
한국약용작물학술대회 발표집

이 간행물 논문 검색


2016년 한국약용작물학회 심포지엄 및 추계학술발표회 (2016년 10월) 155

2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Obvious applications of aloe (Aloe vera) and their rapid intake make it crucial to evaluate their biological impacts to aquatic organisms. Methods and Results : In this study, we investigated the possible effects of aloe extract on zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) by assessing teratogenic properties including survival rate, hatching success, heart rate and morphological changes for 96hpf (hours post fertilization). We noticed that exposure to aloe extracts (0.1, 10, 50, 100 and 150 μl/ml in embryo medium) to zebrafish embryos showed no alterations in survival and morphological changes when compared to control embryos. In contrast, embryos exposed to 150 μl/ml of aloe extract shows delayed hatching rate at 72hpf when compared to lower concentrations. Similarly, aloe extract at 150 μl/ml exposed embryos elicited significantly reduced heart rate (132 ± 1 beats/min) at 48hpf when compare to control embryos. Conclusion : Based on the above findings, we speculate the teratogenic effect of aloe extract on zebrafish embryos.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Oxidative stress condition refers as disturbed homeostasis between the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the antioxidant system that results in severe pathological conditions. To balance such an oxidative stress condition external antioxidant sources are required. Methods and Results : In view of the above, present study was carried out to investigate the cytoprotective role of the strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa var. Seolhyang) root extract (SRE) against oxidative stress condition stimulated by H2O2 in murine macrophages Raw 264.7 cells and further evaluation of intracellular ROS level, lipid peroxidation and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity as oxidative stress markers. Cytoprotective effect of SRE was evaluated by quantifying survival of macrophages challenged by H2O2 in presence and absence of SRE. Finding suggest a 60.1 ± 7.5% cell survival in H2O2 treated cells as compare to 100% survival in control cells. However, a significant increase in cell survival with 62.7 ± 2.9, 74.2 ± 5.2 and 81.3 ± 3.3% were observed in the cells treated with 2.5, 5, 10 μg/ml of SRE respectively. A reduced ROS level together with inhibition of the lipid peroxidation and MPO activity was observed in the cells treated with SRE as compare to only H2O2 treated cells. Conclusion : Our results signify the potency of SRE to protect the cells from oxidative stress implied by H2O2 and can be used as a source of antioxidant for health benefits.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Lactuca sativa (LS) is a member of lactuca genus and the Asteraceae family. To its usual purpose as an edible leafy vegetable, lettuce has had a number of uses in ancient times as a medicinal herb. Depending on the variety, lettuce is an excellent source vitamin K and vitanin A. Methods and Results : The objective of this study is to find out the antioxidant and oxidative DNA damage prevention capacity of LS for both water and ethanol extract. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents have been estimated in this study. The extracts have been tested to assess the 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2ʹ -azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and nitrite scavenging activity. We have also evaluated the reducing power activity of LS. LS extracts showed a good radical scavenging activity on DPPH and ABTS free radical as concentration dependent manner. The IC50 values on DPPH radical scavenging activity were 0.75 mg/mL and 0.54 mg/mL for water and ethanol extract respectively. ABTS radical scavenging activity ranges from 38-89 % for water extract and 33-96% for ethanol extract. Although ethanolic extract showed a higher radical scavenging activity as compared to the water extracts. All the extracts exhibited reducing power activity, dose dependently. Moreover, when the DNA was treated with the extracts, supercoiled DNA was restored in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusion : According to the results, we suggest that LS contains considerable amount of phenolic and flavonoid content and could be used as a source of natural antioxidant substances and oxidative DNA damage preventer.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Aerial parts of Angelica gigas were studied in order to develop as functional pigment. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties and biological activity. Methods and Results : Aerial parts of Angelica gigas were extracted by the rate of ethanol and distilled water. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties by chromaticity, total sugar content, free sugar content, acidity, chlorophyll and carotenoids contents. Total sugar and acidity were 0.90 brix and 2.84% respectively. Chlorophyll and carotenoids contents were 0.24 and 0.04% respectively. The extracts were evaluated for biological activity by anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetes activity. Cell viabilities were measured by MTT assay. Effect of extracts on nitric oxide (NO) production from RAW264.7 cells was accessed by Griess reagent assay. Extracts to RAW 264.7 cells reduced amounts of nitrite by 76.0%. Conclusion : These results suggest that aerial parts of Angelica gigas Nakai may be useful pigment for anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetes activity.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Ancanthopanax senticosus Fruits Extracts were studied in order to develop as functional pigment. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties and biological activity. Methods and Results : Ancanthopanax senticosus fruits extracts were extracted by the rate of ethanol and distilled water in 1% citric acid. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties by chromaticity, total sugar content, free sugar content, acidity, total anthocyanin contents. Total sugar and acidity were 0.10 brix and 0.44% respectively. Fructose and glucose were 1.54% and 0.36% respectively. The 60% ethanol extracts showed the highest extraction yield and total anthocyanin content. The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of 60% and 80% ethanol extracts higher than other extracts. Conclusion : These results suggest that Ancanthopanax senticosus fruits extracts may be useful purple pigment for anti-diabetes activity.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Agastache rugosa (A.rugosa), belongs to the Labiatae family, is a perennial plant distributed in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China. It is commonly called korean mint and commercially consumed as a medicinal plant in many countries since the crop contains monoterpenes and phenylpropanoids including rosmarinic acid, tilianin and acacetin. Achievement of hairy root cultures (HRCs) through infection of A rhizogenes is a valuable alternative approach, resulting from genetic and biochemical stability, rapid growth rates and synthesis of natural products. Methods and Results : The hairy root, obtained from the explant of A.rugosa, was cultured in the basal half-strength MS (Murashige & Skoog) medium. The dry weights (DW) of hairy roots was measured after 4-days freeze dryer. The highest levels of DW were obtained at hairy roots cultured in the basal medium supplemented with glucose, galactose and sucrose. The lowest weight was recorded after HRCs in the control, meant that the medium did not contain any carbon sources. Sucrose, glucose and galactose are the most suitable for the growth of korean mint hairy roots. the rosmarinic acid contents in the hairy roots varied responding to various carbohydrates. The basal media added with sucrose resulted in the highest value of rosmarinic acid, followed by the basal media with galactose and glucose. The control showed the lowest amount of rosmarinic acid. Conclusion : In this study, carbon source are of importance for growth and accumulation of rosmarinic acid accumulation in korean mint hairy roots. Especially, the accumulation of rosmrinic acid and hairy root growth was the most appropriate carbohydrate. The current study suggests HRCs of korean mint could provide an valuable alternative approaches for the enhanced production of rosmarinic acid.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Nasturtium officinale, belongs to the Brassicaceae, is a perennial plant growing in and around natural watersystem. It is commonly called watercress and commercially consumed as a salad crop in many countries. Hairy root cultures (HRCs), transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A. rhizogenes), have been noted for an experimental model system in plant metabolic engineering for the synthesis of natural products since hairy roots have fascinating properties including biochemical and genetic stability, high biosynthetic capacity for secondary metabolites and rapid growth rates. Methods and Results : The dry weights (DW) of watercress hairy roots was measured after 4-days freeze dryer. The highest weight was recorded after HRCs in SH and half-strength SH medium, followed by the levels of DW in MS and half-strength medium. However, the level of DW after HRCs in half-strength medium was lowest. SH medium is the most suitable for the growth of watercress hairy roots. Glucosinolate contents in the hairy roots varied responding to the basal media. 1/2 SH basal media resulted in the lowest value of total glucosinolate. MS basal media, however, resulted in the highest value of total glucosinolate, as well as the highest accumulation of each glucosinolate. The hairy roots cultured in 1/2 MS basal media showed the second highest value of total glucosinolate, followed by B5, SH and 1/2 B5. The accumulation of 4-Methoxyglucobrassicin and gluconasturtiin was also secondly higher in the hairy roots in 1/2 MS. In contrast, the level of 4-Hydroxyglucobrassicin and glucobrassicin were the second highest after culturing in SH and B5, respectively. Conclusion : In this study, media played a main role in growth and glucosinolate accumulation in watercress hairy roots. SH and half-strength SH media enabled the rate growth of hairy roots to be highest. In contrast, the highest accumulation of glucosinolate was recorded after HRCs in MS media. The current study suggests HRCs of watercress could be one of an effective alternative approaches for the enhanced production of glucosinolates
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Constipation is can refer to bowel movements that are rare or hard for pass. Constipation is common symptom in current people and the treatment of constipation focused on the use of medicines or physical intervention. The aim of this study are investigates the effects of modified-extracts of Salicornia herbacea (S. herbacea) L. on constipation model. Methods and Results : To investigate the effect of these extracts on constipation model with Sprague-Dawley rats by loperamide administration, we orally administered various dosage of modified-extracts of S. herbacea. L. Then, we checked constipation-related parameters such as fecal number, colon weight, colonic transmit length, colon length as compared to the controls and ameliorated in a dose dependent manner. The results indicated that modified-extracts of S. herbacea. L. was ameliorated constipation in SD rat model. Conclusion : Based on the results, modified-extracts of S. herbacea L. and its many ingredients were considered to have effects on constipation.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Our animal model of stress contained two components: (1) acute trauma, immobilization of rats in close proximity to a cat twice in 10 days, and (2) chronic social instability, 31 days of randomized housing of cage cohorts. Here we tested the hypothesis that daily social stimulation would block the development of the stress. Methods and Results : Beginning 24 h after the first cat exposure, adult male rats were given our established stress model, alone or in conjunction with daily social stimulation, in which all rats within a group interacted in a large apparatus for 2 h each day for the final 30 days. All behavioral, for example, anxiety, memory, startle testing, and physiological assessments, for example, body growth, organ weights, and corticosterone levels, took place following completion of the psychosocial stress period. Conclusion : From the above study, V. fauriei possess significant anti-stress properties and can be used for the treatment of stress-induced disorders.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) appears to enhance the differentiation of osteoblasts and to activate the mineralization of bone. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ginseng complex on the remodeling of rats tibia. Methods and Results : Ginseng complex significantly increased serum IGF-1 by 58% and 34.5% than the control, respectively. Treatment with α-amylase when manufacturing these extracts remarkably increased the concentration of IGF-1 by 63% and 36% above the control, respectively. This ways that this ginseng complex, especially α-amylase treated extracts, contained a higher level of IGF-1 secretion in the ginseng complex groups. In addition, increases of 8% in femuf length were found after 12 weeks of oral administration with ginseng complex (300mg/kg). Conclusion : These results mean that ginseng complex have beneficial effects on bone effects on bone growth via IGF-1.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Ginseng, an important traditional medicinal plant still used in rats with bone fractures or dislocation to promote connective tissue repair and to reduce inflammantion. We investigated the effect of ginseng on the proliferation rate of rat bone. Methods and Results : We investigated the effect of ginseng extracts on blood biochemical parameters, bone density and bone inorganic components etc. and data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. In the results of our study, the level of albumin and HDL, Ca, P, Mg, and estradiol in blood, and the content of Ca, P, ash in femur were significantly increased in ginseng treated group than in OVX group, and the level of ALP, AST, ALT, blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, creatinine, osteocalcin, and N-terminal telopeptide were significantly decreased in red ginseng treated group than in OVX group (p < 0.01). Conclusion : From these results, we knew that within the normal level, ginseng extracts improved liver and kidney function, component of glucose and lipid in blood, bone densith, bone ash and inorganic components in femur, and index related with bone metabolism.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Cellular damage caused by excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) and peroxynitrite (ONOO-) generations has been implicated in several human diseases. The present study was carried out to evaluate the in vitro ROS and ONOO- scavenging activities of Cirsium japonicum parts. Methods and Results : The dried Cirsium japonicum parts (whole plant, leaf, seed coat) were extracted by EtOH, at room temperature. In order to determine antioxidant activity of Cirsium japonicum parts, we were carried out ROS and ONOO- scavenging analyses. As a result , the IC50 in ROS scavenge were showed 203.99 ± 22.04 μg/ml, 174.44 ± 7.78 μg/ml, 86.77 ± 7.02 μg/ml. The IC50 in ONOO- scavenge were showed 15.68 ± 0.57 μg/ml, 12.99 ± 0.15 μ g/ml, 10.33 ± 0.19 μg/ml, respectively. Active compound content in C. japonicum was determined using a HPLC/UV, reverse-phase column with gradient elution program (water in 0.5% formic acid : acetonitrile = 100:0 to 0:100 for 45 min, 0.8 ml/min). UV detection was conducted at 340 nm. The content of apigenin was measured in whole plant (1.04±0.06 mg/g), leaf (0.91±0.02 mg/g), seed coat (33.33±0.93 mg/g). Conclusion : Each part of Cirsium japonicum was analyzed antioxidant activity and the content of apigenin with EtOH extract. In result antioxidant activity, seed coat > leaf > whole plant. Seed coat were showed a very strong antioxidant activity. The comparative patterns between the antioxidant capacity and HPLC analysis results for the apigenin contained in Cirsium japonicum may also prove to be significant.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : This study was carried out to select the medicinal crop having the superior antimicrobial activity against 5 microorganisms among 20 medicinal crops. Methods and Results : Dried plants were extracted by methanol. The extracts of each plant were evaporated under vacuum. The extracts were absorbed into 50㎕ of each extracts on paper disk and diameter of clear zone was confirmed around the colony. The results showed that diameter of the clear zone against Escherichia coli was the widest in Rhus javanica(R. javanica, 16mm), followed by Evening primrose(14.5mm), Chinaberry(13mm) and Giant knotweed(11mm). Also, diameter of the clear zone against Vibrio parahaemolyticu was the widest in R. javanica(26mm), followed by Evening primrose(21mm), chrysanthemum flower(19mm), Chinese pepper(16.5mm), Chidii rhizoma(11.5mm), Curly dock(11.5mm), Comfrey(11mm), Black nightshade(11mm) and Mustard(10mm). Likewise, diameter of the clear zone aginast Proteus mirabilis was the widest in R. javanica(11.5mm), followed by Chinaberry(11mm). Specially, diameter of the clear zone against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus was identified only in R. javanica(12mm and 11mm, respectively). Therefore, R. javanica showed the best excellent antimicrobial activity among 20 medicinal crops. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of R. javanica were 2,725mg/100g and 30.2mg/100g respectively. DPPH and ABTS activity of R. javanica were 92.6% and 98.4%, respectively. Conclusion : These results suggest that R. javanica can be utilized as natural food additives and antioxidant materials because of its powerful antimicrobial action and the high antioxidant activity.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : This study was conducted to serve as a basis for the production of high quality organic cultivation Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix roots by analyzing the content of saponins according to organic fertilizer for organic farming. Methods and Results : Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix was treated by with biodegradable film, rice husks, and sawdust, non-mulching (hand weeding). A root of Platycodon grandiflorum were analyzed saponins using HPLC harvested on October. Content of Plantycodin D3 was an average of 68.5 ㎎/100g, which appeared as 111.2 ㎎/100g highest content in the sawdust treated. Deapioplatycodin D showed the highest 48.1 ㎎/100g in the sawdust treated. The content of Platycodin D was shown to 246.2∼373.8 ㎎/100g, the highest values were observed in non-mulching, it showed the lowest value in the rice husks treated. The content of Polygalacin D showed up to 156.0 ㎎/100g in the non-mulching as the biggest difference, the lowest value were 30.1 and 32.2 ㎎/100g in sawdust and rice husks treated. Large differences between fertilizers was not showed, but the overall saponin content of Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix were low in value compared to the control than organic fertilizers. Conclusion : Large differences between mulching materials was showed, thus the overall saponin content of Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix was highest in value compared to non-mulching than sawdust treatment. Mulching Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix with sawdust was an effective method for improving saponin contents.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Cynanchum wilfordii and Cynanchum auriculatum belong to the Asclepiadaceae family and appear morphologically similar. In order to discriminate them, it is needed to find the presence of sap and the leaf shapes: C. auriculatum has a blade ovate leaf comparing to C. wilfordii. However, in the herbal medicine market, they have been handled as cut and dried roots. Due to their similar morphology, it is limited to distinguish the roots of C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum. Recently in Korea, it has been a critical issue to misuse these two roots in the herbal market and food industry. Thus, it is required to establish a robust tool for the discrimination and quality control of them. Methods and Results : To separation and characterization of flavor compounds, C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum samples were analyzed by head space solid phase micro extraction (HSS) fiber coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using Rtx-5MS (30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm) column. As a result, We have identified compounds of a few hundred in aliphatic aldehydes and aliphatic alcohols, alkenes and acids, aromatic compounds, aromatic compounds containing nitrogen & sulfur, etc,. In particular, The aliphatic and aromatic compounds had been clearly separated on the second dimensional direction by using two-dimensional GC. Conclusion : The volatile flavor compounds of C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum could easily analyzed without pre-treatment with improved resolution and sensitivity using HSS-GCxGC-TOFMS. We have identified compounds of a few hundred in C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum sample. And It was more accurately qualitative confirmed with separation of GCxGC and TSD. We have confirmed the PCA and PLS-DA Plot that was classified depending on C. wilfordii and C. auriculatum through multivariate statistical analysis of the identified flavor compounds.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Acanthopanax sessiliflorus (Rupr. et Maxim) Seem, belonging to the Araliaceae family, is widely distributed in Korea, China, and Japan. The plants belonging to Acanthopanax species are traditionally used in Korea as anti-rheumatoid arthritis, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic drugs and are recognized to have ginseng-like activities. A simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed and validated for independent analysis of major compounds and chlorogenic acid in A. sessiliflorus fruits. Chlorogenic acid was reported that prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease in vivo. Also, it has antioxidant effect in vitro test. In the previous experiment, chlorogenic acid were found in A. sessiliflorus fruits. This study was performed to identification of the major compounds and investigate the method validation for the determination of chlorogenic acid in A. sessiliflorus fruits. Methods and Results : Three major compounds were recorded on a Varian Unity Inova AS-400 FT-NMR spectrometer and analyzed by the new HPLC analysis method. HPLC analysis was carried out using an Waters e2695 and PDA detector. The new analyasis method was validated by the measurement of intra-day, inter-day precision, accuracy, limit of detection (LOD, S/N=3), and limit of quantification (LOQ, S/N=10) of chlorogenic acid. The results showed that the correlation coefficient (R2) for the calibration curves of chlorogenic acid was 0.997 in terms of linearity. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.565 ㎍/ml and 2.88 ㎍/ml, respectively. There was no interfering peak observed each other and HPLC system was suitable for analysis showing goodness of peak and high precision. Conclusion : This method is suitable to detect and quantify major compounds in A. sessiliflorus fruits. Furthermore, the result will be applied to establish chlorogenic acid as an standard compound for A. sessiliflorus fruits.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : This text was conducted to investigate the fruit type of Camellia japonica in ko rea. Methods and Results : In fruit of Camellia japonica, For fruit length of 24.1~33.0mm was 6 3.7%, and width of 30.1~39.0mm was 60.2%, and weight of 10.1~25.0g was 62.1%. Fruit was near in circle shape, because length/width ratio 0.71~1.00 indicate 79.6%. Seed number of per fruit by weight was also tends to be which is much as fruit is heavy. In correlation b etween each of fruit character, Fruit width showed a positive correlation with the fruit length, fruit weight, seed number. Also, for seed number, the correlation coefficient is the fruit weigh t (0.643**), fruit width (0.640**) was significantly more than the length (0.532**). Conclusions : Camellia japonica was very various size, shape of fruit and seed number of per fruit.
2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Background : Ixeris dentata is the perennial herbaceous plant in the Ixeris genera within the Compositae family. The whole plant has been used traditionally as herbal medicine. It is widely distributed in South Korea and the genetic difference among the plants harvested from different regions may differ due to the disparity in cultivation climate. Therefore, this research was performed to discriminate the I. dentata that are collected from four locations in South Korea based on sequence analysis of nrDNA-ITS region. Methods and Results : Genomic DNA was extracted from I. dentata obtained from Goesan, Dangjin, Yangpyeong, and Chuncheon. I. stonolifera was included for a comparison of genetic distance with I. dentata. PCR amplification was performed by using an universal barcode nrDNA-ITS primer for DNA barcoding. After sequencing, the data was aligned using ClustalW multiple alignment tool in BioEdit version 7.2.5 software. SNP and phylogenetic analysis were conducted with the MEGA7 program. Phylogenetic analysis was presented with Neighbor-joining method using the K2P model. Statistical significance are evaluated using bootstrap (1,000 replicates). PCR products were amplified with about 800bp length for the ITS1-4 sequences of all samples. Nineteen SNPs were detected within a 578bp fragment of the aligned sequences. The mean GC content was 51.88% for ITS1-4 sequences of them. The interspecific genetic distance between I. dentata and I. stonolifera was 0.029%. The highest region-specific distance was confirmed to 0.010% between the plants from Dangjin with Goesan and Chuncheon group. Meanwhile, the mean intraspecific distance among the plants from Yangpyeong was 0.002%. Conclusion : In the phylogenetic analysis, the plants from Goesan and Chuncheon were placed within the same clade, while the plants from Dangjin formed independent clade. On the other hand, the plants from Yangpyeong were not grouped into one clade followed by the intraspecies variation. In conclusion, the data from the research will be useful for the regional identification of Dangjin, even if it is required to perform some additional researches.
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