidation of pyrite in bentonite and backfill materials. These oxidation reactions (Cu(I) and pyrite oxidation) can influence the performance of the deep geological repository in two ways; the first way is consuming oxidizing agents (O2) and the second way is the changing pH in the near-field and ultimately influencing on the mass transport rate of radionuclides from spent nuclear fuel (failure of canisters) to out of the engineered barrier. Hence, it is very important to know the evolution of chemical environments of near-field by the oxidation of pyrite and Cu. However, the oxidation kinetics of pyrite and Cu are different in the order of 1E7 which means the overall kinetics cannot be fully considered in the deep geological repository. Therefore, it is important to develop a simplified Cu and pyrite oxidation kinetics model based on deep geological repository conditions. Herein, eight oxidation reactions for the chemical species Cu(I) were considered to extract a simplified kinetic equation. Also, a simplified kinetics equation was used for pyrite oxidation. For future analysis, simplified chemical reactions should be combined with a Multiphysics Cu corrosion model to predict the overall lifetime of Cu canisters.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The Korean Nuclear Safety and Security Commission has established a general guideline for the disposal of high-level waste, which requires that radiological effects from a disposal facility should not exceed the regulatory safety indicator, a radiological risk. The post-closure safety assessment of the disposal facility aims to evaluate the radiological dose against a representative person, taking into account nuclide transport and exposure pathways and their corresponding probabilities. The biosphere is a critical component of radiation protection in a disposal system, and the biosphere model is concerned with nuclide transport through the surface medium and the doses to human beings due to the contaminated surface environment. In past studies by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), the biosphere model was constructed using a representative illustration of surface topographies and groundwater conditions, assuming that the representative surface environment would not change in the future. Each topography was conceptualized as a single compartment, and distributed surface contamination over the geometrical domain was abstracted into 0D. As a result, the existing biosphere model had limitations, such as a lack of quantitative descriptions of various transport and exposure pathways, and an inability to consider the evolution of the surface environment over time. These limitations hinder the accurate evaluation of radiological dose in the safety assessment. To overcome these limitations, recent developments in biosphere modeling have incorporated the nuclide transport process over a 2D or 3D domain, integrating the time-dependent evolution of the surface environment. In this study, we reviewed the methodology for biosphere modeling to assess the radiological dose given by distributed surface contamination over a 2D domain. Based on this review, we discussed the model requirements for a numerical module for biosphere dose assessment that will be implemented in the APro platform, a performance assessment tool being developed by the KAERI. Finally, we proposed a conceptual model for the numerical module of dose assessment.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In the deep geological repository, a considerable quantity of cementitious materials is generally used for structural stability of subcomponents such as grout and concrete plug of disposition tunnel. Strong alkaline leachates (pH>13) are produced after cement is dissolved by groundwater inflow from bedrock. When the leachates are transported to bentonite porewater (e.g. buffer and backfill) and thereby water exchange occurs, the physical properties of bentonite such as swelling capacity and hydraulic conductivity are changed, which eventually affects the safety function and long-term stability of engineered barrier system (EBS). Thus, in this paper, we reviewed the performance assessment methodology for cement-bentonite interaction in the operating license application for the Finnish deep geological repository, and suggested what to prepare for the analysis on the domestic disposal facility. In Finland, thermal-hydraulic-chemical analysis for dissolution of montmorillonite by alkaline leachates resulting from cement degradation during the saturation of bentonite was carried out using PRECIP code. From this analysis, it was confirmed that effect on pH was considered to be more significant than that on temperature and bentonite saturation. As a result of this analysis, it was predicted that all primary minerals (including montmorillonite, quartz, and calcite) were dissolved and some secondary minerals (e.g. chalcedony and celadonite) was precipitated by alkaline cement leachates transported to the bentonite. In addition, it was shown that silica was preferentially released while the montmorillonite was dissolved, thus cementation of the bentonite was occurred. Through this phenomenon, the swelling capacity of bentonite is reduced and the hydraulic conductivity of bentonite is increased, which have a significant impact on the performance of the buffer and backfill. Considering this, study on spreading of alkaline leachates, which is a condition for dissolution of montmorillonite, is necessary for the performance assessment of the domestic deep geological repository. However, this requires the site-specific data for the following in the disposal site: (a) distribution in fractured bedrock and pore structure (e.g. porosity, pore size distribution and pore morphology) in the bedrock, (b) hydraulic gradient and salinity concentration of groundwater, and (c) flux and velocity of groundwater. Results of this study is considered to be directly utilized to the conceptual design and performance assessment of the deep geological repository in Korea, provided that additional data on microbiological properties of groundwater are obtained for the site selected.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
In buffer, a main component of engineering barrier system (EBS) in the deep geological repository, mass loss is mainly caused by upheave and mechanical erosion. The former is a phenomenon that bentonite in the upper part of the buffer moves to the backfill region due to groundwater intake and swelling. And, the latter is a phenomenon that bentonite on the surface of the buffer moves to the backfill region due to groundwater flow at the interface with host rock as the buffer saturates. Buffer mass loss adversely affects the fulfilment of the safety function of the buffer that is to limit and retard radionuclide release in the event of canister failure. Accordingly, in this paper, we reviewed how to consider this phenomenon in the performance assessment for the operating license application in Finland, and tentatively summarized data required to conduct the analysis for the domestic facility based on the review results. Regarding buffer mass loss, the previous studies carried out in Finland are categorized as follows: 1) experiment on the amount of buffer upheave with groundwater inflow rate (before backfilling), 2) analysis for the amount of buffer upheave with groundwater inflow rate (after backfilling), 3) analysis of buffer erosion rate with groundwater inflow rate, 4) analysis for distribution of the groundwater inflow rate into the buffer for all deposition holes (using ConnectFlow modeling results), and 5) analysis of buffer mass loss with groundwater salinity. Finally, the buffer mass loss distribution table was derived from the results of 1) through 3) by combining with that of 4). Given these studies, the following will be required for the performance assessment for buffer mass loss in the domestic disposal facility: a) distribution table of buffer mass loss for combined interactions taking into account effect of 5) (i.e. 1), 2), 3), and 5) + 4)), and b) Threshold for buffer mass loss starting to negatively affect the fulfilment of the safety function of the buffer. Even though it is judged that the results of this study could be directly applied to developing the design concept of EBS and to conducting the performance assessment in the domestic disposal facility, it is essential to prepare a set of input data reflecting the site-specific design features (e.g. dimension, material used, site, etc.), which include saturation time and groundwater salinity.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Bentonite, a material mainly used in buffer and backfill of the engineering barrier system (EBS) that makes up the deep geological repository, is a porous material, thus porewater could be contained in it. The porewater components will be changed through ‘water exchange’ with groundwater as time passes after emplacement of subsystems containing bentonite in the repository. ‘Water exchange’ is a phenomenon in which porewater and groundwater components are exchanged in the process of groundwater inflow into bentonite, which affects swelling property and radionuclide sorption of bentonite. Therefore, it is necessary to assess conformity with the performance target and safety function for bentonite. Accordingly, we reviewed how to handle the ‘water exchange’ phenomenon in the performance assessment conducted as part of the operating license application for the deep geological repository in Finland, and suggested studies and/or data required for the performance assessment of the domestic disposal facility on the basis of the results. In the previous assessment in Finland, after dividing the disposal site into a number of areas, reference and bounding groundwaters were defined considering various parameters by depth and climate change (i.e. phase). Subsequently, after defining reference and bounding porewaters in consideration of water exchange with porewater for each groundwater type, the swelling and radionuclides sorption of bentonite were assessed through analyzing components of the reference porewater. From the Finnish case, it is confirmed that the following are important from the perspective of water exchange: (a) definition of reference porewater, and (b) variations in cation concentration and cation exchange capacity (CEC) in porewater. For applying items above to the domestic disposal facility, the site-specific parameters should be reflected for the following: structure of the bedrock, groundwater composition, and initial components of bentonite selected. In addition, studies on the following should be required for identifying properties of the domestic disposal site: (1) variations in groundwater composition by subsurface depth, (2) variations in groundwater properties by time frame, and (3) investigation on the bedrock structure, and (4) survey on initial composition of porewater in selected bentonite The results of this study are presumed to be directly applied to the design and performance assessment for buffer and backfill materials, which are important components that make up the domestic disposal facility, given the site-specific data.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The development of Features, Events, and Processes (FEPs) and scenarios, which consider the longterm evolution of repository, is underway, along with the construction of input data and a model database for the adaptive process-based total system performance assessment framework, APro. PAPiRUS serves as an integrated information processing platform, enabling users to seamlessly access, search, and extract essential information. To enhance data usability, it is crucial to establish well-structured metadata for each dataset. Regarding FEPs, individual FEPs consist of extensive text-based data and sets of other short textual data. To enhance the searchability of these FEPs, precise keywords must be assigned to each FEP. For user convenience, the PAPiRUS FEP database contains several FEPs not only the long-term evolution FEPs developed by KAERI but also thousands of FEPs form the databases such as NEA PFEPs and Posiva FEPs. Generating keywords for thousands of FEPs proves to be a labor-intensive task. Consequently, this study explores natural language processing techniques for keyword analysis to boost the productivity of the keyword generation process. Specifically, we employ Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models for keyword extraction. Our test results for keyword extraction demonstrate that, although not flawless, providing suitable prompts yields sufficiently useful keyword sets. We identified several optimal prompts and developed an Excel-based program to derive keywords from the existing FEP database using these prompts. By using the outcomes of this study, initial versions of keyword sets for thousands of FEPs can be rapidly produced and subsequently refined through expert review and editing. The generated keywords will serve as metadata within PAPiRUS.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
A variety of microorganisms are contained in the groundwater and surrounding environment at the depth of a deep geological repository, and could adversely affect the integrity and/or safety of the facility under certain thermal, hydraulic and chemical conditions. In particular, microbial activity (in the buffer and backfill) around the canister can cause corrosion of the canister through sulfide production by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), and subsequently promote radionuclide release through the corroded part. Namely, this phenomenon is important in a perspective of performance assessment since it will have an impact on the post-closure exposure dose in the biosphere by accelerating radionuclide leakage into the near-field due to deterioration of the canister integrity In Finland, the performance assessment on microbial activity in buffer, backfill, and plug was performed for the licensing. However, in Korea, researches relevant to microbial activity are only in the early stage as of now. Accordingly, in this study, we draw initial considerations for the performance assessment on the phenomenon in the domestic facility based on review results for the methodology carried out as part of operating license application (i.e. SC-OLA). Studies on the performance assessment of microbial activity in Finland were mainly performed: (a) to investigate complex interactions among microorganisms in the repository by analyzing both indigenous and exogenous microorganisms through drilling, geological and geochemical analysis, (b) to identify microbial interactions at the buffer, backfill, and host rock interface for specific microorganisms that may affect activity of other microorganisms and integrity of the repository, (c) to analyze canister corrosion caused by microbial activity, particularly sulfide production by SRB, and (d) to characterize microbial illitization of montmorillonite that could affect permeability, hydraulic conductivity, and structural integrity of the repository. From reviewing studies above, it is judged that studies labelled as (b) through (d) are applicable to the performance assessment of microbial activity for the domestic facility regardless of specific conditions in Korea. However, for study labelled as (a), the following data on reflecting domestic conditions should be additionally obtained: (1) radionuclide inventory and temperature in spent nuclear fuel, (2) swelling pressure and organic carbon content of bentonite, and (3) size, shape, and gas composition of pores in bentonite. Results of this study could be directly applied to the design and performance assessment for buffer and backfill components, provided that input data specific to the domestic disposal facility is prepared for the assessment required.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
With the increasing demand for a repository to safely dispose of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), it is imperative to conduct a safety assessment for HLW disposal facilities for ensuring the permanent isolation of radionuclides. For this purpose, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is currently developing the Adaptive Process-based total system performance assessment framework for a geological disposal system (APro). A far-field module, which specifically focuses on fluid flow and radionuclide transport in the host rock, is one of several modules comprising APro. In Korea, crystalline rock is considered the host rock for deep geological disposal facilities due to its high thermal conductivity and extremely low permeability. However, the presence of complex fracture system in crystalline rock poses a significant challenge for managing fluid flow and nuclide transport. To address this challenge, KAERI is participating in DECOVALEX-2023 Task F1, which seeks to compare and verify modeling results using various levels of performance assessment models developed by each country for reference disposal systems. Through the benchmark problems suggested by DECOVALEX-2023 Task F1, KAERI adopts the Discrete Fracture-Matrix (DFM) as the primary fracture modeling approach. In this study, the transport processes of reactive tracers in fractured rock, modeled with DFM, are simulated. Specifically, three different tracers (conservative, decaying, adsorbing) are introduced through the fracture under identical injecting conditions. Thereafter, the breakthrough curves of each tracer are compared to observe the impact of reactive tracers on nuclide transport. The results of this study will contribute to a better understanding of nuclide behavior in subsurface fractured rock under various conditions.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The high-level nuclear waste (HLW) repository is a 500-1,000 m deep underground structure to dispose high-level nuclear waste. The waste has a very long half-time and is exposed to a number of stresses, including high temperatures, high humidity, high pressure These stresses cause the structure to deteriorate and create cracks. Therefore, structural health monitoring with monitoring sensors is required for safety. However, sensors could also fail due to the stresses, especially high temperature. Given that the sensors are installed in the bentonite buffer and the backfill tunnel, it is impossible to replace them if they fail. That’s why it is necessary to assess the sensors’ durability under the repository’s environmental conditions before installing them. Accelerated life test (ALT) can be used to assess durability or life of the sensors, and it is important to obtain the same failure mode for reliability tests including ALT. Before conducting the test, the proper stress level must be designed first to get reliable data in a short time. After that, acceleration of life reduction with increasing temperature and temperature-life model should be determined with some statistical methods. In this study, a methodology for designing stress levels and predicting the life of the sensor were described.
2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
For the performance analysis of deep geological repository systems, numerical simulation with multi-physics is required, which specifically covers Thermal (T), Hydraulic (H), and Mechanical (M) behaviors in the disposal environment. Numerous simulation models have been developed so far, each of which varies in the approach and methodology for solving THM problems. Fully-coupled THM simulation codes such as ROCMAS, THAMES, and CODE_BRIGHT were mainly developed in the initial stage of DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments (DECOVALEX), with the advantage of thorough calculations consisting of correlated several variables on different physics. Due to the difficulty of solving the complex Jacobian Matrix and the following burden for the computational calculation, weakly-coupled THM models have been suggested in recent researches: TOUGH2-MP with FLAC3D, TOUGH2 with UDEC and OpenGeoSys with FLAC3D. This methodology of loose coupling allows the practical use of computational code optimized for each physics, thereby increasing the efficiency in simulation. However, these suggested models require two different numerical codes to calculate THM behaviors, which leads to several inherent issues: compatibility during maintenance, updating and dependency between two codes. In this study, therefore, the authors build a unified code for simulating THM behaviors in the deep geological repository. The concept involves the iterative sequential coupling between TH and M for calculation efficiency. As having developed the simulation code, High-level rAdiowaste Disposal Evaluation System (HADES), to describe TH behavior based on Multi-physics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) software, the authors make a milestone to develop and couple the MOOSE-based new code for M behavior as Sub-app, with the previous HADES set to be Main-app. New model for M behavior will be verified with the benchmark case of DECOVALEX-THMC Task D, comparing the mechanical simulation results: stress evolution over time, profiles of stress and vertical displacement. The existing simulation results from HADES will also be updated with the coupled calculations, with regard to temperature and saturation. Additionally, the effective stress evolution can be assessed in terms of repository’s stability with Spalling Strength and Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. This concept for new simulation model has its meaning in that it aims to demonstrate the specific methodology of loosely coupling multi-physics in unified simulation code and analyze THM complex interactions with considering mutual influence on various physics. It is expected that HADES can be renewed as an integral simulation model for deep geological repository systems by possessing the capacity for analyzing and assessing mechanical behavior.