Park, Rae‐gyeom(朴來謙) was born on 4 years of King Jungjo’s reign, mostly worked in the reign of King Sunjo and died at the age of 63 in 8 years of King Heonjong’s reign. Through the analysis of 『Seosu Diary(西繡日記)』that was written by Park, Raegyeom(朴來謙) who had been appointed as a secret royal inspector of Pyeongannamdo(平安南道), I examine the leadership that Park, Rae‐gyeom(朴來謙) showed as a career official. First, he was judged to had shown leadership of excellent ability which managed organization. He showed leadership dividing tasks and business together with his entourage. Also in the process of reconnaissance and traveling in secret, when it was found out anything wrong, he showed leadership delivering an early riposte such as immediately taking steps and severe disciplinary action. Second, he showed leadership with responsibility and sincerity. Especially, in arranging and modifying an official document or ledger, he meticulously checked, censored and corrected them. In addition, from March 21 to July 28, in the process of carrying out his duty, he sincerely recorded a diary every single day. Through this fact, we can recognize his responsibility and sincerity as a secret royal inspector. Third, he showed leadership that was charismatic determination making quick and accurate decisions. It is said that a person who can understand what is important thing in organization and who has a sense of duty to the organization has the feature of charismatic leader. While Park, Rae‐gyeom(朴來謙) carried out his duty as a secret royal inspector, he made a bold decision. Particularly on June 30, when he went up Dae‐dong tower gate(大同門樓), the door had been closed so his entourage broke the door and they got into the tower. Then he shouted appearance at the top of his voice. This event was one of scenes that he reached peak of confidence and determination. He thought that event was great sight, therefore he described the appearance of a secret royal inspector who made a best decision with full of self confidence. This confidence made him to shout the appearance of a secret royal inspector showing the Mapae(馬牌) nine times after April 22. Fourth, he showed emotional leadership with beautiful mind to the natural landscape and with solicitude that he listened and sympathized with resentments and complaints from the people. Also, he was judged to had shown leadership of positive emotionality which had a laugh, romance and composure. In the role of counselor who listened resentments and complaints from the people as well as in the action which considerate with experiencing hard lives of people for himself, and in the process of reconnaissance and traveling in secret, he showed emotional leadership feeling beautiful natural scenery located in the region. It was presented that he always showed positive leadership of a laugh, beauty and pleasure with affirmative emotionality.
This is one of papers about Chinese character teaching. The questionnaire focused on the teacher’s attentions about Chinese character handwriting teaching, especially on the students’ biases on handwriting studying. Our questionnaire sent to teachers who teach Chinese lesson in 1‐3 grades of primary school in Beijing. The Excel table show 2500 Chinese characters that must be grasped according to the Chinese curriculum standard (2011). The respondents have been asked state briefly the errors or biases of the strokes or components. Based on the preliminary analysis, the errors mainly happened as adding or losing stroke, choosing wrong component (or radical) similar with the right one, making mistakes on the strokes order. About the artistic element of handwriting, teachers mainly pay attention on the proportional balancing. The questionnaire result could be a reference for the handwriting teaching, and be material for the Chinese handwriting research. The questionnaire also hint us rethink about the appropriateness that direct stroke details written by hard‐tipped pen (pencil, pen, ballpoint pen, etc.) with the rules of soft brush writing characters in print form.
The lexical decision (LD) task requires participants to response with speeded and accurate actions, which makes the process of identifying a word automatic without labor and therefore probably reflects the similar word identification process in natural reading. With manipulating the presentation duration of target words, the LD task allows the early visual orthographic processing to be involved. In the current study, we recruited the lexical decision (LD) task to probe the possible pattern difference in perceiving Chinese characters by the young adult skilled Hong Kong traditional Chinese character (HKC) readers and the Mainland China simplified Chinese character (MLC) readers. The first part of stimuli consisted of 20 real simplified Chinese characters and 20 real traditional Chinese characters, which differed significantly in their stroke numbers and covered both the left‐right (LF) and top‐bottom (TB) structure. The second part of stimuli were pseudo characters, constructed based on the 40 real Chinese characters by rearranging the left and right parts or the top and bottom parts of them. These stimuli were presented on the computer screen with manipulating its presentation duration and adding a mask behind each target stimulus. Results revealed an intriguing trend in the correct RTs (reaction times) for both real characters and pseudo characters that the MLC simplified character readers’ RTs tended to be longer with the increase of stroke numbers in characters, while the HKC traditional character readers showed an opposite pattern, that is, their RTs tending to be shorter with the increase of stroke numbers in characters. These results firstly suggested that the number of strokes probably plays opposite roles in the MLC and HKC participants’ perception of characters. The results further implied that the MLC and HKC participants probably use stroke numbers, even component numbers (constructed by strokes) or some other information which reflects the structure and visual spatial features of characters in different ways in their perception or recognition of characters.
長期以來,香港很多非華語中學生在學習中文寫作時都面對著字詞不足、文章結構散亂、文類特徵含糊等困難,因此必須給予他們足夠的寫作教學支援。「以讀促學」教學法(Reading to learn methodology)是目前廣泛應用在澳洲土著學生的英語第二語言閲讀和寫作教學法,其成效備受肯定。故本論文嘗試應用「以讀促學」教學法在非華語中學生的中文論説文寫作教學上,採用前實驗設計的單組前後測的研究方法,選取一位中文老師和十五位非華語中學生作爲研究對象,進行爲期五個星期的教學試驗研究,配以觀課、訪談及比較學生在教學之前和之後所寫的論説文,來探究「以讀促學」教學法在非華語中學生論説文課堂教學的實施成效。研究結果發現,師生一致認爲「以讀促學」教學法能夠有效提高學生上課的投入程度,師生課堂互動較多;並能提高學生學習中文寫作的信心,增加其課堂參與度。而學生在接受教學之後所寫的論説文,在字詞運用、文章結構鋪排及文類特色呈現三方面均比接受教學之前所寫的論説文為佳。