In this study, the 3 point-bending test was performed on the RC T-beam and the image processing method was used to analyze the change of curvature according to the step of loading. As the loading step progressed, the bending deformation and inflection point of curvature by shear cracks occurred. It will be possible to evaluate the detailed behavior of the RC structure by using the image processing method used in this study.
This research and development analysis provides numerical analysis techniques that can be used conveniently to determining the safety of the current state and to predict the stability in the future. It also seeks to present algorithms of back analysis to develop unified management system for control, prediction, coordination, and information modeling that can reasonably handle appropriate responses to structural behavior at project sites and design changes.
This paper presents basic data to enhance the performance of safety check systems by analyzing the status of participants in the construction industry on the Periodical safety check system. The survey was conducted by the client, supervisor, and contractors. It is judged that it is possible to enhance the performance of the peer review system by expanding the participation of other highly recognized participants in the construction industry. It is deemed necessary to set up a monitoring system to monitor the check detai
A series of disaster response drill was conducted using a robust and integrated safety management platform (WINS+) which can provide multi-functions of safety evaluation in realtime, disaster information provision and recovery actions for major water infrastructures, which are designated as nation’s first class infrastructures, under natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. It is believed that the experience of disaster response drills using the new integrated safety management system (WINS+) enhances our capability of preparedness and response against disasters, and that the validity of WINS+ can be clearly confirmed.
The study discusses the strength development of fresh concrete using fuzzy logic on Electromechanical impedance(EMI) data collected through Piezoelectric(PZT) sensors. For gaining data to estimate real time strength development of concrete through sensors, 3 specimens of concrete were casted for experiment. The PZT sensors were embedded in experimented concrete to perform dual job of actuating and sensing. In this technique with poring of concrete the PZT material starts actuating to produce vibrations, for the same time these materials work as sensors and measure the dynamic responses of the vibrations. Thus, with development of concrete strength the resonant frequencies of EMI start changing. The process of measuring data was continued for every hour for 28 days, after getting EMI data, it was treated by fuzzy logic technique to get a clear strength curve for defining strength development pattern. The change observed in EMI data curve leads to estimating concrete strength.
Distributed optical fiber sensors have been developed to detect the occurrence of structural anomalies such as excessive stresses, cracks, and leaks at arbitrary locations in the facility. In this paper, we demonstrate fiber optic OFDR (Optical Frequency Domian Reflectometry) sensor to measure strain and temperature through the sensing optical fiber. A PVC pipe was prepared to show the strain measurement performance with a sensing optical fiber attached on the pipe. Also, a temperature test was performed with a sensing optical fiber located in a temperature chamber. In the results, this sensor can operate to resolve 14.2 micro strain and 1.62 degree temperature at the condition of 5 cm spatial resolution.
In this study, the SMG fluid was developed for compensating the defect of the MR Fluid that is commonly used in Semi-active control system. And the damper with SMG fluid have been developed for practical application. The dynamic load test was conducted to evaluate the control performance of the SMG damper at 0.5Hz and 1Hz frequency conditions and 0A and 0.5A current conditions. As a result, the remarkable performance of the SMG damper was verified.
The Guidelines for National Infrastructure Protection Plan, the proposed standards are based on common issues for the protection of the national infrastructure system and fail to provide the correct guidelines reflecting the characteristics of each sector. In addition, since the risk assessment procedures such as risk and impact analysis are conceptually presented, evaluation based on the characteristics of the facilities is insufficient, and in some agencies, it is performed perfunctorily. Therefore, this study analyzes the present state of the National Infrastructure Protection Plans and draws common problems, and suggests ways to improve the vulnerable parts in the Guidelines for National Infrastructure Protection Plan through the case studies of advanced foreign countries.
A detailed guideline was prepared to explain the contents of underground safety management guideline and to prevent confusion in the initial implementation of the law to underground safety impact assessment and underground safety inspection subjects. "Special Law on Underground Safety Management", which was created to prevent the safety of the people from frequent occurrences due to frequent occurrence of subsidence, has been systematically settled in the course of design, construction and maintenance of underground facilities. When it works smoothly, it can be said that national security is guaranteed.
The curtain wall performance test is mainly carried out to prevent any problems that may occur after the installation by checking whether there is a problem beforehand in the construction of the outer wall of the middle and large type construction. Since it is tested under harsh environmental conditions by applying domestic and foreign standards, many problems are found, and the biggest purpose is to improve the problems of design and construction through testing and to install better quality window products. In this study, the structural sealant products distributed in Korea were exposed to the outdoor exposure zone of the Seosan outdoor exposure test site, and compared with the curtain wall performance test of the product and the degradation of the product after 12 months outdoor exposure. In the future, it will be possible to apply the performance evaluation to the product comparison evaluation after exposing for more than 2 years.
This paper investigates the safety and health role processes that the client should perform at each phase of the construction project. Since the client is one of the top decision makers in the whole construction project, the client should give roles and responsibilities for safety and health of workers. Advanced system of occupational safety and health management led by the client was analyzed in order to actively participate in occupational accident prevention activities according to the client’s authority. The role of the client in the overall construction work such as planning, design and construction process was derived.
The river levees along the state owned rivers or local rivers are a major infrastructure of the nation, and it is necessary to be able to quickly and accurately evaluate the safety of each structure in case of a disaster such as flood or earthquake, so as to enable preemptive disaster response. In this study, a “real-time safety assessment method of river levees” was developed to understand the safety of river levee in real time and cope with disaster situations preemptively and effectively, and its applicability was examined. The real-time safety evaluation method of the river embankment developed in this study is based on two systems; ① real-time monitoring system by instruments and ② safety evaluation DB system of river embankment based on fragility curves using numerical analysis results. In order to validate its applicability, the safety of Munsan levee located in the upstream area of Kangjeong-Goryeong Weir was evaluated by applying the proposed method.
The Integrated Water Infrastructures Safety Management Platform(WINS+) provides safety information of water infrastructures such as dams, weirs, bridges, cut slopes, retaining walls and levees designated as the first class infrastructures to be maintained according to the nations’s safety law. The WINS+ is incorporated with a computerized Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) system that provides crisis warning level (green/blue/yellow/orange/red) to central and individual disaster response managers of waterside structures. Thus it is expected that by using the WINS+ we may strengthen disaster responsiveness and reduce the time for recovery and response at emergency.
Recently, the frequency of natural disasters in Korea is increasing due to the influence of global climate change, and the importance of quick and accurate monitoring and corresponding response is frequently and strongly stressed in terms of disaster management. In this regard, this study describes a development of realtime safety evaluation system (RSEE) which enables to carryout real-time measurement and safety evaluation of some important SOC water infrastructures (dams, weirs, cut slopes, retaining walls, levees and bridges) installed along the nation registered large scale rivers.
This paper has developed a Derailment Containment Provision(DCP) between rails to prevent derailed accident of the train. And developed DCP under impact loading was analytically evaluated using LS-Dyna. This paper was simulated using Mat_72R3 and Mat_CSCM for concrete material. To modify the developed DCP, this paper was suggested suitable and reasonable analytical concrete material model.
The objective of this study is to identify reasonable repair and reinforcement methods by performing an analysis and analysis and measurement of corrosion that occurred at the bridge support due to leakage from the expansion joint device.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the cause of corrosion associated with steel barrier wall corrosion, to review the current state of safety, and to describe the parts to consider in future design and maintenance.Also, when selecting the bridge type for the reduction of the long life and reducing the load, it is necessary to avoid the steel wall barrier of the entire cross-section of the barrier wall in the case of the steel plate type,I would like to discuss about reflection.
In order to complement the defects of a ballasted track requiring continuous maintenance and a concrete track where the initial construction cost is expensive, research on an asphalt concrete track that is easy to maintain, economical and environmentally friendly is underway. In order to investigate the safety and the applicability of the asphalt concrete track, the test construction was carried out on the Kyeongbuk line. In this study, when the Mugunghwa train runs on the asphalt concrete track, the wheel load and lateral wheel load measured through the sensors installed at the rails were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the track performance test standard was satisfied.
In the KEPIC-SNG, the domestic technical standard of the SC structure, the condition that the baseplate supporting the reinforcing bars is not bonded to the surface plate is suggested. However, if the baseplate is bonded only to the wingplate, all of the rebar loads generated on the baseplate will be transferred to the wingplate. The wingplate is expected to be conservatively designed in spacing and thickness to support the rebar load. In this study, the finite element analysis was carried out according to bonding conditions between surface plate and baseplate. As a result, it was confirmed that the overall structural strength was increased when the baseplate and the surface plate were bonded. Based on this result, it is possible to propose an economical design for the RC-SC connection such as increasing the wingplate spacing.
The coupling beam is recognized that critical structural elements, those whose yield strength is likely to be exceeded in the event of a severe earthquake, should be designed and detailed to exhibit large ductilities and stable hysteretic loop. As a result, the alternation reinforcement details of reinforced concrete coupling beam was investigated.